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With my first born, Matthew,I was induced because my dh, Marc, was leaving for 3 weeks on a course for the army. We were living in North York at the time and his course was in Kingston. I was due on the 15 of July and dh was scheduled to leave in the 17. We went for my last doctors appt and my ob-gyn suggested induction if nothing had happend by the friday. This was a tuesday. Nothing had happened on friday, so we left for the hospital. We had an appointment for 8am. We got there in time and when I got up to my room, the nurse cane in to monitor me and the baby. She asked me if I had had any contractions and I said no, but just as I said that I had one and didn't know it. She told me I was having some but they were too mild for me to feel them. At 8:30, my ob-gyn came in to break the bag of water, and I started feeling the contractions by 11am. I wanted a natural child birth and dh kept me on that idea. Around 2pm, I told dh that I needed something because the pain was too much and I was only 5cm. The nurse was in the room with us, so she suggested that I take a jaccusi bath (it helps with the pain). I went in the tub at 2:15pm and at 2:30, I was feeling the urge to push. The nurse said she had to check me first before I started pushing and when she checked I was 10cm and more then ready to push. So I pushed like 2 or 3 times and our son was born at 2:40pm on July 14th 1995. He weighed 7lbs 3oz and was 21 inches.

For my second child, Sarah, I was also induced. Again because dh wasn't going to be around for the birth. I was due on November 25 1997, and dh was away in Haiti for a UN peacekeeping mission. He came back for 2 weeks in November (he had 2 weeks of leave)and when I went to see my doctor on the 25th, he said that my baby wasn't going to be born soon. Dh was scheduled to go back to Haiti on the Saturday and this was on a tuesday. We made an appointment at the hospital for the next day (that was when my ob-gyn was on duty). Our appointment was for 8:30 am and they didn't start the potosin drip until 10am. My doc came in at 11 to break my bag of water and the contrations started an hour later. Same thing as with my son, I ask for the bath at 5cm and 10 minutes later I was at 10 and ready to push. Sarah was born at 2:46pm on November 26 1997. She weighed 8lbs 3oz, and was 21 inches.