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Cathy's Story

My due date for Megan was July 21 1986.On August 3, I woke up at 5:00 am with "spotting", and a little cramping. Went to the hospital, waited, then by afternoon, the contractions really started.Everthing was going well.They gave me a SS enema{soap suds},took a shower and by then they where coming faster.My water had not been broken by then so by 8:30 that evening, the Dr did it and within the hr I had the urge to push.I had asked for something for pain at that time. They brought me to the delivery rm, feet in situps, they tell me to push and just when her little head was going out the rt stirup had fallen on the floor.Dh runs around to make sure it didn't hit her, I had to stop pushing {ya right} till they put the stirup back under my leg. Finally able to push again and after an episotomy Megan Ellen Ann was born, at I beleive 10:50 that evening weighing 5lbs 9 oz.

My due date for Ryan was October 4 1989.On Oct. 8 I had gone to church and prayed that I would have this child soon. I've been "spotting" since the 4th. Well he was listening. I went over to my mom's that afternoon, and visited when I asked her for a watch. She looked at me, then she knew I was in labour. I didn't go to the hospital right away because I knew how long it took to have Megan ,so we went home.I told Dh that I was in labour and that I would call mom when I needed her to stay with Megan. By 8:30pm, I called mom. She came, picked up Megan and we proceed to the hospital.My oldest sister had asked months ago to watch this "birth", she had 2 C sections and had no idea what goes on in the delivery rm.So big sister arrives, anxious and happy.I get settled into my bed, get a fleet enema this time,run to the bathroom, and thought I was going to delivery him in the toilet. My contrations came so fast that the nurses couldn't beleive it.By this time my wate! ! r breaks, I'm dying in pain, but it was to late for something for pain at this point.They call the Dr. who rushes to make it, by this time the urge to push was unbearable. He arrives, askes me if I can make it to the delivery rm, I say no way this baby is coming NOW. So Dr. gets his gloves on, and with one push Ryan Richard Thompson arrived ,in bed,at 9:50pm, weighing in at 7 lbs 8 oz.My poor sister, all she wanted was to see the delivery in the delivery rm. So when they were moving me from the labour side over to the other side, where the babies and moms are after the deliveries, I made them stop the stretcher, and pointed , "that green room over there is the delivery rm, go have a look thru the glass".She did.She was so elated that she was able to be there for us during this joyful time. Dh couldn't wait to call everybody, just like the first time. Our children were both born on a Sunday, long weekend babies. I was born also on a Sunday, Easter Sunday.