rurouni kenshin's creator is watsuki nobuhirou-sensei
notes: yoshi, there's some names and events mentioned from previous stories, but if you don't recall what they are, it's ok. it doesn't hurt the understanding of the plot too much. (although it can explain the significance) not that i'm gonna test you on it. ahahah! anyways, enjoy & send forth any comment. ja ne! jill 6/9/1

Happy Tomorrow
Part 7

In the steam-filled bathhouse, Kaoru leaned her head back and hummed to herself. Her bandaged injuries couldn’t get wet, but she was still enjoying herself. ‘Demo… Kenshin hasn’t returned. What if something… iya, he should be okay. And when he gets home I’ll give him a big hug.’ Smiling to herself, she thought about her loving and understanding husband. She wanted to hold the baby too. But he was already fast asleep and it was much to late for him to take a bath. ‘It really is late…’

* * *
The night continued on. Outside, Yahiko and Tsubame were gazing towards the gate, wondering when Kenshin will walk through. “I wonder… if Kenshin ran into the serial killer as well.” Yahiko uttered, gripping his shinai and continuing his vigil watch, “I bet he’s fighting the bastard as we speak.”

”Tabun…” Tsubame replied, resting her chin don’t onto her folded arms, “Kenshin-san won’t have any trouble, ne? After all he’s such a great swordsman… We shouldn’t worry at all.”

“You could be right. Still, for some reason, I have an uneasy feeling tonight.” he sighed, “De, Tsubame, why don’t you go check on Megumi? It’s been awfully quiet lately.”

“Hai!” she said, getting up and walking to the door. It must’ve been past midnight. Strangely, she wasn’t feeling sleepy. The night was filled with suspense, and talking with Yahiko made her want the night to continue on. “Ano…” she uttered, sliding the door open. “Hah??”

The scene was downright awkward. Megumi was sobbing and Sanosuke was laughing so hard that he was in pain, which wasn’t good for his injuries. Slowly, Tsubame went towards them, trying to figure out what was going on. Sanosuke lifted his hand to Megumi’s. “Daijoube daijoube…” he said in between chuckles, “There’s no need for this!”

“Iresai, Tori Atama! You’re so mean!” she snapped, though unable to stop herself from crying, “Bakaa!!”

“W-What’s going on??” Tsubame pleaded, looking so lost as she handed Megumi a handkerchief, “Megumi-san, Sanosuke-san… please tell me!”

Megumi wasn’t able to talk, but Sanosuke grinned at her and explained everything. “Megumi had this foghorn idea that she couldn’t conceive children because some opium-high doctor told her so when she was little. The truth is she’s never tried. Megumi’s the queen of family planning, y’know! Jou-chan can learn a lesson from her!”

Tsubame blushed. “A-ano… are you talking about…?”

“Of course if Megumi still can’t carry the future Sagara-gumi, I’ll still marry her because I love her. Nothing can change that. Maybe I could get a concubine or something…”

Megumi smacked the patient. “Would you stop filling the girl’s head with nasty ideas?!?!”

“Demo,” Tsubame said, moving between them so that the violence could cease, “Aren’t you happy, Megumi-san? Sanosuke-san said he’ll love you regardless! His feelings are that strong for you… Yokkata ne!”

“Of course I’m happy.” the tearful doctor sighed, drying her eyes, “I was acting so insecure and silly… and to hear Sanosuke’s feelings… I’m just so… so… emotional right now…”

”Y’mean ‘girly’! Eheheheh!!”


Suddenly, they hear Yahiko’s voice outside. “NANI!?” Both startled by his tone, Megumi and Tsubame rushed out to see what was up. Yahiko was talking with one of the Kaoru’s students. “Jiro, you mean the cops have warrants for all of our arrests and they’re coming to the dojo??”

“S-Sou na!” Tsubame gasped, gazing at her beloved swordsman, “Demo! They just can’t arrest everyone!!”

“They’ve already started.” Jiro replied, “Genta and those other guys were already taken. They’ll be coming for our block soon. And they also want to take Kaoru-sensei. Yahiko-senpai, you’ve got to get out of here!”

“What about you, Jiro??”

“I’ll create some diversion outside. That’s what the man who tipped me off told me to do.”

“Who was this guy??”

Jiro scratched his head. “Strangely, it was a cop… for some reason I felt I could trust him. He seems to know all of you and be on our side. Which is the reason all of you should go stay somewhere else for the night, somewhere the cops can’t find you!”

