Rurouni Kenshin was created by Watsuki Nobuhiro, all rights reserved to Shueisha JUMP, Sony, & Anime Works.
"Blue Rain" is a song by Fine Killing Liberty, "FinKL". If you're into Asian Pop, this Korean group is really the best. I highly recommend looking for their songs, especially "Blue Rain". I'll be sure to add the Korean Romanji someday. Be content with the English Translation for now. Gomen!
Final Notes: Minna-san, I hope you're all enjoyed the fanfic! Domo arigato for staying with me this long! Please continue to send your comments & encouragement right over! And now for the ending! Saa douzo!! Jill 11/14/00
slightly revised 11/16/00

Blue Rain
Finale: "Raindrops"

A blazing swirl of red and orange surrounding her, Kaoru was lying down on her stomach, her aching body sprawled out on the floor. Dizzy and weak, she stared at the reaching flames. Already, the air was thin and she could hardly breathe. It would either she would burn to death or be suffocated. Trembling as she tried to move, she closed her eyes for a moment, blotting out the pain surging through her and the images of her dojo in flames.

‘No, this can’t be happening!’ she thought, clenching her eyelids tighter, ‘Doushite?!’

Stillness and silence fell. The cruel sounds of the flames burning through the wood frame of the dojo ceased. Kaoru slowly opened her eyes. Amongst the fire, she saw a figure standing before her.

‘Otou-san..? Am I imaging it…?’

The middle-aged man was dressed in gi and hakama, his black hair short and mustache trimmed. He held out his hand to her and said softly, “Kaoru, that’s enough. It’s time to go. You’ve done your best…”

“Demo!” she started to say, still confused. She kept staring into his face, his open hand, reaching out to her, “I…”

“Kaoru, please come with me.” he said, “I can’t bear seeing you suffer like this. It’s all over. Let’s go now.”

Kaoru looked down, trying to hide the tears forming in her eyes. “Gomen nasai,” she uttered, finally lifting her face to his blurring image, “Otou-san, I won’t do as you say. This is my life. This is the path I chose; I don’t regret any of it… and I don’t want to die here!”


“There are still things I need to carry out and people I care for… I’m so sorry… Gomen nasai, Otou-san… onegai…”

Kamiya looked into his daughter’s crying face, his hand dropping to his side. He slowly smiled. “Sou ka. Then there’s nothing more I have to say to you…”

“Just a bit longer!” she cried, his translucent figure slowly fading, the flames coming back to life, “Matte! Please don’t go yet!!” He continued to disappear from sight, leaving her alone in the burning room. She gripped her fists and sobbed into the floor. ‘Otou-san…’

A moment passed. The flames coming closer, she really didn’t know what to do, her mind intent on staying alive, but her heart broken from separation and her body too weak to move. Leaning her head back down, she gasped for air, the heat stinging in her lungs and all around her skin. ‘No… not yet… I…’

All of a sudden, Kenshin came running in the blazing doorway. “KAORU!” he called, “I’m coming! Hang on!!” He sped through the flames, not caring about the fire catching onto his clothes or his own skin burning. He knelt down in front of her, scooping up her fragile body, huddled close to him as he race out of there.

Outside, everyone was making an effort in putting the fire out. It had almost gone wild enough to spread, but luckily the wind had died down and they were able to control it. But the dojo was most definitely lost. The Kenshin-gumi put down their buckets of water and rushed over. “Is Kaoru okay?” Yahiko gasped.

“I don’t know.” Kenshin uttered, still cradling her in his arms, “She won’t answer me.”

“Yo Jou-chan!!” Sanosuke hollered but it didn’t do any good. Shaking his head, he looked to Megumi, who walked up and started to examine her. “Well!? Megumi, tell us!”

Her face was pale with concern. “These injuries are serious and need to be taken care of right away. Ken-san, please bring her into the house. Yahiko, run and get Genzai-sensei; there’s no way I can handle this on my own. And Sanosuke…”

Before she could finish, they heard a rustle in the grass. Yashiitomo was approaching them, looking directly at Kaoru’s trembling form. “It’s not over yet. Hand her over.”

