Rurouni Kenshin was created by Watsuki Nobuhiro, all rights reserved to Shueisha JUMP, Sony, & Anime Works.
Fanfics Notes: Okay, so it took a little more than a couple of hours. Gomen! This one's packed with lots of shockers & secrets, unfortunately no lyrics. Please bear with me, it's a long chapter. And don't fall asleep! At any rate, on with the fic! Don't forget to send your comments to Jill 11/4/00

Part 5: "Memories"

Kenshin proceeded to his room, where he changed into his hakama and gi and fixed his hair. Even though the one he loved was back, he knew things weren’t going to get better fast. He knew there were still things to overcome. He quickly finished getting dressed and hurried to the room where everyone else was, having lunch.

“Hey,” he said softly, taking his spot next to Kaoru, “Are you all right? Maybe you should have Megumi-dono take a look at your injuries. Sano’s Futae no Kiwani can do a lot of damage…”

“I’m fine, Kenshin.” she replied, pouring him some tea, “You better get something to eat before we finish it all. There are no guarantees.”

He chuckled and picked a bowl of rice, then stared around the table. Yahiko was totally ignoring them. Megumi and Sanosuke were ignoring each other. Kenshin sighed at the scene, scooting closer towards Kaoru. He just couldn’t stand being away from her. Especially for being without her for a day. Somehow, just even sitting next to her, he felt so complete, so whole.

After lunch, Yahiko cleared the table, Megumi bringing over a tray of rice cakes for desserts and tea. They all sat around, waiting for a signal of when to begin. Kaoru rested her hands in her lap, finally starting.

“Minna, you must know... there’s someone after my life. His name is Yashiitomo. He used to be my father’s training partner, but then there seemed to have been a dispute between the two. Yashiitomo apparently stopped using Kasshin Ryu and was intent on destroying it.” she explained, “Then, when I was nine years old…”

10 years ago
Kamiya-sensei and his three senior students arrived at the appointed site. It was an old Shinto shrine in the forest just outside Tokyo. Yashiitomo was waiting with his own men. “Kamiya, so we meet again…”

“Damn you! How dare you use my daughter to get to me!” Kamiya said angrily.

“So what are you going to do about it?” he taunted.

Kamiya stared towards the young Kaoru, her face full of fright. She wasn’t tired up, but in a cage. The bars were not that far apart, but it was made out of sharp thorns. It looked like she had been through hell. One of Kamiya students was at his elbow, “You’re not going to let this bastard get away with this, are you Sensei? We can take him!”


The tall, brown-haired teenager grinned, “I believe in everyone and Kasshin Ryu! I know we can beat him!” He turned to his two friends behind him, “What do you say?! Let’s give it our best shot and save Kaoru-chan!”

Hachi nodded. “Count me in!”

Kuma agreed, “Yes, let’s put this villain in his place.”

With that, they charged into battle, fighting off Yashiitomo’s men. Kamiya went straight for Yashiitomo, their swords colliding. In the struggle, they looked each other in the eye, tension rising. “Just let her go!” Kamiya said.

“You’ll have to admit defeat first… admit your style shouldn’t exist!” Yashiitomo replied. Kamiya refused to say anything, but Yashiitomo pushed himself away from his sword, preparing an attack. The blade grazed Kamiya’s hand, the sword dropping to the ground. “It’s over…” Yashiitomo said, raising his sword over him.

“SENSEI!” Keisuke ran in the way, blocking the hit with his shinai, using the Kasshin sucession technique. “Sensei, are you all right? Don’t worry! I’ll handle him! Please move out of the way!” He turned his attention back towards Yashiitomo, “I’m going to stop you right now!”

”Don’t make me laugh, boy!” Yashiitomo said kicking him backwards with his long legs.

Keisuke looked up to see the blade coming at him and quickly swerved out of the way. “What the hell?!” he said as a red line of blood was showing through his hakama, even though he had avoided the hit. He winced a little at the pain on his shoulder; it was a very deep wound.

“Keisuke-san, be careful!” Kuma cried, “His attacks… they can hurt you even if they don’t touch you! I’m not sure how he’s doing it!”

