Chobits was created by CLAMP; all rights reserved This fanfiction is by JillM

Notes: harmless... well, a little twisted. What do you expect?! No, I'm not a good lemon-writer, so don't expect any of that nasty stuff! Haha, but I know that's what y'all want. Sorry, sorry! This story is a one shot. Pardon the abuse of Sumomo; I love the persocon dearly - honest! Please enjoy this, and send some comment ne?

"Let's do it!"

Hideki sat in front of the TV, watching his favorite porn dvd. 'With Chii doing some errands, I can finally catch up where I left off in this volume set my boss lent me. Heheh' he thought, munching on some popcorn.

Just then...


"UWAAAAAAH!!" Hideki exclaimed as Sumomo leapt out of his coat pocket and started dancing around the room. "W-W-WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?!" he cried, grabbing the note-persocon and shaking her. "YOU SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME!!"

"SCAAAAAARY!!!" Sumomo cried.

"S-Sorry..." Hideki stammered, removing some of his grip. 'I forgot about this thing. Shinbo no yatsu... why'd you leave me such an annoying persocon?!'

"Master!" Sumomo said, now calmed down, "You have a call from Chii on hold."

"Ah, Chii? Please put her on."

"Ai!" There was a second of processing, and then Sumomo started speaking in Chii's voice. "Hideki..."

"What is it, Chii??" Hideki asked, sounding worried, "What happened?"

"Chii is... a little lost..."

"Eh? Didn't I ask you to come home right away and not to wander?"

"Sorry, Hideki... Chii wanted to get something for Hideki, so Chii followed an advertisement and ended up in this strange place. It started raining, so Chii went inside... but..."

Hideki looked outside. 'Dammit! If I hadn't been watching porn this whole time, I would have known it would have started raining!' He then lifted Sumomo up. "CHII! WHERE ARE YOU NOW!? I'LL COME GET YOU!"

"KYAAA!" Sumomo cried, her ears blasted by the force of his voice.

"S-Sorry..." Hideki said, "Ah, Chii... what is the place called?"

"Chii only sees a sign... It says: "Chocolate Love Hotel."

"WHAAAAT?!?!" Hideki exclaimed.

"KYAAAAA!!" Sumomo cried.

'W-Why did Chii end up in a love hotel?! Ah, I better get her out of there right away!!' Hideki thought as Sumomo swerved and fainted. "Chii! I'm coming! Don't talk to anyone! Don't move! I'm coming!!"

With that, Hideki grabbed his coat and opened his door. But there stood in his way was Hibiya Chitoshi. "Good afternoon, Motosuwa-san!" she said cheerfully, "Is everything all right? I heard lots of noise coming from your room."

"Ah... there seems to be an emergency..." he stammered, very flattered that she had shown some concern for him. He stopped to notice that she was peeking over his shoulder. 'What is she watching... OH!!! The porno video was still running!!'


"Y-Yes?!?" he cried, waving his hands, trying to distract her attention away from the television screen, "W-What?! Kanrinin-san?!"

Hibiya just smiled. "Can I come along?"


"You said it was an emergency..."

"Ah... well, I just... it's Chii, she's stuck somewhere and I have to pick her up..."

"I would like a walk in the rain," Hibiya replied, "And if it's for Chii-chan, I would like to help in anyway I can."

"Oh, okay! Let's go together!" he blurted out. He then went frozen. 'Wait a minute... I'm going to a love hotel...' He looked to the landlady's happy face. 'AAAAAAAAAAAAH!?! NOW WHAT!?!?'

So Hideki and Hibiya went outside in the rain, sharing an umbrella. Hideki was nervous as usual, because she was so pretty. He was so nervous he was squeezing poor Sumomo to hard. "MASTER!!!!" she cried, ready to crash.

"S-Sorry!" he laughed, loosening his grip, "W-Which way now, Sumomo?"

He was using her as a tracking device on to find out, which love hotel Chii was at. He still hadn't the nerve to tell Hibiya that they were going to a love hotel.

'How do I say this? I mean... a woman would get angry is she was tricked into such a thing... Such a degrading environment! For my first time, I want it to be in a more respectable place... AH?! What am I saying?!?!?'


"AH!? YES?!"

"You seem to be thinking about something so seriously... Could it be... about Chii-chan?"

"Uh..." he uttered, feeling a bit surprised.

"Chii-chan," Hibiya continued, "She thinks about Motosuwa-san a lot."

"Really?" Hideki felt his cheeks burn. 'Why am I so embarrassed? Chii is only a persocon... but...' An image of Chii came to mind. Hideki fell into a deeper blush. 'She does not seem like an ordinary persocon...'

"Motosuwa-san," Hibiya said, stopping him with a hand to his arm. "Please, don't do anything to hurt Chii-chan's feelings?"

'Chii's feelings...?'


The two of them stopped to see someone in their path. Hideki went triple red. "Y-YUMI-CHAN?!"

"Senpai!" Yumi stammered, wearing a rain jacket and holding onto bags of groceries, "W-Who are you with? It can't be... your persocon?!"

Hideki of course freaked out and began stammering. "A-Aah?! No, no! Y-You see... this is... that is... uh, um!!!"

Hibiya was of course calm and polite. "I'm not a persocon. I'm Motosuwa-san's landlady, Hibiya Chitoshi."

"Oh!" Yumi stammered, now realizing her mistake, "I-I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to make such an accusation! But while we're on the subject, what are you two doing?"

