Rurouni Kenshin was created by Watsuki Nobuhiro, all rights reserved to Shueisha JUMP, Sony, & Anime Works.
Fanfics Notes: Minna-san, are you enjoying the fanfic? Yosshi! I'm glad if you are! I worked really hard during the week trying to get my school work done so I could put all my effort into these next two parts. I'm hearing lots of good comments. Please keep sending them. It really encourages me. Saa, douzo! Jill 11/10/00

Part 6: "Confrontations"

By the time Kaoru arrived in her room, Megumi had already changed into a spare yukata and was setting up her futon. Kaoru walked around, going to get her yukata. She then started to undress. Megumi stopped and stared towards her. “Nani? Is something wrong?”

“He did a good job…” Megumi uttered. Kaoru was still confused, already half out of her kimono, “That’s how Sanosuke ties his bandages.”

She became all flustered. “Oh… well… uh…yeah…”

While she hurriedly finished getting changed, Megumi got up and walked over to her. “Kaoru-chan, you don’t have to act all innocent. I know what happened.”

“What are you talking about?”

Her face turned angry as she grabbed her arm, “Don’t give me that! You know very well what you did! You shameless excuse for a girl! I ought to tell Ken-san!”

“You leave Kenshin out of this!” Kaoru snapped, “Just what the hell has gotten into you?!”

“Just admit it already!”

“Admit what!?”

Outside, the screams were heard. Kenshin and Yahiko came rushing out of their rooms and stopped at the door. The yelling was getting more definite: “Tanuki! Kitsune! Crybaby! Obachan! Tomboy! Jezebel!” The two exchanged glances.

“Should we do something?” Yahiko asked, “I mean… men shouldn’t interfere with cat-fights, but how the hell are we gonna get them to be quiet…”

“Someone might get hurt.” Kenshin said, going to pull open the door. “Oro??” Megumi and Kaoru were on the floor; Kaoru pulling Megumi’s hair, while Megumi’s hands were pushing Kaoru’s face. “Maa, maa, girls, please don’t fight de gozaru yo!”

Kaoru let go of Megumi’s hair and went flying backwards. Megumi hovered over her with a satisfied smile. “This was all the Tanuki’s fault!!”

“No! It was not!” Kaoru yelled back, hurling a pillow at her head. She then crumbled to the floor sorely. “Itai! My shoulder!!” she sniffed.

Megumi crossed her arms, the pillow on her. “Hmp! You deserve it! Next time you have an injury, don’t come crying to me, you hear that?!” she muttered, going for the door, “I’m going to get some water. By the time I get back, I expect an apology!”

“Like hell!” Kaoru yelled after her.

After she left, Yahiko turned to Kenshin, waiting for what they should do. “All right,” he finally said, “I need to separate you two. Kaoru, please stay in Yahiko’s room tonight.”

Yahiko went pale, about to protest. But one look at Kaoru told him he didn’t need to. She was looking past him towards Kenshin. “Demo! It’s not my fault!” she cried, “I don’t even know why Megumi-san’s acting up!”

“Kaoru,” he replied, “Please… for me.”

Kaoru pouted at the floor, finally giving in. She got up and started to pick up her things. Yahiko helped her carry her things towards his room. Kenshin waited for Megumi to come back. He had to find out what was going on. Megumi tried to walk past him, but he stopped her with an arm.

“Don’t ask me, Ken-san. I don’t want to tell you.”

“Megumi-dono,” he said, “You don’t have to say. I want you to know that I’m letting you two dispute this out yourselves. But I don’t want to see anyone get hurt. Please understand, whatever this is about, I’m sure you can get over it.”

“Hmp… I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ll never forgive her!” she snapped, breaking away from him and rushing into the room. Kenshin frowned and turned for his own room.

* * *
Inside Yahiko’s room, Kaoru was spreading out the futon. Yahiko was waiting for her to finish so he could turn off the light. “Kaoru…” he uttered, “Is it all right? Wouldn’t you rather stay in Kenshin’s room?”

She stopped and looked towards him, his red face focusing on the floor. She smiled slightly, “I don’t mind. But I would be a bit happier if Kenshin did ask me to stay with him. But I know he’s shy, so he wouldn’t had said it out loud… I guess you’ve figured that much was going on between us.”

“Aa, it wasn’t that difficult.” he said, climbing into his futon as she did the same. He blew out the light, the room turning dark. “So… you two have been staying together?”

“We really didn’t do anything wrong. Just being near each other is enough.” she said, turning her head towards him as her eyes focused, “I’m sorry if it upsets you. I never wanted to keep it from you, Yahiko. I’ll stop if it does bother you.”

