rurouni kenshin created by watsuki nobuhiro (c) shueisha JUMP, fuji TV, sony music, anime works
notes: minna, here's the start of a new fic. this one begins a day after the birth of k&k's baby (as strangely depicted in 'asw'). but this fic has a whole new plot, not continuing any of the old plots (ie, yashiitomo, shizuka, reisengumi, yutaro events). but there might be some reference, but i will be sure to indicate them. also no chapter titles or music cuts. so please enjoy this whole new story! jill 5/1/1 hajimaru!

Happy Tomorrow
Part 1

Kenshin sat in the darkened room. Across from him was the aged doctor. It was quiet for a long time, but finally, Genzai, looked at the samurai and uttered solemnly, “The results hold true… Kenshin-kun…”

”Hai de gozaru.”

“If this continues, you’ll be counting your days,” he said, “Please, be careful.”

Kenshin lowered his head, glassy violet eyes staring at the floor, “Aa… I will. Dakara there are people I love… I cannot let them down…”

He then bowed and handed over his payment, in exchange for a prescription. He opened the door slowly, the sunlight hitting him. Closing his eyes, he pictured the one he loved and didn’t want to let go. For her sake, he knew he couldn’t lose this battle. But time was against them. Within time, he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold on. Tearful eyes opened and gazed off into the clouds.


* * *
The walk home wasn’t too long. The path covered with the fallen leaves, Kenshin could feel the air getting cooler. Tucking his arms in his sleeves, he thought about his current dilemma. How was he going to tell his wife about it? Should he?

‘Of course I have to… to hide things from her, would be unfair to her… demo, how will she take it? I can only hope that it will be all right and that she won’t react too emotionally.’

But the chances of that happening were slim. She always reacted to an extreme. And the timing was absolutely terrible. She had just had the baby a day ago. He didn’t want to ruin the joyful atmosphere. Not when they had brought into the world a new life and were on a break from the endless battles.

Before he knew it, he was home already. He could see Megumi sitting outside, but Kaoru wasn’t to be seen. Walking through the gate, he forced a smile. “Tadaima de gozaru! Aa, Megumi-dono, where has Kaoru gone?”

”Ara, Ken-san!” Megumi chimed, glad to see him, “The girl is inside, changing the baby’s diaper. She’s been up and about even after the intense labor. I really can’t believe her; she’s so incredible some times.”

”Aa, she’s stronger than anyone Sessha knows.” he said cheerfully. He then sat down, watching Megumi pour him some tea, “How has everything been while Sessha was at the clinic? Did anything happen de gozaru?”

”Iie. Everything has been quiet. Although it was hilarious when Kaoru-chan tried to feed the baby onigiri. I had to show her how to breast-feed. The girl is a fast learner, so I generally don’t have any worries.” Megumi noted, “Demo ne, how was your appointment with Genzai-sensei?”

”Eto…” Kenshin lowered his head and stared into his cup. He decided he couldn’t tell Megumi before he told his wife. He bit his lip, hoping she wouldn’t catch him lying. “… daijoubu de gozaru yo.”

”Yoshi, that’s good to hear, Ken-san.” she replied, seeing that he had finished drinking his tea. “Maa, you better go check on Kaoru-chan and the baby.”

”Hai de gozaru.” he said, quickly getting up.

The wind suddenly picked up and Megumi gazed off into the trees, watching the leaves fall. Her face became troubled. ‘Why do I feel something is about to happen…?’

* * *
Kenshin walked off to their room, slowly opening the door. He saw her kneeling on the floor, cradling the baby, who was crying. “Sshhh shh, what’s the matter?” she coaxed him, “Mama’s here, demo… I don’t know what to do…”

Kenshin knelt down beside them, putting his arm around her. “Taidama, Koishii.”

”Aa! Kenshin!” she gasped, “Okaeri! D-Demo…” She frowned a little. “When I finished changing his diaper, he started crying. I couldn’t do anything.”

“Maybe he’s hungry again.”

“Ara? But I just fed him like two hours ago…”

”Babies are high maintenance.” he explained, taking the baby from her, “Shh de gozaru. Mama is going to give you a snack. Relax de gozaru yo.” And the baby did relax, staring up at the different face above him. He smiled and laughed at little. “Oro, he thinks Sessha looks funny.”

”Iie, he’s wondering how such a handsome man ended up with his Mama.” Kaoru replied, removing one side of her robe. She blushed and stammered, “Megumi-san showed me how…”

”Aa. We both have much to learn about being parents,” Kenshin said, handing her the baby. Instantly the infant latched on and started to suckle away. Kenshin smiled at his wife and held her hand in his. “You’re doing great.”