Kaoru stepped outside, dressed in outing clothes and holding the baby in a blanket, a bundle of shinai hanging from her shoulder. “Arigatou, Jiro-kun, for helping us. Demo… is there any word about my husband?”

“Oh! The man told me to tell you that Himura-san is okay… he’s right now at the station, demo they’ll be sure to let him go before morning after the inquiries.”

She stared at the sleeping baby’s face. “This is Ishida’s doing… he won’t stop until he proves himself right. We better do as Jiro says and get out of here before the cops arrive. We’ll have to hope that Papa will be all right in there.”

“What about Sanosuke??” Megumi cried, “He’s too injured to be moved!”

All of a sudden, the door slid open. Sanosuke was weakly hanging onto the door, “Don’t worry about me… with you guys’ help, I’ll be fine. Daga, there’s no time to lose. Jou-chan, lead the way!”

“Yoshi!” Kaoru said with nod. Yahiko and Megumi went to support Sanosuke, while Tsubame gathered up the medicine case and supplies. “Minna, hayaku… tonight, we’ll hide out in that place.”

* * *
An hour or so later, the cops returned to the station. Kenshin was still in the office, his eyes wide open and anticipating. Pushing away the tea, he stared towards the door to hear the report. “We got all but one student… Myoujin Yahiko, the assistant instructor… soushite, the master herself got away.”

“You idiots!!” Ishida growled at them, slamming his fist onto the desk, “How could you let this happen?! It’s obvious now that she knows something!! Well, go and find them now!!”

“Is this really necessary!?” Kenshin snapped, his glare moving towards him, “To arrest all the students? What if you’re wrong?”

“I’m never wrong.” he replied, lighting a cigarette, “Daga, if you’re the one who’s right… then we shall find out. If the Nightsword strikes again, at least we’d know that the students of Kamiya dojo are innocent. And then we’ll target another dojo.”

“Ki-sama… you’re going wait until someone dies?! How does that resolve anything?!”

“Hmp, since your wife and her number one student have fled, it’s only safe to say that they are accessories to the crimes. We have no choice but to consider their motives.”

Kenshin grabbed him by the collar, “What are you talking about?! They’re only running because once you get a hold of them, you’ll trap them like everyone else! How can anything be solved if you suppress those who are trying to do something about it!!”

”I can do what I please. This is my police station. I am the LAW.” he replied, pushing him away, “And I don’t need some worthless rurouni telling me what to do.”

“Then why am I here?” Kenshin asked, “Why did you bring me here, if I’m not any use to you at all…”

Ishida smiled. “You’re very useful, Himura… very useful… Shikashi, this is my case and I already told you to stay out of it. Therefore…” He reached over and took hold of the sakabatou and medicine smiling. “Hmhmhm…”

“You… liar…” Kenshin growled, as two burly cops seized him from behind, “I won’t let you get away with this!!”

“Looks like I already have.” Ishida said as the samurai was dragged out the room, “Take him down to the main cell and keep him there until we need to use him again.”

“ISHIDAA!!” Kenshin yelled as he disappeared down the hall.

* * *
Yahiko threw in another log into the fire. Gazing around, he saw that everyone was tired and outside the wind was howling. ‘It’s getting colder. At least we’ve found a place to stay… demo, of all places why did Kaoru bring us here?’ He gazed over towards his teacher, her rocking the oblivious infant wrapped in the baby blanket she and Kenshin bought for her birthday. “Kaoru, what are we going to do?”

She lifted her head and smiled slightly. “I don’t know. I’m making this up as we go along. Let’s just rest for now.”

“Aa,” he uttered, turning towards the sleeping Tsubame. She was curled up on the floor as close to the fire as she could get. Without a word he took off his cloak and put it on her. ‘Tsubame…’ he thought with a frown, ‘I’ve dragged you into danger again… daga, no matter what, I won’t let anything happen to you…’

Sanosuke and Megumi were also asleep. Sanosuke was using her lap as a pillow and she had given him her blanket. After all he was still injured. Although he didn’t want to act like it. Still, Megumi insisted he be treated like an invalid before his wounds would reopen. “Sometimes you have to admit it when you’re hurt, otherwise I will have to remind you!!” she told him. And after that, he didn’t complain.

Kaoru wearily stared towards Yahiko, who was falling asleep himself, not far from Tsubame. Touching the baby’s face, she uttered, “Papa should be all right… don’t worry… like he promised, when we wake up, he’ll always be with us.”

