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The UFO/TST Paradigm; Part I

The following UFO report has particular appeal to UFORCE, as it demonstrates that the occupants of this UFO may understand the Tectonic Strain Theory, in particular, the force of gravity.

Let me explain...gravity is a phenomenon that is present in varying degrees everywhere around the world. It has been noted that areas which are highest in gravity anomaly potentials seem to be areas of high UFO activity. John Keel's research (OPERATION TROJAN HORSE) has suggested that the mountainous areas of our earth are "window" areas for the UFO. The evidence suggests that they appear to fan out in a circular pattern from those mountainous regions with a limited span of distance.

Gravity anomalies have long been associated with mountainous regions and other areas on the earth where there are high levels of tectonic activty, both in a state of periogenesis(inactive) and oncogenesis (active). One example is the Mediterranian Sea, where gravity readings in the negative and positive range are prevalent. Gravity mapping confirms stark contrasts in gravity fluctuations there. Is it any wonder, then, that appearances of UFOs have been well documented throughout history in this part of the world?

The highest readings are found at the base of mountain ranges and foothills, especially concave impressions formed during their developement. That is where fluctuations in gravity readings are most pronounced, and are usually found at the base of those mountains. We can determine where those impressions in the hill sides can be found by examining aerial maps of those mountain ranges and foothills in question. Those are areas of high UFO visibility.

One example is the UFO that "buzzed the UFO resource Center" back on September 9, 1999 (9/9/99). This triangular-shaped UFO followed a flight pattern that hugged the hillside of Kent and Auburn, near Kent's East Hill. The evidence suggests that this is an area of gravity anomalies. (See our incident report of that date at this page )

The evidence suggests that the appearance of UFOs corresponds to those areas of higher (or lower) gravity anomalies and related TST activity. Scientists are only now discovering what UFO researchers have known for years. Entry date-#102299


UFOs and the Tectonic Strain Theory

In the days ahead, we will be presenting supporting evidence of the UFO/TST paradigm. This data follows more than a decade of pure research into the apparent association between UFO apparitions and areas of tectonic activity. We have conducted research into gravity, and consider our data to be advanced well beyond other UFO researchers. The following story (was) used as an introduction, which presents some of this puzzling evidence.

I live in Stamford, Ct. near the Greenwich line. I read your article in 
the Stamford Advocate on the unexplained boom that rocked Stamford on 
Oct. 3. Also a half dozen people reported seeing circular objects over 
Long Iland Sound.I heard a load boom and then a short shake early 
Sunday morning. The Federal Aviation Administration and the National 
Earthquake Information Center discounted explanation. I wonder what 
caused this boom and shake that so many other people heard. 

The UFO Resource Center thanks CAUS ( for the following report(s)


UFOs and the Tectonic Strain Theory (cont.)

(CAUS) Personal Contact Experiences
The "Light"
I will tell you about the one time that this "light" really freaked me out! It was more of a feeling than anything this was something that I was not supposed to be watching and the "light" knew that I was watching it! I don't usually get scared easily, heck, after living here for 10 years, you would think that I would be used to seeing strange things, especially at night. But I still get the 'willies' when I think about it. So, anyway.....

I was out at the Mexican border (Antelope Wells) with a friend "night visioning." We left her house at about 9:00 PM and found a good spot to sit and wait for illegal traffic. At about 12:00 we got bored and decided to move north, closer to her house, up on a hill, that would give us a good field of view of the Big Hatchet Mt. pass and Antelope Wells, without giving away our position to anyone who might come down the pass road. We were about 15 miles south of the pass and 5 miles North of Antelope Wells, sitting atop chain of small hills about 5 miles west the paved road, we had a clear view of the whole valley.....we could see any cars coming from either the north or up from the south.

We sat there for about an hour, when we saw what looked like headlights coming through the we perked up and decided that maybe the night wasn't a waste after all. At first the light was very dim, we really needed the night vision scope to see it. It didn't really look like it was moving though, the road through the pass curves to the west and then back to the South ... just the illusion of moving, because it kept getting brighter and brighter without changing it's position a lot and soon (probably about 5 mins later) we could see it without the night vision. We watched and watched.