”Demo, Kenshin, I can’t do this without you.” she said, kissing his cheek, right on the scar. He flinched a little, but relaxed. Somehow she even took away the pain in that area. She was kissing him now on the lips, but then she suddenly shook with surprise. “OH!!” she gasped, drawing away and looking down. “Iyaya, stop that… dame!”

”Oro?” Kenshin had been savoring their intimate moment, but realized that Kaoru was having trouble with the baby, who had turned a bit more demanding for his milk. “He must’ve been really hungry... Here, let me take him.” She nodded and handed him the baby, who still had milk dripping on his chin. Kenshin chuckled and wiped it away. “Heh, you’re just like Dad, aren’t you?”

Kaoru slid her robe back on and retorted, “Mou, you two better not gang up on me.” He just laughed at her again. She too cheered up and then went to hug his arm, “Ano…”

”Hm? Nan de, Koishii?”

”I’m so happy… arigatou, Kenshin.”

He stopped and gazed at her face. ‘Kaoru…’ He slowly turned away and looked at the baby, who had calmed down. The three of them huddled close together in the dim room, he finally uttered, “Ore mo… I wish it could be like this… forever…”

* * *
Meanwhile, Yahiko and Tsubame were walking down the street towards the dojo. “Aaan! I wonder how Kaoru and the baby are today…” the young samurai sighed, stretching his arms in the air. He paused and blinked at her, “Oi, Tsubame – what’s that in your hand?”

”A letter…” she uttered, “From Yutaro-kun.”

”N-NANI?!” he exclaimed, red in the face, “What did that Yatsu write?!”

”Dewa, bezuni…”

”Whatdya mean?!” Yahiko insisted, “Saa, Tsubame, tell me already! Don’t leave me hanging like this! That’s cruel!!” She just giggled and put the letter behind her back, moving away from him. “Oi oi! I’ll get you!!”

He jolted forward, going to capture her. The two of them stopped and blushed. He had his arms around her, holding onto the letter. Their faces inches apart, they just stared into each other’s eyes. Suddenly, there was a scream.

“Nani?! What’s going on?!” Tsubame cried, as Yahiko released her and turned towards the direction of the scream, “Matte, Yahiko-kun! Wait for me!!”

There was a crowd gathered on the street. They were surrounded something. As they got closer, they saw what it was. Yahiko quickly held on to Tsubame, who became ill and covered her face into his shoulder. There was a murdered body lying against the wall.

“Who could have done this…?” he uttered, as the chatter of voices became louder in his ear. The cops were also arriving on the scene. He then saw characters on the wall, written in blood. “Usou…”

* * *
Kenshin was sitting the bath, when he heard the door open. “Oro?!” he gasped, “K-Kaoru, what are you doing?? Megumi-dono is outside!!”

”Maa maa. Megumi-dono is looking after the baby.” she said, crossing her arms, still fully dressed, “I just came in here to check up on you. You did went to the clinic today, ne Kenshin?”

“Sou, dewa…” He stopped as she knelt by the tub, going to dip her hands into the water. When she started to wash his back, he felt so good. Sighing, he relaxed and gazed at her lovingly over his shoulder. ‘I can’t do this to her. Not now…’ he told himself, before turning around and taking her wet hands into his. “Koishii, don’t worry about it.”

”So, nothing is wrong?” she asked. He slowly nodded. “Yokkata!” she cried, “I was afraid that something was wrong… I felt it. Demo, to hear that you’re okay… I’m even more happier than ever…”

”Aa, I’m okay,” he said softly as she continued to kiss him all over, “There’s nothing wrong… you don’t have to fear…”

On the outside, he was soaking with pleasure, but inwardly he was reprimanding himself, ‘How can you lie to her? You shouldn’t give her this false hope. You have to tell her…soon…’

“OIII~!!!! OIIII~!!!!!” came a long yell from outside, “Where the hell are you people?!?!”

The two of them lifted their heads and turned towards the blinded window. “I wonder what Yahiko wants.” Kaoru uttered, letting go of his hands, “I’ll go check it out. Don’t worry about it and finish your bath, okay?”

”Aa…” he stammered, still blushing from her prior reaction. He quickly got a hold of himself and squinted at her, “Oro! The things you do to me should be a crime!”

”Waaah!” she cried as he playfully splashed some water at her, “Kenshin! Dame yo!!” Laughing, she wiped her face and slowly moved away. Standing, she gave him a sweet smile, “Aishiteru.”

‘Kaoru…’ She then turned for the door, humming away. ‘I love you with all my heart…’ He then dropped his head and gazed at his reflection. ‘Honto ni gomen nasai…’

* * *
When Kenshin finished his bath, he came out in his robe, seeing that everyone was sitting around rather solemnly. He sat next to his wife who was cradling the baby, and slipped his arm around her. “What’s going on?”

