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Jayne's Story

I went into labour on March 30 around 6:30am and went to the hospital not only to be sent home again, so then that day(which was a Sunday) we went to Steve's parents for the day and had supper there and watched movies and so on(my labour was still there but subsided some), then again at around 7am March 31 off to the hospital we went again, and they kept me. Finally around 10am my OB broke my water hoping to intese my contractions and speed things up, well it didn't work too well...finally around 10pm that night my OB came back to me and said that I was stuck at 8cm dialated for a few hours and they were going to induce me with Pitocin..he also suggested getting an epidural as the pain would get much worse and I really needed some rest, so I took his advice and got the epidural, and it was wonderful I finally got some rest...then finally around 5:30am Tuesday April Fools Day I started pushing, only to find out that Katy was posterior(head down but she was facing my front instead of facing my back like they are supposed to), this explains why everything took so long and I had a lot of back labour. So my OB used the forcepts and turned her and helped pull her out. Finally at 6:32am we got to see our beautiful daughter, Kathryn Summer.