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The UFO Resource Center

An Appeal to the UFO Community

It has long been the goal of the UFO resource Center to unite the various UFO groups into one cohesive group. That is why CORE was formed (CORE=Concerned Organization for Reasearch and Exploration) We now list CORE members throughout the world and our numbers are steadily growing. If you are a researcher and/or scientist and would like to join CORE, please e-mail the UFO Resource Center and tell us of your interest. WE would like to enlist YOU in the CORE

THE UFO RESOURCE CENTER would like to assist CAUS and SFTT with this "Open Letter to UFO Community." FROM: Jeff (, who writes:

Dear Members of the UFO Community:

In today’s society the Human Race has become overwhelmed with talk of Aliens, and UFOs. Lately Aliens are making appearances in all the top rated commercials and television series. As a result, over the past few years, the Human Race has definitely progressed into open-mindedness. But, it has sadly come to my attention that we are no closer to finding the Truth today than we were 40 years ago when the Human Race was at its highest level of narrow-mindedness.

I do acknowledge that CAUS is definitely starting to wake people up and is doing a great job of it. Art Bell and Jeff Rense are also bringing the world up to date information on the UFO phenomena. Linda Moulton Howe is doing investigative work that should be applauded. These people, and others like them, are doing a difficult job. They are keeping the uninformed informed.

However, I do believe that the main reason we will never uncover the Truth is because of the UFO Community's biggest flaw. The biggest flaw, as I see it, is the inability to join together to become one massive Organization. We have hundreds of people with little organizations all over the U.S, Europe and the rest of the world. Everyone is Searching For The Truth. Unfortunately, one organization has no idea what the other is doing. There is a major communication gap between organizations.

I would hate to see all the hard work of so many people go to waste. I feel I must plead with ever single one of you to join together to create one massive Organization. It doesn't matter if the Organization is called CAUS, SFTT, EarthWatchers, MUFON, etc., etc. The list goes on and on. We must all truly come to understand that we must join together to make a difference!

Currently, we are all one little voice making one little squeak. We are as important as one worker ant. If we all join together and create one HUGE ant colony and become one massive voice we can then become a major force in elections, create funding for senators, congressmen, and even Presidents. A strong Organization knows no boundaries, no limitations.

I ask every single one of you to please start sending emails, letters, Faxes, etc., to all the big names in the UFO community. Tell them that you want to see a change, you want to see One Huge Organization, with a Huge database of information reaching from pole to pole. This way information will be accessible to everyone!

Now, if we can convince the major forces in the UFO community to join together, we need to make sure they, or we, set up some form of state branches. The reason I feel this way is because if we do not do this, the Organization will be of no use to anyone. Information in the Organization needs to be as free flowing as a kite on the beach.

Over that past several months, if not years, I have been contemplating how can we really get the government’s attention. We are not going to just sit here and let them lie to our faces. My ideas are twofold. The first is the one unified Organization, as I stated above. The second is to hold a massive demonstration at a key location in the US. No violence, just a demonstration of intellectuals meeting together in some form of rally, much like the Million Man March in Washington DC a few years ago. The intellectual rally came to mind after realizing that any form of letter writing campaign will, or has, gone unnoticed. If we can pull together several hundred thousand people to join in a rally such as this, we would immediately start turning heads in Washington. The intellectual rally should have speakers ranging from the syndicated talk show host to the average UFO investigator.

This is the only way I can see us truly getting information, changing the world and humanity forever. Then, and only then, can we truly begin Searching For The Truth!

I thank you for your time in reading this.

Founder of SFTT

This is just to remind researchers that Mark Lee Centre's 'ALIEN AUTOPSY 
ARCHIVE' is now housed on our web site at:

Should anyone have any information either for or against the alien 
autopsy film released by Ray Santilli in l995, I would be glad to hear of it for possible use in the archive.

Any such information can and should be e-mailed to me direct at:  Please feel free to forward this message onto your colleagues.

Yours Sincerely,
Philip Mantle.

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