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UFOSSI Announcement!

KEYWORDS: "Spihdrosnec aidem dellortnoc tnemnrevog"

BILLY DEE HAS BEEN FEATURED on radio, television AND film. Billy Dee is a motion picture film producer and is skilled with all phases of studio broadcasting and production. He has been quoted in UFO documentaries, books and magazines. I know the man. He has a heart of gold. Contained in the body of this announcement, Billy cites several examples where our (so-called) Constitutional Right called "Freedom of Speech" is being monitored, manipulated and violated! The worst offenders of our so-called "Inalienable Rights," is the popular press and television media. The UFO Resource Center is like a "voice crying in the wilderness," heralding the "Truth Is Out There." We will not violate your freedom to hear the truth about let freedom reign!

"So please believe me...I was nervous and scared when I was on the air! I would be a liar if I said otherwise." - Billy Dee


The Billy Dee Show
Coming Monday at 7:00 PM, October 25th!

The Billy Dee Show will be coming to UFOSSI Monday October 25th starting at 7:00 PM. The premier presentation is an audio taping of a TV show that was done several years ago. The UFO Show as it was called then, literally dropped a bombshell on NE Wisconsin TV viewers. After only 4 to 6 shows in the series, the manager of the TV station was mysteriously fired. He was also the producer of the UFO Show. About a month later, the TV manager found his way to the Art Bell Show and informed a very outraged and angered Art Bell on the air over the UFO Show being cancelled as well as himself and the Host (Billy Dee) being taken off the air. As Art Bell put it, it was against the freedom of speech and other freedoms as well.

Although the UFO Show has never went back on the air since that time, the powers to be that regulated the TV station in NE Wisconsin did inform Billy Dee that he was welcome to bring his show back after some public and legal pressure was applied. Dee never did! He stated that the work he had done to inform the general public in that area was completed.

The UFO Show caused such a frenzy with the local newspapers and the other TV stations, that there were reporters that were hurried to the streets of Sturgeon Bay where the local TV station that aired the UFO Show, to find out from the general public what all the excitement as well as controversy was all about. Dee and the station manager/producer were interviewed by several major TV station reporters, and the news coverage made its way on most TV station news programs across the state of Wisconsin.

The popularity of the TV Show rapidly grew and after only the second airing of the UFO Show, the TV studio hall-way in Sturgeon Bay was being filled up with many new fans that wanted to meet Billy. As Dee stated, They just came in off the streets! They were like they were shocked from the program and were taking it very seriously, and wanted more answers! We gave them shocking reports and graphic explanations of the reality that UFO’s are real, and that it is being all covered up by the government and the military.

Billy and the producer decided to devote half of the hour TV show to call-ins on the phone. The six phone lines were continuously lit up, and stayed that way up to as long as a half hour after the show had signed of the air.

By the seond week the TV station people were trying to keep people out of the studio while the one hour weekly Monday night show was in progress! It was a combination of fear, excitement and curiosity that spread throughout that part of NE Wisconsin. People were literally aghast at what Billy Dee explained and revealed. One viewer was so taken by the seriousness of the show that it was reported that the man actually built some sort of UFO landing field. Well, Dee and the producer thought was rather silly, but it showed that the show was definitely making an impact on peoples thoughts and minds.

The UFO Show took 95% of all TV viewers away from every other TV station and show during the 4 to 6 Monday nights the program aired!

NOW! Coming back! It is the Internet Radio Premier of The UFO Show. It is the radio version from the TV version. Nothing has been left out or edited out. They are the exact same shows that aired several years ago.

I had not listened to my shows since they had been on TV. So as I listened to them, I really realized that these shows are powerful, and they will motivate even the sceptic into believing the UFO’s and Alien Beings are real. In fact, while taping the audio from the shows, I was even shaken up just listening to them. Although I was the host of the show, it had been several years since I did them, and the memories of all the commotion, fear, excitement and controversy from them came flooding back to me. I even thought for a moment that maybe I should not air these shows again. They had brought on a lot of harassment towards my family and I. It was that bad! So please believe me, these shows were not fun! I was nervous and scared when I was on the air! I would be a liar if I said otherwise.

But I did the shows, and I told the horrible truth of the cover-up and facts that were expected to wake up people and shake them up. I often wondered if I went too far! And of course, the dangerous part was of my talking about sensitive information (sensitive at that time), I knew in my mind and heart that I was placing myself in a very possibly dangerous position. But I did what I did, because the people must know! They must realize that the UFO and Alien Being phenomena is no game, and is not just entertainment in show houses movies! They had to realize that they to could easily become the next innocent victims of an alien abduction, and/or the military and government cover-up.

We are sending out this Press Release in regards to the UFO show that is coming Monday October 25th at 7:00 PM. And we would appreciate it if many of you would voice it around, as well send out copies of this post to everyone you can, as well as to other UFO and even non UFO organizations as well. We at UFOSSI really believe that the premier show will be one that should not be missed! The show will be archived, and not live! The reason of course is obvious, as it is a replay. But we want many people to hear the special over one hour show, and having archived will allow people who cannot make it at 7:00 PM, to listen to the show any time they want to listen to it. The UFO Show will be on the UFOSSI site for at least a month, and giving as many as will the opportunity to hear the broadcast.

When you go to the UFOSSI site on October 25th for the show, then just follow the links to the new page where the show itself is, and the new information is as well. The URL address to the UFOSSI web site and the "Billy Dee Show" is below.

After the first premier show has played out its schedule, we will be presenting more in the series. But we also will be doing new programs. We are not sure if we will do them live, yet. We were told that there might not be enough band width to accommodate a large audience. But we are looking around for a server that will take our show live.

Also, be looking for Janet Russell’s very popular UFO show. She will have on many well known Ufologists such a Peter Gersten, and the author of the Adreasson Legacy, Witney Striber and many other’s. We have previewed several of the many shows that Janet sent to us to air, and they are incredible to say the least.

UFOSSI will also be offering other various TV shows in the future.


Billy Dee is the Founder of UFO Sky Searchers International which started in the fall of 1995. UFOSSI is a very unique website and organization, mainly because it is Christian founded. The address to the main UFOSSI site and page is, "". The "Billy Dee Show" is linked from this site.

For those of you wishing to send donations to help keep the new UFO radio shows on the air, then please send to:

PO Box 91
Merrimac, Wis. 53561
Thank You
Billy Dee
Founder of UFOSSI

_______________A WHITE KNIGHT PRODUCTION_______________

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