“He’s using the wind pressure.” Kamiya explained, “He angles his blade enough to carry the wind, creating razor-like attacks! If he wanted to, he could easily had sliced your arm off in that instance!”

Yashitomo chuckled, shaking the blood his sword. “Give up, boy. You’re obviously out-classed.” Keisuke pulled himself up and glared towards the laughing samurai. “Your style is no good. It won’t do against mine. Just forget about it, don’t throw your life away.”

“NO!” he exclaimed, breaking into a run, “I AM NOT GOING TO LOSE!!” He snapped his shinai in two as he rushed towards Yashiitomo. The two were going to collide, but Keisuke caught the sword blade with his two pieces and twisted it out of his hands, the sword flying.

Yashiitomo, now unarmed, received a punch to the face and fell to his knee. Keisuke boxed his ears with the wood then kicked him down. “I believe in Kasshin Ryu!” Keisuke yelled, beating him to a pulp with everything he had, “I won’t let you bring dishonor onto something so wholesome… something so important to me!”

Suddenly, Yashiitomo threw out his empty hands, a blast of wind coming out of nowhere. Injuries erupted all over Keisuke as he crumbled to the ground. Hachi cried, “He did that combination attack without a sword?! Oh shit!”

Yashiimoto stood over him, shaking his head, “What a fool… to believe in such a useless technique.”

“KEISUKE!!!” Kaoru pushed her way through the bars of the cage, not caring at all about the thorns tearing at her skin. She ran towards his trembling form lying in the grass. There was so much blood. “Keisuke!”

“Daijoubu… I’m fine…” he uttered, red dripping out of his mouth, “I’m not going to die in a place like this…”

Kaoru clenched her fists. “Still…” She turned towards Yashiitomo. ”YOU BASTARD!” She picked up her bokken and rushed him. I won’t let you get away with this!!”

He simply laughed, but was surprised as she leaped at him, the bokken coming from below, diving into his left eye, the pupil popping and blood erupting. Yashiitomo let out a scream of pain as Kaoru landed behind him. “AAAARG!!!!” he cried, clutching his eye. “WHY YOU LITTLE…!!!”

A fist came to her face, the wind force from his knuckle grazing just above her left eye. It would have got her in the eye if she hadn’t backed away in time. However, in the next moment as she leaped backwards, he tripped her with his swords, making her fall over. Next he pulled her up by the neck, holding her with one arm, the other holding his sword.

“Kamiya, what do you say? Is your school more important than the life of your students? Of your own daughter?” Kamiya tightened his grip on his shinai, abosolutely furious. Yashiitomo just laughed, “Either way, Kasshin Ryu will be non-existent! It’s either I kill her now or I kill her later. With these hands, I will destroy everything important to you!!”

“You bastard…” Kaoru grumbled, struggling in his arm-hold, “I won’t let… you threaten…” With that, she bit him, making him cry out in pain and release her. She fell into the grass, her face full of rage, “If you want to fight, I’ll fight you!!”

She got up and picked up the blood-soaked bokken and was going to rush him again, but her father’s voice stopped her, “Kaoru! Don’t!” She turned around and faced him, as he started speaking past her, “Yashiitomo, if I admit defeat, if I give you my oath that Kasshin Ryu will be gone within ten years, will you spare my daughter’s life.”

“Ten years from this day.” Yashiitomo replied, “If you go back on your word, I come back and finish this.”

Kamiya nodded. Kaoru’s eyes widened. “Otou-san… no…” Yashitomo turned to walk away, into the carriage waiting for him. “You’re going to let that coward get away with this…?”

Kamiya stared at his daughter who had fought her hardest. “You would’ve been a fine swordswoman someday… demo…” He pulled her towards him into a hug, “I couldn’t bear the thought…” Kaoru stared up at him, and then covered her face into his gi, hiding the tears in her eyes.

* * *
Suddenly, Kaoru stopped speaking. Everyone looked towards her worriedly. Kenshin lifted his hand and rubbed her back. “Daijoubu de gozaru ka? Do you want to stop for a bit?”

“Yeah,” she said, turning towards him, their faces inches apart, “I’m okay though…”

Yahiko quickly looked away and concentrated on the cup of tea in front of him. He hadn’t touched it at all; he was too involved with the story. Still, when he came back into the present and saw how close Kenshin was sitting next to Kaoru, how he was looking at her… he felt queasy.

