rurouni kenshin was created by watsuki nobuhirou-sensei (C) shueisha JUMP, sony, fuji TV, anime works
notes: music lyrics are "One Day I'll Fly Away", from Moulin Rouge. Please check out that movie. This is a rather long chapter, since I haven't been working on it lately and I wanted to make it up to you all. Though I am busy with school work and other things, I will try hard to get the next chapter in sooner. Please send me your patience and feedback would most helpful. Thanks! Oh, and if you are confused about a name that comes up, please see "A Sentimental Journey" where a lot of those answers are. JillM 1/27/02

Come What May
Chapter 9: "Dreams and Other Things"

"Ara?" Megumi turned to see someone enter at the gate. The western-style dressed woman took off her hat and came down the path, holding onto a basket. "What brings you here, Empress?"

"Shizuka-san! Welcome!" Tsubame said, lifting a smile, "Ano... where's your carriage? Did you walk here?"

"Un," Shizuka replied, the two of them sitting together by the house. Shizuka still ignored the dirty look Megumi was giving her. "It was a nice day so... At any rate, is Kaoru-san here?"

"Ii-e!" Megumi noted, crossing her arms, "The girl went off with Kei-san."

"Sou desu ka..." Shizuka frowned a little, seeming disappointed. "I'll just wait here until they come back."

"Sumimasen, Shizuka-san," Tsubame said, bowing her head. "I'd like to wait here with you, but I have to getting to work now. Tae-san will have trouble setting up if I'm late. I shall see you all later."

"Ganbatte, Tsubame-san." Yutaro called after her, "Take care!" He then rubbed his chin and noted, "Perhaps I shall visit... I haven't seen Tae-san in a long time..."

"H-HENTAI!!" Yahiko snapped, shaking his finger at him, "You pervert!! Stop hitting on older women!! I'll break you in half!!"

As those two got into a fight, Kenshin looked over at the basket. "O-bento de gozaru ka?" Shizuka nodded. They took it out and looked at the crafted riceballs. "Sugoi de gozaru! Shizuka-dono is a great chef!"

"Sonna..." she uttered, turning away as they examined the artwork. "Presentation and taste are two different categories." She started to watch the gate. "It all depends on your preference..."

They just looked at her vigilant gaze. Kenshin then held up a riceball that had a design of a flower. "Demo na... I'm sure Keisuke-dono would be happy to have this, whatever the tase - just because it was made with special care."

"Is that so?" Shizuka folded her hands together and sighed. "I don't think Keisuke-san was very happy to see me... It was just as I always imagined... We would always go back to the way things were..."

"D-Don't tell me!" Megumi exclaimed, restraining her amusement - but her little devilish fox ears popped out. "After all these years, you're still pining for that man! You have everything - status, business, property, freedom to do what you want without a male dominance - and yet, you are pitifully still pining for that dojo boy...!" She couldn't stop herself anymore and just broke out into laughter, "OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!"

Shizuka looked annoyed. "That's not it at all! I just came here for Kaoru-san whose memory is lost. I could care less what happens to that dojo boy! Mind your own business!"

"Oro..." Kenshin looked back and forth at the tension sparking between the two ticked-off women. Their vibes combined with the fighting Yahiko and Yutaro vibes were waking up Kenji. "A-Ano... let the baby sleep, okay??"

"I have no time to deal with this prickly woman!" Megumi said, getting up on her feet, "I have patients to check on!" She then snagged Yahiko by the ear and started to drag him towards the room. "Come on!!"


Yutaro happily followed. "I'll help you, Sensei~!"

Kenshin smiled, glad that the commotion was gone and that Kenji was nodding back to sleep. He then turned to Shizuka, who had her head bowed, tears in the corners of her eyes. "Oro?"

"Actually, that isn't true... The truth is... Even after all these years... I still..."

"Oro Oro...?"

"Those achievements mean nothing to me... I would gladly give them all up... They were just something to do... It was almost unreal... My life up until now was just a dream... Only to wake up to see Keisuke-san..."

A soft breeze blew the free strands into her clouded gray eyes. She and Kenshin both concentrated as the swinging gate, the melting snow on the path.

