rurouni kenshin's creator is watsuki nobuhiro-sensei (c) shueisha JUMP, sony music, fuji TV, anime works
notes: some training, some violence, etc. i've been backlogged with studies as the end of the quarter approaches. wish me luck! (oh, and remind me to finish this fic soon). note the baby still has no name. i'm debating 'shinta' and the evil name: 'kenji'. well, tell me what you think. jill 5/25/1

Happy Tomorrow
Part 5

Kaoru woke up slowly, her eyes adjusting to the sunshine coming into the room. “Aaaan…” she murmured, stretching her arms. She then reached for the baby and kissed his face. “You’re up early this morning.” She then turned to her husband who was still asleep, his face exhausted and somewhat troubled. Kissing him as well, she smiled. “Let’s let Dad sleep for a bit longer.”

With that, she got up and changed into hakama and gi, then carried the baby out the door. Thinking about making breakfast, after scrubbing her face and feeding the baby, she paused to see Yahiko coming towards her in an apron. “Ohayou~!”

“Y-Yahiko?!” she gasped, “W-what are you doing?!”

“Figured the only way to get you to train with me is to get some food on the table… it’s just about done, so wake up the others.”

“Mou, Kenshin needs to rest for a longer time. I’ll wake up everyone else. First I have to breast feed the baby.”

“N-Nani?!” Yahiko squeaked, his face red, “Do that somewhere else!! Somewhere I don’t hafta watch okay!!! Jaa, I’ll go set the table…!!” He then ran off frantically.

Kaoru chuckled after him. “Maa maa… he really is earnest about training today. What do you say, little one? Should we??” The infant simply pouted. “Sou nee. I know how you feel… demo, I can’t stay sleeping this whole time…” She then gave him another kiss, “Let’s get everyone up, ne?”

* * *
Kenshin was the last to be pulled out of bed. He dressed as the baby had his fill for the morning. Tired and uneasy from the night before, he watched from the corner of his eye. Finally, he found a voice. “Koishii…”

“Hai? What is it?” she asked, lifting her head. Her smile and voice made him lose his train of thought. Sighing, he knelt in front of her, shaking his head. “Kenshin??”

“I was kind of thirsty.” he said slyly, reaching for her and pulling the rest of her robe down. In response, she quickly swatted his hand. “ITAI DE GOZARU!”

“Mou, Kenshin!!” she snapped, eyes burning, “That’s only for the baby! Soushite, how could you be like this so early in the morning?! At this rate, I will be pregnant again soon! Kenshin, you’ve got to control yourself!!!”

”Oro, demo…”

Suddenly, Kaoru hugged him, now speaking softly, ”Gomen, Kenshin. I love being a mother, but I also love kenjutsu... I don't know how to do both at the same time, but I'll try hard. I do want to have more children, just not right now..."

”I understand Koiishi.” he said, lifting his arms to her exposed back, “Demo, I really am hungry… for you.” Tightening his hold, he whispered, “I always will.”

”Kenshin…” she gasped, worried the baby might be squished, or she will lose her restraint and jump him. “Those words make me so happy… still, right now we can’t…”

”Because the baby…?”

”Chigao yo.” she replied, “There’s some perverts at the door.” Suddenly, the door slid open and Sanosuke, Megumi and Tsubame fell inside the room. “MOU!!!”

”Minna!” Kenshin exclaimed, releasing his wife, who was closing her robe, “You were all spying on Sessha-tachi?! Even you, Tsubame-dono?!?!”


Yahiko was the one who had opened the door. He looked rather impatient. “Saaa! It’s time for breakfast! HAYAKUU!!”

* * *
Together, they went to have breakfast in one of the sitting rooms, with the doors open. “Eat up, minna!” Chef Yahiko chimed, “I really rolled up my sleeves for this one!!”

Everyone stared into their bowls. “Eto,” Kenshin uttered, “Yahiko… the vegetables and fish… it seems to be burnt de gozaru.”

”Sore kara,” Megumi stammered, “The soup… I really don’t taste anything…”

”Except burnt shit.” Sanosuke said, making a face, “What the hell is this?!??!”

“TEME!! STOP YER COMPLAINING!!” Yahiko snapped, waving a fist, “I worked hard on it!! At least ya have something to put in yer stomachs!!! Just shuddap and eat it, will you?!?!”