Sanosuke got up from his spot and turned for the door. “I’ve heard enough.” he mumbled, “I’m outta here if you don’t mind.”

Megumi asked over her shoulder, “Where are you going, Sanosuke?”

“Somewhere.” he said, without looking at her and walking outside.

Kaoru got up on her feet. “I’ll be right back.” she said, running after him.

Everyone else exchanged glances. Megumi then stood up. “I’ll go get some more snacks and tea.” she said, picking up the tray and leaving too. Yahiko looked over towards the pensive looking Kenshin, and then sighed.

She caught up to Sanosuke just outside the dojo. It had stopped rain at least, but it was still cloudy and cold out. Kaoru shivered a bit as she came towards him. “What is it, Jou-chan?” he asked.

“About last night…” she started, and then stopped, smiling slightly, “Arigatou!”

“Aa. It was something special, huh?”

Megumi was hiding at the gate, eavesdropping on their conversation. ‘OH KAMI-SAMA!’ she yelled inwardly, ‘That… that… SLUT!’ She watched as Kaoru walked up close to Sanosuke, speaking too quietly for her to hear, ‘I knew something was going on! How dare she! Okay, so someone is out to kill her… but she already has Kenshin… why is she taking my Sanosuke too! That little slut!’

Sanosuke smiled down at her, “Anytime, Jou-chan.”

“Promise?” she asked, holding out her pinky. He took hold of it and nodded. Then he turned and walked away down the path alone. “Take care!” Kaoru called after him. She too turned away and started back towards the dojo. By then, Megumi had already rushed out of there, her face blue and eyes wide.

Inside the room, Yahiko was waiting for Kaoru to get back. “You know, there’s something still bothering me… that guy, Keisuke… who was he? I mean, that move he did against Yashii-whatever sounds like the one you did when we fought against the Reisengumi Taichou. If you ask me, this guy sounds cool.”

“Yeah… well…” she stammered, going sit down, still on the verge of answering. But Megumi walked inside, an obvious tense look on her face as she glared towards her. “Eh? Megumi-san?”

Yahiko was still probing, “So, Kaoru, can you tell us about this Keisuke guy?”

She blinked her eyes, looking around the room. Kenshin seemed to want to hear about him too. “Keisuke was my father’s best student. I admired him very much…” Kaoru said, giving in and telling his story.

* * *
Sunlight filled the dojo as students practiced in the heat. A young Kaoru was wearing a pink kimono with butterflies when she got in a fight with a buck-toothed kid with a frog in his pocket. “Bwahaha!” he snarled, pulling her ponytail, “Yoo wook like a girl in that gedap!”


“Cuda fooled me!”

“Oi, punk.” A tall teenager stood over them with a scary look, “Leave her alone or ya have to deal with me.” The buck-toothed kid ran off screaming in fear. The guy’s face then softened as he knelt down to Kaoru. “He giving you shit, Kaoru-chan? Want me to go after him?”

“Iie. But thanks for the thought, Keisuke.” she replied, getting up, dusting off her kimono.

“Your new one too.” he sighed, “That punk is gonna get his ass kicked. I sure hope your father doesn’t get mad. At any rate, I got some snacks made. Let’s go share with Hachi and Kuma.”

The two walked towards the house where Hachi and Kuma were eating watermelon. “Oi, Keisuke, Kaoru-chan!” Hachi chimed, “There’s only one left!”

“You pigs!” Keisuke said, bashing them both on the heads, “Who was it who sliced and bought the watermelon?” The two stopped to think, watermelon dripping down from their mouth and seeds all over their faces. After a pause, they pointed at him. “Damn you both! You owe me a watermelon!” he growled, his face raging.

“Aaaaa!!! Gomen, gomen!” they cried, running for cover, “Please forgive us!!!”

Keisuke just sighed and went to pick up the last piece, “Well, here you go, Kaoru-chan.”

“Quit spoiling her, Keisuke. She’s already nine, ya know!” Hachi noted, “And you’re ten years older… hm, I get it. Kaoru-chan’s into older men! So, you’re going to marry Keisuke, eh?”