"The reality is... I am pitiful... I am a fool." Shizuka said, laughing at herself, "Since I came here, all I wanted to do was become like Kari-sensei. She was my idol. That was my first dream... I wanted to learn more and more from her, but her time was cut short. After the tragedy, I wanted to be someone like that to Kaoru-san. I didn't want her to feel alone without her mother; I wanted her to know her mother and teach her what I had learned. In the end, it was Kaoru-san who taught me... Kaoru-san who knew more about Kari-sensei than I could ever... It's there in her eyes, the same light Kari-sensei had. The same way she touches other people's lives, her unyielding kindness. I could never do that... I could never understand how she did it..."

"Sou da na... Kaoru is like that..." Kenshin replied, "I don't even understand it myself - how in the world she could accept a sinner like me... or any of us for that matter... into her home... without questions... without conditions..."

"It was like that too... with Keisuke-san. She and him got along right away - it was like they were meant to meet, that they were kindred spirits. Their world was so simple and yet I couldn't understand... I couldn't be a part of it."

"Shizuka-dono..." He watched as the woman clenched her fists, and fought off some troubling emotions.

"I became so consumed with jealousy... I lost myself... When those bad people came for her, I gladly handed her over... I thought that would end all my problems, my fears... It only made things worse... Even now, I cannot face myself with what I had done... Kari-sensei would be ashamed of me... Kari-sensei would not have done such a thing... And I know Kaoru-san would never... That is why... I cannot expect anything... not a response from Keisuke-san or anyone... but to suffer for my misdeeds..."

"Knowing this... you still..."

"Hai, I still... after all these years I have such foolish dreams... even though I know Keisuke-san will never look at me the same way... Keisuke-san will never even consider... But when you're in love, you disillusion yourself... You hear things and feel things that aren't real... I'm still that pitiful girl who comes to the dojo everyday... dreaming in her heart..."

"E-to... Shizuka-dono..." Kenshin looked at her with concern, hoping that she wasn't going to cry. His eye then caught something else. The gate was opening. "Aa! Kaoru!!"

Keisuke was carrying her on his back, the two of them completely drenched and freezing. "Tadaima, Kenkaku-san, Shizuka-san!" Kaoru cheerfully said.

"W-What happened?!" Shizuka gasped, getting up on her feet. The calls had got Megumi and the others' attention and they all came out. Shizuka put her cloak on Kaoru and helped her into the house, "D-Doushite?"

"Kono baka," Keisuke noted, leaning against the wall, "She leapt into the river. Since she couldn't swim, I leapt in right after her."

"Chigao yo!" Kaoru said, crossing her arms while blankets and towels were brought into the room, "I know how to swim! I learned it recently! I was just checking if your reflexes were still good!"


"Not only that," Megumi replied, kneeling to check on her, "Your bandages are wet, your wounds raw and reopening... Not to mention..." She felt her forehead, "You could catch a fever. Honestly, you make my job so difficult!"

"Daijoubu daze!" Keisuke mumbled, "Even if she fell off a cliff, she'd still walk away from it. Kaoru-chan is immortal..."

The two then started laughing at themselves as everyone in the room were just oblivious to why they were in a good mood. Shizuka shifted over and lifted her handkerchief to wipe Keisuke's face. "The both of you should really change before you catch a fever..."

"Cheh, I'm all right... Don't nag me."


"Geeeh-chhhu!" Keisuke then started sneezing. Wiping his nose, he got up and turned for the door. "Fine! I'll go change! You happy?!" But before he could leave, a hand grasped onto the back of his hakama. "Eh? Kaoru-chan...?"

She stood behind him, her head bowed. "Keisuke..."

"Nan da?"

"I'm afraid... if I take my eyes off you, you'll leave," she said to the floor, "Promise... this isn't temporary... Promise you won't go away again..."


Everyone in the room fell silent. Kenshin looked from the two then to Shizuka who stood by the other screen door, her hand gripping at the handkerchief. 'I understand... This feeling...'

Keisuke shook the wet bangs out of his eyes and turned towards her, patting her on the head. "Gomen na... I still can't shake that feeling... The feeling of having killed someone... I'm not worthy to step foot on this place... I bring shame to the Kamiya dojo, I bring shame to you..."

"CHIGAIMASU!" Kaoru exclaimed, lifting her emotional face, "That sort of thing doesn't matter to me! I know you didn't mean to! I know you're not a killer! Can't you realize it too?!"

"Gomen... I can't..."

