happy tomorrow - part 8 rurouni kenshin's creator is watsuki nobuhirou-sensei; shueisha JUMP, sony, fuji TV, anime works
notes: some suspense & a big surprise, in what seems to be a short chapter. everthing is falling into place, which means this fic is close to a grand finale! but don't think it's over yet, there's still much to look forward to! jaa ne! jill 6/12/1 (6/13 - added (classic))

Happy Tomorrow
Part 8

The old shrine had filled with sunlight, but there was still a chilly breeze coming through it. Wrapping blankets around the giggling infant, Megumi frowned with worry. “What if the baby catches cold in this weather… Ken-san and Kaoru-chan won’t ever forgive me if I don’t take good care of him…”

Sanosuke threw in another log for their fire, while leaning against the wall in his bandages. “We’ll be all right. I just hope they don’t take too long out. I mean, I’ll get hungry fast and not to mention, who’s gonna nurse the baby?? Besides, he’ll start to miss his mom and dad too!”

“Hmp, I just hope they won’t mess him up with all this reckless fighting…”

“Saa, Kenshin and Jou-chan know what they’re doing. Shikashi, the kid’s gonna be fine.” he assured her, “You worry too much, Fox. But that only shows how much you care about others, which you usually deny.”

”So what if I have reservations?” she argued, turning away. She grimaced down at the laughing baby, “I guess it’s better to laugh than cry. I knew this baby was unusual since the moment it came into this world. What do you expect from the offspring of Himura Battousai and, well, a tanuki musume??”


“Sou ka! ‘Ku’, short for KU-RA-SHI-KU ('classic'). I hope that’s your first word. You’d be so sophisticated; all the girls will like you. Now if only your parents would give you a name. I just hope it won’t something stupid like ‘Sanosuke’…”

Shaking his head, Sanosuke chuckled and crossed his arms. ‘Someday, Megumi… I won’t stop hoping… for someday to come…’

* * *
The walk in the forest was a little slowed. Kenshin just didn’t have enough breath to continue. In the next instant, he started to have another attack, his trembling body sliding down to the grassy floor.

“Aa! Kenshin!” Kaoru cried, catching him and softening his fall, "Daijoubu ka??"

The two of them rested onto the ground, Kenshin leaning his head onto her chest as she gave him his medicine. He felt exhausted and dizzy as he gazed up at the tall trees above them.

“Suman…” he sighed, as the leaves came falling down at them and Kaoru wrapped her arms around him, “I’m much weaker than I thought I was…”

”Chigao yo… you’re not weak.” she comforted him, “This condition is only temporary. As soon as the battle is over, you’re going to rest and recover… and everything is going to be okay!”

Kenshin closed his eyes. If only her words were more than hopeful wishing. If only the battles were over and they could finally live in peace. When he opened his eyes to look at her, tears blurred his vision. “You’re so optimistic… but I can’t help but think of the other possibility… that… this might be it…”

”No, Kenshin, please don’t think like that. The more you think negatively, the more pain you’ll feel…”

“Sou da. I have been thinking of the worse… with all these killings happening, and this man after me… I just feel overwhelmed…” he murmured, lifting a leaf off her shoulder.

”Kenshin... if you don’t mind me asking, demo, could you explain who exactly this man is?”

“His name is Hidaka Akiko. We fought alongside each other during the Bakumatsu,” he explained, going to tell their story, “Both of us hitokiri for the Inshin Shishi, but I was the one who became famous. I supposed he was jealous and one day he challenged me to a duel. But that time was close to the end of the war and I was already tired of fighting, not mention I didn’t want to kill someone on my own side over such a trivial reason… so I denied him his chance. Recently, he’s sent me notes, which I've kept from you… I know he’s out to kill you and the baby, so he can get revenge on me.”

“Kenshin…” she started to say, "Watashi..."

He cut her off, sighing and covering his face. ”I’m really sorry, Kaoru. I shouldn’t have kept it from you… but I didn’t want you to worry. And now, once again, I’ve put not only your life in danger, but our baby’s…”

”Kenshin,” she called again, “I’m not at all worried. It isn’t new that someone is trying to kill me. I’ve gotten used to it by now. And doesn’t Hidaka want to kill me in front of you? Well, that’s easily solved! All I have to do is not be present when you’re fighting. He can’t kill what’s not there, ne?”