Kenshin’s eyes flashed, the same color of the dying flames behind him. “Never! I won’t give her over to you, Yashiitomo! For what you’ve done, I ought to make you suffer…!”

Sanosuke suddenly stepped in between them. “Kenshin, I’ll handle this.” he said gruffly over his shoulder. His friend lifted his head in surprise. “Jou-chan… she needs you. You got to get her through it. I’ll take care of this bastard!” Kenshin nodded, then started to walk towards the house with Kaoru. Megumi was about to follow, but looked back towards Sanosuke with worry. “Daijoube.” he said without turning around, “There’s no way I’ll lose.” Smiling briefly, she picked up her medicine chest and ran after the others.

“You are brave.” Yashiitomo admitted, “But a fool to approach me without a weapon.” With that he drew his sword, thin and flimsy enough to carry the wind on it for his special attacks. Sanosuke squared off the samurai who merely grinned towards him. “Don’t bother. This really has nothing to do with you.”

“Damn right it does!” he growled, clenching his fists, “Jou-chan means a lot to all of us! For trying to take her away from us… you’ll f--king pay!!” Just then, a combo attack came right at him. He leaped out of the way in time only to see another coming at him, ‘Kuso! I gotta get closer! But how?!’

* * *
Inside the house, Kenshin was putting Kaoru down on the futon as Megumi tied back her hair. “We don’t have a lot of time,” she explained as she sterilized her hands, “She’s lost already a lot of blood and her wounds are deep. Not to mention the great amount of trauma she’s been through. If she passes out, we might not be able to keep her with us.”

“Kaoru…” Kenshin uttered, staring down at her shivering figure, her blinking watery eyes,

Megumi took out her instruments. “I have to start operating right away. Ken-san, please hold her still. It’s going to be very excruciating.”

He nodded, kneeling down and trying to remove the kimono as gently as he could. There was so much red. “It’s okay, it’s okay, I’m with you.” he whispered, holding her arms still, as the cold touched her open wounds. When Megumi began her work, Kaoru began crying out and squirming. It was then Kenshin tightened his grip. “Please don’t…!” he pleaded with her, “It’s the only way we can help you! Kaoru…!” He stared into her face; so much pain reflected, “Please… you mustn’t give up… please hang on!”

* * *
Outside, Sanosuke landed on the ground, his attempt to duck another attack had left him little options. Now that he was down, he was even more vulnerable to attack. ‘Teme! How do I get to that asshole?!’ he cursed, rolling out of the way of another attack.

“You’re finished!” Yashiitomo was laughing it up, sending a great big blast over. Sanosuke lifted his head, suddenly grinning. He punched the ground using his Futae no Kiwani deflecting the razor winds. Yashiitomo stood back in dismay as the fighter got on his feet, “I see you got moves, but fists against sword won’t do. Take this!!”

Yashiitomo charged at him, his sword coming at him. Sanosuke ran to meet him, finally getting his chance for an up close battle. But all of a sudden, Yashiitomo sliced through the air with his free hand sending an unexpected assault directly at him. Sanosuke was slashed in the chest, pushed into direct range with the flying blade. ‘Damn…’ he uttered, it coming down at him, him unable to stop from the collision.

Gunshots were heard. Sansuke looked up to see the bullets snapping through the blade of the sword. Off to the side, Kuma held the gun, sweat on his face. “S-Sanosuke-san! You okay?”

“Aa!” he said, smiling slightly, “Arigatou yo! I’ll finish it from here!”

Yashiitomo was going to counter again with his hand slicing technique, but Sanosuke beat him to it; the untouching movements running gashes all over him. Sanosuke finished him off with kick to the head and a Futae no Kiwani punch to the stomach. Yashiitomo crumbled to the ground, still conscious to hear his words.