"Sou..." She fought back the tears building in her eyes. "I understand... I'm not qualified to make any judgment... My opinion isn't good enough..."

"Iya! That's not true!" Keisuke put his hands on her shoulders, shaking his head. "Your opinion means everything to me... You are my most special person!"

"Keisuke...?" Kaoru uttered, looking him in the eye. Suddenly there was a noise. From the side, she could see Shizuka go of the screen door and close it behind her. "A-Ano...!"

Yutaro got up from his spot and left of the same door, running after her. "Machinasai, Shizuka-san!!"

"Shizuka-dono..." Kenshin uttered, looking over at the closed door. He had seen the tears streaming down her face. He then turned back to the two in the center of the room. His brow darkened a bit. 'This has to stop...'

'Shizuka-san...' Kaoru thought, looking towards the door. She then felt the space closing around her. "Eh? Eh? K-Keisuke..?" He had pulled her to him, embracing her tightly. Kaoru couldn't move, her eyes wide, the warmth, the awkward feeling. "A-Ano...!"

"Kaoru-chan..." Keisuke said softly, leaning his head against hers, "More than anyone... I..."

"YAMEROO!!!!" Kenshin had lost patience and pushed Keisuke away from Kaoru. He then moved in between them, holding out his sword - his eyes flashing yellow. "STOP IT, YOU BASTARD!!!"

"Himura-san..." Keisuke uttered, a bit startled. "Those eyes... they must be..."

"W-What's going on?!?" Kaoru gasped, frantically looking back and forth. "Keisuke, Kenkaku-san... yamette kudesai! Please stop! Don't fight!"

"K-Ken-san...!" Megumi stammered, nervously watching the anger rise. 'Not now... Don't turn into Battousai...'

"You have something to say to me, Himura-san?" Keisuke asked, looking somber but moving into a defense stance, "Go ahead and spit it out. Don't hold back on me."

"You..." Kenshin hissed under his breath. "You stay away..." He lunged forward, swinging the sword right next to the man, a few thread coming free and the impact leaving a dent in the floor. "YOU STAY AWAY FROM MY WIFE!!!"

"W-Wife?!?" Kaoru gasped, becoming pale. "W-Watashi wa...?!?!" She then fainted.

"K-Kaoru!!" Yahiko exclaimed, rushing over to the fallen woman. He then looked over the two men still in a deadly standoff. "OI! You two, knock it off!!!"

"I knew it was a mistake to come..." Keisuke uttered, his hair falling into his eyes, "I knew I don't belong..."

"SHUT UP!" yelled Kenshin, "GET OUT! NOW!"

Megumi stepped forward. "Better do as he says, Kei-san. We'll take care of Kaoru-chan from here." Keisuke nodded and put down his guard, slowly walking out of the room. Megumi then turned to Kenshin, who had punched himself in the face. "Ara, was that really necessary??"

"Oro..." Kenshin uttered, as a little bit of blood trickled down his face, "I can't believe I lost my temper like that... It has been a long time, hasn't it?"

"Hai, but we've got to do something about the girl. She seems out of sorts… Mattaku, if I was told that I was the wife of this handsome swordsman right here, I'd be so overjoyed."

"Megumi-dono..." Kenshin grumbled, "Tonikaku, let's take care of Kaoru..." He then knelt down to her, his face softening when he got close to her. 'Gomen na...'

* * * * * * * * * * * *
"Two yakisoba! Table five!" Tsubame called to the kitchen. She then rushed out to get the other orders. It was the dinner rush that evening and a great crowd had come in. "Eh?" She spotted a lone diner at one table. She cheerfully trotted over. "Welcome!"

"Aa... Tsubame-san..." he uttered, lifted his head slightly.

"What's the matter, Yutaro-kun? Did something happen?"

"There was an incident at the dojo after you left..." he replied, going to tell her about it…

Some hours ago, Yutaro had chased after Shizuka when she sped out of the dojo. "Matte!!" But she was too far off from him and didn't hear him. "Shizuka-saan!!!"

Shizuka finally slowed down when she felt she had gotten a great distance. She stopped and gazed out towards the rushing river. The day had gone quickly as it was now late afternoon. The day was halfway over and barely anything had been done - the things that they wanted to be done...

