Sodina & Meis!

Sodina & Meis

Meis Triumph

"No, I don't miss her. I'm a spirit blacksmith. I can feel Sodina's presence anytime. I will continue my training so that some day I will be able to communicate with the elemental spirits, just like my Master....Then I will be able to talk with Sodina. I won't be lonely."
Age: 16
Hometown: Kant
Weapons: Sword, Sodine Knight
Meis' special attack is that he could summon a variety of elemetal beasts:
Aquoon - water
Raou - wind
Fiednod - earth
Flareniel - fire
Golda - light
Odnis Organ - matter
Sodine - Sword Spirit

Meis Triumph is the hero of the game Thousand Arms game. Coming from a family of spirit blacksmiths and womanizers, it is difficult at first to realize what's most important to him. He could be seen as a pervert or a serious apprentice. Which ever you choose, you can't help but like this character. He's not perfect, but he makes that up with his strong loyalty to his friends and his determination to become a great spirit blacksmith.

After his hometown, Kant, was invaded by the Dark Acolytes, Meis was forced to flee from his estate and lineage, finding himself wandering into the country side, with nothing but his sword. At last, he found his way to the capital city of Boyzby, where he met a girl who would change his life...

Sodina Dawnfried

"Those who play with life get burned by its power;

those who respect it are embraced by the glory of it."

Age: 15
Hometown: Boyzby
Weapons: Knife, Angel Heart
Special attacks: Dancing Knives, Aura Sword, Lastment, Soul Cure

Sodina is a good-natured and caring girl from Boyzby. She can also be naive and a bit jealous at times. Her hobbies include gardening, cooking, and talking with the elemental spirits. Someday, she hopes to marry a spirit blacksmith, just like Jyabil.

She never knew her parents, but had been living with her brother, Jyabil, since she could remember. When she was little, she had poor health. Jyabil had to take her to Lucent Cave, where a strange power had come over her. Since then, she's been feeling better.

Sodina has the power to communicate with the elemental spirits. She also has a lot of elemental power, making her a very useful magic user. Although Sodina has lived in Boyzby all her life, she has always wanted to start a journey. Her opportunity comes when she meets up with Meis. The two of them go in search of the five sacred altars, meeting friends and enemies on the way. They also unravel many past secrets, including Sodina's heritage. In actuality, Sodina is ...