“Whatever disappointment you ran into when you were training in Kasshin Ryu, let me tell you something… I might not be a student, but I definitely believe in it. Because of its simplicity and innocence in a world so damn complicated and chaotic, I won’t let anyone degrade it. Same goes with the girl. She has brought nothing but good into our lives. She doesn’t give guarantees, but she does her best… So you see that things like Kasshin Ryu and people like Kaoru have to exist… for people like us who almost lost every bit of hope on living…”

Yashiitomo slowly admitted defeat and closed his eyes, finally passing out. “We’ll take him to the station.” Hachi said, handcuffing him, “You gotta go help the others. Make sure Kaoru-chan pulls through. Onegai!”

Sanosuke nodded as the cops and their reinforcements carried the father and son away. He then turned to see Yahiko arriving with Genzai. “Is it all right if I stay out here? It’s getting too crowded in there. I’ll just get in the way.” They accepted his request and hurried into the room. Sanosuke turned away, watching the burnt dojo in the moonlight. ‘Kaoru…’

* * *
Hours had passed when Sanosuke decided to check on how things were going. He had bandaged his own injuries; his chest wasn’t hurt that bad, his knuckles were pretty raw from all the punching he had been doing lately. He entered the chilly, silent room, dimly lit by a couple of candles.

Yahiko was asleep, curled up in the corner, trying to keep warm. Genzai was out of it too, his hand on his cup of tea, but not lifting to sip it. His eyes were teetering as he fought to stay awake. Sanosuke knelt down and put a blanket over the resting Megumi, who looked absolutely exhausted from her efforts.

“We did everything we could,” she murmured towards him, “All we have to do is wait and see if she passes the danger period. Oh Kami-sama, please don’t take this girl from us…” He nodded and then eyed the couple in the center of the room.

Kenshin was at Kaoru’s side, holding her hand, his tears refusing to fall. “You’re going to make it.” he said, dabbing her face with a washcloth.

They had cleaned up all the wounds and sewed most of them close. But too many internal injuries, too much lost blood; she was pushed too much. If she were to close her eyes, it might be forever.

“Please Kaoru…” Kenshin uttered, slipping the ring on her finger where it belonged, “I can’t live without you… I need you …”

“… wa… ta… shi… mo…” she uttered, finally finding her voice again. She whispered his name softly as he bent down to kiss her as gently as he could.

Megumi and Sanosuke walked over, dragging a sleepy Yahiko. “Kaoru,” Yahiko noted, rubbing his eyes, “It’s finally over. That Yashiitomo and his son are off to jail. It’s safe now for you. Leave it to the Kenshin-gumi. Everything is going to be fine, you’ll see.”

She frowned slightly. “Minna, I’m truly sorry for not telling you about this sooner… I thought… all of you had such terrible pasts… mine didn’t even compare to what you all went through… I thought I could handle it on my own… when the time came… I didn’t expect… that… I wouldn’t be alone…”

“Of course you’re not alone. You had all of us.” Megumi said, leaning down to her, “Kaoru-chan, please don’t talk anymore; save your strength…”

“Iie. I want to. I might not be able to…” She paused to catch her breath. She was exhausted and wanted to so badly to close her eyes, to rest her mind, but the struggles to keep awake and enduring the pain was overwhelming. “I can’t give you any guarantees…”

“That’s okay.” Sanosuke noted, putting his arm around Megumi as they moved in closer, “There’s never any certainties in life.”

She smiled towards him. “Demo… we had a lot of fun times ne?”

“That’s what living is all about.” he replied, the same smile on his face.

She tearfully nodded, her hand tightening on Kenshin’s. “Kenshin… minna… arigatou… You all did everything you could to protect me … I…” She paused again, this time the struggling more obvious. Kenshin stroked her face, trying to find ways to comfort her, to encourage her. Accepting whatever he gave her, she finally let out of the rest of her words. “I’m so happy to have met you all…”

Not another word came. Her eyes fell shut, a single tear running down her pale cheek. The candles flickered in the cold, dark room. Followed by endless silence.