* * *
The guards were awakened by the prisoner’s loud cries. Looking through the peeking hole, they saw him, lying on the ground, yelling at the ceiling. “KAORUU!!! DOKO!?!? I-I WANT TO SEE MY WIFE AND MY BABY!! ITAI DE GOZARU YO!!”

“Hora!! You in there, iresai!! You’ll wake everyone up, and you’re annoying the hell out of me!!” one guard snapped. But Kenshin kept at it, his yells only getting louder. “YAMERO!! I’m warning you, Ki-sama!!”

“That’s it! I can’t take it anymore!!!” the other guard said, opening the door. The two approached the screaming rurouni, who was still lying on the ground, his hands still in wooden cuffs. “Hmp, he can’t do anything! Let’s give him a real good beating to shut him up!!”

Kenshin gazed up at them, now with a silent smile. In the next instant, he pulled his hands apart, a thin incision in the wood now visible. “M-Masaka!!? How did he…?!?”

Kenshin leapt up in the air, landing on one of them, and socking him in the head. He then punched the other guy and grabbed the keys. He walked out the door just as they both fell unconscious. ‘Now all I have to do is get my sakabatou and medicine back… demo, I’d have to go to Ishida’s office. Yakuso!’

He stopped at the stairs to see someone coming. He was holding his sword and medicine. “Himura-san…”

“Kuma!” Kenshin gasped, “W-what are you…!?”

“Ishida told me to put them in a safe place, but I figured you better just take them back.” he replied, handing them to him, “I wasn’t sure how to get you out of prison, but it seems you solved that on your own.”

”Oh… suman de gozaru yo…” Kenshin stammered, “Sessha seemed to have injured those guys in there. Be sure to have them looked after.”

”Wakkata… demo, I don’t blame you. Ishida is a very twisted man and for him to be in control of the police station… well, that’s insane. We’re doing all we can to get rid of him, in the meantime, I have to keep it a secret.”

“Have you any idea where my wife is? Is she all right??”

“The boy who diverted and tipped them off – he said she went to ‘that place’. I hope you know what he means, because I sure as heck don’t. For now, you’ve got to hurry up and get out of here.”

“Aa!” Kenshin said, going to run up the stairs, “Arigatou!”

* * *
Sometime before the sun rose, Kaoru slowly opened her eyes. Two strong arms were holding her tight. Sighing, she rested her chin onto his shoulder. “Kenshin… Okaeri nasai.”

“Aa,” he uttered, nuzzling into her neck, while staring down at the baby, “Taidama…”

She smiled and lifted one hand to stroke his face, “Are you okay? Did they do anything to you? Kenshin, I was so worried… demo, somehow I knew you’d be okay and find me.”

He nodded, hugging his family. “Kaoru, I’m okay. They tried to keep me, but I got out of there. No one can keep me away from you, you know that. Now, what are these wounds from?” he said, lifting one of her arms. He was also aware of Sanosuke’s injured state.

“We ran into a man last night; he was incredibly strong and fast… I don’t think he’s Night Sword, demo I’m sure he’s hitokiri.” she noted, “He just grazed the skin… any deeper and he would have hit my veins. He must’ve been very skilled to control his attacks like that. And yet let us go; I don’t know why though. He said he was waiting. Kenshin, is it someone you know?”

He was deep in thought. “What did this man look like?”

“He was dressed as a samurai, and he had a long died red ponytail, with two swords… sore kara, he had a temple charm tied in his hair… ano… hen da yo.”

Kenshin gazed down into her eyes as she continued to describe the man. Already he had enough information. ‘Kono hito… he’s after me and he’ll use anyone to get to me…as this is always the case.’ he thought, ‘He must be the one sending those notes…’ Kaoru finally noticed that he wasn’t paying attention to her anymore and suddenly kissed him. Blinking, he became weak and collapsed over her and the baby. “Ororo…”

“Nee, you do know him. Is it an old adversary? If that is the case, then I leave him to you, so you can settle your old business.”

“Koishii… Arigatou, for understanding. This man must be defeated by me. It’s something I have to finish.”

“Then, I’ll support you in it.” she replied, “Do your best, Kenshin.”

“Aa… you too.”

After an exchange of smiles, they huddled close together and fell back asleep.