I follow the night
Can't stand the light
When will I begin
To live again

She knelt down and picked up a rock, tossing it as far as she could. After it hit the surface and sunk, she sat down on the grass and hugged her knees. Yutaro could see her from the road, but had some ways to go. Still, since he saw that she had settled, he approached her more quietly.

One day I'll fly away
Leave all this to yesterday
What more could your love do for me
When will love be through with me
Why live life from dream to dream
And dread the day when dreaming ends

Yutaro stood behind her, "Shizuka-san..."

"Why..." she sighed, leaning her forehead down, the tears running from her eyes, "Why does this always end up this way... Why can't I just forget about it? This feeling... it hurts so much..."

He dropped his arms to his side, helplessly watching her suffer. "Gomen... I can't do anything to make it go away... Gomen na..."

He gave her a moment to let it out of her system, before watching her stand up on her own, wiping the fresh tears away. "Getting back up again... Moving on from it... I've been practicing all my life... I should be better at it by now..." she uttered, "I should have learned my lesson by now..."

"Can I ask... why...?"

"It's stupid but I always felt that Keisuke-san was my hero... He was always saving me... I always wanted to do the same for him someday... Demo... I could never do anything for him... The more I tried, the more I failed... It made me angry... It made me feel useless...

"Demo... you're still capable of wonderful things!" he exclaimed, "Shizuka-san, you're an important person to Kaoru-san, to many of us!"

She slowly nodded her head with a sad smile. "Is that so?" She then bowed her head. "I should head back now. Arigatou gozaimasu, Yutaro-kun, for your kind words..."


Shizuka walked on, the wind blowing in her hair. As she passed this road of many memories, she could see the scenes replay around.

One day I'll fly away
Leave all this to yesterday

She walked past her younger self, laughing alongside her friends. The careless early days when she didn't understand these feelings, her naivety and inexperience left her unprepared for such emotions. Keisuke smiled towards her and waved.

Why live life from dream to dream

The smile faded. One by one the figures faded. And so did the daylight. She found herself left alone in the road. Walking on, without looking back.

And dread the day when dreaming ends

‘Keisuke… someday… someday I will forget about you… someday…’

One day I'll fly away

* * * * * * * * * *
“Sou desu ka…” Tsubame was kneeling inside the booth, holding onto her tray, “I feel bad for Shizuka-san… After all that she’s done for us… And she really has come a long way to realize her mistakes in the past. I don’t want her to suffer anymore over it…”

”Boku mo,” Yutaro replied, crossing his arms – his sober face gazing off into space, “I want Shizuka-san to realize what good she has brought to the world and not think about things she cannot change. It pains me to see her like this.”

”Yutaro-kun…” the girl uttered, reflecting on his words. ‘Honto ni, Yutaro-kun is really a considerate boy… He deeply cares about others and does what he can to help them…’

He suddenly lifted a very enthusiastic face. “Aa! Tae-san~!”

”Ara?” the ever-so-busy Tae turned and saw him, waving. “Oh! Yutaro-kun! Welcome!! I haven’t seen you in a long time!”

”Eheheh! Did you miss me after all? For one thing, I truly missed the beautiful Tae-san!”

“Ahahaha, sonna!”

Tsubame dropped her head and sighed, as the flirting continued. ‘Demo Yutaro-kun really likes older women for some reason… haaah, it’s a bad habit…’

* * * * * * * * * * *
Sanosuke stepped through the gate. He wondered why it was so quiet all of sudden. Since it was night already, he figured they would all be having dinner, so he went to the sitting room but saw it was empty.

”Oi! What’s going on here??” he said, feeling suspicious of the situation, “Yahiko! Kenshin! Jouchan!! Where is everyone?!”

”Sano!” Kenshin had heard him and came out of the dojo. “So you’re here now…”

”What’s going on? What happened to everyone?” Sanosuke asked, going over to his friend, “Hey, tell me why it seems so dead around here. Did something happen?”

”Iya…” Kenshin started to say. He then frowned to the floor. “Yahiko is resting and Megumi-dono left to help Genzai-sensei with a patient. Sore kara… Kaoru passed out earlier and has been sleeping since.”

”Jouchan? What happened?”

