Update: March 12th, 2004: Time
In 40% Economic Sanction: 4 years, 9 months. We are pursuing judicial review
of our "fair hearing" in our local Superior Court. The
Attorney General's office must now answer for the State's actions against us.
Can the State place a family in sanction without having addressed employment impediments
brought to their attention? This is the issue at hand.
Welcome to the W.R.A.P. Welfare Rights Advocacy Pages A think tank on human services policies and their effects on
America's citizens. "The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress" - Frederick Douglass "Phone conversations are for close friends, the rest should be put in writing" - WRAP founders "Within the talons of an eagle, a snake may squirm, yet it still remains caught." - WRAP Founders Here at the W.R.A.P. you can find answers to your legal concerns and questions about public assistance, as well as relief from the sense of hopelessness that may set in as a result of the lack of care shown to the clients of state administrated human services agencies. It's no secret that being poor in the richest and most crime ridden country on Earth is difficult these days, to say the least. Welfare reform programs vary from state to state because the federal welfare reform act of 1996 allowed each state the freedom to administer the program in their own way, however some things, such as abusive administrators, punitive sanctions and a refusal to allow clients to develop their own IRP (individual responsibility plan), are being experienced by welfare recipients all over America. We sincerely hope that the following information will be helpful to those of you who may need it. 5/28/03 Breaking News on Our Lawsuit WA state's anti-sanction law and the judges who ignore it Ratings on Our Local Representatives Medical Benefits WA State Doesn't Cover For the Poor An Archive of
Our Previous Updates
Administrative Abuse: Some tips on how to handle it The Fair Hearing Process: Some things you might not know
The "Individual Responsibility Plan": Whose Plan is this anyway? A Public Notice for Washington State Residents on Welfare The Erosion of Human Rights in America Massachusetts Drops Welfare Fraud Investigations Our letter to Senator Richard Tisei of Massachusetts Regarding Welfare Fraud 2/11/03 Our Reply to the Brookings Institute Regarding: Welfare Sanctions The W.R.A.P. Legal Research Map A Glossary of Legal Terms (external link) Although our service is free, we're still in the process
of leaving welfare, and your donations are welcome.
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