* * *
Tsubame was last to wake up the next morning. She was relieved to see Kenshin there and making them breakfast from food she had no idea where he got it. Rubbing her eyes, she splashed some water in her face and watched Megumi look to Sanosuke’s wounds. ‘Where’s Yahiko and Kaoru-san?’ she wondered, walking out of the shrine.

It was an old deserted shrine somewhere in the forest, on the edge of town. Kaoru had showed them a shortcut to it, and found it easily even though it was dark. The history of this place, Tsubame didn’t know, but she was sure it was a memorial place of some kind. Kaoru didn’t say anything about it, but kept the reasons to herself.

Tsubame now saw the teacher and student, sitting in the middle of the clearing, meditating. She wasn’t sure if she should disturb them. ‘Yahiko is still struggling. He cannot learn the technique… all because he cannot attack me… I wish there was something I can do…’

She was startled to feel someone touch her shoulder. Behind her, Kenshin was carrying the baby and warmly smiling at her. “Tsubame-dono, breakfast is ready. Would you like to tell them?”

”Eh… demo…” she sighed, sadly.

“Doushitan de gozaru ka?” he asked, “Are you worried about Yahiko’s training?”

“Uhn… I don’t think I’m helping him at all. Maybe me being here is a distraction to him. I wish I could do something useful, or be as brave as Kaoru-san.”

“Aa, Kaoru is the bravest woman I’ve ever met. My life didn’t have meaning until I met her.” Kenshin replied, as they watched the two, “Demo, Tsubame-dono is fine as she is, that’s why Yahiko cares so much.”

She blushed a little. “Yahiko-kun is a great swordsman… he needs someone who can stand by him during his battles, someone who won’t burden him or put herself in life-risking situations. I…I don’t know if I’m strong enough to handle it…”

“Tsubame-dono… emotion is powerful. Your fears, your angry, your sadness… your love… all of it guides your actions.” Kenshin explained, “You can be much stronger than a killer who had no feelings at all. So-called weakness is really also your strength, as long as you don’t lose faith in yourself or those you love.”

At these words, she lifted her head. “Sou desu ka!! “ she gasped, “Yahiko-kun… he’s afraid of attacking me because I was afraid myself of being attacked. There’s nothing to fear is there? I trust Yahiko-kun with my life… and I have to make him trust me as well!”

“Sou de gozaru yo.” Kenshin replied, “Yet, first you have to learn to trust yourself.”

She nodded, now filled with inspiration. “Uhn! Wakarimashita! … jaa, I’ll go get them for breakfast, ne?”

* * *
As the group ate Kenshin’s wonderful cooking, Tsubame finished early. Her appetite had left her as her mind was working its wheels. ‘How can I get him to attack me… he attacks Kaoru-san all the time. Yet, they share such a close bond. Although their fights appear childish, I know it’s a sign of their closeness. How can I…?’

“Nee, Yahiko-kun,” Megumi chuckled, fondling the boy, “Pretty soon you’ll surpass Kaoru-chan and probably become as good as Ken-san! Ohohoho!!”

“OI!!!” Sanosuke snapped, “Quit flirting with the brat and gimme another bowl, Woman!!”

“How dare you!!” she snapped back, lifting her hand to smack him.

‘Even a loving couple as Megumi-san and Sanosuke-san are so violent with each other. What should I do??’ Tsubame sighed as she wandered a little away from the crowd, watching the feuding couple. ‘I guess I don’t have the fighting spirit…’ Just then a shinai rolled to her foot. ‘Hm…’

“Aa! It’s time to feed the baby!!” Kaoru chimed, going to tug at her gi. Kenshin quickly swatted both Yahiko and Sanosuke with his sakabatou, and then scooted in front of her, mouth drooling. “Erhem… nani??”

“I…” he uttered, leaning forward, “Just a taste??”

“BAKA!!” she yelled, smacking him into the next chapter, “In front of everyone?!? MOU!! Didn’t I already tell you to control yourself, Kenshin!!?”


As Yahiko and the others were laughing, they didn’t notice the slow approach that Tsubame was making. Just behind him, she lifted the shinai high in the air, and with all her might, brought it down to him. “HAAAAAAA!!!”

“EEP!” the boy blurted out, as he fell to the ground, swirly-eyed and with a giant bump on his head. “………”

“Yahiko-kun!!!” Megumi gasped, she and everyone turning to the girl, “Ano, Tsubame-chan… w-what were you doing??!”

The girl blushed. “Atashi… I-I was trying to be a bit violent…” They all just stared at her. As a long pause, she let out a sigh. “I was trying to make him see that I wasn’t so fragile… mou, I messed up didn’t I??"

