rurouni kenshin was created by watsuki nobuhirou-sensei (C) shueisha JUMP, sony, fuji TV, anime works
notes: lots of reference from old series; mostly from "blue rain", "have you forgotten", "yesterday", and "sentimental journey". personally i don't think you should read this fic without reading the prior series (it's a good way to go ORO, swirly-eyed too). enjoy, ne! JillM 12/29/01

Come What May
Part 6: "Walking in Circles"

The room went silent all of a sudden as eyes widened at the words that had slipped out from her mouth. Kaoru stared back with equal confusion, her features trembling but also cautious. She looked like she might retaliate at any minute, especially with the twitching Sanosuke. "Oi, Jou-chan!!" he finally blurted out, "Are you joking with us??"

"Sanosuke," Yutaro held out his hand against the taller man's chest, "Dame desu... I have an inkling what's going on here, but don't say anything to make it worse."

"Make what worse? And what is the hell going on...??"

Meanwhile, Kaoru was getting impatient for answer. "Ne! I asked you before - who are all of you?? And what do you want with me?! What happened?!"

"Eto, eto... sore wa..." Yutaro stammered as he became face to face with a very angry expression, "K-Kaoru-san, I will try to explain it... please try to calm down..."

"Cheh, nothing real exciting happened," Sanosuke chuckled while searching his pockets for a snack. He eventually found a dried piece of fish and scarfed it down. "Jou-chan... (munch munch) you were stupid enough to leap (munch munch) in front of a speeding carriage. Ahahah, you baka yarou!"

"Nani yo?!?" Kaoru snapped, very insulted, "How dare you call me 'stupid'! I am a student of my father's kenjutsu...!" But as she readied a fist, a sharp pain shook throughout her. "A-Are??" Kaoru looked down at her bandaged arms and tried to wriggle her fingers, "W-What happened to...?"

"Kaoru-san, please try to calm down..." Yutaro attempted again - that is, after shoving the oblivious Sanosuke aside, "You don't really remember us do you?"

"Guuuu...?" A concerned Kenji looked directly at his mother, somehow asking the same question as Yutaro. The two of them stared at her, waiting for a response.

Kaoru stared back, but then sighed and bowed her head. "Gomen nasai, minna-san... You aren't familiar to me. Are you supposed to be?"

"Sonna..." Yutaro uttered, he and Kenji's faces falling, "Kaoru-san..."

"OI!! What are you talking?!?!" Sanosuke popped up again, this time a bit irate. "Jou-chan! Quit joking around!" But before Kaoru could get just as angry, Yutaro snagged Sanosuke by the arm and dragged him out of the room. "What are you doing, Yarou!?"

"Didn't you realize?" Yutaro asked, concentrating more on the saddened baby in his arms, "Kaoru-san seriously doesn't know who we are... She has lost her memory."


Yutaro handed Sanosuke the baby and turned towards the older doctor, who looked equally shocked. "Genzai-sensei, didn't you realize... that Kaoru-san has amnesia?"

"Iya, I didn't..." Genzai uttered, "When I was in there, Kaoru-chan didn't appear strange... She recognized me right away..."

"Usou!" Sanosuke replied, "Jou-chan's just playing with us! She hasn't lost her memory!" He then turned to Kenji. "Right, Kid? Your mom doesn't have that amnisha stuff!" Kenji just turned teary eyed and started crying. "C-Chotto!!"

By now, Megumi had stopped her sulking and joined Yutaro and Genzai in the discussion. "But Kaoru-chan recognizes Genzai-sensei, so she has some memories. Still, if she doesn't know her own baby..."

Yutaro replied, "Let's go in there and see if we can find out how much she remembers. Sanosuke-san, please stay out here."

"EH?" gasped the man with the wailing baby, "C-C-Chotto! Wait a minute! You just can't leave me with this!!" But they ignored him and went right into the room and shut the door. "Aaaan!! I don't know what to do with this kid!"


