happy tomorrow - part 3 rurouni kenshin is by watsuki-sensei (c) shueisha JUMP, sony music, fuji tv, anime works
notes: this one has extreme profanity and violence. yes, the long awaited battle (nani, is it too early for one?!) at any rate, cops' names pop up, also some kenjutsu moves. and i'm taking the manga version of the Goheh event. although the anime had Goheh as a student, I liked it better originally with Kiheh betraying Kaoru. if you don't know what i'm talking about, email me and i'll tell you about it. and remember to send comments ne? jill 5/11/1

Happy Tomorrow
Part 3

Yahiko gazed at the blue sky, determination burning in his maroon eyes. ‘Yoshi, today we’re going to get started…’ he declared inwardly, taking hold of two shinai, ‘Kaoru, come on… only you can do this…’

He then went around the house, looking for her. He checked her room and the sitting room, then the kitchen and the bathhouse, the woodshed and the dojo. She wasn’t anywhere to be found.

“Oi!” Yahiko cried, running up to Kenshin, who was raking up some fallen leaves, “Have you seen Kaoru anywhere? We’re supposed to start training today!”

“Sessha hasn’t seen her… demo, she should be around here somewhere. Sessha didn’t see her go out the gate de gozaru.” he replied cheerfully, the baby in a pouch on his back, laughing at Yahiko for some reason.

“I checked everywhere.” the young samurai sighed to the ground, “Where could she be?!”

Suddenly a teacup appeared, waving over their heads. “Nee, Kenshin, could I have some more tea, onegai?” Yahiko’s eyes instantly shot up to the roof, where he caught view of Kaoru, sitting back leisurely with a book on her lap. When they made eye contact, she smiled uneasily at the somewhat angry boy. “Eheheh …”

”What are you doing there?! That’s MY favorite hiding spot!!” Yahiko exclaimed, waving his fists. He quickly snagged Kenshin by the ponytail, who had been trying to sneak away. “And why are you going along with this?! Who’s side are you on?!?!”

”Oro, what are you talking about??” Kenshin stammered, throwing his rake aside so he could take the baby out of his back-pouch. He simply handed his son over to Yahiko, “Maa maa, can’t we all get along de gozaru?”

”Jotto! I’m coming down!” Kaoru said, getting up on her feet and climbing a little down the roof. Kenshin was there to support her, taking her in his arms. “Arigatou,” she said, snuggling into his neck as he carried her down the walkway.

Yahiko let out a groan, “I’m getting no where and you two are on your second honeymoon… DAMMIT!” He quickly bowed his head, realizing he had swore in front of the infant, “G-Gomen!”

”Daijoubu de gozaru!” Kenshin said, as his wife got on her own feet and took the baby from Yahiko, “The baby doesn’t understand bad words anyways… and Sessha doesn’t think he’ll be talking soon.”

”Sou ne,” Kaoru replied, “Demo, we’ve got to come up with a name for the little one. Any suggestions?”

”OI OI!” Yahiko exclaimed, trying to get their attention back, “Kaoru, I thought you were going to train with me today! I thought we had an understanding worked out!!”

Kaoru caught view of Tsubame coming through the gate and grinned. “Saa, you can train with Tsubame-chan. I’m going to give the baby his bath now…” She handed one of the shinai over to the startled girl, “Maa, have fun!”

”NANI?!” Yahiko exclaimed after her as she turned for the bathhouse, “Come back here!! Kaoru!!!” Suddenly, the shinai poked at his head. “HAH?!” he gasped, squinting at the blushing Tsubame behind, “W-what are you doing?!”

”G-Gomen nasai!” she cried, fretfully.

Kaoru just laughed and continued towards the bathhouse. “That’s it Tsubame-chan! Sometimes you’ve got to ‘hurt others, only because you love them’… show no mercy, ne?” With that, the door closed.

“Kono hito… she keeps talking her way out of things.” Yahiko sneered after her. Slowly, he turned around and faced the others, “Kaoru without kenjutsu… it doesn’t seem right. No emotional outbursts, no will to fight… it makes her so, so ‘mediocre’. Not that it’s bad, but it’s not the Kaoru I know.”

