happy tomorrow - part 2 Rurouni Kenshin was created by Watsuki-sensei (c) shueisha JUMP, sony music, fuji TV, anime works
notes: yo! a bit on kenshin's condition, also sano comes into the picture. everyone remembers hachi & kuma, my favorite cops. they're mentioned and will play minor roles later. and is yahiko becoming sweeter? aaah (tsubame-chan swoons) although it hasn't seemed for a long time (not since 'yesterday') i truly support T&Y. totemo kawaii~! jill 5/9/1

Happy Tomorrow
Part 2

“Kenshin!!” Kaoru cried, holding her husband in her arms. He was already passed out, but his body was shaking. ‘What happened?!’ she thought frantically, realizing that she was the only one who could help him. Even if she screamed, no one would come. And he wasn’t responding her. “Kenshin…” she sobbed, gazing into his lifeless face, “KENSHIN!!”

Finally she decided to try something, anything. Putting him on his back, she carried him into the house with little difficulty. Strangely he was as heavy as she was and years of strenuous training had paid off. She then placed him onto a futon and knelt at his side, crying out her confusion and sorrow. Where had he gone and when was he coming back?

The sound of more crying caught her off guard, her lifting her tear-soaked face to the door. ‘Oh! I left the baby outside… demo, I can’t leave Kenshin alone… what am I suppose to do?’ she yelled inwardly, getting half up. Suddenly the crying ceased. ‘Iya! Did something happen...?!!’

“Yo,” chimed a cheerful voice. Sanosuke stepped into the doorway, holding the infant with one arm, “Did ya forget about him or something. Na, Jou-chan…” He suddenly noticed her crying face. “Hey, did something happen? Waa… what’s wrong with Kenshin?!”

Kaoru gripped his pant-leg pleadingly. “I don’t know… he suddenly collapsed and won’t wake up. Sanosuke, please do something…”

”Daijoube, maybe he had heat stroke or too much of yer cooking…” he stammered, handing her the baby, “Saa, I’ll run and get help… don’t worry about a thing, Jou-chan! I’ll be right back…!”

”No need de gozaru.” The two jumped at his voice. His eyes now open, Kenshin weakly reached for his wife’s arm. “Suman. I didn’t mean to scare you like that, Koishii. E-to, Sano, could you get me some water?”

”Aa,” Sanosuke replied, backing away, “I’ll get some for Jou-chan too. We all need to calm down… and I expect an explanation in ruffian terms when I get back.” He then disappeared around the corner.

Kenshin had eased himself up, despite the sounds of pain coming from him. Kaoru moved closer, taking his shaking hand into hers. “Please tell me, what’s wrong… how I can help…”

”First of all,” he uttered, “Could you get that bag on the dresser. It has the medicine Genzai-sensei prescribed me. They’re painkillers in such a case to happen.”

”Hai,” she replied, rushing to the dresser. She grabbed hold of the bag and went back down in front of him. She watched as he tore open the bag and swallowed a rather large pill. He then fell backwards, still shaking with pain. “Kenshin…” she uttered, tearfully cradling the baby, “Tell me what’s going on, please… I can’t stand watching you go through all this suffering and not be able to help you…”

“This is the result of all my past injuries,” he finally said, going to dry her eyes, “Because of the long period of not fighting… my body is now being bombarded with the wounds of the past. This time… should be of healing and rest, however this withdrawal from battle may prove too much for me…”

”I remember once that Megumi-san said your body is deteriorating as a result of your wounds. So, soon…” She quickly grasped her mouth, eyes in shock, “Kenshin, are you… ?!”

He grabbed hold of her wrist and shook his head frantically. “Chigao! I won’t give up! I decided I won’t let you down ever again, Kaoru – and I meant it. I intend on keeping my promise to you.” he said, pulling her and the baby into a hug.

She just continued to cry into his shoulder, the baby still wrapped in her arm curiously staring up. “Demo, if you break that promise, Kenshin… I won’t blame you… no matter what you do, I cannot… ”

”Suman,” he whispered in her ear, “To make you suffer like this… daga there’s no reason to worry. I’m going to be fine. We’ll get through this… be strong, Kaoru. I won’t let it end like this… I won’t leave you and the baby alone.”

