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Well the day had finally arrived..This is the day our baby would come into the world. I was scheduled to be at the hospital at 8 in the morning on Aug 11th. So me and daddy arrived there promptly at 8. When we got there we were taken right into my labor and delivery room. The nurse came in and gave me my pretty dress to put on. At around 8:30 my new nurse came in and got me all hooked up to those lovely monitors and started with all the millions of paperwork that had to be done. "like signing your life away" Around 9 a intern came in and geeze we had to do all his paper work. He did a internal i was dilated a little over 4 and was 70% efaced. Everything looked good he was gonna go ahead and have the nurse start my pitocin. I said o-k but i want my epidural. He said he see's no reason why i could not get it since i was already dilated to 4 but he would call my dr first and check with her. So he left and came back in and said she had no problem with me having the! epidural then starting the pitocin. I said cool! But Mr.Intern man decided he would like to start the pitocin and see me have a few good steady contractions on my own. Well i agreed"first mistake" They started the pitocin and like instantly i felt the contractions start. They werent to bad i was handling just fine. In the meantime i have my husband siting in the chair beside me saying "oh no here comes another" im like i know i can feel them. I got to the point were i was telling him before he even said anything. They were turning up the pitocin every 15 mins or so. About 45 mins later they finally decided to start the epidural.So here comes Mr.Epi guy "Vince" He says are you ready? I said you betcha im ready. He did the epidural which did not hurt to bad felt kinda like electric going down my legs for a few secs other then that it was o-k. He said he was just gonna give me a small dose at first and a narcotic to help me relax. He said as soon as i needed more to give him a call. "2nd mistake" As soon as he left the room i started itching all over. It felt like i had a million bugs crawling all over me. The nurse said this was a normal reaction to the epidural. I never had that itching with my first son so who knows. I laid there for im guessing a couple of hours. I could still feel the contractions but they again werent to bad.BUT getting worse with everyone. Around 2 or so i said o-k lets get Mr.Vince back in here im ready for more drugs. So here he comes strolling his little butt in as slow as he can walk and says o-k im gonna give you a good dose now. Well guess what? I think he forgot to put it in because i felt no different besides the pain was getting way to much to handle. I was squirming all over my little bed. My legs never did go numb just my back and stomach and this is not a good thing when this happens. In the meantime everytime i have a contraction the nurse is noticing the baby's heartrate is dropping. So i had to put on a oxygen mask and she said she was going to get the dr. The dr comes in checks me and sure enough im complete ready to start pushing but at this point there is only one problem. My dr was not there. The intern told me DO NOT PUSH! Im going to call your Dr. He did came back and said she was on her way. Now im laying there thinking OH GEEZE it takes her 15 mins to get here, by the time she parks, walks in, gets ready im gonna die for sure.. Around 2:50 she comes walking in checks me and says OH your ready. "im thinking i was ready a half hour ago". She says o-k with the next contraction i want you to push. Well i did and i said OH NO this is not happening. the pain was so so bad. Everytime i would push it would hurt worse. It got to the point were i could not concentrate on what i was doing it was burning so bad. ( i could go into details here but i have alot of friends who are expecting and i dont want to scare them) you get the point thou. It hurt!! They kept telling me me to take a deep breath and push he is almost out. Now im thinking these people think im really stupid. They say he is almost out but his head is not even out and i have the shoulders to go..YIKES i cant do this!! I kept looking at my husband and yelling at him this "epidural is not working" Anyway our baby was born at 3:02 after what they tell me was 3 pushes. Seemed like 300 to me!. As im laying there getting stitched up (that i felt every moment of) i look over and see there are about 10 people working on Chase. My Dr. is yelling over there "is he o-k?" "do you need help?"No one is answering her. She stood up and says i want the head Dr in here right now.. I want no interns in this room. Come to find out his head was almost totally black when he was born and everyone thought he was not breathing. The head dr. came in checked him all out.Breathing,blood pressure,heartrate,everything was fine. He just had alot of bruising from being so big and being born so fast. About 15 mins later they brough him to me i held him and fed him for the first time. That night after all the company left around 10 or so i held our baby in my arms and checked every little part out."looked good to me:) We fell asleep in bed together until the nurse came in at about 4 to take him back to the nursery to check his temp and stuff. But dont worry mommy was right back up at 6 to take a shower and go rescue him again. The Dr.s came in around 9 that morning and said we looked great and if we wanted we could go home. So after only 20 short hours of life we brought mr.Chase home. He is now 6 days old and is doing wonderful.I dont know how my heart has so much room in it but everytime i look at him i love him more and more. He is mommy's perfect little boy! And worth every second of the pain i had to go through for 9 months for him to get here..