”Sou ne.” Tsubame said with a frown, “Demo, Kaoru-san is trying hard to be a good mother and wife… and I know it’s all for the best.” Yahiko suddenly moved over to her, his hands overlapping hers on the shinai. “OH!!” she gasped, red-faced.

“You’re holding it wrong. Here, let me show you.”

Kenshin smiled at the two and decided to leave alone, as Yahiko began to give her a lesson. Going to pick up his rake off the ground, he stared down at the fallen leaves. 'Kaoru...'

Closing his eyes, he heard her voice, “Matte! Hitokiri Battousai!!” An image came to mind – the first time they met. Before him was an awkward girl dressed in hakama and gi, her eyes burning with determination. How she knew he was the legendary Hitokiri was a mystery. But her courage, her honesty, and intensity … everything had captivated him.

‘Back then… and even now… I’m still amazed by you. An uncontrolled spirit, I admit, I was afraid I couldn’t hold. But now, you’re so easy to reach, you don’t keep yourself away from me anymore, even if I still can’t be entirely open. We haven’t argued in weeks, and she’s so attentive to my every need. It’s almost too much…’

The wind started to gather and leaves started to blow around him, hair flying into his eyes. ‘But that side of Kaoru, I know is still buried in there somewhere. Just as the Hitokiri is buried in me, although I regret it at times. Only, I don’t want to kill that spirit, which first inspired me to want to truly live.’

“OI!” Sanosuke yelled out, he and Megumi rushing through the gate, waking Kenshin from his thoughts. “Kenshin, there’s been more murders, just last night!”

”Nani?!” he gasped, throwing the rake aside and turning to them, “The killer has struck again de gozaru?!”

”Eh, he has.” Megumi replied, a bit pale in the face as she released Sanosuke’s hand and walked over to the samurai, “And they’re on their way here. Where’s Kaoru-chan?”

”What do you mean? Who’s coming?!”

* * *
Their footsteps were like stomps as they barged in through the front gate. Yahiko heard them and turned around, staring in awe. “Hachi, Kuma!!” he gasped.

Their cop-friends didn’t respond, but followed the others after their leader towards the dojo. In their haste, they pushed the youngsters out of the way. Yahiko, angry as he helped Tsubame up, glared towards them.

“OI! What are you guys doing?! What’s the big idea?!”

The tall, burly cop glared back. “I don’t have time to waste talking to you, Kid. Where’s the master of the dojo?” Yahiko just hissed at him. He just looked past him, and then shoved him away. “Nevermind…”

Kaoru was walking out of the house, the baby wrapped in a blanket. “Maa, all clean now, Sweetie! Let’s go see Otou-san!” she chimed, kissing him on the head. She then saw that a lot of people of congregated at her house. “Oh, guests… irasshai, minna!”

The head cop walked around the fallen Yahiko, who was clutching his bruised shoulder, and went towards her. “I’m Ishida Jiro. I was assigned to head the serial killer investigation. We have reason to believe that the killer is affiliated within your school. We’d like to have a list of all your students past and present, and also for you to state their character. We’ve also been given permission to take as much documents or belongings that will help us.”

”M-Matte!” Kaoru cried, handing the baby over to Tsubame and stepping forward. She could see the cops already barging into the dojo. “How are you so sure that the killer is from here; do you have any other claim to violate my property like this?”

Ishida replied, “The serial killer, known as ‘Night-Sword’, not only has inscribed his murder scenes with your school’s name, but last night killed three more people last night, including a cop… impaling them all with a training bokken. It’s so obvious he is a patron of this school.”

”Demo! Surely that’s what the killer wants you to believe!” she argued, fists clenched, “Can’t you find any other concrete evidence that could lead to other suspects? Any witnesses?”

”There are no witnesses or leads other than this!” he snapped, “And how dare you tell me how to run my investigation!”

She was about to reply, when Hachi firmly grabbed her by the arm, “Give a rest, Kaoru-chan. It won’t do you any good at all. Let us do our job.”

She just glared at him, pulling away, “This is why I’ve always disliked police officers.” She then went after Ishida who was heading into the dojo.

“What are you saying?! We’re cops! Your dad was a cop!!” Hachi called after her. He then grabbed Kuma, “C’mon, we better make she doesn’t get in the way of the investigation!”

