Thousand Arms Updates!

Welcome you to the Updates page. Sorry if there haven't been anything new lately. It's all Meis' fault! Here's what's been happening lately:

3.03.03: part 5 of smoochie. laters

2.28.02: put up the tracks from US soundtrack in music section, and scan of shitajiki in merchandise section. thanks Meis-san! alrighty, i know everyone wants 'smoochie' part 5 (is it?). this weekend, i have a long paper to write that i've been gathering info al week thru survey and research (yah, had to get my own data), so by sunday or sometime on the weekend when i've had enough to take a break, i will write more. i will try!

2.23.02: need more people on the RPG. onegaishimasu!! (lots of roles so hurry!). also new postys! check them out. ^_-

2/8/2: new role playing game!

1/29/2: part 4 of "smoochie", later all!

1/24/02: Part 3 of "Smoochie!". enjoy. i should go sleep now. well, part 4 will be up later. feedback is wonderful!

1/22/02: Part 2 of "Smoochie" is up! sorry about the delay. Special thanks to Jamie (but you don't have to keep emailing me so many times. i'll be sure to check more often now so one should be good) thanks!

12/01/01: no new changes. i'm working on a xmas fic for meis, but i have some other things to finish first (like final papers gaaah!). also, a new link: KANT. check the site out. Happy holidays, everyone!

11/3/01: Someone left some rude comments in the polls about the chibi art from the game book. I don't wish to offend anyone or cause any confusion as to what is fanart and official, so I will start to take down those lovely chibi pics. Instead, all you much now suffer with the doodles I made in paintshop. ^___^

10/20/1: a larger pic on the visual art book

8/31/1: added some marion's pic! also a little diddi on the official visual art book

8/30/1: new fic series: "smoochie!". part 1 is up. part 2 will follow soon. send comments ok?

8/25/1: finished Kyoka & Mil in the dating section!

8/23/1: new link & new fanart! special thanks to Swt_Sodina.

7/26/1: added some new links. new Kiosk Page! Also updated the Music section.

4/29/1: new fanfic: 'without'. i hope you all like it. a lot of people have been requestin' a S&M fic. i'm sorry for not getting around to it. i've also added a new fanart gallery. hope you all contribute. until next time!!

4/19/1: new guy poll!!

3/16/1: spring break! yaaay! so now i can work more on websitting. oh, new songfic "ziploc" featuring Meis.

3/1/1: new "ruby" song fic. adding music here and there or so.

12/26/00: Sorry about the long wait!! I've added more fanfics. And trying to fix up this site before New Years. Any suggests? Anyone still coming here? Drop me a line!

8/28/00: Meis/Soushi fic finished!

8/22/00: New banner, revisions here and there. Also, more fanfics on the way. They will be up soon! The new Dating Page is up! Still incomplete though

8/6/00: Added a new link! Topo's TA Room!

7/22/00: S& M page up! Soon to be finished!

7/18/00: Added new title banner and updates page ^_^

7/15/00: A new look! What do you think?

6/29/00: Finished Schmidt fanfic!

6/28/00: Lyrics finally done!

5/11/00: Opened site! HELLO!!!