* * *

I know where I can go to see you
But the reason I cannot go is that
When you see my unrecognizably gaunt features
I am afraid you will be startled and worry about me

When you left me behind
The last words you told me
The promise I made with you
Not to cry over your memories
I am afraid I won't keep it

Even your harsh words you didn't intend to say
Can't make me forget about you
I know (I know)
That you always come next to me and fall asleep

On some rainy night
You were soaking wet
At the thought of not being able
To see me after the night passed
You waited for me with your exhausted body

I could no longer contain myself under the umbrella
I hid my trailing tears in the rain and ran into your arms
I know of your sobbings that you try to hide in the rain
I also know that they are not the raindrops
But your tears that fall on my shoulders

If I can just be in your arms
And cry all I want
For just once
I will always go to where you sleep and talk forever

Even your harsh words you didn't intend to say
Can't make me forget about you
I know (I know)
That you always come next to me and fall asleep

The rain that falls underneath the umbrella
Won't stop

* * *

The rain was coming down hard. Sanosuke sat up and stared towards the window. ‘Just like that night…’ he thought, walking towards the glass, ‘The night of so much confusion…’ The raindrops ran down his reflection as he watched the storm, the endless silence, ‘Kaoru…’

“I don’t want to be a burden…” she had told him, as he rocked her and tightened his hold around her.

“Jou-chan, you aren’t. You think we’re here because we feel an obligation to protect you? It’s because we care about you… we won’t let anything happen to you.”

“You too?” she asked. He stopped and stared down at her vulnerable face. It was as lost as his. “Please stay with me. I-I don’t want to be alone… onegai…”

Without another word, he put his arm around her, lying down on the futon. She curled up next to him, covering her face in his shoulder.

“Arigatou Sanosuke... oyasumi nasai.”

“Aa," he uttered, the two of them trying to fall asleep, despite the reckless storm outside. "Oyasumi, Kaoru...”

* * *
“Sanosuke?” Megumi got up out of bed and walked over to him. “What are you doing up? It’s not yet morning. Is something wrong?”

He just continued to stare out the window. It was already two months since the incident. Since then, he and Megumi had finally gotten a house… a place of their own. It was in Downtown Tokyo, not far from the clinic. She still worked for Genzai, but tried to get away every once and a while. Megumi was so good to him; she even came along to bring him luck when he gambled. It seemed like she would eventually settled down. But who knows.

‘That night… I learned that I could be gentle… that I could comfort someone with the simplest touch, simplest words…’ He traced lines of water running down the cold glass with his fingers, ‘I discovered something important.’

At last, he turned around. He didn’t see his foggy reflection, but his other half, his completion. “Sanosuke?” Megumi asked again, “Are you all right?”

“Megumi,” he said with a smile, “Never been better. Come here, you.” He pulled her over, wrapping his arms tight around her. “I won’t let you go ever. Aishiteru.”

“Aishiteru, Sanosuke." she uttered, as he pressed a kiss on her neck, "Demo, aren’t you a bit too wide-awake at this hour? Need I remind we have to get up early in the morning??” She chuckled mischievously, fox ears popping up, “But I’ll be sure to come up with a good excuse to give if we’re late…”

“Eheh, then you leave me no choice.” he chuckled as she led him back to bed.

* * *
The rain continued into the morning. It was a terrible downpour. By the time they reached the dojo, their umbrella was already worn out. Stopping at the gate, they stared at the remains of the training hall, it’s reconstruction halted by the frenzied weather. When they approached the house, they saw Kenshin, sitting on the walkway, his face pale and tense.

“Oi Kenshin! What’s wrong?” Sanosuke said as he and Megumi joined him underneath the dry roof. ‘Poor guy…’

“Ken-san!” Megumi chimed, kneeling down and poking at him, “You look very handsome today.” Kenshin was wearing a formal blue gi and hakama, his hair somewhat groomed. He continued to stare off into the clouds as if in some trance, “Ohohoho! So handsome!”