”Demo…” he stammered, trying not to laugh at her simple logic, “I don’t even know if…”

”Of course you’re strong enough! This condition only acts up when you’re overwhelmed with stress… so, you just have to do is relax. And if I’m not there, you won’t feel nervous. Shikashi, I know you’ll win… you already promised me that you’d do your best. I don’t doubt that you will go in there and give it your all.”

He still looked uneasy. “Sore demo… if you’re not there… then…”

She smiled and cupped his face. “If you need me, Kenshin, just close your eyes. I’ll come to you no matter what. I’ll give you all of my love, strengthen you from head to toe.”

A little bit speechless, Kenshin lost himself in her eyes, “You’re… so amazing…”

”Datte… I have someone like you who loves me…” she explained, “After the battles, after the arguments or hardships… we’ll always have tomorrow and the day after that, and after that …”

”Aa, there’s so much we have left do,” he uttered, joining in, “I mean, we still haven’t given the baby a name… we still haven’t visited your father’s grave… or seen all of the temples in Japan… and what about brothers and sisters for the baby to play with…? Oro, now is definitely not the time to go!”

“And we’re going to grow old together, surrounded by ten or twelve grandchildren...” she said, leaning her head against his, “Kenshin, I’m intent on giving you a lifetime of happiness!”

“Kaoru…” he sighed, already content lying in her arms, “Aishiteru… aishiteru… I can't stopping saying it... aishiteru...”

* * *
Yahiko glanced around the open field, just outside of town. Waiting in the meeting spot was a handful of students from Maekawa dojo. He went over and stood by Mikyo. “What’s this all about? I mean, why did you guys want to talk to me?”

Mikyo and his friends gathered around. “Well… it’s like this, Myoujin… we kind of have an idea who’s been framing Kaoru-san’s school… only… we’ve been afraid to say or do anything about it till now.”

”Nan de?! If this bastard's killing lots of people, you’ve got to at least say something!”

“Dewa… it’s only a hunch… ore-tachi doesn’t know if it’s truth, and if we’re wrong we might get in trouble…”

Yahiko was getting impatient. “But any information, even wrong, could help just a little. Try me – I want to stop this killer before he strikes again and also clear Kamiya dojo’s name!”

Mikyo hesitatingly went on, “Well, you know how I said we had the mountain training ceremony on the day of the first murder? During the very same ceremony, there’s the secret ‘initiation’ between the senior students and the incoming students… this hazing has gone on for several years…”

’That must be what Kaoru-san was against…’ Tsubame thought, hiding in the bushes. Yahiko had told her to stay at the shrine, but she just had to come. She didn’t want to be separated from Yahiko and wanted to prove to him that she could help. Although, this whole time he had been trying to ditch her, she just wouldn’t give up.

As she strained to hear more, she realized that she wasn’t the only one hiding and eavesdropping. “What are you doing here??” Miyako snapped, glaring at her.


Meanwhile, Mikyo continued, “Tonikaku, last year… there was a bit of conflict. One of the students was killed. Although it was called an accident, many witnesses say otherwise…”

”I was there!” said one of his friends, “That was not an accident! That was COLD BLOOD!!”

Yahiko sternly crossed his arms and turned to Mikyo, “Well, go on!”

“That one who was responsible never received any punishment. He’s very cold towards the other students, but very skilled. He wasn’t there when you and Kaoru-san came to teach… demo he has the qualifications of becoming an assistant instructor. Getting back to my point… this year’s ceremony, this guy didn’t show. Which means, he could be a suspect!”

“Where is this guy now?!” Yahiko asked. The others became quiet and stared to the ground. A little frustrated, he threw down his shinai and yelled at them, “Saa, don’t be such wimps! If we put him away now, no one else has to die! Don’t be afraid to do what’s right, even if your own life is at risk! It’s a risk ya gotta take sometimes! If everyone gave up so easily, nothing will ever be finished! C’mon you guys!!”

Mikyo slowly smiled. “We knew you’d pull through, Myoujin. Somehow, he all knew we were all cowards and can’t do any of the brave acts you do… demo, we’ll stand by you and give you all the help you need!”