Sanosuke stood in the doorway, a little impatient. “Saa, kiss and comfort Jou-chan later! Tell me what’s going on already! NOW or things are gonna get ugly, Kenshin!!” he snapped, shaking the tray of drinks he was holding.

* * *
The medicine started to kick in and Kenshin felt a little better. The three of them went out and sat together, discussing his condition. In the middle of the conversation, the baby had to be fed. Kenshin quickly made Sanosuke turn away as Kaoru nursed.

“Oi oi, calm down, Kenshin! It ain’t something new to me anyhow!” Sanosuke moped, covering his eyes as well, “Besides, I’ve seen some juicer ones before!”

“Iresai!! She’s my wife, you bastard!!” Kenshin hissed, the sakabatou against his friend’s back, “Besides, what were you doing here in the first place, Sano??”

”Oh! I was in the neighborhood and had a bit too much of Genzai’s ginseng tea, so I thought I’d ‘water Jou-chan’s plants’ while I was at it!”

”NANI!?” Kaoru exclaimed in a voice so scary that the baby stopped his suckling and gazed up at her. “Aa, aa, gomen! Go ahead, drink all you want!”

Sanosuke snagged his friend over and slyly elbowed him in the ribs, “Heh, have you gotten a taste?? Hmm???”

”That’s breast milk de gozaru! Sessha cannot!” Kenshin gasped. He then blushed and stared at the floor, whispering, “Kaoru and I haven’t had much of a chance to ‘you know’ since Yahiko moved back. And the baby is here so we can’t exactly… ‘you know’…”

”Like he knows what’s going on. Anyway, I think it’s the perfect therapy for ya disease.” Sanosuke replied, continuing the hushed voices, “And Yahiko, he’s old enough to deal with it. Just slip him some sake before he goes to bed. And then give Jou-chan a little ‘this and that’…”

Kaoru clobbered Sanosuke on the head and sent him crashing to the floor. “What are you saying, you pervert!” She then glared at her husband. “Ne, stop talking about our love life to this nasty dumbass over here!!”

“Ororororo, Koishii…” he stammered. He looked past her scary mug to see the note wafting in the wind. ‘I almost forgot about that… is it a threat? Is someone targeting my Kaoru…?’

“Kenshin,” she uttered, recognizing that look in his face, “What are you thinking about?”

“Aa, I just wanted to get something… I’ll be right back!” he replied, leaping off the walkway and rushing to the gate. ‘I’m back to speed, but I wonder when the next attack will be… and will it be a time when Kaoru needs me…? I can only hope…’

* * *
In the next moment, Kenshin quickly thought up a plan on what to do. First he told Kaoru they should go for an outing and then have dinner at the Akebeko. Kaoru was happy, because it had been while she had gone out since the last days of her pregnancy, also she didn’t feel like cooking. While Kaoru got ready, Kenshin sent Sanosuke off with the note.

“What the hell is this about?” Sanosuke asked and squinted a bit, “What’s with the note?”

”Someone sent this to me. I don’t know what it means, but I have a bad feeling. Take this down to the station and show it to those investigating the serial killer.”

”Ya mean that one who associated with Kamiya dojo? Do you think this note is connected??” he asked franticly. Kenshin wouldn’t answer him, still gazing towards the door. “Aa, I’ll take it to the station and have it analyzed. After all, I’m a regular there…” He then turned and ran out the gate.

A couple minutes passed. Dressed in a shawl and the baby wrapped in a blanket, Kaoru rushed out to see Kenshin finishing his fifth cup of tea. “We’re ready. Sorry to keep you waiting.” she said, as he got up on his feet and slipped into his sandals. He then took her hand, leading out the gate. While he locked up, she gazed at him with concern, “Will it be okay? Did you have enough rest? I don’t want to push you too hard…”

“Daijoubu. I’m feeling much better. And you’re the one who just gave birth a few days ago. I have to take extra good care of you and the baby, right?” he said, pressing kisses on both their cheeks, “The two people I love most in the world…”

”Kenshin, dame,” she sighed, blushing as they walked down the road, “You know I can’t help but worry about you… and especially with this condition. If there’s anything I could to do help...”