Kaoru smiled. “Iie, you’re trying to help Yahiko in his training… Yokkata ne!”

Just then, Yahiko started to stir. Sitting up, he glared at the group. “All right, who was the bastard who did it!?!?” They all pointed at Tsubame who was still holding the shinai. “HAH!?” he gasped, mouth dropping open.

Kaoru got up and dragged him off by the collar. “Saa, one more lesson for the day!!”

* * *
The clearing had been covered with the fallen dead leaves. Yahiko watched as they walked through, the leaves shifting at his feet. He could feel it… Kaoru’s kenki. Staring at her, he knew that she was expecting him to do his best is gathering whatever spirit he had, as this would very well be the heart of the technique ‘Shi-rudoukouhou’.

“Kaoru!” he exclaimed, the wind picking up around them, “Ore… ore wa…” He clenched his fists, concentration strong in his mind, “I’m ready!!”

“Are you?” she asked, handing him a shinai, “Yahiko… if you learn this now, you will surely surpass me. I only learned it recently and for you to master such technique at your time – you ought to become the master of knowledge. I can no longer be your teacher…”

“Chigao yo.” he replied, “You’ll always be my teacher. And I have no intent of taking your position. I may not share your love of teaching, daga… Kasshin Ryu is a part of me. And no matter where I go, or what I become… I will never forget any of your precious words. They are forever engraved in my soul.”

“Yahiko…” she uttered, tearfully, “Jaa… I will teach you the final secret. Shi-rudoukouhou is the very ‘emptying of the soul’. To use this without control – you are putting yourself in danger without any strength left and everything will be lost.

“Aa…” he uttered, thinking about how this attack cancelled both Ozawa’s Kaze-Sakuseigijutsu and Kenshin’s Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki. However, there was a price to pay – if he used it recklessly, he might end up paralyzed or even defeated by his own hand. As sweat dripped down his face, he felt his hands shaking. ‘What does it feel like to be dead, but still alive… watching the last moment of your life after it ended?’

“Demo,” Kaoru said, turning to look him in the eye. Without flinching, the howling wind became stronger. In a split second, all of the leaves burst away from them, as if it were exploded. The ground was completely cleared. “Your kokoro will guide you…” she continued, “Your focus, your will to live…”

“Kaoru…” he gasped, as the leaves fell on them like rain, “My ‘kokoro’… my focus… how do I… I…”

“Yahiko, you must face your fear!”

Slowly he turned and saw Tsubame waiting for him, her hands folded. “Yahiko-kun… if it means that you will learn the technique, I’m willing to do anything!” she exclaimed, “Onegaishimasu! I’m not scared! I trust you!”

“Tsubame… ore… ore wa…”

“Datte! It’s my decision… and my life!” she told him, “No one can take that from me – not even you, Yahiko! I won’t allow it! And I promise you – I’ll stay by your side through out anything!”

“Tsubame!” he cried, his brown eyes watering, “Aa! I’ll… do my best!”

With that he broke into a run, coming right at her. Gazing into her anticipating face, he could feel all of her emotion, all of her belief in him. ‘Tsubame!’ Inches away from her, he quickened his speed and readied his swing. And at the same time, he could remember the very scene where he had attacked his own best friend, Yutaro’s head bursting blood. ‘That time I hurt someone I cared about … I have to put it behind me! … The one in front of me is be my feared opponent… soushite, she is my…’


The swing, as mighty as it was, brought along a great gush of wind. The fallen leaves were now directed north, and a rapid windstorm of red and orange covered the field. When the storm had left, Tsubame saw in front of her, the shinai halted right at her face. “Y-Yahiko…” she uttered, her legs giving way and collapsing onto the ground.

“Tsubame!!” he cried, gazing down at her.

But she wasn’t hurt at all, just a little winded from the power of his swing. Smiling up at him, she exclaimed, “Yatta, Yahiko-kun!! You did it!!” Speechless, he stared into her happy expression and helped her back onto her feet.

This smiling girl may not be physically strong nor did she stand a chance in battle, but she held his very heart in her hands. If she wanted to, she could easily destroy him. And if she were to disappear, she could make everything meaningless. And yet, she didn’t give up and believed in him with every bit of strength she had. Her feelings were stronger than anything he could imagine.

He slowly pulled her into a hug, smiling into her hair. “…Tsubame.”

onto part 8
back to part 6