Inside the room, Kaoru had tried to get up and quickly supported by Yutaro and Megumi. "Sumimasen... My body is weaker than I thought it was..." she uttered as they helped her back into her futon. "I thought I could just run on home like I usually do. But I guess this time, I must've done something really dangerous, only I don't know what it was..."

"Kaoru-chan..." Megumi lowered her head and stared to the floor. 'She doesn't remember saving me and Kenji... She doesn't know who we are...'

"Ano, has anyone notified my father or anyone else from the school that I've had an accident? They must be worried."

"Kaoru-chan, jitsu wa..." Genzai started to say, but wasn't sure if he should continue. Kaoru's father, Kamiya Tetsuro, had been dead for the last five years. Genzai could remember the hardships she had endured from the pain of losing a parent. To experience it once more...

Yutaro leaned over, examining her facial expression. "Hmm... Kaoru-san, what was the last thing you remember?"

"Eto... let's see... I was walking through town... and Tae-san was there... She was asking me for help... And then... Aa! A carriage!!"

"Kaoru-san, you remember?!" Megumi gasped, "You remember the carriage? Ne??"

"Un!" Kaoru said, blinking at the lady in front of her. "There was a woman and her baby... I remember that the carriage was heading right for them. Someone called my name to stop, but I didn't want anything to happen to them so I..."

"Someone calling your name?" Yutaro asked, pointing over to Megumi, "Was it this woman right here?"

"Iie, onna ja nai desu... Besides, I've never seen this woman before in my life. And the voice was a man's."

"Otouko ka?"

"Eh, he yelled out 'Kaoru-chan'..." she started to say. But then she stopped and looked around the room again, "Yapari! He did come back, didn't he! Ne, where is he now??"

The three looked completely confused. "Who...? Who came back?"

Kaoru just smiled towards the doors where a bit of sunlight was peering in, and whispered softly, "Honto ni... I knew he'd come back..."

* * * * * * * * *
"Oro..." Kenshin lifted his head to watch the soft journey of a single snowflake waff down to where he was. It crossed just in front of his face and fell steadily to the ground, becoming one with the white canvas.

'The snow continues to fall up here in these northern forests. We're near the mountains and it is the coldest time of the year. My new acquaintance has given me a scarf and cloak to keep warm, and also the proper care for the fever I've gotten on my travels... However...'

"Oro! Oro! Oro!!!"

Kenshin stopped to hold his finger to his nose. In front of him, Keisuke turned to look at him with a face of concern. "Daijoubu oi?"

"A-Aa..." he stammered as the snow continued to fall around, "Maybe Sessha isn't up to this... Let's turn back and wait until this snow storm goes away de gozaru..."

"Iya... it won't go away," Keisuke replied, "This snow will keep coming... just like those winters before..."

"Eh?" Kenshin stared into his face and saw the same reminiscing look Kaoru would wear. 'On days like this... She would talk about the fun she had in her childhood... demo...'

"Yapari, kono toki ni... ureshikata..." Kaoru had said, wiping the tears from her eyes, "Even if I was so happy, those days are gone... for good..."

'Kaoru...' Kenshin looked down at the white ground, still in amazement that good memories could be just as painful as bad memories. She was the only one who could tell him that pain and happiness were woven in one - that she was glad to live with both.

"Demo na..." Keisuke's voice made him lift his head. "Even those winter days are gone... the memories never die. They may seem faded because you don't want to remember them... But the times you want to remember will always be sharp in your mind."

'That smile...' Kenshin squinted his eyes as he stared at the person next to him. 'He wears the same smile as Kaoru... When they think of each other... This smile is always there...' Keisuke suddenly slapped him on the back and he fell face forward into the snow. "ORO!"

"You're spacing out again, Battousai-san!" Keisuke scolded, "We're almost there and if you're like this there's no way you can battle. How about letting me handle it?"

"Iya..." Kenshin replied as he got up from the snow and dusted off his hakama, "This is a battle I cannot run from. I promised Kaoru."

The two exchanged a serious look of understanding. Keisuke then finally nodded. "There's the cave. Let's go see him..."