While it was there, it looked as if it was shining a very bright spot light on the Little Hatchet Mts. (to the west), then on the Big Hatchet Mts.(to the east) and then directly on US (to the south)! That is when I KNEW that it knew that we were watching it! Actually, I was frozen stiff when it shined the light towards us........I must have said something, because my friend asked me what was wrong? I told her the light was shining right on us and asked if from that far away, someone could see the green glow of the night vision scope......she said I was just being silly, but I told her I knew they had seen us and I wanted to leave. I started to get out of the bed of the truck to get in the cab, but she stopped me and tried to calm me down.

We sat there, against my better judgment, and watched this light for the next hour, all the while it kept doing the same thing, shining towards the Little Hatchets, the Big Hatchets, and US, as if it were searching for something and trying to keep an "eye" on us all at the same time. Through the night vision scope (her's is a very good one) it magnifies, I think 10x. So we got a pretty good look at it. It looked as if it were "floating" above the tops of the creosote and mesquite bushes (maybe 4 or 5 feet above the ground). You could also see the bushes illuminated around it for what looked like at least 10-20 feet. It would change position constantly, but not like a lot.....kind of darting to the West a little bit and then back to the east, the light would sometimes dim a little like it was going into a wash and then it would be back atop the mesquites, then get really bright again. Finally, we went back to her house (about a 10 min drive) and called the Customs for that area to report the "headlights" and to ask if they had anyone in the area that night *normally, they wouldn't give out the information to just anyone, but we are regular "watchers" and they know us*. Anyway, the person on the phone said no one was in the area at that time, but they would send someone out to investigate. After about 20 mins, we got more coffee and snacks and left to see if the light was still there.

We arrived back between 2:30 and 3:00 am. As we pulled up, my headlights and parking lights were off. We sat in the truck for a minute while we watched the light. As soon as we decided to get out, I opened my door and the dome light came on and that light shined directly at us again! It was like if it was saying, "I know you are there!". And then it went back to the same behavior as before, but always shining back at us. Eventually, a vehicle came from the North through the pass. We assumed this was the Customs. It drove right past the spot where this light was, turned around at the road where we were at and then drove right past the light AGAIN, all without stopping like it didn't see it. The vehicle lights were totally different than the light we were watching.......on the vehicle you could see two distinct headlights........on the light, it was like one big glow, when it was dim, it was kind of orange-ish, when it was really bright, it was a white light. You could even tell the color changes through the night vision. We finally left at about 4:00 am as we were getting tired. I dropped my friend off at her house, and left to return home. On the road out from her house there is a gate that I have to open. When I pulled up to the gate, I was almost petrified at the thought of getting out of my truck and walking through the dark, then after driving through it, doing it all again to close it. Like I said before, I don't normally get scared or spooked, but I was! I sat there for a few minutes, surveyed the surrounding area and finally took some deep breaths to calm down, grabbed my 9mm and did what had to be done.......needless to say, nothing happened, but I have never been that scared in my 40 years of life! Anyway, I arrived home at about 6:00 am. Which in itself, is curious. The drive from my friends house to mine is exactly an hour if I go through the desert on the dirt roads (which I always do.....otherwise it is a 2 hour drive through Hachita and then south to her house). And I didn't want to drive through the Pass with that light still "hanging" around, the turn off to my road is close enough to where that thing was and I wasn't about to try to drive right by it. I don't know, maybe I was just a little more cautious driving.....maybe a little slower than usual, but I thought I was hauling "butt", maybe even a little too fast for that road because I wasn't real comfortable being out there by myself in the dark and I needed to get home to get the "ex" woke up and off to work......I did stop once to watch a group of deer that had crossed the road......but only for a few minutes. When I got home, I thought it strange that the "ex" was already up and waiting on me to get there......he commented about something that I don't care to remember and then left for work. I looked at the clock and it was after 6:00 already and getting pretty light outside. I couldn't even sleep that day.......I just stayed up and kept busy doing things. I have to say that I have NEVER been so scared in my life! This was the weirdest thing I have every seen or felt. Even stronger than that feeling you get like you are being watched. This was an "I KNOW they are watching me and I can't do anything about it!" type feeling. I guess like you said, you feel it in the innermost core of your body. It was just so weird!