After a pause, Yahiko rolled over and faced her. “Kaoru…” She waited for him to continue. “It does bother me.” he sighed, “I know it’s not fair to you guys, but I just… I’m not used to it.”

“I understand.” she uttered. After that, there was no longer an exchange of words. Both fell silent, sulking in their own separate thoughts.

* * *
Dr. Genzai was staring around outside with a lantern. He sighed at the clouds. ‘Ten years…’ He closed his eyes, remembering the night. The patient was completely covered with deep wounds. So much blood. Back then, it was just him working the clinic. It was so much work. In the end, he couldn’t do anything, but wait.

‘Keisuke…’ he sighed, ‘Time has caught up with us. Please watch over Kaoru-chan.’

Suddenly, he heard noises and saw lights coming towards him. He got up and ran out to see three men. “Genzai-sensei! We need your help!” Kuma cried.

“That’s two nights in a row. What are you guys up to?” the old man said, walking over to the trio. He saw who was the injured one.

Sanosuke was leaning against Hachi. His right arm was bleeding and it looked like he sprained his ankle. This was the man who was seeing Megumi. He was always such a suspicious character, using vulgar language and acting disrespectful. But he treated Ayame and Suzume kindly and Kenshin seemed to trust him a lot. Genzai just didn’t know what to think about him. Was he reliable enough? Was he right for Megumi?

“We got into a little spat.” Sanosuke said, “It doesn’t hurt much. Just could ya lend me some bandages.” Genzai finally allowed them inside. While he looked over the wounds, they told him their story...

* * *
Earlier that night, Sanosuke had gone to the Akebeko where he spoke with Tae. “Oh? So Kaoru-chan really isn’t going to marry Ken-han? How sad! I can’t believe it!”

“Aa.” he uttered, leaning against the wall, “Jou-chan isn’t going to change her mind, I’m afraid. She’s going through a lot… could you and Tsubame possibly come by and try to cheer her up?” Tae nodded, happy that she was able to do something. As she went off to serve some customers, he noticed two cops sitting together having dinner.

“Damn, it’s so hard to eat with these chopsticks… aaarg!!” the tall one muttered, his bandage hand fumbling and trying to get some rice into his mouth, “Damn Yashiitomo!!”

“Hachi-san, please calm down. Look, I want to get that villian too, but I think we’re approaching this wrong…”

“But, Kuma, what are we supposed to do?! She’s only got a couple more days!” Hachi grumbled.

Kuma frowned. “I wonder how would someone feel if they knew… the exact day, exact time when they might die… when their life was going to end… Kaoru-chan…”

“Yo!” Sanosuke stood over them, looking back and forth, “I’m presuming you two are Hachi and Kuma, Jou-chan’s cop friends.”

“By ‘Jou-chan’ you mean… Kaoru-chan, right?” Hachi asked, dropping his chopsticks again, “Who are you? How do you know Kaoru-chan?”

”I’m one of her friends, Sagara Sanosuke.” he replied, “Was it Yashiitomo who messed you up?” Hachi grimaced as he nodded, finally giving up on trying to eat, “Jou-chan told me the story. I know what’s going on.”

“You do?” Kuma said, “Then you know that her life is endanger.”

“Yeah. And I have a favor to ask…”

* * *
About an hour later, they arrived outside of town. Sanosuke stepped out into the clearing in the woods. There was a beaten up small shrine in the middle. An empty battleground, where men and tears had fallen. “This is the place…?”

“Hai,” Kuma said, “Ten years ago, this was where we fought Yashiitomo. And where…” He closed his eyes for a moment, remembering the person he admired, his bloody form on the ground, “Keisuke-san…”

Hachi leaned against a tree. “Kaoru-chan doesn’t know, but the same thing happened years before. Her mother went through the same thing. Sensei was able to rescue her, but she was pretty weak from the experience and died from illness shortly afterwards. Sensei was always afraid for Kaoru-chan…”

Sanosuke nodded, looking over the area carefully. “This Yashiitomo… he has to be stopped. I’ll do what I can to help. Not just me, but Yahiko and Kenshin too. Just tell us what to do!” he said. They stared at him blankly. He let out a sigh. “Don’t you have any strategies yet? Or any clues to his hideout??”

“No…” Kuma uttered, “Yashiitomo is a very elusive. Hachi-san and I have been trying to track him down for years. But because of the anniversary of the fight coming up, it’s only natural that he’d return to Tokyo.”

