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Heathers' Story I was due on the 20th of June/98. My grade 12 grad was on the 22 of June. I found a great dress at a bridal store. I made it to grad and then the after grad party which stopped at 6am on the 23. The best thing about after grad was all the food was free. I had a day of rest on the 24 and then it happened. My labour started at 7pm.I started feeling a little wierd. Don asked me what I wanted to eat so he ordered me a greek salad. We then went to see the movie Good Will Hunting at 9 pm. I still didn't tell Don I was in labour. Through the movie I kept asking him what the time was. After the movie we went home and I tryed going to bed. Don stayed up watching t.v. I got out of bed and told him I couldn't sleep that I did't feel well. He told me to go back to bed. It was the 24th, 4 days over my due date. When he came to bed I told him I was in labour. He grabbed my bags and the cam corder. He drove me to The University Hospitial at 2 am. My contractions were three minuiets appart at this time. The nurse called my doctor and he told them to give me some demerol. The nurse woke me at seven and I asked her if I was still in labour. They then moved me to a dilivery room,it was a nice room. At 3pm they had to brake my water. A intern tryed doing it. She said it wouldn't hurt, boy was she wrong. She didn't know what she was doing. The doctor then took over and broke my water. Then I got a epidural, that made the contractions dissapear. Then at 5 pm the pushing came. Kyla was born at 6:04 pm on the 25th of June. She was 8 lbs 6 oz and was 20.5 inches long. Our first impression was look at all her hair(her hair was 2inches long all over).When they went to clean her up, she pooped on the table. She was ready to eat after they cleaned her up, she drank 1oz of formula. She then pooped again and we asked the nurses to bring us a diaper they didn't come back to the dilivery room untill 9pm. They then took us up to get her weighed and then changed her diaper after sitting in poop for 2 hours. I was mad!!!