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UFOs Over Azerbaijan

UFORCE thanks the CAUS (CITIZENS AGAINST UFO SECRECY) and George A. Filer ( for this report, which is demonstrable proof that UFOs can morph in and out of our dimensinal time/space portal:

BAKU - A respected Doctor of Sciences in geology and mineralogy El'chin Hallilov has used an advanced Sony camcorder to capture 40 minutes of video of a hovering a huge glowing rotating UFO over the capitol of Azerbaijan. A conference of astronomers was being held at the Shemahinskoj Astrophysical Observatory in Azerbaijan at the same time. The 50,000 frames of video was taken to the meeting and viewed by astronomical experts who were amazed by the hi quality digital video. They were shocked by the clarity and length of the film that seems to show a huge hovering spaceship or a confidential American weapons system. The video is considered sensational because it shows a large flashing brightly lit blue craft hanging above the city for several hours starting at 9:45 PM on September 24, 1999. The astronomers could not explain it away as a natural phenomena such as plasma or a comet. The film then shows the craft magnified 300 times showing a surprising technical complex device. It consists of three main parts. The front is in the shape of a full sphere. The rear of the craft rotates around an axis passing all along the object. It seems to radiate high power heat and radiation. The object turns and it is possible to see its full length, and then it is a full-sphere with a truncated bottom. There are flashing lights and portions seem to rotate showing two plate like objects. At times it appears as an isosceles triangle and then forms into an eclipse and disappears. This is a rough translation of the Russian article in the Moscow newspaper 'Komsomolskaya Pravda.' The astronomers agreed that natural objects do not take on these shapes and hold stable for several hours. The object was obviously some type of technical object. It was agreed to create a commission to study the film and acquire data on anomalous objects. Thanks to Anatolij.

!Лаборатория ''ИКС'' доктора Бит - Ru


1. Filer's Files #40 -- 1999, October 7, 1999, Visit their Web Site at

2. The CITIZENS AGAINST UFO SECRECY (CAUS) at Peter Gersten, Director (

_______________A WHITE KNIGHT PRODUCTION_______________

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