“Iie!” Kaoru exclaimed, “Keisuke is gonna marry Shizuka-san!”

“Aa. Sou ka.” Keisuke replied, “But ya think she’ll like a pitiful dumbass like me?”

“You’re not pitiful! You’re going to be the next master of Kasshin Ryu for sure!”

He just threw his head back and laughed. But Kuma gave him a serious look, “It’s true, Keisuke-san. I heard Kamiya-sensei talking about it. You’re really qualified.”

Keisuke shook his head. “I work as hard as everyone else. I don’t really deserve it.” He smiled towards Kaoru, “I think this little kenjutsu komachi should be the next master of Kasshin Ryu.”

”Baka, the master can’t be a girl!” she argued.

”Says who?” he asked, his brown eyes taunting, “Kaoru-chan, you can do whatever want! Don’t take any shit from anyone!”

Out of nowhere, a voice sighed, “Personally, I don’t think Kamiya-sensei is going to appreciate you teaching his daughter barbaric cuss words.” They turned and saw a beautiful woman wearing a purple kimono, her gray eyes sparkling.

Keisuke got up and stared towards her, “Shizuka… ano… what are you doing here…?”

She smiled past him, her gaze on the younger girl. “Kaoru-san, how you are doing today? That’s a very lovely kimono you’re wearing.”

”Domo arigatou, Shizuka-san!” she gasped, blushing, “Someday, I want to be a fine lady… just like you!” Now Shizuka was blushing. “Ne, Shizuka-san, Keisuke wants to go talk to you somewhere in private.”

”NANI?!” Keisuke exclaimed, extremely red, “NO, I… !!” Shizuka went over and took him by the hand. Slowly he came with her, walking off. His friends all just started laughing. Kaoru smiled after them, and then proceeded to pick up the slice of watermelon.

* * *
Months later, Kaoru was inside the empty dojo, practicing with a bokken. When she finally got the move down, she wanted to show someone, but there was no one in sight. She ran outside, looking for her dad or Keisuke. “Huh?” She saw Keisuke with Shizuka off by the trees. Shizuka suddenly slapped him.

“Ow! Why’d the hell you do that for?!”

“It was the only way for you to stop talking and listen to me for a moment!” she cried.

“I’ve heard enough!” he yelled, rubbing his cheek, “And I won’t do it! Shizuka, I’m this close to finishing my training!”

“Is it really that important?!” she exclaimed, “More important than me?!” He stopped and stared at her, her gray eyes full of tears, “Sometimes I just don’t understand you, Keisuke!“

“That’s fine! I’m not asking you to!” he argued, “I just want you to accept me as I am! You can’t change me, so don’t bother trying! Once I have my mind made up, there’s no turning back!”

“I see, that’s how it is…” she uttered, backing away from him, “Keisuke, the engagement is off.” She then ran away from him, disappearing into the woods.

“Dammit!” Keisuke grumbled, sitting against a tree, “DAMMIT DAMMIT!!!” Kaoru approached him slowly. He saw her and dropped his head. “Kaoru-chan, I totally screwed up…”

“It’s all right, just tell her you’re sorry.”

“No, no! It’s not that easy. You see, she wants me to quit kenjutsu so I can go work at her father’s business in Osaka. But I don’t want to do that! This is my life… why can’t she see that? I love her and all, but sometimes she just drives crazy!” He then let out a sigh. “It’s strange… somehow the ones we love most are the ones we end up hurting… I really don’t know what to do.”

Kaoru frowned, staring at his depressed face and not sure what to do either. “Keisuke…”

He suddenly got up and patted her on the head, “Did you perfect that move yet? Let’s go practice more so we can show your dad when he gets back.” She nodded, knowing he was just trying to cheer up, and then followed him into the dojo for more training.

* * *
“Busu!” Yahiko exclaimed, slapping his teacher on the back, “That can’t be it! I mean… what happened to him? After the battle with Yashiitomo! Come on! Keep telling the story!”

“Mou, Yahiko…” Kaoru glared towards him, “I just stopped to take a sip of my tea. If you don’t quit it, I’m going to pour it down your hakama!!”

“Well, you can’t leave us hanging! Hurry up, Busu!”