He put his arm around her and whispered into her ear, “Just stay near me.” She lifted her eyes to him and stared into the intense look in his face. Slowly she nodded, a smile on her lips. “Kirei na.” he uttered, “Demo, I want to keep that smile where it belongs, so I have make sure I take all the procedures during this ‘danger period’.”

“What kinds of procedures?”

”Genzai-sensei said I should stay active. Although my body is repairing itself, if it stays stagnant too long, the stronger the aches are. Perhaps I could train with you to keep moving?”

Kaoru blinked and stammered, “Eh? I-Iya, why would you want to train with me? I mean, you always said that you weren’t good with wood swords and that you didn’t want to attack me even if it’s just for fun… it’s not a good idea…”

He turned towards her. “Datte, you’ve given it up?” She didn’t answer him, her eyes concentrating on the baby. He tightened his arm around her, “Naze? Kaoru, please tell me.”

Her steps ceased and she stared into his eyes. ”I… I’ve thought about it and saw that I was being unfair to you by my recklessness… And like you said, I have responsibilities. I can’t be like I was, I have to think about the baby, and you, and how I can take care of you…” There was a long pause. She bowed her head slightly. “Please forgive me if I sound like I’m giving up… it’s just I have to do this. It’s the right thing to do.”

”Iya,” he replied, lifting her chin up, “There’s no real right or wrong… and I don’t want you to sacrifice something you love just because of me…”

She cut in, “It’s too dangerous. And still the battles never end. Somehow I want us to live a calmer life, where you can finally heal and the baby would be safe… I’ll find a way, even if I have to find a new profession or make other sacrifices. Demo, its time I stopped being like a selfish child and doing what I want… but what’s best for us.”

”Kaoru… I understand what you’re saying… daga, you just can’t…!” he started to yell, but realized her forlorn face. This was perhaps the most difficult decision in her life to make and somehow him yelling wasn't going to help at all. “Suman… we’ll talk about this later.” he said softly as they kept going towards town.

* * *
The day seemed to fly by. Kenshin and his family found their way to the Akebeko. Tae welcomed them with the usual enthused greeting, this time she was charmed by the new guest. “Aa!! This is the little one?! Kawai nee!”

”Arigatou, Tae-san!” Kaoru replied cheerfully. She then looked over her shoulder and saw the others waiting, “Aa! Minna, what are you all doing here?”

Yahiko grinned and waved at them. “Oh! Kenshin, Kaoru – how’s it going? How’s the baby?” he said sitting next to Tsubame, who was next to Megumi and Sanosuke. “Y’see, Sanosuke told us you guys were coming here for dinner, so we all stopped by.”

“Sou de gozaru yo. Maa, let’s have a seat. We’ve been on our feet for a long while de gozaru.” Kenshin said, leading his wife and child into the booth, “Have you ordered yet de gozaru?”

”Aa, I already made the orders.” Sanosuke chimed, fish bone in his mouth, “In great proportions since Jou-chan is buying. Heheheh…” Both Megumi and Kaoru swatted him on the head. “OI! YAMERO!!”

As their meal finally arrived, Tsubame timidly stared at the table, “It’s strange… it’s my day-off and I’m still here. Demo, I admit the Akebeko has the best food. And I’m glad we can all eat together like this…”

“Honto!” Megumi noted, as Sanosuke stuffed his face with as much food as he could, “And it’s so good to see Kaoru-chan up and out of the house since these past days. To think she was in labor for almost 20 hours. I think that’s a record for me in delivering babies. It’s too bad Ken-san passed out. Demo, the baby really does look like him.”

Kaoru nodded. “I’m sure he’ll grow just as handsome as Kenshin, with all his sweetness too.” she said, pouring her husband some tea. They shared a loving glance before going back to their own bowls. The baby was secure in her lap and gazing at the strange faces and objects around him. Kaoru wondered if it was time to feed him again. ‘Demo…’

“Daijoubu,” Kenshin uttered, his hand on her shoulder, “We gave him a snack about an hour ago. Surely he can hold out till we get home. Relax and enjoy yourself. Dinner’s on Sano tonight.”

“NANI?!” Sanosuke exclaimed, food dropping out of his mouth. “WHO SAID?!” But everyone just laughed at him, making him even angrier.