The other three exchanged looks. Yahiko then got up and faced him. “Kenshin, there was a murder about two blocks away from here. According to the police, it isn’t the first – this is the work of a serial killer. There had been four other killings the other week, all of which seem to be random. So far there isn’t any leads, but today… “ The look in his eye glinted, “Today, the killer identified himself to be associated with Kamiya Dojo.”

Kenshin had taken in all this information and felt a mix of emotions. ‘How could someone do this?!’ He then turned to Kaoru to see how she was taking it. She just continued to rock the baby as if the words had passed through her. “Koishii…?”

Yahiko came up to her, putting his hand on her shoulder, “Kaoru, that’s the second time I told you – how can you react so calmly? Don’t you care that your school is being associated with some killer? It took you two years to gain back its reputation after the Goheh incident! And now, people are dying and being misled! We’ve got to do something about it!”

She turned away from him, staring at the infant’s face, “Would you not speak so loudly around the baby? You’ll upset him…”

”DEMO!!” he exclaimed, but then the baby started to cry, “O…Oops…”

”See what you did.” she replied sharply, getting up and walking towards the house, “There, there, Mama is here… don’t cry…” Everyone just sat in surprise as she went into a room without another word.

“Kaoru-san…?” Tsubame gasped, “She didn’t even care… what happens to her school…?”

Megumi nodded. “That was pretty strange…how she didn’t react…”

“Chigao. It’s been like this for a long time.” Yahiko replied, crossing his arms. ”Kaoru hasn’t stepped foot in the dojo for over six months, and now that she’s able she isn’t making any effort to going back. Her students are still waiting for her to resume her teaching, and I even offered to help instruct. Still, she refuses to give an answer.”

Kenshin slowly nodded. He had been aware of this, but didn’t think it was a problem to do something about. And now, he saw his neglect as a mistake. ‘Naze?’ Turning to the others, he bowed his head, “Sessha will talk to her. Rest assured de gozaru.”

”In the meantime,” Tsubame said, “Yahiko-kun and I will find out all that we can about the situation…”

Yahiko blinked. “Eh?! Who said you’re helping?! This is much to dangerous, Tsubame!!” he exclaimed, shaking his finger at her, “You ought to stay safe and not be running into trouble!!”

”Mou, but you’re going to need some help…”

Megumi agreed, putting her arm around the boy, “Ara, Yahiko… you don’t have to act so tough and macho around us ladies. We understand already that you are such a sexy guy. You don’t have to convince us…” she purred, everyone sweat-dropping.

Yahiko broke away from her, red-faced. “Oi! What the hell ya talking about?! Tonikaku, I gotta get going. Maybe the police have some new info… I’ll be back later tonight, so I’ll lock the gate, Kenshin!”

“Wait for me!!” Tsubame cried, running after him.

Megumi got up and grinned. “Those two are so cute. And isn’t it good that Yahiko-kun has moved back home? You have an extra hand to look after Kaoru-chan and the baby.” she said, turning to Kenshin, “Things are going to get busy around here from now on. Nee?”

“Sou de gozaru yo…”

“Demo…” she uttered, “You and Kaoru-chan are always facing some conflict. It’s inevitable…” A breeze suddenly swept through them, leaves gathering around. Kenshin slowly nodded and gazed off into the setting sun.

* * *
Soon, night fell. Yahiko returned, empty-handed of information, but had walked Tsubame home. Kenshin then secured the house and turned for the room. Kaoru was already there, rocking the baby to sleep. He crept inside quietly and stood behind her. It was a peaceful scene he didn’t want to disrupt.

‘It’s inevitable… will we ever be safe? I know we can face if we’re together, demo… demo… I…’ He nearly jumped when his wife turned around to look at him. The look in her face told him that she had sensed his unrest and now was trying to read him. He quickly knelt down and hugged her.

“… it’s nothing to worry about. I was just lost in thought.” he said softly, “Let’s get some sleep, okay?” She nodded a little, still a bit concerned. But he insisted she tuck the baby in his bed and get changed for sleep. After they had gotten into their yukata, they climbed into their futon and Kenshin blew out the light.

Lying in the dark, there was a prolonged silence. Kenshin turned towards his wife, remembering that he had promised the others that he would talk to her about the latest incident. “Eto…” he started, but was cut off by her rolling over to lie on him. She had lifted her hands to his face, covering his scar. Kenshin couldn’t help but stare at her in surprise.

“Kenshin, are you sure you’re okay? I-I feel… I feel something is wrong.” she uttered, as he linked his hands around her back, “You can tell me, maybe I can help…” He just stared at her so lovingly, her warm touch causing him to lose his senses. “Kenshin…?”

