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Jayne's Story

Welcome Christian Matthew
At around 2:30am I started feeling contractions, but they were only 10mins apart, so I kept trying to sleep, but all I would do is doze off and then wake up with the next contraction. Finally around 8am the contractions were down to every 5mins. So finally at 10am they were getting to the "I want to go to the hospital now" point, so we(dh, dh's mom, and I left for the hospital. When we got there they checked all my vitals and also checked my dialation(I figured they would probably tell me I was only 3cm dialated) and to my surprise I was at 6cm dialated(good thing we left for the hospital..LOL). Then around 12 noon I was checked again for dialation and I was at 8cm. Also my ob told me that my baby was posterior, I just looked at my ob and said "No not again"(as dd was posterior), and my ob then said that the baby may turn with pushing. My contractions were coming so strong that I kept feeling the urge to push(but I was only at 8cm and wasn't allowed to yet), so I ended up getting a spinal(instead of an epidural as I had no time for an epidural)...well then around 2pm(or so) the spinal was starting to wear off and I was feeling the urge to push again, so the nurses wanted me(because my ob told them to tell me to try pushing) to push, so I did and they told me to stop, and they called my ob as he was at home he rushed in(man he was fast too) and then I got to push again...I pushed a total of 3 times and my SON was out in 3 pushes total and born at 2:15pm on Friday March 17(St. Patrick's Day) Daddy got to cut the cord(he wasn't going to but the OB just handed dh the scissors to cut the cord, I am glad he did)

We have had major complications with Christian and he was sent to London Children's Hospital. We found out Monday, March 20 that Christian definately does have Down Syndrome, and we also found out that he has a heart condition(AVSD - Atrio Ventricular Septal Disorder) which will be surgically corrected when Christian is around 3-6mos of age. This was all very hard to swallow. Christian finally came home on Monday April 10(3 1/2 wks of age) and all is going well so far