Tsubame smiled. “Yahiko-kun’s cooking isn’t that bad. That is, if you water it down with soy sauce.” She laughed uneasily as Yahiko’s glare shot towards her. “Honto ni, it just needs a bit more seasoning…”


“GOMEN!!” she cried, hiding behind Sanosuke, “K-Kowaii…!”

Yahiko then glared towards Kaoru, who was quietly eating, the baby chuckling in her lap. “OI BUSU! Aren’t you gonna say something??!”

“Iya… tastes better than mine.” she replied, munching away, “Shikashi, I need something in my stomach before I go and kick your ass later on.” He lifted an eyebrow as she gulped down the last of the soup. “Jaa, I’ll be waiting in the dojo.” She then got up and left.

‘Heh, it’s about time!!’

* * *
Kenshin offered to wash dishes and clear up, so Yahiko was free to go training. Meanwhile, Megumi had to go to work, Sanosuke going to walk with her part of the way. “I’ll be back later.” she said, “Take care, minna!”

Kenshin nodded, holding the baby in his arms. He then turned and saw Tsubame rushing after Yahiko, who was reluctant. “Oi oi, you don’t have to watch. Go help Kenshin clean or something…”

”Mou, I want to see your new training…”

”It ain’t something you’ll understand… also, you’ll distract me! Can’t you do something else??”

Kenshin walked over and stood between the two. “Maybe you can explain to Tsubame-dono what’s going on? Sore kara, instead of being a distraction, maybe Tsubame-dono could be something more?? Yahiko, don’t distance yourself when you fight. You need others with you – especially people you care about de gozaru.”

Both of them blushed. Yahiko slowly smiled. “Saa, let’s go, Tsubame.” She nodded, him taking her hand and pulling her along towards the dojo.

Kenshin grinned after them and looked down at the baby. “That’s what your mother taught me… someday, you too…”

* * *
Kaoru was waiting in the dojo, sitting comfortably by the shrine. Yahiko and Tsubame both joined her, realizing the seriousness in her face. “Yahiko,” she said, “Today begins the first day of your new training. Let’s quickly run through the basics.”

”Oh!” he replied obediently, “I’m ready for anything!”

“First step – take a deep breath and relax.” she instructed, “Kasshin Ryu requires your mind to be at ease; patience and concentration are crucial. Now, reflect on your decision – why do you want this training – why do you fight?”

Yahiko’s eyes closed. ‘Why do I… fight…?’ Searching his heart, he found his answer. ‘Not strength, not honor, not pride… just to protect others… especially those I love…’ His eyes opened suddenly to see Kaoru smiling at him. “Eh?”

”You look ready. Saa, ikimashou?” She then got up and lifted a shinai off the hall. “Let’s practice your defense stance.”

”Hai!” he said, getting up.

* * *
“Oiii! Taidama!” Sanosuke chimed, walking through the gate. Kenshin was sweeping outside, the baby in his back pouch. “Cheh, cleaning house, while yer husband working hard??”

Kenshin walloped him with the broom. “Very funny de gozaru yo…” He suddenly turned serious, gazing up into the sky. “Last night, ano ki-sama… ‘Nightsword’ was really fast. I have to say ‘too fast’. Somehow he can’t be a normal person and really think it might be dangerous for anyone else to fight, but me.”

”Nan de?” he snapped, punching him playfully in the shoulder (it actually really hurt). “You gonna steal all the fun?! That’s not fair ya know! Me, Jou-chan, and Yahiko want part of the action too!”

”Sou da.” Kenshin uttered, rubbing the bruise, “Kedo, I have a feeling this person has a distinct motive…”

”Oh, like disgracing Kamiya dojo??”

“Iya, something worse.”

Tsubame came running. “Ano! Could you come in here for a little bit? Kaoru-san says she needs you guys’ help.” she called, waving her hands. Shrugging, they went to follow her.

* * *
Yahiko was standing in his defense stance, looking a bit bored. Kaoru and Tsubame picked up their shinai and started whacking him. “Join in!” Kaoru chimed. Shrugging, Sanosuke and Kenshin joined in the violence.

“OI! It won’t do you any good!” Yahiko snapped, “I said I’m ready for anything and I meant it! Aahahahahah!!”