“Don’t worry about a thing then. Jou-chan will just get worried if you two get yourselves injured.” he muttered, “Kenshin will be able to take care of her. Leave the fighting to us, okay?”

“I know what you’re saying, but I’m not sure.” Hachi replied, “I mean, are you positive that such a young guy could protect Kaoru-chan from this crazed lunatic?”

Sanosuke’s eyes went slant. “Just what the f--k you talking about? Kenshin is thirty years old!”

Both cops went pale, sweat running down their red faces. “S-sou… na…” Kuma cried, “You mean… Himura-san is… as old as us??”

Hachi rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “I knew it! Kaoru-chan’s into older men…”

“At any rate, you shouldn’t worry. Kenshin will be able to beat that bastard Yashiitomo.” Sanosuke chuckled, “After all, he is the legendary samaurai!”

“EH?” Kuma cried, “That’s where I heard that name before! Himura-san is… is… the Hitokiri Battousai!!”

“Masaka! That little guy??” Hachi cried.

Just then, they heard some evil laughter. Someone had been watching them from the trees. A lean young man leapt from a high branch and landed behind them. “So, it’s true. The lover of Kamiya Kaoru is nothing but a murderer… how very fitting…”

“Who the hell are you?!” Sanosuke growled, angry that he had insulted his friends, “TEME!!!”

The man grinned, his flat blond hair curving around his head like a bowl. He wore a black embroidered attire, his hands in his sleeves. “My name is Tsueng. The son and successor of Yashitomo.”

Hachi noted, “Don’t speak too soon, Kid. You meant to say you’re his ‘adopted son’.”

“I AM HIS SON!” Tsueng exclaimed. A smile then curved on his face, “And I will do anything to get what Otou-sama wants. I won’t let anyone stand in his way.”

“Talk about loyalty.” Kuma sighed. Sanosuke suddenly stepped forward. “Ano… Sanosuke-san… you’re not going to fight him, are you??”

“This asshole is with Yashiitomo. Therefore, he is my enemy. Anyone who endanger people who are important to me will most likely get their face flattened.” he sneered, fists ready.

“Oh? Is that a threat? Let’s see what you got!” Tsueng said, awaiting his first strike. Sanosuke couldn’t believe it as his punch was stopped in midair. “Ahahaha! You don’t think you’ll be able to even touch me with attacks like this!”

Sanosuke cried out as a gash ripped through his arm. “How’d that happen?! Is he using the same attacks as Yashiitomo?!” Hachi exclaimed.

“No! Look!!” Kuma said. The glare of the moonlight shimmered off the apparent wires tied around Sanosuke’s arm.

“You’re a… f—king cheater…” Sanosuke grumbled, ceasing his struggles.

Tsueng smiled. “I may not be a man of my word as my father is, but… I’m still learning. Honesty is a bit overrated anyhow. If I had my way, that girl would be dead by now.”

“Damn you!” Sanosuke hurled a punch with his free hand to his face. This of course angered Tsueng, who struck his ankle with a metal rod that was hanging on his back. Sanosuke bit back at the pain as he stumbled to his knee, the wires releasing his arm.

“You’re finished now.” Tsueng chuckled, flipping his rod over as the wires wrapped around it. Suddenly, Kuma ran over, holding out a gun. “Oh? What’s this?”

“S-stop! You’re under arrest! Put down that weapon or… I’ll shoot!!” he uttered, his hands shaking.

Tsueng simply laughed. “So this is what happened to the prized students of Kamiya Kasshin Ryu? Have they resulted to guns and katana? Not only that, but the adjutant master is sleeping with a bloodthirsty killer. Really, what a bunch of hypocrites! Go ahead and shoot me if you can!”

Kuma trembled, tears filling his eyes as he raised the gun towards him. “I… I… I can’t…” he uttered, dropping it, “I can’t take another life… I just can’t…”

“You had your chance.” Tsueng said, turning away, “It would be my life or that girl’s. In the end, Otou-sama will be satisfied at last as this useless technique has been wiped off this earth. We’ll be seeing more of each other later. I’d really like to meet this Battousai…” He then disappeared into the woods.

“Kuma,” Hachi said, walking over to his friend, “You okay?” He nodded, rather saddened.

Sanosuke sat up and patted him on the back. “Heh, Kuma, ya did your best. If it weren’t for you, I’d probably be in worse shit than this. Arigatou yo.”

Kuma slowly smiled. “You’re welcome!”

“Still… what are we going to do? That little punk is tough.” Hachi sighed, “And we can’t do anything to him because of what we’ve learned. It’s makes me so frustrated!”