Tsubame watched all of this, still holding the baby, who had started to cry. “Shhh, shhh, your Mom will be right back.” She then turned to Yahiko, “Daijoubu ka?”

”Aa,” he uttered, his eyes still slant, “I don’t like how those cops are storming in like this and taking advantage of Kaoru. Where is that Kenshin?!”

* * *
Inside, the cops had taken all of the stored documents: records, writings by her father, and class lists, complete with names, and thrown them in a big pile on the floor. Ishida was giving the ‘okay’ before they were thrown into a bag. Kaoru watched from the side, clutching her arm. “When will I get these all back?”

“When the killer is caught, and then after the trial, because they could be used as further evidence to convict.” Kuma replied, besides his now calm partner as they sorted the documents.

As this went on, other cops were making a mess, throwing some shinai and tags off the wall and dirtying the floor; they didn’t take off their shoes and spat where they liked. Some were even playing with the family swords by the shrine, eventually throwing one into a bag. Kaoru remained silent, standing in the shadows.

After struggling with the officers standing guarding outside, Yahiko and Tsubame finally stepped in the dojo. “YAMERO! What the hell are you doing?!” Yahiko gasped, the dojo practically looted, “Ki-sama… you call this a f--king investigation?!”

Ishida glared at him. “Iresai, kids shouldn’t speak when adults are around. At any rate, we’re finished collecting enough evidence. We’ll come back to interview the dojo master another time. Let’s go.”

As the men lined up and were about to file out the door, a voice caught them off guard, “M-MATTE!” Kaoru stepped out frantically, “Not one student here has any motive to kill… why on earth would they be suspects to such malicious crimes as these! You’re narrowing your investigation so much that you haven’t even considered anyone else! Perhaps this is the killer’s plan – planting such ‘obvious’ indications! I truly think that you need to rethink your objectives, otherwise the real killer is going to get away!”

Ishida turned to her, face so angry that it startled her. “Don’t think we already considered all that! We’re the Tokyo Metropolitan sword-carrying police, we know what we’re doing and no woman is going to lecture us! And how are you so sure that none of your students are capable of being the serial killer?!”

”Datte… I know each of them, and we all trained hard together. Not one of them would have stayed here if they truly didn’t believe in this school’s principles. And the same goes with past students, my father – he was a better teacher than I - his students were even more influenced, taking to heart the idea of a non-killing sword... therefore, no one in this dojo can be the killer!”

Hachi quickly ran into the way before Ishida could counter. Moving towards his upset childhood friend, he put his hand on her shoulder, “Kaoru-chan, just give it up. Sure you have a lot faith in your students, but you just can’t back it up with faith alone. You know you’re too trusting; people are always going to step all over you. I mean, Kasshin Ryu is a fine idea – still, put a sword in someone’s hands and instantly they become a killer, and all that sweet talk becomes bullshit.”

Kaoru dropped her arms, the fists uncurling. The cops were already leaving despite Yahiko’s attempts to stop them. Kuma grabbed Hachi over and bowed slightly before the two of them took off after the rest of the squad. The sacked dojo remained in silence until Tsubame stepped forward. “A-ano…”

Kaoru just shook her head sadly and turned towards the wall of nametags. Staring up and down at the students, she wondered if she had been kidding herself, that she was too trusting. Years ago, she was betrayed by her trusted guardian, Hiruma Kiheh, who wanted to kill her and take her property. She also had the awkward habit of meeting people off the streets and inviting them into her house. And now, was she so blind by her optimism in people, as to not see a killer in her midst?

“Kaoru–san,” Tsubame uttered, finally able to calm down the baby, “We’re right here with you. Whatever you decide to do next…”

”Iie,” she replied, still facing the wall, “We’re not going to do anything but cooperate with the police.”

”NANI?!” Yahiko exclaimed, “Hell no! Kaoru, you have to fight this!!”

”I’m not going to fight…” she uttered, vision becoming blurry with tears, “It doesn’t have to be me. You can find someone else strong, like Kenshin or Sanosuke. Even you, Yahiko – you’re ready…”

”Chigao yo! I won’t do this without you! We need you – your school needs you! You got to defend all that you strived to build your whole life up until now! This is your fight, Kaoru!”

