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UFORC Photo Analysis
The UFO The Cross

While imaging the UFO/Cross photo, 
I noticed some very interest features 
in the enhancements.  I noticed it 
immediately...that there was a distinct 
distortion around this flying saucer.  

It is barely noticeable in the original jpg 
that this ex-police officer had sent to UFORC.
Brent had originally sent me two attachments 
that accompanied the original packet that 
he had sent to the research center computer.  


This is at magnification X400. It improves the detail and shape of this object considerably. Sharpening the image by doing a gamma analysis and filtering the noise would improve the clarity of the object and is recommended. We took the original panoramic image found on the opening page and blew it up to 450% using the Kodak imaging program found on windows 95 and 98. I prefer the 98 version, but the older version will do. Then I did a PSD screen capture using the cookie cutter image. I figured that it would be best to reproduce the image to avoid the inevitable loss of definition and distortion that one gets from this re-imaging procedure. This enhancement was uploaded using my FTP server and then set to wallpaper as a background image from our raw image files.


I set this image as wallpaper, so that I could read the text as you view the image. As you can see, there is an area surrounding the disc that gives it the characteristic distortion on the imaging medium. In this case, the camera was digital, which means that this affect displays the defect also. One could surmise that the UFO is transmitting Em wavelengths from its surface (esp. light frequencies), which are affected by the space/time field immediately surrounding it. The digital receptors in this camera recorded the distortion affect DISCOVERY: September 06, 1999 Until now, the discovery that a digital camera records the optical distortion affect like the emulsion found on film. Film cameras have picked up this affect, further enhanced by the lensing of the equipment has been undetected This bodes well for the electro gravitational spectrum hypothesis. This affect must create a distortion in the gravitational field surrounding this vehicle. If we are to conclude that this object is indeed disrupting, the space immediately surrounding it, then it is further evidence that UFOs are using an advanced, alien technology, utilizing a process that produces a gravity field as a by-product of their propulsion systems.


Mass can be exponentially increased by manipulating the gravitational bleed through that mass. This could account for the warping of light frequencies sent forth by the distal generator. They pass through the field surrounding the field and are bent in various angles and paths, depending on the shape of the field. If we look at this image carefully, it has lobes, or pockets of gravity waves. They appear to be generated by the distal object, as it is surrounded by this field affect. If astronomers are able to detect and scientifically establish the existence of distant stars and binary celestial bodies by looking for the warping, or bending of light frequencies coming from other suns, then the same rules apply here, in that this has shown that we are looking at a real, solid object that is utilizing a technology that we are now only able to perceive with finite methods of scientific discovery. I have now established the reality of the UFO both scientifically and technologically superior, proving conclusively that UFOs do exist after all.


UFORC       2000       CORE
_______________A WHITE KNIGHT PRODUCTION_______________

Christopher Montgomery & White Knight Productions;