Kaoru suddenly turned away and lifted her shinai over her head, her eyes darting towards a startled Tsubame, “HAAAAAAA!!!” The shinai came crashing down towards the girl.

“NANI?!” Yahiko exclaimed, leaping in the way, taking the full hit. The impact threw him painfully down onto the floor. “Kuu… Kaoru… what the hell…?!”

Kaoru frowned at him. “Seems you weren’t ready yet after all.” she uttered, resting the shinai on her shoulder and patting the still traumatized Tsubame on the head, “Yahiko, what would have happened if this was a real sword? You’d be dead right now.”

”Sou dakedo…” he stammered, “Demo… Tsubame…”

”Tsubame wouldn’t enjoy watching you get sliced in half right in front of her. Would you, Tsubame??”


Kaoru held out her hand and pulled the boy up. “If this moment comes up – don’t run on sheer feelings alone. Use what I taught you. ‘Use your head’. Yahiko, in that split second, you have a chance to see: what is my opening, where can you attack, and do you even stand a chance? And does Tsubame stand a chance? She’s armed too; maybe she can get herself out of this mess, without herself or you getting killed. You’ve got to give her this chance. Don’t get too cocky, just because you have the strength and the skills. You’d be surprised at times…”

Yahiko slowly nodded, turning to look at the blushing Tsubame, who was still holding the shinai the wrong way. “Demo…”

“I’m not saying the let the other person die. I’m saying to step in when it’s necessary. ‘When is it necessary?’ That alone you have to figure out. The decision you make will determine your own and someone else’s life. It’s a difficult decision that you will have to decide in the matter of seconds. It is for this moment you should prepare for.”


“Now, Yahiko. I want you to… attack Tsubame.”

“EEEEHHH!?!?!?!” everyone in the room exclaimed. But Kaoru was serious. Handing Yahiko back his shinai that he had dropped, she positioned Tsubame in front of him.

“J-Jotto!” Yahiko exclaimed, “Naze?! Why do I have to hurt, I mean, hit Tsubame?! Isn’t this a bit too uncalled for!? Kaoru…!!”

She crossed her arms. “Why are you unwilling? Are you afraid of hurting her because you think she’s weaker than you? Do you go into battle assuming your opponent’s strength? Underestimating and overestimating others can get you into trouble.”

Sweating, he argued, “Kaoru! I know Tsubame is weaker than me! I know she’s never fought in her life! And to just attack her for no reason… that’s absurd! You say this is a sword to protect others – then, why should I attack the ones I care about!?”

“Datte.” Kaoru said, lifting her shinai, “You need to get over this fear. If you’re afraid of hurting those you care about, then it shows you have no confidence in your skill. You yourself controls your strength, your speed, your actions… if you attack an enemy, how much different is it from attacking a loved one. Because it is a loved one, there is more at stake. Only you can control yourself – and this is the greatest test of control.”

She then let out a might swing, directly at Tsubame’s head. It was like a rush of wind that almost blew her over. But the shinai had stopped inched away from her face. Staring wide-eyed, she saw Kaoru at the other end, her face concentrating. ‘I get it! Yahiko can only learn this concept if he attacks someone he…’ Her cheeks blushed red. ‘OH!’

Kaoru dropped the shinai and leaned against the wall. “In my special training, my father asked me to attack him. He wanted me to give it all I got. He said that someday I would be fighting those stronger than him… people who were ruthless and didn’t show mercy. Yet, the most difficult opponent was someone you love… the one person you couldn’t beat. It’s perhaps the greatest fear you have, hurting a loved one. However, if you could overcome this fear… then, you can face any opponent.”

Yahiko gazed over at Tsubame. “Ore… Tsubame…” he uttered, his grip tightening, “Have to attack…?”

But Kaoru cut in and patted Tsubame on the back. “First let’s teach you at least some basics. Let’s see, let me fix your hold there…” Hands were moved in the proper places and Kaoru gently kicked her legs into place. “Jaa… always remember this: if you can see where your opponent is going to attack, you can counter it with the proper move. Low beats high. Middle beats low. And High beats middle. Wakkata?”

“H-Hai. Low, Middle, High…” She then tried swinging up and down. Kaoru had Kenshin come over and practice with her. Him holding the shinai in either high, middle, or low position – Tsubame moving to counter it.

