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Tips For Collecting Autographs


1) Do you find yourself rubbing down cards so the autograph you are going to get won't fade out? Save yourself the trouble. Dash some baby powder on your card and rub the powder all over the front with a shirt or a sock. This gets rid of the oils on the front of the card so the autograph comes out nice and clear!

2) When you are sending a letter to an athlete make sure you include a self addressed stamped envelope. Athletes are very busy and this makes the process a lot easier for them. Your chances of getting an autograph will increase guarenteed!

3) Be organized! This is important for any type of autograph collector. Have your cards in boxes or binders organized by teams or in alphabetical order. This will save you a lot of time and effort.


1) As mentioned earlier ALWAYS include a self addressed stamped envelope.

2) Always send hand written letters. Players are more likely to sign for someone that takes the time to write them a letter. The hand written letter shows them that they are important to the collector. Many players won't sign for people that send typed letters.

3) Be courteous! For example - Say that you are writing a letter to Wayne Gretzky. Start the letter out with - Mr.Gretzky, - Always address the athlete as Mister. In the body you can write what ever you want to the player, but in the end always thank them for their time.

4) Allow a lot of time for the autograph to come back. If you catch a player at the right time you may get the autograph back in a few days, but usually they will take a month or so to be returned. Also, don't expect any sort of letter returned with your autographs. Players hardly ever take the time to answer your questions by mail.


1) Be organized! Have your cards seperated by teams and in alphabetical order. It will be a lot easier for you to find the card that you are looking for as players file out of the locker room or dugout.

2) Be courteous! Always say please and thank you. Players should always be willing to sign for the courteous collectors. Calling a players' name over and over will NOT help your chances. Wait until the player doesn't look like he is busy then try to call him over.

3) Make sure that you blow on your cards to make sure they are dry. There is nothing worse then getting an autograph then quickly throwing it in a case and having it smear.


Do you have any tips for collecting autographs through e-mail?
If so please send them to me so I can post them on my site! You will get proper credit of coarse!

Do you have other tips that you think I should add?