“It is not!” she replied, “I can’t go back to the way I was… some irrational, self-destructive girl… it’s not fair to my family or anyone… it’s better I stay out of conflict and let those capable take over.”

Suddenly, she heard one of the tags snap and fall off the wall. Looking down onto the floor, she saw that it was her own name. This was the first time in over ten years that her name was not on the wall of this dojo. Eyes focusing on the fallen tag, then the faded outlying of its empty spot on the wall – she could feel herself being weighed down to the floor. ‘I just can’t…’

* * *
Behind her, there was a yell. Sanosuke had been thrown to the wall, and Megumi was steering the other two away from the door. “Careful! Minna, move out of the way!!”

Kaoru turned around and saw in the doorway her husband. ‘Kenshin…’ He just started walking towards her, hair falling into his face. “Kenshin…?” she asked out loud, sensing the turbulent aura coming from him. He suddenly stopped a couple feet away from her, slowly lifting his head. “HAH!?!”

His yellow eyes stabbed right into her. He was the Battousai, and now unsheathing his sakabatou. “Draw your sword.” he said coldly, holding out the blade to her. She just stared in shock. He then lifted the blade, ready to strike her, “Draw your sword!” She didn’t flinch, still staring into the yellow. Within seconds, he let the blade loose, coming at her in a swift stroke.

“IYAAAA!!” Tsubame screamed. She almost dropped the baby if not for Megumi, who came up and supported her. On reflex, Kaoru had moved out of the way in the very last moment. But the swing had left a scrape mark on the wall. “H-He’s serious…” Tsubame gasped, feeling her knees go weak.

“Ken-san!!” Megumi cried, still holding onto the girl in front of her, “W-What are you doing?!”

The hitokiri simply focused again at his prey. With both hands, he lifted the blade again, coming from above. Kaoru moved out of the way as he struck down at air, the tip of his sword making a straight incision on the wall. Kaoru backed away cautiously, her heart beating fast.

His eyes flashed and he broke into a run, charging at her. The sakabatou released, it came at her from all directions. ‘Ryu So Sen!’ she gasped as the consecutive hits battered her. He finished it off with a single blow to her chest, sending her crashing into the wall, knocking down all the shinai off its rack. She remained standing, shaking with pain. “D-Doushite…?”

He simply yelled out, “Draw your f--king sword!!”

“Iya!” she cried, as he readied himself to attack, “I-I don’t want to fight… especially you of all people, Kenshin!” She caught the blade before it hit her, holding it with her palms. But as he put more strength into it, and her hands were lined with sweat, the sword got loose and struck her down to her knees. Staring up at the hitokiri, she saw him again lifting his sword. “KENSHIN!”

It looped down and came at her middle, the entire blade sliding under her arms and suspending her in the air, throwing her across room. She landed twice, her body hitting the floor the first time so hard that it came up again and landed a few feet away. She stared up at the ceiling, her mind a blur.

“DAME!!” Megumi exclaimed, “Ken-san, stop this at once!! She’s your wife! Why are you doing this to her!! She just gave birth to your son a couple days ago!! If this goes on, you’ll kill her!!” Battousai of course didn’t listen to her. She quickly turned to the man next to her, “Sanosuke, you’ve got to stop him!! This is insane!!”

Sanosuke didn’t move. He was in as much shock as everyone else. ‘Kenshin, what are you doing to her?!’

In front of them, Yahiko was concentrating at the fallen woman, who had slowly rolled onto her stomach, clawing onto the floor, “Kaoru… come on!! GET UP!!”

* * *
“Get up, Kaoru,” said a deep, older voice. A teenage Kaoru was lying on the floor, in her training clothes, the shinai knocked from her hand. Her face slowly lifting, she stared up at the tall figure in front of her, “If you don’t get up, the fight is really finished.” The man then turned and started to walk out.

“M-MATTE!” she cried, easing herself up slightly onto one knee, “Matte, Otou-san! I-it’s not over yet! Give me one more try, onegai!!”

Kamiya turned around and gazed at his daughter, who had managed to stand, using her shinai as support, “Kaoru… do you really want to continue? If this really what you want? A life of fighting?”