Sanosuke nodded. “But we gotta remember what we’re protecting…” They stopped and stared at him. Realizing what he was talking about, they nodded, more determined to stand by what was important.

* * *
“I see, that’s what happened.” Genzai said, walking outside with Kuma. It was already morning. Sanosuke was inside the clinic, resting. “It’s getting dangerous, isn’t it?”

“Hai, I’m worried about everyone… I’m worried I won’t be able to do anything.” he sighed, then lifted his head, “But I feel a bit better… I mean, since we have so many people to support us… people like Sanosuke-san and Kenshin-san.”

Genzai nodded. “Those two are very brave and they won’t let any harm come to Kaoru-chan.”

“Yeah…” Kuma uttered, staring at the ground, “I wish… I wish that…” He stopped, frowning. “No, it’s nothing.”

Hachi came running up the road. “I went down to the dojo and told them what happened. They should be on their way. Kuma, we gotta go to the police station. The chief wants to talk to us!” Kuma nodded and followed his partner down the road.

Genzai watched them quietly. ‘I wish the same thing too…’

* * *
After hearing what happened to Sanosuke, Megumi was the first one to come rushing over to the clinic. She didn’t even wait for the others who were still getting ready. Running down the hall, past Genzai, she opened the door. “Sanosuke!”

“Hm?” He was lazily lying down on a bed, his unbandaged arm resting behind his head. “What is it, Fox?”

“You tried fighting one of those crazies! And almost got yourself killed!!” she exclaimed, “Baka Tori Atami!”

He just gnawed on the fish bone in his mouth. “I’m fine. It’s just a scratch. You’re overreacting.”

“It’s because of her, isn’t it?!” Her eyes were filled with tears. She leaned her head down onto his hand. “Because you care about Kaoru-chan, you’re doing this?”

Sanosuke sat up, stroking her hair back. “Of course I care about Jou-chan. She’s important to me, like how the rest of you are. If it were for Kenshin or Yahiko, I’d do the same. Megumi… why are you…?”

“No, I’m talking about how you feel about her! I know!” she cried, “The way you look at her is different from how you look at me. You two share something that I don’t have…”

“Eh?” He blinked. “Fox, get a hold of yourself. Jou-chan and I may share some things in common, but we have nothing.” He cupped her face. “Look, why would I want her when I have a woman like you? You’re my type, Megumi. Nothing in the world can change my love for you.”


He started laughing, “Jou-chan is a like a little sister to me. I can’t believe you thought that…”

“But didn’t you two do it?” she asked. His face turned red. “I know she stayed at your place.”

“M-Megumi!! Don’t spread shit like that! Nothing happened!!!” he cried frantically.

She lowered her head, “But you’re still mad about me kissing Ken-san?”

“Not anymore.” he said, smiling, “Kenshin and I are still buddies. And I figured you kissing and fooling around with some other guy isn’t new.” She glared at him. “Eheheh… what? It’s the truth, isn’t it?” She merely swatted him on the injured arm. “OW! YAMERO!! Oh you’re going to get it!” he chuckled, pulling her to him, kissing and coddling following.

* * *
Kaoru moved away from the door, turning back down the hall. She was glad things were patched up between Megumi and Sanosuke, but she couldn’t help but feel uneasy. He was hurt fighting one of Yashiitomo’s men. How much more injuries… fatalities will result from this?

‘This is my problem.’ she thought, clutching her shoulder, ‘But I can’t even handle it on my own…’ She stopped outside and stared at the cloudy sky. ‘How much longer…?’

Genzai approached the pensive girl. A forlorn look on her face. “Kaoru-chan,” he uttered, “You’re worried, aren’t you? I am too. I’m afraid of what may happen.”

She nodded, crossing her arms. “I’m afraid too… of dying… of someone else dying…” Glassy blue eyes closed, “I thought I’d have enough time…”

“We always think that.” he said, putting his hand on her shoulder, “But when the time comes, you must face it, whether you’re ready or not. That’s what my grandson taught me. He died without regrets because he gave it all he got.”

“Genzai-sensei…” she uttered, facing him.

“Keisuke wouldn’t want you to give up, Kaoru-chan. You mustn’t forget what he died for, what he died protecting.” he said. She sadly nodded her head, as he went to hug the girl. “Arigatou. You’ve done such a great job taking his place. Ayame-chan, Suzume-chan, and I are very grateful to you. Daijoubu, Kaoru-chan… daijoubu…”

Onto Part 7
Back to Part 5