Dating tips

In this section, I'll cover all the aspects on the dating part of the game and anything pertaining around it; including girl stats, faq, presents, mini games, and my own special techniques. Please note that in real life these techniques should NOT be used.

First Date

In Chapter 2, before you go off to mist valley, you'll get the first chance to go on a date. however, before you go, first go to the smithy to forge Sodina's knife. this is crucial; because her first special attack: "Dancing Knives" can only be acquired at level one. By going on a date with Sodina, you'd automatically bring her up to level 2 (since she's so easy to please) and you'd miss out on her attack.

Intimacy Level

It's like this with all the girls. Be careful not to miss any of the spells or attacks they have to offer at their certain imtimacy levels (especially at level one). I'd check in the smithy everytime they go up an intimacy level for what kinds of helpful spells & special attacks they have. but it is not necessary to get all of the spells & sometimes its better to only forge when you have to.

If necessary, you can even bring down a girl's level to pick up any spells or special attacks that you missed. this can be done by absolutely pissing them off on a date (choosing every perverted answer there is). hopefully this would not be done often, because MP is very needed.

How to date?

You need MP (master points) for this. You can acquire them from battles or just find them hiding in areas in towns (keep an eye out for them). However, the higher the intimacy level they are, the more it's going to take to date them. But don't use all the MP for dating because it's also needed to forge your weapons, which is also very important for battle.

Once you get enough MP go to the love statues. you have the choices of going on a date, playing a mini game, or giving the girl a present. When you're on a date, you get to choose where you want to have it, there's usually desinated spots so you got to run around town. (in Boyzby, the restaurants & outside the airship are ideal spots). Either one of these choices can bring up a girls' level, so be sure to check.

When you are on a date with the girl, jus answer the best possible answer that would make them happy. if you tick them off, they might jus leave. also, you get to know more about them by talking and asking questions. Some of the questions pretain to their different personalities, so it helps to know about them.


Depending on the girls' mood, the date could go differently. First of all, if the heart in the date menu is black, then she is in a bad mood and if it is pink then she's in a good mood. The better mood she is in, the less MP it'll take to go on a date with her; and vice versa. Their moods change at differents rates, so there isn't much you could do to control it. Sometimes a nice present works.

Also, her mood also affects her facial expression in her print club photo, so if you want a good picture; I suggest you make sure your girl is happy.

Print Club

Right after you fight off Bolt on the Langoud, the "Print Club" option will be available to you. That means whenever you go to a town with a print club machine, you can have your picture taken for 300 gil. Sorry, you can't take a picture with any of the guys, just the girls. You can also go take a picture with girls who aren't in your party by going to the booth on a date. These girls are the ones who are only in their respectable towns so don't forget to visit them too. You can access your album in your menu to look at all your photos. I've gotten up to nine pages. This part of the game isn't necessarily important, just something extra.

Smoochies & more extra stuff

By the way, if the date goes well, not only will you go up an intimacy level with the girl, but you get a big kiss! later in the game, you can exchange your "smoochies" for prizes, so get all the kisses you can get. Also, for fun, the girl with the highest intimacy level is the one who wakes you up after you rest in hotels and the one who greets you when you load into your saved game. So cute!

Girls you can Date

Sodina is a bit of a naive girl, so you could almost get away with many comments, however don't be mean to her; her feelings are hurt easily. Try to be a charmer, she'll like it. But if she's in a bad mood, she won't really like it. She likes sweets; dislikes oysters & any strange foods. She likes gardening, cooking, the color 'white' and manga.
Presents: She likes anything 'cute', stuffed animals, and jewelry. DO NOT give her 'roses'. She HATES plants killed for her sake. But she will really like the potted plant.
Mini Game:The Cooking Attack is very similar to Jyabil's smithy training; where you have to do what she does. It starts out easy, but it gets really fast in the end.

I think Wyna's more of an easy-going girl than the others. It's more fun talking to her, because she's less likely to go into mood swings. However, if for once you get TOO soft or shed your manliness, she turned away in a second. Wyna surprisingly does swoon for some catch lines, so don't be afraid to try them. However, she would much prefer fights and exercise over romance anytime.
Presents: She likes sweat bands, dumb-bells, stuff she could use. Also, she would like a fine handbag; she'll love you if you get her the 'leopard handbag'. Don't get her anything 'cute' or silly. She'd get pretty pissed off.
Mini Game:Her game is the "Damashi Hammer" game, where you have to hit the damashi as they pop up. It's not that difficult; if you hit 50 in the alloted time, you'll get an A. But be careful not to hit Wyna, she'll hit you back and you'll miss out on the damashi. Also, the Damashi tend to pop up in numbers so be able to hit more than one key at a time.