Yahiko watched with a hand on his hip. “Cheh. You wouldn’t let me touch a shinai after an entire week… and it’s lesson one for her and you’ve got her already practicing with Kenshin?!”

“You need a fighting partner who’s close with you. Yutaro-kun isn’t in town, so Tsubame is the best candidate.” she chuckled, pinching his cheek, “Soushite, he’s more willing than you were. You refused to listen to me the first three days of class. Tonikaku, that’s all different. Now, stop complaining and let me show you some useful skills.”

”OH! Are you going to show me the secret Miyamoto-Kamiya Kasshin Ryu?!”

”Iya, you’re not ready yet. Not until you can properly attack Tsubame.” she replied, throwing the shinai aside and signaling Sanosuke over, “In the case which you lose your sword, you must revert to hand to hand combat – Jyujutsu. This is perfect in learning the concept of ‘using your opponent’s strength against them’ and also developing your defense. Now watch carefully!”

She waved her hands at Sanosuke. “Oh? You want me to attack you, Jou-chan?? Heh, you’re asking for it! RURARARRAA!!!” he yelled, breaking into a run, his fists ready, “Coming at yaa!!” When he charged at her, Kaoru swiftly bent down and let him trip over her – his own weight throwing him to the floor. “UWAAAAH!

“That’s the most basic maneuver.” Kaoru said, standing. Behind her, Sanosuke was growling and reaching to grab her. She snatched his arm and swung around, throwing him across the room. “And that was another! Got it??”

“H-HAI!” Yahiko gasped, ‘Shit, Kaoru’s defense is awesome. Any attacker is gonna get his ass bashed…ehehhe!’

“Now always remember: the body’s weak points!” Kaoru chimed, as Sanosuke was stumbling towards her. She then socked him in the nose, her knee up his crotch, her elbow into his stomach, and lastly the back of her fist into his throat.

Sanosuke fell over, eyes swirly, “Oro…”

* * *
Practice went on until a guest arrived. Kuma stood at the entrance of the dojo, his cap removed. “Ano… Kaoru-chan… could I ask you a favor?”

Sanosuke and Yahiko were glaring at him, for him going along with the new chief, Ishida. For some reason, their friend who was the chief of police prior was transferred to Osaka for the meantime. He had been there all summer and the atmosphere of the police station had changed completely.

“Kuma,” Kaoru said, walking over to him with a smile, “What is it?”

”They need to interview you about your school and students. I insisted on coming so that they wouldn’t send any rough guys, demo I’m not completely sure you won’t approach any of those likes in the station. Gomen.”

”Daijoubu. I’ve decided to do all I can to help this investigation go along.” she replied, “Just let me change and I’ll be right out.” She started to walk towards the house, but stopped to turn towards Kenshin. “Is it all right I go alone?”

He stared into her face and slowly nodded. “Aa, I’ll wait for you here. I trust you will be okay.” he said, arms tightly around the baby, “Take care, Koishii.”

Glad from his answer, she hurried to change into kimono. Leaving with Kuma, she made sure that Yahiko continued to practice: doing basic training with Tsubame, the ordinary decisions in battle. She wondered if it would help him, but turned back to the road as she walked with her childhood friend turned cop.

“Kaoru-chan,” Kuma said, putting his hand on her shoulder, “I’m truly sorry about the other day. Everyone was out of hand… shikashi, Hachi-san, he shouldn’t have said that to you.”

”Daijoubu.” she replied, her ribbon wafting in the wind, “Hachi has always tormented me since I was little. He doesn’t seem to be much different, only now we’re dealing in serious matters. The torment only becomes more serious.”

”Hachi-san really does care for you. It’s just he’s been stressed out about an upcoming promotion; he wants the investigation to go well and he doesn’t want to offend Ishida, who he’s trying to impress. Soushite, he and his wife are having problems. She’s moved in with her mother in law and he’s taken up smoking again. It’s really terrible.”

Kaoru nodded, frowning. “I’ve been there. It is hard... Demo, everything will be all right. He and Shimako-san really love each other and they’ll work it out.”

”Sou dakedo…”

She then clenched a fist, her face becoming SD enraged. ”As for Ishida and his new alterations in the police station, I think someone should shove it down his big throat. Just because he has the position doesn’t mean he can take advantage of others and push everyone around! ANTA MOU!!!”