Sanosuke popped up, his eyes slant. “Oi, oi! You’re not allowed to flirt around!!”

“Who said I was flirting?” she snapped, facing him, “I was telling the truth!”

“Why you, FOX!!”

Yahiko and Tsubame suddenly popped up dressed up as well. “So that’s who that was.” Tsubame uttered, “I almost didn’t recognize you, Sanosuke-san.”

Sanosuke was wearing a brown western suit, matching coat and tie. He paused to loosen the necktie and cleared his throat. It took Megumi two hours to get him to wear it, another hour to get him to take off the red headband. But he was willing to do anything for the woman he loved.

Megumi looked to the boy at Tsubame’s elbow, “Yahiko-kun, you aren’t talking much. What’s the matter?”

Yahiko stared at the floor. “iTs… noTHInG…” he squeaked, his face blushing, “leaVE… mE… aLOnE…”

“Ohhh?? Sounds like your voice is changing.” the doctor chuckled, “Ohohoho! Isn’t puberty wonderful?” Everyone began to laugh at Yahiko’s expensive, who was greatly embarrassed. “Daijoubu, Yahiko-kun, if you have any questions just ask me, okay?”

Sanosuke exploded. “OI! You’re flirting again!! KUSO!!!”

Tae then walked over, in her finest kimono, “Ne, minna-han, let’s all start heading out. We don’t want to be late, ne?” She picked up her umbrella and went down, Yahiko and Tsubame following her. “Oh, so much rain!” Tae sighed, shaking her head, “Well? Let’s go!”

While Megumi opened her umbrella and prepared to set out, Sanosuke turned to Kenshin, “You sure you feeling all right?” No answer came, not even a blink. "We'll go on ahead then." Sanosuke noted, putting his arm around Megumi as they went to follow the others.

Kenshin lowered his head, his violet eyes still staring into nothing. He still didn’t have the will to move, his arms and legs weighed down to the floor. The sound of the door opening woke him slightly.


He slowly turned. A lovely woman was standing behind him, wearing the most beautiful kimono, its silk wrapping around her in a perfect fit. Beautiful and delicate. And strong.

“Did everyone leave?” she uttered, going to him. He just looked up to her, his eyes still trapped in a blank stare. “Kenshin? What’s the matter?”

“… what… you did… that… that…”

She giggled. “You’re still thinking about that?? Mou, what am I going to do with you, Battousai?”

At these words, he finally snapped out of the trance, blinking and rubbing his eyes. “Don’t call me that, Kaoru!” he chuckled, getting up and pulling her to him. He pushed her bangs back and kissed her scars, then moved to kiss her mouth.

“Dame…” Kaoru uttered, restraining him, “Tae-san worked very hard on my makeup. It won’t do to mess it up after her hard efforts. Later, I promise.”

Kenshin sighed, loosening his hold and picking up the single umbrella left behind. “Tonikaku, we better head out in the rain if we want to catch up with everyone…”

“Kenshin, matte.” she uttered, lifting her hands to his face, “I just want to say… I really never expected this day to come. I always thought… that I’d be alone for the rest of my life. Demo…” She smiled brightly. “Your love is so incredible.”

“It’s only because of you make it so easy to love you.” he replied, reaching over and taking her hand, “I’ve waited so long for this. To wake up next to you every morning... to grow old with you.”

“Watashi mo. Kenshin, more than anything, I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I'm yours forever."

She suddenly closed her eyes for a moment, squeezing his hand. "Kaoru...?" he uttered, coaxing her to look at him.

"I know Otou-san is at ease. Kasshin Ryu is safe; I'm safe. He doesn't have to worry. I have all the time in the world to live...” She finally opened her eyes and looked into his, the blue reflecting all her love and happiness. “…together with you.”

“Aa, sayo de gozaru yo... my kenjutsu komachi.” Kenshin said with a smile, leading her away by the hand; together walking off to join the others in the rain.


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