All Kyleen seeks is the truth, so try to be honest (or honest as Meis would be) as you can. That means she won't fall for your catch lines so easily. Although sometimes she'll get embarrassed by them. But don't think you'll be able to talk your way through this; she knows what perverted things go through your mind and she doesn't mind at all. But she would more like to understand such things like 'friendship' and 'trust'.
Presents: Kyleen likes expensive gifts. She likes makeup, red high heels, and jewelry. If you manage to get one of the 'money trees' from a rich damashi, she will definitely love you.
Mini Game: Her game is 'Blackjack'. Very typical for a girl who loves money. But Kyleen is a tricky dealer, gambling with her is hard because she hardly loses. Do you feel luckY?

Dating Nelsha is fun; her comments really crack me up. Naive, talking in 3rd person, and simple in every way. Dating her is easier than everyone else, just don't hurt her feelings. Just about everything makes her happy so don't sweat this.
Presents: She likes stuffed animals. She also likes the sewing machine if you could find it. Never ever buy her clothes; she would get greatly offended. She is a dress master after all.
Mini: It's your worse nightmare... attack of the killer damashi! Your job is to shoot any approaching damashi as Nelsha frolics in the fields. Sound easy, huh? Personally I found this to very hard and frustrating. There were just too many damashi and it's really funny to see Nelsha cry when they get her (what can I do?). Try it if you like.

After rescuing Master Kanouha, you can date Kyoka in Boyzby by first visiting her in the restaurant. Kyoka is very kawaii, but also naive and seems to really care about her brother (so don't diss Soushi). She likes romance, but don't go over board; she'll think you're a sicko. She hasn't been around many boys (except Soushi & Kanouha) so she won't catch on as the other will. Surprisingly, she can get pretty moody.
Food: She likes Japanese food. She HATES ice cream and any thing sweet.
Presents: She likes simple, cute things. She really likes Hairpins & fans. Especially the "rusted fan". For some strange reason she will NOT like the "gold hairpin".
Mini game: Hers is the "bingo" game. You've got to have a good memory for this, for the screen flashes very fast and you have to remember where the faces are. I especially like the sd drawings of the cast.

You first meet up with Mil at the begining of the game during the evacuation of Kant. Mil will run into you and you get to try out your first pick up line. It isn't until you return to Kant that you can pick up things where you left off. First you must answer her questions right before you can date her. Dating Mil I found was a bit not important. She doesn't give away any special attacks nor good spells, so I guess if you just wanted to do this for fun. She's got a nasty mind if you ask me - using Meis as a specimen in her research of animal behavior... ew, can you say stalker?
Food: She doesn't talk about food, so I guess it won't be a question to worry about.
Presents: She likes stuff she can use on her science project, like math & physics books. Oh, and the science kit is a must for Mil!
Mini game: Hers is the "matching game". It's like that one board game where you have to fit these shapes into their same shapes. I dunno. I didn't do good with her game.

Marion lives on the Mounthand, Train City. She's a cooky inventor who you help out, when Bandiger steals one of her thingamigigs. She's eccentric and has an obsession with frogs. I thought she was really funny, but difficult to figure out. (she seems to like 'perverts'). You can access her anytime when you're on Mounthand.
Mini Game: "Paper Sissors Rock".

Not pictured

Metalia is only available in Myscatonia after you rescue Sodina for the final time. Unlike the other naive girls, Metalia is much older and wiser. She can catch on to your perverted ways and does swoon for your catch lines. Trust me, she'll start to lecture you. However, she does enjoy YOUR naivite and youth so be as cute as you can. Plus, don't make her feel old or dull; her feelings are very fragile since she isn't around people much. She also likes books (duh! she lives in a libary) and believe or not, she CAN break lose and go wild.
Presents: She likes jewelry and books.
Mini game: Get ready for the ultimate quiz! Hope you were paying attention this whole time. Metalia will ask you 10 questions pertaining to possibly anything in the game: like 'What's Kyoka's wish?' or 'What is EP stand for?'. You're timed so you have to think fast. I'll put up the answers soon.
* For those who don't know; Kyoka's wish is to find Soushi a wife and EP stands for Elemental Points.

Palma is one of the six priestesses powering the Langoud's 'secret weapon'. You can go back to Languod & hook up with her by going to the where the priestesses are and talking to her (she's the last one on the end), but you have to answer all of her questions right. She's somewhat of a purity freak and has an obsession with cleanliness. Be sure to date her, she has some great special attacks!
Mini Game: "Brooming game"
