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UFO Resource Center

Breaking News: Mars City Discovered.

We are very excited and happy to report that we have found additional evidence suggesting that there is life on Mars. We have included a sample image of this "Martian City" for you inspection. Additional links to this and other web sites are included (below).

My sources have revealed that there are agencies within the U.S. Government that do not want you to view this information; but someone in NASA is making sure that these images are accessible.

UFORCE thanks our news correspondent Mike Van Dusen ( for bringing this web site to our attention:
Mars City Overview

"This site makes the argument, based on photographs from a NASA database and my own enlargements of those photographs, that there is a large modern city on Mars...I have posted not only the NASA photographs but also my enlargements of portions of them which contain significant detail. You can make your own judgment after you see these photographs. To verify what you are seeing, I have also given links to the NASA database and a free downloadable graphics viewer so you can do the same kind of research that I have.

"After you have checked out the material on this site, I would appreciate it if you would participate in a poll asking your opinions about what you have seen. The poll is entered from this site and you will be able to see the cumulative results of everyone's voting after you vote." - Mars City Web Site

To view the links below, go to our EXCLUSIVE:

YOUR OPINION COUNTS! Please view the photographic evidence. Then, E-mail your questions or comments to us at the MARS2000PROJECT. Our e-mail address is: MARS2000PROJECT

Here is the list of that photo-evidence:


"This city on Mars seems to have developed in a manner similar to the development of civilization on Earth. On Earth cities sprang up where water was abundant, either on the coastal areas or next to lakes and rivers. An 85 mile long lake can provide plenty of water for city dwellers on Mars. On Earth man learned how to create dams on rivers to control and stockpile water. The water going from the lake to the river may enter a dam as it nears the western edge of the city on Mars. (Or I concede the dam may be an artifact of the mosaic process.) One detail supporting the dam hypothesis is that there appears to be a discolored oval area surrounding the dam area, possible evidence of a basin area filled in when the dam overflows its banks.

"I feel the evidence is overwhelming that what is depicted in these photographs and enlargements shows intelligent design and not random flukes of nature. The water gushing out of the pipe or trenches shows no natural formation but appears to be the harnessing of an underground source. The close ups of the downtown area show a street system, along with buildings and possible vegetation, that is very similar to what Landsat images show for the Washington, DC area, for example. The three separate segments of dotted lines going up vertically from horizontal segment of the city do not occur in nature. They are the same distance apart also. The fact that the city segments, vertical or horizontal, are rectangular does not coincide with a random act of nature. The close ups of buildings in the desert near the city or close to the dotted lines show great detail as to shape- shapes which do not occur in nature. The shadows associated with these buildings indicate they may be multi-story and have sharp angles which would not be expected in nature since the elements of nature would tend to round off the surfaces.

"In my view the photographs show a modern city on Mars or they are the product of an elaborate hoax. I don't think NASA would admit countenancing a hoax since it would hurt their professional reputations and make Congress question their use of taxpayer funds. I also find it hard to believe that NASA would overlook this treasure trove of photographic evidence about a modern city on Mars. This leaves me with a limited number of likely explanations for what I have found:

1) NASA wants to condition the American public to the idea of extraterrestrial life. It has been doing so over the years in a slow, gradual way, e.g. water on the Moon, water at the Martian poles, water on Europa, meteors on Earth from Mars with evidence of bacterial life inside them, etc. Let some researcher like me stumble upon the city on Mars via the now open public database. If society accepts the fact of intelligent life on Mars, proceed with more revelations that NASA has hidden for years. If society is not ready for this Mars revelation, deny its validity and blame it on some prankster from the United States Geological Survey.

2) Some NASA employee who knows about the evidence of intelligent life on Mars is a renegade who believes the public has a right to know and made sure that some of the relevant information was placed in the Mars Explorer database in hopes that someone would discover it. I would place a bet on explanation number one above if I was a gambler. You can e-mail me at with your comments."



They promised that you can download the software that they have been using for some of their enhancements, although we tried to access the photonyx web site and got a "Page Not Found" error message. Hmmm? The Photonyx Viewer is available from a Swiss company, (@ 2.5 Megabytes)


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