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I found out I was pregnant with my second child on October 14, 1996, and I was already 23 weeks along! I had gotten pregnant in May, but had a period in June and started birth control. I was taking the shot and I assumed that was why I wasn't having any periods. Then one night I was laying on my stomach on the floor and I felt her move! I automatically knew what that feeling was! So I had a lot to do, bloodwork, ultrasound, etc. I was due on February 22,1997. My pregnancy passed without any complications. On the weekend before she was born, I had a horrible backache. It just hurt constantly, but no contractions so I didn't worry about it. Then on Monday morning, Feb 24th, at 5:30 a.m. I woke up because my back was hurting again. I rubbed it for a few minutes then decided to go back to sleep. As I was laying down, I felt a little bit of fluid come out; I decided to go to the bathroom and check it out. I stood up and before I even made it 2 feet away from my bed ! ! my water broke. I woke up my husband, Darrell, and called my mother (she was supposed to watch Hunter), but she said to leave him with my in-laws next door and she would pick him up because she didn't think I had much time. So my FIL came and got him and we left for the hospital. I was having horrible contractions every 2 minutes, and to top it off our car tore up and we couldn't go faster than 50 mph, and the hospital is 35 miles away. I thought I was gonna have her in the car. Finally we got to the hospital at about 6:45 a.m. We went up to labor and delivery and I told them what happened, but they didn't believe that my water had broken. So they checked me with one of those little strips, and of course it had. So they hooked me up to everything, my doctor came in and said I should have the baby by about 9:00 a.m., I was dialated between 1-2. I wanted to wait on an epidural cause I didn't want it to wear off and then have no time for another one. So I waited until 10:00 a.m. and couldn't handle it anymore. I was bored stiff. I couldn't sleep, couldn't get comfortable, and couldn't get up. Plus me and Darrell were both starving but I couldn't eat. They kept checking my cervix all day and I never dialated any more, and finally about 4:15 p.m. or so, my doctor says we'll have to do a c-section if something doesn't happen soon. He didn't want to let me go for more than 12 hours with my water having broke. So they started prepping me, and we went to the operating room, I think it was around 5:15 p.m. They tried giving me an epidural where I could stay awake, but after 3-4 doses, I still had feeling on my right side, so they had to put me to sleep. Darrell was in the room but they made him leave. He stood right outside the door, and he said she came out screaming. They gave her to him and he carried her to the nursery. I finally saw her at about 10:00 p.m. when I woke up I was holding her. We found out that she had been trying to come out face first and! ! that is why I wouldn't dialate. We named her Mackenzie Terena, and she weighed 7 lb. 15 oz. and was 21 inches long.