“Daijoubu, Koishii.” he whispered, trailing kisses from her neck to her temple, “We’ve better get some sleep before one thing leads to another.” He then kissed her on the forehead, “Oyasumi.”

She smiled and rested her head on his shoulder, “Oyasumi nasai…”

* * *
The night went on, and Kenshin lost himself in sleep. Though, as the fog lifted, he found himself completely surrounded in darkness. Struggling to see, he could hear faint noises in the background. He then heard a scream. ‘Nan de?!’ He broke into a run, skimming through the darkness to see some figures. His body shuddered at the sound of flesh piercing. “KAORU!!!” he exclaimed, arriving at the scene.

Her body was continually stabbed, the man pausing to grin at his shocked face. He then lifted his bloody sword and ran it right through the infant, the crying ceasing. The man shook the blood off his blade and turned to Kenshin, his smile ever so sinister.


Kenshin woke with a jolt. In his abruptness, he had knocked Kaoru off him and thrown her onto the floor. She sat up, rubbing her head. “Kenshin!?”

He blinked, realizing he was back in the room, the baby’s crying loud in his ears. “Y-Yume ga…” he uttered as she went to calm their son. He could see the sunlight peering from under the doors and birds chirping. “Gomen…” he stammered, “I didn’t mean to wake everyone this early…”

”Iie,” she replied, wiping the sweat off his brow, then wrapping her arms around him and stroking his face, “You were having a bad dream… daijoubu, it was only a dream. You don’t have to tell me about it, but I’m here, Kenshin…”

He shook his head tearfully, “Iya… I-I dreamt… someone was killing you… and the baby… it was so horrible…”

”Kenshin…” she uttered, surprised that he had actually told her his nightmare. Usually, it would be too painful to mention, but this time he was open about it. And what he said shocked her; why would he dream such things? “Shh… no one will do such a thing. Daijoubu desu. It was just a dream, Kenshin. I’m here, I’m not going any where…” She then kissed him, a sweet and lasting kiss.

Holding him close, she continued to press kisses on his face. She then started reminiscing about their past adventures and memories. Kenshin went into ease, remembering all of their good times.

“Kaoru, you’re so good at making me forget,” he uttered, stroking her soft lips, “You make me forget everything. I don’t know how I’d live without you. Koiishi, you’re the reason I live…”

“Maa maa,” Yahiko’s voice interrupted. He was standing in the doorway, fully awake and changed to go. Sunlight bursting into the room from behind him, he shook his head at the intimate couple. “So that loud noise I heard wasn’t anything really? And you two are extra cozy this morning??”

”Mou, Yahiko… “ Kaoru grumbled that he had ruined the mood. She pried away from Kenshin and went to give the teenager's face a good pinch, “Where are you going so early anyway?”

”Itai…” he muttered, rubbing his sore cheek, “I’m off to the police station to eavesdrop on any news. I’ll be back for lunch.”

”Demo… I was going to cook breakfast…”

”Daijoubu yo!” Yahiko chimed, “Tsubame said she’d treat me…” He then turned bright red, “Don’t get me wrong! It ain’t like that!!!”

”Like what??? Nee??” she teased, but he quickly just took off. Sighing after him, she turned and picked up the baby, “Kenshin, looks like it’ll just be us for breakfast today.”

He smiled, getting out of bed and putting his arms around his family. ‘It was just a dream… just a dream…’

* * *
After cooking and eating a hefty breakfast, Kaoru burped the baby and rested on the side of the house, as Kenshin started some chores. Rolling up his sleeves, he eyed the two, loving them every minute. ‘We’re going to be together always… that’s what I promised, that what I want more than anything.’

“Hm?” He suddenly had a strange feeling and dropping the hakama he was washing, lifting his head towards the font gate. Getting up on his feet, he glared into that direction, his heartbeat picking up.

“Nani, Kenshin?” Kaoru asked, noticing his sudden movement. He just started to walk to the gate, fists curling. “What is it? Kenshin?”

He stopped at the gate and looked down. A note had been slid underneath. He bent down and picked it up, looking at the contents. ‘NANI?!’

In blood red letters read: “What a nice family you have… and a beautiful wife…”

Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain surge through his body. One grasping at his chest, he clung to the wall, trying to stay on his feet. “Ulg… naze…?!’ he cried, struggling for air, “What’s happening … to… me… ore…”

“KENSHIN!!” Kaoru gasped, seeing him collapse. He was sliding down to his knees, the papers slipping out of his hands. She ran out to him, catching him before he fell to the ground. Holding him tightly, she looked into his painful face as spasm shook his body. “Kenshin… what’s wrong?? Kenshin!!”

But he couldn’t answer. The pain already too much, he was thrown into the darkness, the image of her face and the sound of her voice fading away.

part 2
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