CAUS has received the following two reports from AZ Regional Coordinator, 
John Edmonds (

On 9-22-99 at 9:33 P.M 

A new unidentified object was seen hovering at near ground level in the foot 
hills about one mile west of 195th Ave and 1/2 mile south of Ray Rd. in 
Rainbow Valley, AZ.  Writer discovered object quite by accident as he was 
facing west while cleaning his pool.  Writer observed a bright light suddenly 
come into view from the West, then settle near the foot hill floor and begin 
to pulsate.  A very bright light at near center of the object displayed a 
large indirect floodlight that did not appear to be focused at anything in 
particular.  Six smaller less bright white light began to pulse on and off in 
opposite fashion from the outer edge to the inner most point where the bright 
light was located.  Twice in the four minutes observed, the lesser lights 
went off completely and then turned on again.  A rhythm was detected, by 
writer to the light pattern in a nonsynchronous pattern.  A Large reddish 
orange cloud of smoke noticed by writer and his wife soon after object 
blinked out.  Weather at time of observation was noticed to be light rain and 
overcast.  Full moon but primarily obscured by clouds.  No discernible shape 
was observed by writer.  When writer attempted to drive toward object, object 
blinked out when writer decreased his proximity by 800 feet.  No similar 
sightings of this type have ever been made by this writer before.  No 
discernible shape possible due to blindness caused from glare of object 
lights and similar position to writer compared to the horizon.  Tomorrow, 
writer will attempt a closer inspection of sighting location on horseback to 
gain additional information.      

On 9-23-99 at 9:18 PM

The sky lit up with the deafening roar of afterburners as F-18
fighter jets passed over the rural desert community of Rainbow Valley,
AZ. A sighting of three small groups of animated triangular craft
sighted three minutes earlier began to head south west into the
Goldwater air artillery range. Shortly after a pair of attack
helicopters began sweeping the desert floor for an unidentified target
with seemingly little success. The fighter jets, flying a large arc from
south-east to southwest attempted to pursue the triangular objects at a
nearly sound breaking pace, and at an angle of attack reserved for dog
fight and missile avoidance procedure. No matter, once again the pursuit
was completely futile. Clearly, our current level of technology is like
comparing the telegraph to a cell phone. You can communicate with both
devices, but that's where the similarity ends. The objects disappeared
to the southeast and the U.S. military once again was left wishing for
better toys for Christmas! Stay Tuned for the latest in off world RV
test projects!

Here is another story that suggests a connection between UFOs and the Tectonic Strain Theory. In the words of the eyewitness to the event "Another impression from that evening's energy and the fear of my neighbors was that it was not really 'just an electrical storm.' Maybe an energy infusion session designed for I-don't-know-what?" That is certainly a possibility that we at the UFO Resource Center have entertained and we offer this story as further evidence of the link between UFOs and TST: From the CAUS website section entitled "Now and Then."

Triangular craft during electrical storm

CAUS thanks Deb ( for this report: On Sept 8, 1999, the San Francisco Bay Area underwent an electrical storm of such proportion that it went on and on for hours, turning local electrical power off in some coastal areas, and creating powerful off/on surges in streetlights in downtown Oakland from 5:00 PM Wednesday until almost 6:00 the following morning. The street lights surrounding the lake would splutter out with each bolt of lightning, and then revive after five minutes or so.

I stood on my balcony on the elevated first floor level of the two story building I live in (on the west side of Lake Merritt) from approximately 7:30 PM until 10:30 PM, leaving only to answer the door (people were in shock, frightened, needing to talk or laugh with their neighbors). With the neighbor or friend in tow, I would come back outside to watch the beautiful storm.

At around 9:00, as the lightning flashed all around the dark lake and trees, I looked in the southerly direction (back down Lakeside Drive toward the Port of Oakland), and I noticed a triangular shaped dark object hanging in the sky in a location about a quarter mile above the most eastern portion of the Port of Oakland, where the estuary lies between Oakland and Alameda.

The lightning would illuminate the object, which had no lights on it at all. The storm was making such a racket with the thunder, that I could hear no sound of an engine. It just hung there for an hour and a half. I could only see it when the lightning flashed. The city of Oakland was experiencing quite a bit of electrical failure from 9:00 on. It looked the size of my hand as I held it at arm's length.