Kaoru did relaxed, smiling at all her loved ones. ‘Minna…’ Slowly as the meal continued, she seemed to pick up loud voices in the background. In the booth behind her, she could hear some people talking. Turning her head slightly, she saw that they were talking about them.

“There she is… what’s she doing showing her face here after all what’s happened… and that bum must be her husband. Figures if she married such a poor samurai. I heard that he’s ten years older than her and has no profession nor heritage… isn’t it a step down for her?”

Kenshin lifted his head as she handed him the baby. ”Kaoru…?” he gasped as she got up and turned to the women in the other booth. Everyone else had also heard what they had said. “Oro…”

”Sumimasen,” Kaoru said, standing at their table, “You two are way out of line, saying such things so loud that everyone can hear you. If you have some sort of problem with me, that’s fine. Demo, I cannot allow you to talk about my husband that way.”

”We can say what we want! You can’t tell us what to do! By marrying some cheap samurai, that makes you just as cheap!”

”Nani?! Kenshin is not…! You have no idea what kind of person he is or what he’s done, or how many people’s he’s saved! The Bakumatsu wouldn’t have ended if not for him, and many people would have died if not for him!”

”Iresai!” one of the women throwing her drink into Kaoru’s face, “If not for you, my brother would still be alive! That’s right, because of you and your damn school… he’s dead and he’s never coming back! Anyone who’s associated with you deserves the same treatment we give to you, so you should think before going out in public places where people don’t care to see your face!”

Kaoru clenched her fists and stared at the floor. “Kaoru?” Yahiko asked, waiting for her to counter. She just wiped her face a little and slowly turned around looking at her friends at the table. She looked so upset that she couldn’t help but rush outside. “OI!!” he exclaimed, climbing over Sanosuke to go after her, “MATTE!!”

The rest were silent for a long while, while Tae went to throw out the cruel customers, escorting them through the back entrance. Kenshin rocked the baby, still a little speechless. Megumi and Tsubame both looked miserable, but realized that the two were still outside and decided to finish up their meals so they could finally leave. There was too much attention on them for the night.

* * *
“Kaoru,” Yahiko uttered, the two of them standing outside the Akebeko. It was getting darker and the wind was picking up. She just leaned against the wall, hands folded in front of her. He sternly looked her over. “C’mon, forget about it. Those bitches were out of line. If I were you, I would have given em a good punch or two.”

“Gomen, I ruined the dinner…”

”Iya, it wasn’t your fault. Besides, we were almost finished eating anyways. We should head home and have Kenshin make us dessert.” He then scratched his head a little and gazed at his feet. “Eto… would you like it if the baby slept in my room tonight. I mean I’ll look after him as best I can…”

”Eh? Yahiko, doushite?”

”Saa… you know… you and Kenshin hadn’t had some time alone for a long while. I know you need it so I won’t get in you guys’ way. I don’t mind at all. I want you guys to be happy and all, and I’m willing to make such sacrifices…”

”Yahiko…” she uttered, a bit surprised. She then smiled a little. “Arigatou, that’s very kind of you.”

He then jumped into her face, ”Heh, then our training resumes tomorrow?” he exclaimed, “And we go hunting for the lying serial killer and clear the school’s name… right???”

Kaoru sighed and dropped her head. “I knew there was some sort of hidden agenda.” she mumbled, pulling him over by the collar, “Mou, forget it! We aren’t going to do those stuff tomorrow!”

”Why not!” he argued, “We are going to, I know we are! Dakara…” He put his hands over her clenched fist on his gi, “You know you want to… this is something you can’t ignore for long. And are you seriously going to leave it all to me? There’s no way I can do this on my own. Kaoru… I need your guidance.”

Silence suddenly took over. All Kaoru could do was stare at him in surprise, him grinning at her as if in a taunt. What he said, she couldn’t express what it meant to hear that he finally cared about all that she had taught him. Slowly her grip loosened and tears filled her eyes. “Yahiko, that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me…”

He bowed his head slightly, “Aa, it was my pleasure… Sensei.”

