"Haunted Junction" is a work by Nemu Mukudori
Notes: I wanted to write another hj fic. This one will be a 2-parter. Enjoy! jill 7/11/1

Haunted Junction
"Something Different" Part 1

The final bell rung at Saitou High, and all students rushed out to enjoy their vacation. All except the Holy Student body. They still had one more case to finish...

"Phew!!" Haruto gasped, peering out from under a desk. The explosion in room 2B had sent all the desks and chairs flying across the room, crashing out the window. In the middle of the room stood the vice president Shinto priestess, waving her bamboo stick from finishing her exorcism. 'Sugoi!' Haruto thought, 'Asahina-kun has such amazing power!!'

A drained, black and blue Buddhist monk crumbled to the floor, and everything returned back to normal... or normal in Saitou High standards. "Yoshi! Let's go and enjoy our break from school!!" Kazumi chimed, dusting himself off and getting off the floor.

"Yatta! I can't wait to go chasing under-aged boys in the park!" Asahina chimed, packing her things together, "Nee, Kazumi - what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to go chase Hanako tolit spirits of course!" he replied cheerfully, "I've already found a good place... those old buildings on the edge of town are swarming with Hanakos!! Waaaaw, I can't wait!" he cried, drooling.

Asahina turned to their blond Catholic president. "Kaichou, what about you? What are you going to do?"

"Aaan..." He dropped his head, full of despair. His friends stared at him because it looked like he might collapse. "My parents have invited an old family friend to stay with us... and that... that... that girl... she's gonna be there!!"

"K-Kaichou??" they asked when he clutched his head and screamed.

He tearfully went on to explain. "There's this girl who tormented me in the elementary school... my parents are planning to set me up with her and send me to go to stay with her family and attend her private school... I-I might not return next year..."

"K-Kaichou!" they gasped, a little surprised.

"It's true... this will be the last time we shall probably see each other, or even work together..." he whimpered, "Oh, woe is me!"

"Now hold a minute!" Kazumi exclaimed, "Is she cute? Because if she's cute, then nothing really matters!"

"Baka!" Asahina said, punching him aside, and then turning to Haruto, "Of course you have to come back here for next term! Who else is going to be our Kaichou!!"

"Waah..." he stammered, as she looked very scary then, "I-I'm sorry! It's out of my hands!" With that, he hurried out of the classroom, running for dear life. 'Goodbye everyone...!'

Asahina and Kazumi stared at him. 'Is he serious?!' they wondered. After a pause, they shrugged and decided to go home.

* * *
Haruto arrived home to see his parents already greeting their houseguests. That girl he had been talking about was sitting in the parlor. Her evil eyes shot at him and instantly he knew he was entering hell.

"Nice to see you again, Haruto." she said coldly, wearing all black and a giant crucifix.

"H-Hi, Jezebella." he stammered, unable to stop shaking, "Jaa... how was the plane ride?" She didn't answer him. "A-ano... the taxi ride??" Still no answer. "Y-Your day?"

"Absolutely perfect, Haruto." she replied in the same tone before. Haruto fell into a chair, trying not to make eye contact with her. But soon she was sitting right next to him. "You know what I think, Haruto?"

"N-No, I haven't the slightest clue!" he blurted out, sweat running down his face.

"I think you should skip high school and college and just get married to me."

"Waaaaaah!!" he screamed, running to the other side of the room, "W-W-W-Why should I?!"

"Because," she said, getting up, her eyes slanted, "I could sure use a male-slave in the new mansion my parents built me. You'd be perfect." 'Aaaaaaaaa!!' Haruto yelled inwardly, 'Of all things pure and holy, Lord, please send someone to save me from this demon woman!!!' Just then, the doorbell rung. "I'll get it~!" his father sang, galloping to the door. "Ara?? Ha~rooo~to-kuuuun~! It's for you~!" "Phew!" Haruto thought, rushing to safety. He was glad to see that Jezebella didn't follow him. "Otou-san, who is it?" His dad just pranced away singing about love and spring and wonderful things. Haruto then looked in the doorway, "WAAH?! Asahina-kun!"

"Hi Kaichou!" she said, dressed completely different. She wore big thick glasses, her red hair tied back in a braid, a wooden crucifix and white dress, "How are you?"

"How am I!? W-What about you?!?!" he gasped, "Are you feeling all right?? Why are you dressed like that??! And what are you doing here?!"

She leaned over and whispered in his ear, "I'm here to rescue you, Kaichou. If you don't come back next term, that leaves us without a president... which makes the vice-president, ie. 'Me', in charge of a lot of work - which I don't want. So, you just have to make this bimbo go!"

"B-But how?!" he cried, "How will you...!?"

His mom cut him off, suddenly appearing behind him. "Aa! Who's this, Haruto-kun?? A friend from school??"

Asahina replied in a sweet voice, "Konichiwa! I'm Mutsuki Asahina of Saitou High... Haruto's girlfriend!"

'WHAT!?!?!' Haruto clutched his chest in complete shock, 'W-What did she say?!?!'

"Haruto does not have a girlfriend." Jezebella replied, standing on the other side of his mother, "Isn't that right, Haruto??"

Haruto stared into her face and got trapped in her icy grip. Already the shaking had started once again. "Aa... well... I... uh..."

Asahina hugged his arm and smiled brightly, "Of course he does! Right, Haruto-CHAN??"

'CHAN?!?' Haruto gasped, blushing as he had never been so physically close to a girl in his life. 'Asahina-kun... what are you doing?!'

"My, what a cute couple you make!" his mom said, folding her hands together. "Asahina-san, would you mind staying for dinner?"

"Of course, Okaa-san!" Asahina said innocently going to cover her mouth, "Oh! I'm sorry... I didn't mean to call you..."

"It's all right!" Okaasan sighed, "I've always wanted a daughter! Make yourself at home!"

"Really! I'm so glad!" Asahina chimed, going to drag Haruto in by the arm. She shot a very victorious grin over to the evil girl, Jezebella and continued into the parlor, "Let's go, Sweetie!"

All the while, Haruto looked very much in shock, as a line of blood dripped from his nose. 'W-What in the world is going on?!?'

Commercial break!
Some announcements!!

Kazumi: Thus this strange tale unfolds! Will this pestering girl be sent away?! Has Asahina given up chasing under-aged boys... and what really is the true intent of her good deed?! And now that Haruto has a girlfriend, how long is it gonna last!?

Hanako: I really don't know, but could you give someone else another chance in this stall. The line is getting pretty long.

Kazumi: ...A-Anyways, we'll be right back with the story soon. Stay tuned.

Red Mantle: MANTLE WIPE!!

Kazumi: Heeey!! I wanted Hanako-san! NOT YOU!!!


onto next part