”…Hai. Datte, if it means that I can be with you, Otou-san. Moments like this, even if we’re fighting, we’re still together – and I, more than anything…”

He looked her in the eye, “I understand now, you did this all for me… At the same time, you’ve chosen a path of many burdens, which you can never escape.” Slowly he then readied his attack, “Kaoru, become strong. Even when I’m not with you anymore, you must live and keep all that I shared with you alive.”

”Hai!” she replied, going to counter. The sound of their shinai clashing echoed through the dojo.

* * *
Kaoru’s eyes flickered wide open. ‘Otou-san…’ She could hear the hurried steps, and then the feet lifting off the ground. ‘Ryu Tsui Sen!’ Immediately, she jolted up and saw Battousai coming down at her from above. But it was too late; the sword had already made contact.

Battousai landed onto the floor, sheathing his sword. Turning slightly, he was startled to still see her standing, breathing hard and staring back at him. “Masaka!” Sanosuke exclaimed, “To still be on her feet after Ryu Tsui Sen?!”

”Hmp,” Battousai chuckled, facing her. He spun around, the blade coming so fast it was barely seen. And yet she caught it with one hand and took in his weight. She then slid down and grabbed his gi, her feet colliding with his, “Aaa?!” he exclaimed as his footing was lost, her throwing him over herself as she fell forward.

“Kasshin Jyujutsu!” Yahiko exclaimed, “Jigoku Guruma!” He watched as she got up and rolled a shinai onto her foot, kicking it up to catch and hold it out in front of her. ‘Kaoru?’

“I was no match for my father, nor am I a match for the Hitokiri Battousai… demo… ”

Battousai lifted himself up and glared towards her, “If that is the case, then why do you even try to fight? Just lie down and die, let the battle end.”

”Dakara…” she said, breaking into a run. He also took off, going to meet her in the middle of the dojo, ‘Dakara… watashi… anata…’

Their swords clashed, Kaoru supporting the wood from breaking with her own hand on the back. The entire vibration shook her arm and she stumbled backwards. “Aa… shimata!! Here he comes again!!”

She tried to block his next attack, but the blade went past her. It struck her left shoulder with such a force she would have fallen if not for the support of her shinai against the floor. While he still had force in it, she managed move out from under him, him now being pushed down. As he went forward, she spun around and struck him in the back.

“KUUU! STOP F--KING WITH ME!” He reached back and caught hold of her shinai, using it to pull him to her. Without turning around, he blindly swung at her with immense speed that couldn’t be dodged. The blade collided with her and sent her to the floor.

“Jou-chan!” Sanosuke cried, “Hiten Mitsurugi is too strong… and too fast… there’s no way…”

Yahiko shook his head, “She could use his own strength and speed against him… there’s still a way!!”

Tsubame tearfully couldn’t speak, everything not making sense at all. ‘Why do they have to fight each other?!’ The baby was silent, staring at her, totally oblivious to what was going on. “DAME!!!”

Battousai stood over the woman, going to shake off his gi. He was completely covered with sweat as she was and the entire place was too hot. Kimono loose and sticking to her body, Kaoru lay on her back, staring back at him. “It’s not over yet. One more try...” She then leaped up and attacked his chest, “HAAAAAA!”

”Too slow.” he replied, easily blocking it. But she kept moving up, reversing the shinai, striking the back of his neck “NANI?!” he gasped, gagging as she landed behind him.

”SHOUFUJIN!!” He turned towards her, but she attacked right away, hitting him consecutively in his arms, leg, and center. His stance broken, Battousai was momentarily paralyzed. “MUJINKEN!” Finally she finished it off by swinging at his chest again, this time continuing the rotation and throwing him against the wall. “ICHIJINSOUFUU SATSU!!”

A sweat bead trickled down Yahiko’s pale face, “A three hit combo… Kaoru, keep going!“

He lifted his hand and wiped some sweat off his face, still unfazed. “Is that all you got?”

Kaoru just stared at him, breathing so hard as she clutched her chest. The kenki around him made her realized that he was not at all injured, but getting stronger. The samurai in front of her was onto another level, yet his eyes were back to violet. “Kenshin… are you…?”

He simply sheathed his sword. She recognized these preparations and tried to gather herself together. ‘It’s coming!’ He broke into a run, his hand over the hilt. She tightened her hold on the shinai, ‘His succession technique!’