Since Hideki was still panicking, Hibiya explained. "It seems Chii-chan has gotten stuck somewhere. We're going to go pick her up."

"I see..." Yumi uttered. She then clasped onto Hideki's hands. "Can I come too?!"

"EH?!" Hideki cried out in shock.

"ONEGAI!" Yumi exclaimed, "I... I would really like to meet your persocon!"

Hibiya giggled. "Ara, if you're that enthusiastic about it..."

"Wait... a... minute..." Hideki uttered, looking a bit stoned. 'Now what??'

So the three of them kept on walking, while Sumomo gave directions. "Three more blocks to go! To the...!" Hideki quickly covered her mouth from saying it. Suffocating, Sumomo was quiet for a long time.

"Where are we going anyways?" Yumi asked, turning to Hibiya who just shrugged.

"Saa..." Hideki stammered, trying to look innocent. 'How will I explain this? I mean, I'm not tricking them or anything... it's not like I making them come there to... you know... Waah, don't think about it! Calm down!!!'




Hideki was squatting and trying to restrain himself, while also killing Sumomo. "Ah! Sorry!!"

"What are you doing to that poor note persocon?" Yumi asked, picking up the dying Sumomo, "Are you all right??"

"HEY! I thought you disliked persocon!" Hideki exclaimed.

"Only ones that look like humans." Yumi replied. "Oops, what am I saying? L-Let's not talk about it, okay?"

'Yumi-chan....' Hideki thought, 'I wonder what happened to make you dislike persocon. I wonder... will you dislike Chii as well?'

"Sumomo-san," Hibiya asked, "Do you know where Chii-chan is now?"

"Ai! She's at...!"

Hideki quickly attacked the note persocon by leaping at Yumi and shoving his finger in Sumomo's mouth. "Aaaaaaarg!!!" he screamed, as Sumomo chomped down on the flesh, "STUPID NOTE PERSOCON!!" he yelped, throwing her off his finger. She landed into a trashcan.

"SENPAI!!" Yumi cried, going to dig Sumomo out, "W-Why are you so mean to your persocon?! Are you this mean to your other one too?!"

"O-Of course not!" Hideki cried, worried that there was another misunderstanding. "Sumomo isn't really mine... and Chii is... very special to me..."

"Hah?" Yumi gasped, her face turning all red as she dropped Sumomo into the trashcan again. "W-What did you say?"

"Ah?! W-What did I say?!" he stammered, more worried that he had upset Yumi. "S-Sorry! I'm saying nonsense again! Ahahahahah!!!"

Hibiya just smiled. 'The truth, Motosuwa-san... is something that you yourself might not admit...'

Meanwhile, Sumomo had climbed out of the trashcan. "Ai... ai..." Her eyes turned evil for a second, and with a loud voice, she exclaimed, "MASTER IS BRINGING YOU TO A LOVE HOTEL!!!"

"EEEEEEEEEEH?!?!?" Yumi exclaimed.

"Ara, ara," Hibiya uttered, somewhat startled.

Hideki tearfully grabbed his head. 'KYAAAAA!!!! Damn you, Shinbo! Why'd you give me this damn persocon?!?!'

But somehow, even though the destination had been revealed, the women kept on coming with Hideki. "Um... uh... we're here." he stammered as they stopped in front of the entrance.

Someone passing them by uttered, "Two? Lucky bastard..."

"YOU GOT IT ALL WRONG!!!" Hideki exclaimed.

"Senpai," Yumi replied, after sneezing, "Let's go inside. I'm already cold and soaked."

"A-Ah..." he said, as the two went on ahead of him. 'AAAAAH!?! WHY THIS PLACE?!!?'

"Ara," Hibiya uttered as they entered the lobby. It was decorated with a rose pattered and Christmas lights. "I haven't been to a place like this in a while..."

"EH?!" Hideki exclaimed, "KANRININ-SAN, YOU...?!"

She smiled. "It's a very bright and colorful room, ne?"

"S-Senpai..." Yumi gasped, grabbing onto his arm, "Those men over there keep staring at me... Please... protect me..."

"I-I..." he stammered. He then felt the soft warmth against his back. "UWAH!"




There was a pause.

"CHII!" Hideki cried, realizing that she had come join them. "Are you okay? Did anyone bother you?!" he asked as he grabbed onto her shoulders.

Chii shook her head. "Chii is okay. Chii is glad that Hideki has come."

"I'm glad too..." he uttered. He then stopped. "Ah, b-but what are you wearing, Chii?"

"Oh this..." Chii turned around in her new outfit. "When Chii got here, Chii's clothes were all wet. So, the lady up front lent this."

'B-But...' Hideki blushed. 'A nurse's outfit...'

"Just like in the dvd you were watching," Hibiya noted.

"What dvd?" Yumi asked.

"UWAAAAAH!!" Hideki exclaimed, "L-Let's just get out of here!!!"

So the three of them went out into the rain. This time, Chii also was given an umbrella so she shared together with Hideki. Yumi and Hibiya trailed a little bit behind them.

"They... are very cute... together." Yumi noted, her head a little down. "I somehow feel a little happy for Senpai, but... Chii-san is really only a persocon, right?"

Hibiya smiled a bit. "Perhaps..."

"Chii," Hideki said, turning to her as he held onto the handle of the umbrella, "What do you have there?"

"The lady gave this," Chii said, handing it to Hideki.

Hideki went red and freaked out again. "COUPONS?!"

"For the next time Chii goes back."


Chii smiled up into the rainy sky. 'Hideki came for Chii... Chii is happy...'