Thousand Arms fanfic: "Memories" thousand arms (C) Red Company, Atlus, 1998, 1999
Fiction written by Jill January 1st 2001


They were in the Myscatonia area, so Meis decided it would be an opportuned time to go on a date with Metalia. So, it was off to the great library. Fortunately, the jewel master hadn't anything better to do and accepted his offer.

"Meis, how good it is to see you again." Metalia said as they walked down the grand staircase together.

"Iya! The pleasure's all mine!" he chimed, his usual dashing smile. "Say, Metalia, let's take a walk around... and maybe we can go on the roof and see the stars."

She smiled in spite of herself, "A typical 'Triumph date', huh?"

Meis rubbed his head, "Eto... sore wa..."

"It's ok. I've picked up on your ways already. Let's just sit down and talk for a bit."

"Talking is good." he murmered as they sat by the windows. Meis gazed out, trying to come up with words but only a thought came to mind, "Metalia, can I ask you something?"

"Hm? Sure. What would you like to know?"

"About my master... Jyabil." he replied. At this name, Metalia lifted her head, "I'd really like to learn about him."

"Well..." she started, "It was a long time ago... even before you were probably born." She folded her arms and leaned back in her chair, "As the remainder of the Light Clan, we had lots responsiblities... and lots of good times."

"Honto? Like...?"

"Jyabil and I both worked on the sixth sacred altar together and we also trained together. Him as a spirit blacksmith, and I as a Jewel master..."

A young Jyabil came around the corner, lugging a hammer, "This is a pain... aa! Metalia, what's up!"

She was sitting against the wall, hugging her knees. "I give up. It's too difficult. I'll never be a jewel master..."

"What are you talking about? We've just started... of course we'll make it!" He put his hand on her shoulder, "We'll make it together!"

"Jyabil was always clumsy and stubborn. He never listened to his master. Always trying to do things his way. It only got him in trouble." Metalia said, almost laughing.

Meis tapped his chin. "I never would have guess that Jyabil was the trouble-making type. He seemed so wise and serious."

"Wisdom and sterness comes with age. I think he just grew up. But it was alright. The man Jyabil became was a brave Spirit Blacksmit and a great friend..."

"Metalia," he told her, at the gate of the library, "I need you to stay at this place. Don't ever leave, okay?"

"But why...?"

"I don't want the Dark Clan to ever find you. You'll be safe here."

"What about you?"

"I'll be okay. I have to protect the 'Sword Spirit' remember? It is my duty. Just take care of yourself, leave the rest for me."

"Demo...!" she cried as he turned to leave, "Jyabil!"

He smiled slightly before walking away, "I'll come back for you, surely someday. Wait for me..."

Meis blinked. "Mou, gomen, Metalia. I didn't know the two of you were an item."

Her eyes widened for a moment. "You misunderstood, Meis."

"Iya, I heard everything perfectly." he replied with a sly grin, "So did he forge a lot of swords with ya?? Hm??"

"Dame yo!"

He glanced at his watch, "Saa, we've had a nice talk. I really got to going... uh, how about a..." She glared at him. "Yare yare..." he uttered in a little voice.

Shrugging she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. She then got up and turned to go. "It would be wonderful if you could follow in Jyabil's footsteps."

He replied, "Believe me, I would want to, more than anything. He was great guy."

Metalia nodded, then continued to walk off on her own. Still waiting for that day.


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