* * * * * * * *
The dark cave was small and they ducked in the entrance and walked right. Kenshin could smell smoke up ahead and felt a presence. "Someone is here de gozaru..." he uttered as they cautiously moved forward, "Be on guard. This person is known for his tricks."

"Understood..." Keisuke replied as they pushed through the darkness towards the small light ahead, "I've heard stories about this guy, but I've never met him before. But what he did to Sensei... I will never forgive!"

"Sou de gozaru... You're doing this for Kamiya-sensei?" Kenshin uttered, "I've never met him, but Kaoru has told me stories about him. He sounded like an honorable man. I would have liked to met him..."

"Heh! He's the best sensei around!" Keisuke chuckled, "Demo na, you're no good at a wooden sword, so he would've not liked you all too much."

"Na-Nan de gozaru ka?!" Kenshin snapped, "Who told you that I wasn't...!" Keisuke just kept laughing as he walked on. "Oro... this guy seems to have an advantage over me, but I won't let him win."

"Win what?" Keisuke asked, looking suspicious.

Kenshin nervously shook his head. "Iya! Bezuni de gozaru!" The two then stopped. They were at the end of the tunnel and in a small camp area. There was a fire and supplies, but no one was there. "Sonna... are we too late?"

"Hmm..." Keisuke knelt down and looked at the fire. "Someone has to be still here. This fire is freshly made." He then circled his eyes around the dim camp. "OI! COME OUT, WHOEVER YOU ARE!"

A shadowy figure stepped out from behind a rock. She then came into the light. "Masaka... Hanako-dono..." Kenshin said, reaching for his sword in defense. "Doushite... Why are you here?"

"Watashi wa..." she uttered. She closed her eyes and a wind gathered around them. "Watashi wa...!"

"OI!!" Keisuke cried as he grabbed onto Kenshin to keep him from falling over, "What does she want?!"

"She asked me to 'finish it'... But I don't know what she means!"

Keisuke helped Kenshin push forward against the wind, trying to get closer to the woman. "Oi! Ojousan!" he yelled, "What the hell do you want with this guy??!"

Her red eyes flicked open and stared at him. "Anata wa... You don't belong here. LEAVE!!!" she yelled.

"Cheh! I'm just trying to help! Now tell us before I get real pissed off!" Keisuke yelled back, "Even if you're a girl, I won't go easy on you! When I'm mad, I'll fight!"

"K-Keisuke-dono...!" Kenshin stammered, worried he might attack the woman, "C-Chotto!!"

But it was too late. The hand went flying. Hanako's eyes widened as the hand came close to her face, but it slowed and gently touched her check. "Baka... Do you really think I would hurt someone senselessly..." Keisuke uttered, "Just like that bastard..."

"Iie..." she replied, lowering her eyes, "I just... I'm not used to it."

"Daijoubu. The one who did this to you - I'll stop him once and for all." He said softly, "So don't be afraid anymore. Now tell us, where did he go?"

"Tokyo ni," Hanako replied, her eyes filled with tears, "He came out here to purposely lure Himura-san away, but he went to Tokyo to 'finish' what he had started."

"Masaka!!" Kenshin gasped, "Is he heading to...?!"

"Hai, please stop him..." she said, bowing down, "I tried to stop you from going to him the other times because he made me... The one who won't let me go... Demo! You must stop him, so I can finally...!!" There was another gust of wind and things started flying at the two men. When the wind stopped, they saw that Hanako was gone.

"Honto ni..." Kenshin uttered, kneeling on the ground, "I don't think that Hanako-dono is human... but she's not a ghost either. She moves around like a person; she even has flesh like a person. I don't know what to think..."

Keisuke helped him up onto his feet. "Time to get out of here."

* * * * * * * * * *
Back in Tokyo, Yutaro-tachi had brought Kaoru back home. "Otousan~!" she called went she entered the gate, "Tadaima!!"

Tsubame came walking over, looking a bit confused. "Kaoru-san... w-what did you say?" she stammered. But Kaoru cheerfully walked up to her and bowed her head. "Eh?"

"We haven't met before. Hajimemashite! Kamiya Kaoru desu! Yoroshiku onegaishimasu~!"