“Yoshi! Now where is this guy! I wanna get a piece of him… OH!?” He suddenly heard some rustling in the bushes. Two girls came rolling out into the field, “T-Tsubame?! Miyako?!?”

“Onii-chan!!” Miyako snapped, “How dare you try to ditch me again! I’m telling Okaasan on you!!”

Tsubame blushed. “Gomen nasai, Yahiko-kun… I just couldn’t stay behind. I want to help.”

Miyako shoved her aside. “Yahiko-samaa!! So we meet again!!”

Yahiko sighed and covered his face. “Chikuso… you girls are giving me a headache. Can’t you just stay out of us guys’ business?? You’re gonna get in the way…”

Mikyo then noted, “Since Myoujin is the only one here who stands a chance fighting him, let’s go find this guy before he strikes again! And before it gets dark, because it might be too scary!”

”By the way,” Tsubame uttered, “What is the ‘Night Sword’’s real name?”

”Hidaka.” Miyako blurted out. Everyone turned towards her; her voice had suddenly changed. There was a sly smile on her face, “His name is Hidaka Yuji… and there’s no need to find him.”

Above them, there was a young man sitting up in a tree, a bundle of shinai on his shoulder. “Arigatou for the introduction… my sweet Miyako-chan!” He leapt down and landed in front of them, “I can’t let you all leave here alive, because you’ve figured it out.”

Yahiko held out his shinai. “Leave everyone alone! I’ll fight you!!”

“Hmhmhm… aren’t you being a bit brave. Well, if you want to die now – that’s fine with me! I usually only work at night.” Yuji uttered, eying him over, “Daga, it’s up to me if I’ll leave anyone else alone.”

”All of you – move away! Give us some room!” Yahiko called over his shoulder. He then stared back at Yuji, who was pretending to be bored. ‘This guy seems cocky… and from what Kenshin says, he’s fast!!’

“Enough waiting!” Yuji snapped, lunging forward, shinai pointed out, “I’ll color that gi of yours red! You’ll regret the day you were born, little boy!”

“Little boy?!?” Yahiko growled, “Teme!! Ireze!!” As the attack came soaring at him, he didn’t bother to move. In the last minute, he dove down, throwing Yuji over himself. “Raaaaah!!”

“Uwaaah!” Yuji exclaimed, tumbling in the grass. Sitting up, he glared towards Yahiko, who had readied a stance. “Hmp, I should’ve known you had good defense. That’s probably the only useful thing you can learn at the loser school, Kamiya dojo.”

“You’d be surprised.” Yahiko said, holding out his hand, “Saa, come over and give me some more!!”

“Gladly!!” Yuji yelled, on his feet again and charging him. This time, Yahiko threw down his shinai and caught Yuji’s in his hands. Although he wasn’t quick in the legs, his hands were even faster. With a quick spin, he threw Yuji against a tree, “Ooof!! What is this?! Why don’t you fight me like a man!!” Yuji growled, rubbing his shoulders.

“Do you call running up and down the streets at night, killing random people as you pass, and then blaming it on others – ‘fighting as a man?!” Yahiko countered.

“It seems I have to fight a bit more seriously to make you realize you’re outclassed.” Yuji grumbled. But in the same instant, he was gone. Moving so fast that Yahiko couldn’t see him, Yuji appeared behind him, going to jab him in the back of his shoulder. The tip pointed, it dove into the skin. But Yakiko moved with the flow of the attack so it didn’t go deep.

“YAHIKO-KUN!” Tsubame exclaimed, getting on her feet and shoving her way to the front of the crowd.

“Aaaaarg…” Yahiko cried, falling onto the ground, shaking with slight pain. He lifted his head and saw Yuji going to attack him again. This time, he was able to block it with his shinai, but the force was too great that his broke. “Chikuso!!”

Tsubame turned to the others, “He doesn’t have a sword! He needs our help! All of you are swordsmen! Please do something!!” she pleaded with them.

“What can we do?” they sighed, “We’re no good… there’s no way we can stand a chance against Hidaka… Myoujin is the strongest of all of us and he’s losing…”

”Demo!! He’s fighting for our sake!” she exclaimed. She watched Yahiko grab hold onto the shinai with his bare hands, trying to keep it from getting him in the chest, “Iyaa! I can’t let this happen!!”