“K-Kaoru…chan…!” Kuma gasped, gazing at the fire that was gathering around her. “K-kowaii…!”

Soon, the sweet smile was back on her face. “Jaa, let’s hurry up and see this guy ne??” she said grabbing his wrist and dragging him along.

* * *
Once at the police station, Kuma was called off to go run an errand. Kaoru proceeded into the interogation room alone. And when the door slammed close, she saw Ishida standing in the corner, smoking.

“Shitsureishimasu.” she replied, taking a seat on the stool provided, “Could you make this quick, I have to go home to make lunch for my family.”

Clearing his throat, he got up and started to pace around. “Don’t give me that. I’ll keep you here as long as I like. And if you continue to give me shit, woman, I won’t put up with it.”

“That’s an understatement, considering everything that comes out of your mouth is bullshit.”

“Iresai!” he snapped, grabbing her shoulder, “I’m going to solve this case and you’re going to cooperate! Already we’ve interviewed all your students, and so far come as far to arrested three of them.”


“They wouldn’t respect their elders… that’s bad reflection on your school, and also makes them suspects.”

Kaoru’s brow darkened. “You… jerk…” she uttered, “None of them are suspects! Corrupt conceited bastards like you should be the ones in jail!!”

A gun appeared at her head, silencing her. “What did you say??” Ishida asked, “Hmp, it’s the same words you said to me five years ago. You’re still full of it.”

“What are you talking about?!” she said, glaring at him. Slowly her memory was coming back to her. “You’re… you’re that dumbass cop when…!!” This only made her angrier. “You took advantage of me then… I-I won’t put up with it now!”

“Heh, but are you in the position to question my authority?” he chuckled, “Do you really think that you can do anything when I have all the power? I could arrest all of your students if I feel so necessary! And then we'll have to beat the answers out of them too!”

Kaoru quickly knocked the gun out of his hands, it hitting the wall and setting off. She then grabbed his arm and threw him to the ground. “Bastard… you merely touch any of them… and I swear…!!”

“For now, I'll start with you, Bitch!” he growled, punching her in the stomach. She fell backwards and then was kicked her twice in the side. As she curled up on the floor, Ishida smiled down at her. "Brings back memories??"

"You... I should have known someone like you would somehow get in the system and abuse your power..."

"What can you do about it?!" he snapped, "You couldn't do anything back then, what makes you think anything would matter now! Or will you go running to that loser husband of yours... him and his weird sword! The first time I saw him I thought he was a bum... some worthless person!"

"YAMETTE!!" Kaoru exclaimed angrily, lifting herself up and grabbing hold of the stool. She then threw it at him, it breaking into pieces.

Laughing, Ishida brushed the broken pieces of wood off his uniform. "It's all nonsense - that ideology! All people are capable of killing! If one of your students were found to be the killer – you would be a lying hypocrite!"

She just glared at him, shaking with pain. "Ishida... leave my students alone and start investigating other possibilities...”

"Hmp, what makes you think I'll listen to you. I'm the one in charge. However, when I find that the killer is from your school, I'll be sure to make sure you and your school pay for creating such murderers."

After a moment of catching her breath, Kaoru solemnly nodded. "If it is one of my students, I will take full responsibility. It’s my job to teach them the right way, and it’s my ability to continue as master of Kasshin Ryu that is also at stake."

Ishida then went to open the door. "You're gambling your life away so easily. Just like that ignorant child I ran into years ago. You do know this is a challenge I will not forget. If you are a liar after all, I will be coming for you.”

Kaoru didn't say a word and continued to limp out the door. Some of the cops, including Kuma saw her in her state and were trying to wondering what happened. As she stepped outside the police station, the world began a bit fuzzy. Images of violence replayed in her head.


Suddenly, she heard a noise behind her. Turning around, she saw Ishida up in his office, with the window opened. He grinned down at her.

"From up here you look so small... but in reality you actually are so little! Kamiya girl, remember that promise you made! Don't go crying to your worthless husband! Aaahahahha!!"

Behind him, she could see Hachi looking a bit lost. Perhaps Ishida had won him over with the money and power. Kaoru bowed her head and slowly turned away to go home.

onto part 6
back to part 4