"Y-Yourshiku... Sanjou Tsubame desu..." Tsubame stammered, sweatbeading, "Jaa... daijoubu desu ka? We heard you had another accident. We've been so worried about you, Kaoru-san."

"Arigatou gozaimasu, Sanjou-san." Kaoru replied, "I hope my father isn't angry with me. Have you seen him around."

"Kaoru-chan," Genzai nervously stepped forward. 'We have to tell her sooner or later... demo...' Kaoru just stared at him attentively. Everyone was hushed, except the crying Kenji who wanted his mother. "Kaoru-chan... jitsu wa..."

* * * * * * * * * *
"It's no good..." Yutaro uttered, clenching his fists as they sat around the dinner table with tea. It had been an hour since they tried to explain to Kaoru that her father had been dead for the last five years. "Kaoru-san's condition is strange... I don't know what we can do..."

Tsubame tearfully nodded her head. "Kaoru-san knows what day it is. She knows how old she is. She knows all the knowledge for a person to live in today's world. Demo... she doesn't know any of us."

Genzai noted, "We asked Kaoru-chan the last thing she remembered and that was the time she got hurt by crossing in front of a carriage. That happened over ten years ago. She told me what happened yesterday was a blank."

"A blank..." Sanosuke repeated. He angrily clenched his fists and stared at the twitching hand in front of him. "Dammit... I was joking around and being careless. Kenshin will never forgive me... Dammit..."

"Demo ne," Megumi said, trying to console the weeping baby, "No one forced Kaoru-chan to leap in front like that. It was her decision. The only person to blame is Kaoru-chan herself. There's nothing we can do until she gets her memory back."

In the room next door, Kaoru sat staring into space. She was much too shocked to speak or cry. The voice kept repeating in her head. "The truth is, your father is dead... I'm sorry... He isn't here."

"Usou!!" she had yelled back at Genzai, "My father is not... He couldn't be...!! You're lying to me... aren't you...?"

"He's not lying." The woman with the long hair replied, "He's telling the truth. Your father died five years ago in the Seinan War.

"It can't be true!!" Kaoru cried, lifting her hands to her face, "It can't... It can't!!" For some reason she couldn't cry. It was just too painful to think about it. She just leaned her head down onto the floor. "Doushite..."

* * * * * * * *
"What should we do now?" Kenshin asked as the two of them walked through the forest, "We'll be leaving Mitsukou soon and entering the traveling road."

"Aa... we should part," Keisuke replied, crossing his arms, "It's not good to travel together."

"D-Demo... don't you want to come back to Tokyo? Kaoru would be happy to see you..." Kenshin started to say. He then stopped himself. 'What am I saying? Do I really want this guy to come to Tokyo with me??'

"Iya, it's better I don't run into Kaoru-chan... Not now..." Keisuke uttered, bowing his head, "Memories are fine to keep, but they do not belong in the present. Let's just part here."

Kenshin watched as he started to walk away. Walking away in the snow, just like the time Kaoru spoke of. "You're not going to abandon her again!" Kenshin blurted out. The samurai stopped and lifted his head. "Kaoru... She's in trouble... She needs help... soshite..."

Keisuke turned his head towards him. The look in his red eyes were grave. "If I return to Tokyo... if I come back..."

"Kaoru would be happy!" Kenshin insisted, "Kaoru's happiness... it's the most important thing to me! Please come back, Keisuke-dono!"

"Kaoru-chan's happiness..." Keisuke slowly smiled. "It's the most important to me too. Demo na... if she learned what the truth is..."

"She won't care," Kenshin insisted, "She'll always forgive it. That's how Kaoru is. Her love is much more than any hate. She'd forget about it entirely. Besides..." Kenshin couldn't help but smile up at the astonished face. "You forget I was the Hitokiri Battousai and that I killed several people. If Kaoru could forgive me for every sin, don't you think she really meant it with you?"

"Sou da na..." Keisuke uttered, the smile fading a bit, "Still, there is nothing more painful... than the truth."

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onto part 7