Kenshin’s smile caught her attention. “Aa, Kaoru, please hurry. It’s very interesting. Sessha wants to hear more de gozaru yo.” She lowered the cup and sighed. “What’s wrong?” he asked, scooting towards her again, Yahiko scooting away.

“It’s just…” Her sadden face reflected into her tea as she finally continued where she had left off.

* * *
After the battle with Yashiitomo, they rushed Keisuke over to Dr. Genzai’s clinic. Kuma was literally in tears, “Please hang on, Keisuke-san! I’ve always admired you! Please!!” he begged as they brought him into the operating room. Keisuke just chuckled before he passed.

Hours later, Kaoru limped through the dark hall in the clinic. She had changed from the bloodstained hakama to a blue kimono. Her legs and arms were covered with bandages. Her father told her to rest, but she needed to go see if Keisuke was all right. At the end of the hall, she reached for the door and walked in. “Keisuke…?”

She walked past Kuma and Hachi, who had fallen asleep from staying up all night at his bedside. Keisuke was lying on white sheets, his body covered with bandages. His faces looked weary but happy to see her. “Kaoru… chan…?”

“Hai.” she replied, “Are you in a lot of pain?” He nodded. “Arigatou… for coming back to save me…”

“Aa… doitashimashite.” he said, “I have no regrets, but I’m afraid… I won’t be able to see you anymore.” She nodded quietly. He closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them, “We had lots of good times, ne?”

“Yeah… but this is ‘sayonara’ isn’t it?”

“Looks like it. But Kaoru-chan, someday, if some boy gives you shit, I’ll be sure to come outta hell and kick his ass. Got it?” he chuckled weakly. She nodded, fighting against the tears building up in her eyes. He reached over and wiped her cheek with his bandaged hand. “You going miss me…?”

Kaoru forced a smile. “Daijoubu! Don’t worry about me. I’m strong… I can take care of myself.”

“I know you can. Still, there will be times you or others will doubt that strength. When that happens, all you got to do is look into your heart… just go with whatever feels right. That’s what I’ve always done. Promise me, Kaoru-chan that you won’t give up because of fear or doubts. That you’ll give it everything you have, no matter who tell you otherwise.”

She stared as he held out his pinky finger. Drying her eyes, she linked hers. “Yakusoku yo.”

“Yosshi, that’s…” Keisuke uttered, his eyes slowly closing, “…my kenjutsu komachi…”

Kaoru blinked as his hand suddenly dropped down onto the bed. “Keisuke… Keisuke! KEISUKE!!” she blurted out. Her screams had wakened both Hachi and Kuma, who sat up and walked over towards her. But it was all too late. He was gone.

* * *
Weeks later after the event; Kaoru had disappeared from the dojo. Kamiya, Hachi, and Kuma searched all over for her. Finally they found her at the site where they had fought Yashiitomo. She was standing in the rain, gripping her bokken. “Kaoru… it’s time to go home.”

”I’m not going to give up… “ she uttered, “I’m going to continue kenjutsu.”

”Kaoru!” Kamiya ran towards his daughter, holding an umbrella over her head. “No, I want you to quit. I want you to forget about all this and live a happy life.”

”But Otou-san! How can I live a happy life if it was rooted with fear?”

“True, but I’m afraid for your future. That man Yashiitomo will be back on account of his word. By then, you’ll be a grown up and I won’t be there. When you find a man to marry, I want you to throw away this old life. Throw away Kasshin Ryu. This is a request coming from your father.”

“Otou-san!” she cried, “I-I won’t! I won’t ever get married! I won’t give up kenjutsu!! I can’t give it up! Even if it’s you telling me!”

“No daughter of mine will be disobedient to me! Sometimes I wish you’d listen to me for once! Sometimes I wish… !!!”

“… you didn’t have a daughter.” she finished the sentence for him. She then stared at the ground, hiding her tears, “You’re wishing you had a son, who could take care of Kasshin Ryu, who can handle everything… not some burden like me.”

