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Amber's Story

My birth experience was not at all what I had planned for. My husband John and I knew we were having a girl. We expected Courtney to come into this world, delivered by my dr. not by my brother in law Greg.

On May 18, 1999, Greg and John and I were sitting in Greg's apartment going over some financial statements of the business Greg and I run together. John was cooking pasta, which we never got to eat. At 6:30 my in laws came over to join us for dinner. Just as I was about to sit down my water broke, and I had a huge contraction. My poor father in law was sitting next to me and I was gripping his shoulder for support. (sorry dad!!!) John and his mother helped me to the couch but just as I was about to sit down I was hit with another contraction. This one was long and hard lasting about 2 minutes. I started crying for I was in a lot of pain and was really scared. John told me it would be ok and he sat next me and I put my head in his lap and he began to play with my hair. This really felt nice, and the next contraction which was 10 minutes after the first wasnt too painful. I stopped crying and started to feel good. My father in law ran to the car to grab my bag so I could call my dr, (i needed the #) I told my dr what had happened and he said I should come in anyways, just because he was worried with the first two contractions. I went to sit up and I was hit with an awful contraction which sent me screaming. I laid back down and cryed that this was it...and John said no, honey its not...I moaned again and said no I need to push. My mother in law helped take my pants and panties off and she said I was crowning. My father in law called 911 so they were on there way. At 7:20 I let out a huge AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and I pushed my baby into the hands of her Uncle Greg.

Courtney Gail was born healthy.