”I kind of shocked her with some news I shouldn’t have told her… But I was angry and couldn’t control myself… Gomen na, I didn’t mean to cause so much trouble, but I couldn’t take it anymore…”

Sanosuke had an inkling now what had happened. He then said, “I talked with some of my old gangster pals in Ruffian Row. They said that the Hiruma brothers and Tsueng are planning something soon; they’re gathering up men and weapons. Also…”


”Ozawa is with them.”

Kenshin’s eyes narrowed. “Sou ka… Then we too have to prepare… I won’t let that man near Kaoru ever again… And another innocent life is counting on it too… We have to stop him once and for all.”

“Oi, is it just me and you?” Sanosuke asked, “I’m sure Yahiko and Yutaro will want to join in, but we need more power. What about that dojo-boy, K-something… Where did he go?”

Kenshin regretfully replied, ”I know not where Keisuke-dono has gone…”

”Sou ka na… Have you eaten anything?” Sanosuke asked instead, steering away from the subject. Kenshin shook his head. Sanosuke spotted the basket on the floor. “Hey, what about this?”

Kenshin sadly gazed at the onigiri. “From Shizuka-dono…” He and Sanosuke both ate one, although they were so pretty that they were hesitant. Munching, they stopped and stared at each other. “Oishii de gozaru!”

”Mm! Very tasty! I want more!”

While Sanosuke ate two more, Kenshin went to check on Kaoru. She was now sitting up in the futon where they put her, still looking pale. “E-to… honto ni…?” she blurted out the moment he came into the room, “Am I really… your…?”

”Hai de gozaru,” Kenshin said. There was a long pause. Kaoru lowered her head and clutched at the blanket, staring towards the sleeping Kenji who was placed near her. Kenshin could sense the uneasiness and turned for the door. “I’ll bring you your dinner so…”


Kenshin stopped and looked back at her. “Oro?”

Kaoru lifted her face, looking a bit embarrassed. “Gomen nasai… I have been rude by calling you ‘Kenkaku-san’ and acting very casual around you. You can punish me if you like…”

”T-That’s not it at all! I didn’t mind and I would never punish you! I-I was just surprised that you called me ‘Anata’… You never called me that.”

”Aa, oh… then what should I call you?”

Kenshin replied, “Call me whatever you like. ‘Kenshin’, ‘Kenkaku-san’, ‘Rurouni’… You call me ‘Baka’ most of all.”

Kaoru found herself laughing. “Do I?” He nodded. “I’m glad we made that clear,” she said, folding her hands, “Demo, among the many things I want to ask you, there is something else I would like to tell you first.”

”Hai?” he said, as she got up from the futon and walked towards him. She slowly reached out and took his hand, staring down at it. “Kaoru…?”

”I don’t know how it happened… But… I am your wife. Have faith in me. I will not do anything to betray you. I will stand by you.”

”Kaoru…” he stammered, “But you don’t know anything about me…”

”No, but… this is how I was raised… This is what Shizuka-san taught me…” Kaoru said, smiling a little, “Accepting people into your heart… Being open-minded to whatever situation that comes along…”

”W-What about Keisuke-dono…? He… loves you…”

”And I love him…”

Kenshin’s eyes widened as she had openly said this. “Kaoru…”

Kaoru continued, “But there are many kinds of love. Shizuka-san taught me, “Love comes in different forms and intensities”. I love Keisuke, I always will. He’s a part of me and I am glad to have met him. But I do not love him the way that you are thinking. I am not capable of doing so, so please do not worry…” She searched for a minute to find the proper words, but only came out with, “Kenshin…”

’This simple thought… This pure mind…’ Kenshin stared into those blue eyes, pleading for understanding, ‘You always… make me so…’ He slowly smiled and nodded. “Hai! I trust you, Kaoru!”

”I’m glad that you feel that way…” she said, bowing her head, “Arigatou, Kenshin!”

Kenshin then picked up Kenji and the two of them walked out to meet with Sanosuke, who had eaten most of the bento. The three of them talked outside about things, answering whatever questions Kaoru had – though not telling her about the danger that was surrounding her.

At the river, Ozawa stood – staring up at the full moon. ‘The time has come… Kari… We will be together soon…’

Elsewhere, Keisuke sat leaning against a tree. He leaned his head down onto his knee, the somber look in his face unflinching, the red eyes shimmering in the moonlight.

‘How many times must the tragedy repeat… When will it end…? This tormenting nightmare…”

onto part 10
back to part 8