“And what are you going to do about it?” Miyako snapped, walking in between her and the battle, “You’re just some mousy girl who hides behind her samurai boy when there’s trouble! Hohoho!!”

Tsubame glared at her. “You knew all along who the serial killer was… and you just let him go. GET OUT OF MY WAY!” she said, smacking her across the face and then running practically through her.

The other guys stood off to the side, as Miyako fell to the ground sobbing. But even Mikyo didn’t comfort his sister. He hadn’t any idea that she was the girlfriend of Hidaka Yuji. “I feel ashamed to be related to her! Someone, run and get the police! We’ll have to bring them in and have them punished for what they did!”

Tsubame kept running towards the two, picking up a shinai as she came towards them. ‘Yahiko… Yahiko… YAHIKO!!’

* * *
“Did you hear that?” Kaoru gasped, shaking Kenshin, who had fallen asleep in her arms, “Wake up! I heard something in the trees over there. I’m going to check it out.”

”Oro?” he uttered with a yawn as she eased herself up, “Were we headed to Maekawa-sensei’s… oro… Kaoru? Where are you…??” She disappeared into the bushes. There was a long pause of silence. “K-Koishii?!”

Just then, there was a loud series of high-pitched shrieks. “UWAAAAAAH!!! OI! OI! DAME YO!!!”

“Aa, gomen ne!” Kaoru’s sweet voice replied.

Moments later, Kaoru came back, dragging along a bruised-looking cop. “Cheh, do ya always have to greet people like that, Kaoru-chan? You might’ve knocked a couple of my teeth out!” Hachi sighed, sitting down with them.

“Tonikaku, what were you doing sneaking around in the woods?” Kaoru snapped, “You’re not still working for Ishida are you? I can very well go back to doing to what I was doing before… and I’m sure you won’t miss any of those teeth!”

He held out his hands. “Oi, matte!! I ain’t working for Ishida. I wanted to make it look like I was! You see, we’ve been trying to figure a way to get rid of him, and to do that I had to act as an insider. You know, hanging out, smokin’ a couple, going to the same bars… It also counts with going along with his insane orders.”

“Sou desu ka. Jaa, Hachi… you didn’t mean all those cruel words you said at the dojo?” she uttered, lowering her head. Just thinking about that time make her spine rattle.

He smiled and patted her on the head. “Kaoru-chan, it was just an act. I didn’t mean to hurt ya, but at that time I really needed to convince him. And it worked; from then on, I was his right-hand man and had access to all his documents. I really didn’t mean to hurt ya… gomen na.”

”Iie, you were doing your job so…”

Kenshin moved back into the picture. “Hachi, what are the police doing now?”

The cop crossed his arms. “They’ve switched their energy from gathering information about Nightsword to looking for you, Kenshin. After all you are an armed fugitive. And Kaoru-chan and Yahiko-kun have also been declared ‘on the run’ and dangerous. If you come across a cop, I suggest you run, unless it’s me or Kuma…”

”Iie, I won’t run.” Kaoru uttered, clenching her fists, fire burning in her eyes, “This time, I won’t run away!”

“Kaoru?” Kenshin stammered, “What are you talking about??”

She smiled and put her hand on his shoulder, “Kenshin, I’ll tell you the story after the battle. Demo, you have to deal with that person first. And I have some unfinished business to take care of. Let’s part for now.”

He stared at her, reading her thoughts. After fighting once with her, reading her wasn’t a problem. Now he knew what she was telling him in her heart, without words. That no matter how long the battle would take, or whatever business she had with Ishida, he knew that when it was all over, she would be there waiting for him. And dying wasn’t even a thought to consider.

As they leaned in for a kiss goodbye, Hachi sighed and turned away, a little annoyed. “Maa maa, I can’t wait to get this case over with so I can pick up my wife from the in-laws and go on our tenth anniversary in Atami… now if those two could stop smooching so we can get on our way…”

“Aishiteru…” Kenshin whispered one last time in her ear before drawing away. He watched as she backed away from him, and then turned to snag Hachi by the arm and drag him in the other direction. Kenshin stood and watched her, then at the last minute called out, “KAORU!!”

She turned back and stared at him. Slowly she smiled and nodded her head. That bright smile told him that everything was going to be all right. A lifetime of happiness was awaiting him after the battle.

onto the conclusion
back to part 7