One weird note: The only witness with me at 9:30 PM (my neighbor's boyfriend) could not seem to see it. I pointed it out again and again, with no recognition of the object from the guy. Yet it was there, right there, plain as a big huge triangle in the sky... Wow. I did not see it leave, just noticed it was gone at about 10:25 or so. I came back inside after it left. I had never seen a triangular craft until that evening, although I have had three unusual sightings in my life that I remember. I think the unusual thing about this triangle was that it was not illuminated (not even a glow on a leading or trailing edge...) Another impression from that evening's energy and the fear of my neighbors was that it was not really "just an electrical storm." Maybe an energy infusion session designed for I-don't-know-what? (Emphasis mine).

The following report may at first seem to be unimportant regarding TST research and UFOs. But I will relate to you what I know about mountaintop experiences and how that relates to this next report.

There is a well documented phenomenon, which I call Mountaintop Electricity. It is the tendency for the electromechanical discharge of electrical energy from the earth's fair weather electric field from places (or objects) that are at the highest point on the terrain/landscape. The top of a mountain is one such example.

The Condon Project did some good research on this phenomenon while exploring the UFO mystery. This data can be found in their work published by the Condon Committee for the University of Colorado in the late '60s. The following report was received from the Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS) and it involves the appearance of a UFO over a water tower, which is usually the highest point on the landscape. This story exemplifies the UFOs association with TST, especially mountaintop experiences.

From the CAUS "UFO Sighting Reports,"
UFORCE thanks CAUS and George Filer ( Filer's Files #37; for this report:



Levittown, New York -- Dave Hagemeister reports on September 1, 1999, Ed G a well educated married professional heard a very unusual throbbing-sound that reverberated throughout his home. It was a rapidly cycling hum or whine-sound; that fluctuated in volume. The strange pulsating gong sound became louder and awakened Ed's wife at 10:00 PM. She called out loudly; "Ed, do you hear that strange noise?" She parted the bedroom curtains and saw an eerie-blue-glow in their backyard. Ed cautiously opened their front-door; to see a huge disk-shaped UFO, the size of a commercial-airliner, hovering 130 feet high just a few yards above the water-tower several blocks away. The object was very dark and dull circular disc that tapered from its thin edge all around its perimeter to seven feet thick at its center. The UFO tilted down toward Ed at a 45-degree angle. Ed could see a straight line of a dozen steadily glowing blue-lights, extending from the lower edge directly across its midsection, to the edge furthest from him. There was a larger bright blinking blue light at farthest edge of the object. His wife ran to see the object move slowly towards the Southeast. Ed ran barefoot out of the house and down the street to follow the object, then returned for his camera but was unable to get a photo. He was surprised to realize that no one else had come outside to investigate the loud throbbing sounds. Three nights later, on September 4th, they saw the craft and heard the throbbing-sounds again at 11:00 PM. They decided to remain inside in the security of their home. Thanks to Dave.

This UFO that appeared over the water tower was in an area that would act as a huge transmitter of electrical energy from the earth. The thumping sounds and hum that are often reported (See previous case) may be one such example.

In experiments that I have conducted utilizing repetetive wave patterns, I was able to induce the same oscillation in objects within the immediate area of the sound's influence. In so doing, any object would vibrate in sympathy to the sound impulses that surrounded the objects. I would speculate that the UFO utilizes this same principles to harvest energy from the earth, where vortons trapped within the earth can be vibrated free of the earth's tectonic plates.

This evidence suggests that our theories on fusion is inadequate; that there has to be more and that the occupants of the UFO are utilizing this technology.

There is strong evidence that UFOs utilize some form of cold-fusion, an energy derived from ordinary water. Interviews with several sources has revealed that water has been found in several crashed UFOs. For those of you who do not understand fusion, it is the freeing of an additional hydrogen atom (Deuterium) from water to create a form of fuel that is known as H-3-O. (See also Pons and Fleischmann's book FIRE FROM ICE

There is one problem. A direct current needs to be applied to the water to render the "heavy hydrogen" material available; perhaps that is why UFOs have often been seen on or around electric systems, both telluric (earth) and/or mechanical (man-made).

_______________A WHITE KNIGHT PRODUCTION_______________

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