* * *
It was in the middle of the night when Kenshin’s eyes flickered open. He gazed down at his sleeping wife, her face in total exhaustion. When Yahiko had agreed to take the baby with him for the night and insisted they spend some quality time together, that was exactly what they did, over and over until…

‘Oro…’ he uttered, covering her with the blanket. Easing himself up, he leaned over and kissed her, brushing the hair out of her dreaming face, ‘Aishiteru.’ He then got up and put on his robe, going to the doors.

Walking outside, he saw that Sanosuke was sipping sake in the moonlight. “Took you a while to wake up.” he chuckled, “Looks like you and Jou-chan got a bit wild tonight. Eheheheh, that kid Yahiko ain’t so bad after all…”

”Sano, what the hell are you doing here?”

“Oh, I did go to the station with yer note.” Sanosuke said, as his friend took a seat next to him and poured himself some sake, “They don’t think much of it. Arguably, it’s in red ink and the handwriting is completely different. As far as they were concerned it was a nice compliment to you. Still, those guys, Hachi and Kuma, Jou-chan’s childhood friends, said they’d keep it in mind.”

”Sou ka…” Kenshin uttered, taking a sip, eyes concentrated on the moon, “I still have this feeling. I’m just hoping no one is going after Kaoru and the baby… and if this serial killer is the same one, they will have to deal with me.”

”Shikashi,” Sanosuke replied, “What if you don’t make it on time – what if you get another attack… Jou-chan’s got to fend for herself. And from what you said earlier, she’s given up kenjutsu.”

Kenshin’s head slowly nodded. “Hai, and I have to respect her decision. Even if I feel it isn’t fair to her to give up something that she loves and believes in so strongly, for the sake of our family, for my sake. I know it’s killing her inside.”

“Aa. You better take good care of her, Kenshin. She’s done this all for you. I don’t know anyone else who would selflessly make these types of changes for others. For one, Megumi would never. It’s my own selfish wish that someday she’d quit being a doctor and loving her job… then finally settle down with me. But that ain’t happening.”

“Sano… haven’t you tried to tell her what you want?”

”Of course I have. It was your genius wife who suggested I propose to her, and you remember how everything got screwed up from there. We lost like three months of our lives… apart. It was the worst time for me, and I won’t want to go through it again. Sure our arrangements are sketchy – I mean, we live and sleep together, and our commitment is like thin rice paper – but it’s good enough for me. As long as I can be with her…”

Kenshin finished his sake and went for more. “Aa, Megumi-dono seems to have her mind set against marriage and other conventional commitments, other than her dedication to her work. For her to make such a change would be extremely difficult for her…”

“Medicine is her passion, as kenjutsu is Jou-chan’s passion. And now she’s transferring all that passion to you.” Sanosuke said, lifting his cup, “The ‘kenjutsu komachi’ has sacrificed her life for your sake. You’re one lucky bastard, Kenshin.”

“Aa,” he uttered, frowning a bit, “I’m lucky, demo…” He paused to hear her faint voice calling in the background. Turning around, he saw the door slowly sliding open. “Oro?”

”Kenshin, where are you…” Kaoru mumbled, sleepily rubbing her eyes, “Kenshin…?” She finally focused and saw him sitting not far from her, with a bottle of sake. Rushing over, she threw her arms around his neck, “What are you doing here? You know I can’t sleep without you near…”

“Suman, Koishii.” he said as she settled next to him and reached for his sake, taking a sip for herself. “I just got up for a bit of a sake with Sano. Oro, not too much to drink for you, de gozaru naa??”

Kaoru suddenly noticed him and tightened her robe. “Eh? What’s he doing here??”

Sanosuke chuckled and poured a cup for her. “You look good in a yukata, Jou-chan.” She grimaced a little but accepted the drink anyways. He then picked up his jar of sake and stood up. “I better head out. Megumi might wonder where I am at this hour. You two enjoy yourselves. Kenshin, remember what I told you.” he said, walking out the gate as Kenshin locked it after him.

“Going so soon? Mou…” Kaoru asked, now that she was wide awake, “Ano, what were you two talking about, Kenshin?”

He walked towards her and took her hands. Staring deep into her blue eyes, he could see the light fading within. ‘For me.’ He then leaned over and kissed her softly, tasting all the sake mixed in her sweet breath, “Aishiteru…”

”Uhn, I know.” she uttered, as he held her tightly in his arms, “I love you too, more than anything…”

onto part 3
back to part1