“Kaoru…” Kamiya uttered. He realized all along he had never really said that, but without even thinking about it, that message had somehow come through. It was all too late to take it back. “I never meant for you to think that, it’s just…”

“I know, it would have been easier. But Otou-san…” she said, lifted her blue eyes to him. Her mother’s eyes, strong and stubborn. “I’ll make you proud of me! You’ll see! I’ll be okay… you don’t have to worry about me! I’ll take care of everything important… even if I’m alone!”

’Kaoru…’ he sighed, holding his daughter in the rain, ‘I know you will… I know there will be no way to stop you…’

* * *
Six years later, Kamiya Tetsuro was killed during the Southwest war. By then, Hachi and Kuma had left the dojo to join the katana police force. Since Kamiya had been away, Kaoru had been taking care of the place. Slowly students had left, after she received news that her father was dead. Kamiya Kasshin was on the verge of disappearing. Kaoru sat in the empty dojo, by the family shrine, lighting incense.

She had continued her kenjutsu over the years as she vowed she did. After awhile, Kamiya stopped fighting with her about it, and allowed her to do as she wished. Still, he emphasized that when he was gone, it was up to her to decide what she needed to do. She knew he still wanted her to give up. But she couldn’t.

“So you’re still in this place?”

Kaoru turned to see someone else standing in the dojo. It was the man with long black hair and an eye patch, “Yashiitomo…”

“Just came to pay my respects.” he replied, bowing his head slightly, “Although, it’s a shame that such a great man have to die a dog’s death.”

”YOU…” Kaoru got on her feet, “How dare you show your face here and insult my father!”

“You too, Kamiya Kaoru… if you stay in this place, you will die like a dog.” He turned to leave. “Go ahead and continue to defy your father. I am a man of my word. I will return – on the memorial of our last battle and put his cheap fighting style and daughter to rest.”

Kaoru stared towards the back of his head. She was the last of the Kamiya family. She was the adjutant master of Kasshin Ryu. Sure she was alone. Sure she had gone against her father’s wishes. Still, it was her life. She had to live the way that felt right. It would be three more years before the outcome of the remainder of her life will be decided.

* * *
At last, Kaoru ran out of words. It was already dark outside. Megumi glanced at her watch. “I guess I better head back…”

“M-matte!” Yahiko exclaimed, “Why don’t you stay over, Megumi? I mean, it’s late. I don’t think you should wander around at this time of night.” She looked over at Kaoru, who was staring into her tea, then at Kenshin who was staring at his Kaoru. “What do you say?”

“I suppose.” she uttered with a shrug.

“Yossha!” he chimed, “I’ll go bring the extra futon into Kaoru’s room.”

At this, both Kenshin and Kaoru lifted their heads. Megumi pretended not to notice, but decided to let them have some time alone. And get some time away from Kaoru. She knew she might get started into something that she wouldn’t be able to control if she mentioned what she knew. It was too late to deal with it. Abandoning the thoughts for the moment, she left the room to follow Yahiko.

Once alone, Kenshin let out a sigh, “I thought for sure tonight I’d finally have you back in my arms…”

“Me too.” she replied miserably, “Yahiko must be on to us or something. You sure were right though. He isn’t taking this well.”

He put his arm around her, “Doesn’t matter. He’s going to have to get used to it. I won’t stop my feelings on any account.” Shifting around, she leaned against him, snuggling into his gi. He suddenly said, “About Keisuke…”

“He was someone I admired, someone I really cared for…” She lifted her eyes and looked into his, “But he was a like a brother to me, a mentor... ” She placed a soft kiss in the center of his chest, “It’s nothing compared to the way you make me feel. Aishiteru, Kenshin.”

“Oro, Kaoru…”

She got up and looked down at the heated expression on his face. “It’s a shame Megumi-san is staying over tonight. I thought for sure…” Her amusement slowly faded. “Still, please understand, after hearing my story you must know there’s no way I can marry you. It really has nothing to do with you; it’s me. I just can’t…”

“It’s okay.” Kenshin said, getting up and taking her hands. “We don’t have to. I’ll be fine as long as you’re with me.”

“Demo I don’t how this is going to end. I thought I’d deal with it when I came to it, but time has run out…”

“I won’t let anyone take you away from me.” he said, holding her close one last time before going to their separate rooms, “I’ll protect you with all my strength and all my love. Yakusoku yo.”

Back to Part 4
Onto Part 6