“HITEN MITSURUGI RYU!” Kenshin yelled out, his left foot stomping down onto the floor, leaving cracks. His head bowed and hand releasing the sakabatou, “AMAKAKERU RYU NO HIRAMEKI!!”

Everyone gasped. “MASAKA!!” The single hit had been blocked by the shinai, which snapped into two. Kaoru turned her wrists inward, the pieces hitting against the blade to push herself away.

“The other person to block it before was Shishi-O Makoto... daga, it’s not over yet,” Sanosuke uttered, “She’ll get caught in the dragon’s claws…”

Kenshin kept rotating, the sword coming back at her. Kaoru, in the meantime, wasn’t able to push away because of the void he had created in the force of his sword. The vacuum wasn’t going to let her escape. She could see the blade coming at her. Suddenly she clenched her fists and eyes closed. “SHI-RUDOUKOUHOU!!”

Her kenki burst from her, canceling out the vacuum and redirecting Kenshin’s sword. As he hit at air, she fell to her knees, numbness filling her senses. “I… I… can’t…” Lifting her sweating head, she saw him walking towards her, sakabatou at hand, “… this is it… this is where the Battousai shows no mercy…”

He suddenly dropped the sword and fell to his knees in front of her, “You fought well, Koishii.” he said softly, putting his arms around her. His loving, violet eyes gazed down at her exhausted face, “You were amazing.”

“Iya, you went easy on me… you humbled me… if this had been a real battle against a hitokiri, I would have died a long time ago.”

“Chigao. I wouldn’t have fought this way on someone ordinary. And you held out longer than most people and read my every move. I knew you wouldn’t give in and just ‘die’. Because… I believe in you.”

“Kenshin,” she uttered, her face in his chest, “Arigatou… for fighting me.”

“Aa, any time.” he replied, smiling down at her. He then looked over to the others. Yahiko and Sanosuke were pale and wide-eyed. Tsubame and the baby were in tears. And Megumi had fainted a long time ago. “ORO?!”

* * *
Kaoru had to be carried to the house, her wounds looked after. Kenshin personally applied the ointments and bandages, which were on both shoulders, hands, and legs. “Mou! What are you doing?!” she cried, when he playfully examined unnecessary places. “Itai, if I could move, I’d smack you.”

”Hm, nan de gozaru ka??” he chuckled, tying her robe closed and leaning down to kiss her, “Did I tell you how amazing you were… just then in dojo and last night? You’re one of a kind, Koishii, so special…”

“Demo, Kenshin,” she uttered, upset she couldn’t join in; her limbs were still so weak, “The truth is…” He stopped what he was doing and gazed into her eyes, “When my mother died, my father he threw himself entirely into his kenjutsu, rather than being my father. I supposed I made him sad and remember my mother. Demo, I wanted to be a part of his life, I wanted us to share something… so I…”

”Koishii, you don’t have to explain it. I understand.” he said, “And like then, you did whatever was possible to become closer to your loved ones. I know that’s what you’re trying to do. But it isn’t entirely fair to you, if you have to give up something else that you love. I won’t allow it.”

“Kenshin, I really did want to take care of you and the baby, but in peaceful way… yet the fighting never ends. That’s what you reminded me. If I’m not fighting you, then it will be someone else…” Her eyes saddened a bit, “Or you will be fighting someone else…”

He suddenly caught her mouth and kissed her passionately. After a long intimate moment, he pulled away and smiled, “Daijoubu… everything will be all right… all we have to do is believe in one another.”

She returned the smile and nodded. "Hai!" She was about to climb inside the clean gi he just put on, like she enjoyed doing before, but stopped herself. She could barely move and to even attempt would really hurt. "Looks like I'll be out for a while."

"Suman, I guess I really gave you a good beating."

"Iie, I enjoyed it. Perhaps we can have rematch someday... I need to get into shape so I won't get my ass kicked so badly." she uttered, "Kenshin, demo, right now I really want to hold the baby… where is he?”

“In the other room with everyone. They’re about to have lunch as Megumi-dono finally woke up and started cooking. I’ll take you there.” he said, scooping her up into his arms. Carrying her towards to the door, he snuggled with her face, “Okaeri de gozaru, Kenjutsu Komachi.”

onto part 4
back to 2