Thousand arms; all rights reserved to RED company and Atlus
This fanfiction was created by JillM, original posting - January 2002
notes: special thanks to Jamie for waking up this fic. I'll work on it more when I have time. Sorry about the long delay. I need some inspiration lately. Thanks once again!

Smoochie! Part 2

Back to where we left off...


It took a while for the three to calm down. Everyone around them was staring at them, and even a little child wondered what they were excited about. She looked over at the gawdy-decorated booth and gasped, “EW!”

Sodina looked back at the sign. The line in front was getting bigger and people seemed very very interested in going to that booth once it opened. “My… A kissing booth… I wonder… what that means…”

“It’s exactly what it means!!!” Wyna exclaimed, “I can’t even Muza is being involved with this perverted scheme! Let’s put an end to this right now! Come on!”

Vengeful Wyna and Kyoko then dragged along Sodina to the booth. There, Kyleen was handing out tickets. “Everyone, please get in line! No cutting please!” she said at first, “Oh, it’s you guys…”

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?” Kyoko snapped, “How dare you involve my innocent brother in such nasty affairs! I won’t forgive you, Green!”

Everyone just stared at her. ‘Soushi… Innocent…???’

Sodina then stepped up, trying to shrug off the grabbing arms of girls who wanted to be at the front of the line. “Kyleen… why are you doing this?”

”Well, the truth is ‘I thought it would be fun.’” Kyleen replied, “Not only do I get paid back the money these guys owe me, but I also get profit. Plus, I get to watch them make fools of themselves. Ahahah!”


”Listen you!” Wyna snapped, slamming her fist onto the table, “This is a family place! You’re going to make people sick with this kind of stuff!”

“Actually I thought it would bring some life to this boring place.”

”WHY YOU LITTLE…!!!” growled Kyoko, ready to leap over the booth to strangle her. “WHERE IS MY BROTHER! GIVE HIM BACK!”

Wyna and Sodina restrained her from making an even bigger scene, while Kyleen continued to pass out raffle tickets. “Besides the normal menu, we also have the drawing for the grand price! An opportunity to pick the guy of your choice!”

”KYAAAAAAAA!” screamed the crazy girls who now were pushing to get the tickets, which were an additional fee of course.

The three girls stopped and stared at the chaotic crowd as the cash was passed around. “This is insane!” Sodina gasped, “I can’t believe that people are actually going for this. We’ve got to put an end to it right away before it gets truly out of hand!”

“Really?” Wyna asked, amused by the determination in her friend’s face, “Or is it because you’re jealous that Meis might get a new girlfriend??”

”I-It has nothing to do with that!! In fact, I should dump him after all this!”


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Inside the booth, the guys were preparing themselves. “Hey Muza, do you want to borrow my lip gloss??” Meis asked, turning towards his pal. Unfortunately, Muza was too nervous to answer and had turned to ice. “Not again…”

”Oh well. More for us…” Soushi replied.

“HEY YOU!” Meis exclaimed, pointing over to the samurai sitting in the corner, “I thought you were meditating!!!”

”I was… But your brainless chatter distracted me from “the way”.” Soushi got up and whipped his ponytail over his shoulder. “Don’t worry about it. I will handle everyone outside. You and Muza can go home.”

”WHAT?! WHY YOU…!!” Before Meis could draw his sword and declare battle, he got knocked over by a wooden cane. “OLD MAN!!!”

“Aa… Master Kanouha.” Soushi noted, looking at the smiling grandpa. “What brings you here?”

”I was wondering about joining you guys in the battle. It seems to be an army outside. You need all the help you can get!”

“No, we’re ok…”

”But your sister is out there…”

”WHAT?!” Soushi panicked and peeked outside. “Kyoko is here? Oh no!!”

Meis started to laugh and roll on the ground. “Haha! You’re afraid of your younger sister! Soushi, you’re such a wuss! Aahahah!”

”Shut up, you! If she finds me, I’ll get in trouble. After all, Kyoko has appointed herself the guardian of my affairs. She is determined on hand-picking a bride for me…”

”Talk about traditional… Shouldn’t it be the other way around??” Meis asked. He then saw his friend wake up. “Oh, Muza, you’re up in time! We were just saying that Kyoko is outside the booth.”

”Eh? That means Wyna is with her too!!” Muza exclaimed, looking very nervous, “Oh no! I’m real in trouble now!!”

”Wait…” Meis was finally catching on, “If Wyna is there, no doubt Sodina knows as well… OH NO!!!! DAMMIT, THIS ISN’T GOOD!!”

He peeked outside and sure enough Sodina and the others were there. They happen to make eye contact for a split second before Meis chickened out and hid back inside. “Well???” Muza asked, “Did they see you??”

”YEAH! We’re so DEAD!!!”

”No, you’re not!” said a voice. They turned to Kyleen, who was flipping through some dough. “You’re RICH!”

“A-Actually, we’re thinking about reconsidering…” Meis stammered.

“No you aren’t! We made a deal, and you three owe me so much!” Kyleen replied, “I’m about to open up shop; you go out there and do your job!”


”Don’t you want swarms of girls coming after you?? Don’t you want to be the most wanted guy in all of Boyzby – no, the nation??”

”Yes, but…”


”Y-YES, MA’AM!!”

Soushi crossed his arms. “I guess we have no choice, but if Kyoko gets angry, it isn’t my fault. Come on, let’s go!” He stopped to Kanouha. “What do you think you’re doing??”

”You said ‘Let’s go’, right??? Ho ho ho! All those young girls are waiting for me~!”

”Ew…” Kyleen uttered, making a face, “Someone get the geezer out of here.” She then looked to the side. “And someone do something about Muza.”

Again poor Muza was too nervous and froze. Soushi and Meis started chiseling away at the ice with their swords. “Come on! It’s either you or the geezer! Snap out of it!!”

”B-B-But… they’re GIRLS!!” Muza gasped, “I can’t do this!”

”Sure you can! Now come on! Let’s go!” Meis said, pulling him up and dragging him over to the door. But when he opened it and saw the crowds, he couldn’t help but gulp and feel nervous. ‘Here goes…’

To be continued…

onto part 3
back to part 1