Meis & Sodina's Friends

NAME: Muza Grifford
AGE: 21
HOMETOWN: Schutzren
WEAPONS: Claymore, Great Axe
SPECIAL ATTACKS:Twister Blade, Storm Binder, Dynamic Force, Tornado Voice

Muza is the "hero" type, always charging into battle and throwing out lines such as "Good always triumphs over evil". In Fort Treve, where he was before he joined up with Meis, Muza was said to be as strong as a 100 men. Despite his great courage, Muza gets really nervous around girls. In fact, he completely turns "frozen", especially around Wyna who he has a major crush on. Besides that, Muza is one of the strongest characters in the game.

NAME: Wyna Grapple
AGE: 17
WEAPONS: Hammer, Gaia Maul
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Rock Geyser, Head Buster, Earth Crusher, Gaia Storm

Wyna is the daughter of the Head Pirate, Grapple of the Langoud. Not only that, but she's a skilled fighter and no man alive can beat her. Yeah, she couldn't make it as a priestess... But don't let her tough attitude fool you. Wyna has a heart of gold and is truly a lady. Although she prefers lifting weights over a romantic movie, she does cook, sew, and have refined manners. Wow, what a girl!

NAME: Soushi Maharoba
AGE: 18
WEAPONS: Katana, Misame No Ouzuka
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Koken Soufu, Musourin Seiba, Rekka-Zan, Fudo Rasnjin

Soushi is samurai trained by Master Kanuha. He was almost completely possessed by the dark power when he started using a dark sword to save his master, but his friends saved him. Like Meis, Soushi is a absolute womanizer (like most of the men in this game). But, Soushi seems to be more pickier than Meis, but considering he's got the looks of a bishonen character, he doesn't any problem picking and choosing.

NAME: Kyleen Nelphe
AGE: 16
WEAPONS: Rapier, Gale Epee
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Hynos, Fascination, Raging Damashi, Super Smash

Kyleen comes from a luxurious life, that ended when some bad guy took over the floating city of Sharon. Since she's been betrayed and on her own for a long time, Kyleen had difficulties understanding 'trust' and 'friendship'. She more than anyone values her new friends. But she also values money. Yeah, she's a money grubber and will do anything to rake in the bucks. Heh, she's pretty sneaking and street smart too. Better look out for Kyleen.

NAME: Nelsha Stylus
AGE: ???
HOMETOWN: Myscantonia
WEAPON: Needle
SPECIAL OUTFITS: Disco Dancer, Soldier, China Girl, Nun, Nurse, Bunny Girl, School Girl

Nelsha is a very interesting girl. Although she looks younger than everyone else, she is in fact much much older. Coming from the long lost clan from Myscantonia, Nelsha has a very long life span. She is a skilled Dress Master and has been traveling the world for different kinds of fabrics, outfits, etc. Not only that, but sometimes her outfits possess her, and she turns into a complete different person! On her her own though she is also somewhat of a ditz. That's okay though; it makes her a very fun character.
