Haunted Junction" manga series by Nemu Mukudori; all rights reserved to Dengeki Comics & Bandai Visual.
Fanfiction by JillM Notes: (5/25/02) sorry about the extremely long wait. Here the ending, finally!

Haunted Junction
"Something Different"

As soon as the movie started, Haruto's face lined with sweat.

'I cannot believe I'm on a movie date with Asahina-kun. It's too good to be true!!' He then blinked. 'But why is Kazumi-kun here... A-And why am I all of a sudden becoming more and more interested in Jezebella... I'm so confused... But... Confusion is normal, right? Right??'

"Kaichou," Nino had suddenly appeared next to him, "You shouldn't talk so much to yourself. You should concentrate on the movie."

"AAAAAAH??" Haruto cried, freaking out. Everyone in theater looked at him.

"What's wrong?" Asahina asked.

"N-Nothing." He stammered. She hadn't seen Nino, who had disappeared as suddenly. "Actually, I need to go use the restroom. I'll be right back."

"Okay..." Asahina said, turning back to the screen, "Could you get some candy or something on your way back??"

"Oh, I want another drink!" Kazumi said, "I'll pay you back, Kaichou."

"All right, all right..."


'Phew...' Haruto thought as he left the theater and went into the lobby, 'It sure was warm in there. I need to relax. I guess it's because I've never been on a date before... Um, I wonder if the others were nervous...Or is it just me.'

He stopped in front of the mirror and frowned. 'Of course it is.' He then went into a stall, and...




Hanako smiled. "I could tell you were nervous, so I wanted to give you some pointers."


"Now, listen up..." She leaned in and whispered in his ear. "Got it??"

Haruto's face was bright red. "Uh-huh..."

"I'm glad. Have lots of fun!"

Still red faced, Haruto returned to the theater. "I thought you were getting some candy." Asahina asked.

"And what about my drink?" Kazumi asked.

They stared at him. "What happened??"


He just took his seat quickly. Jezebella gave him a look of concern. "Did you have an accident??"


"Heeeeh, Haruto-kun is acting strange." Asahina said, getting up, "I'll go get the food. Be right back."

"No, wait! I can...!" Haruto gasped, getting up in a rush. He collided with Asahina, the two of them landing on the floor. "OH!?" Haruto's eyes widened as he looked in her face, the tint of red lining her cheeks. "S-Sorry... I... didn't mean land on you..."

"Haruto-kun..." she uttered breathlessly.


She closed her eyes for a moment. Then suddenly...


Asahina's punch sent Haruto flying across the theater and he collided with the screen. Kazumi jumped up and clapped his hands. "YESSSSS! I WIN THE BET!!"

"What bet?!" Jezebella asked. He went a little pale, but she grabbed him by the collar. "What are you talking about???"

While Asahina left the theater in a mad rage, crowds of people surrounded Haruto to check if he was all right. He just collapsed on the floor with swirly eyes. "OH MY GOD..."

* * * * * * * * * * * *

So the break went and ended. Haruto came back to school, humming a different tune. While he went down the hallway, he shot an ugly look at the Chairman.

"I know it was you who did that bet. I won't forgive you, old man!"

"Ehehehehe, come on!" the little ghost said, flying side by side with him, "At least you didn't get transferred away..."

"AT LEAST?!" Haruto exclaimed. He calmed down. "Actually, my vacation wasn't that bad..."

"Eh??" Chairman asked as Haruto went right into the Holy Student Council office. "Then... I guess I'm not in trouble?" The door opened right away. "Haruto-kun??"

"By the way, if you pull anything else, I'm writing my resignation notice!!"

"Sure, sure..."

"I mean it!!" Haruto then slammed the door and turned around. Kazumi was there, reading a Hanako magazine. "Hey, Kazumi-kun!"

"Hey, Kaichou! Glad to see you back! You and your parents worked things out then?"

"Yes," Haruto replied, sitting down at the table. "We talked about how I wanted to continue going to this school... Ah, I can't believe that I actually begged to them to let me stay, but I want to stay here so..."

"And what happened with Jezebella."

"Actually, we got to know each other better and I've realized that she's all right. I guess I would have never given her a chance if it weren't for you and that bet... And..."

Haruto's eyes moved to the door where Asahina was standing. Her head was lowered, but he could see a strained look in her face.


"I'm glad everything worked out... Kaichou," she said in a lowered voice, "And... that you had a nice break..."

"Yes... I did... Thank you."

"Don't mention it," she said, fists clenched, "I just wanted to help..."

Kazumi looked back and forth, feeling the awkwardness. "Maybe I should step outside...?" he said, going for the door.

Asahina quickly grabbed him by the back of the shirt to keep him from escaping and threw him back into his chair.

"O-Or I can stay here and read this mag!" he nervously laughed.

"So..." she uttered, "You're with her now?"

"Well... not really... but... um..." Haruto stammered, looking all flustered. Asahina's shoulder started shaking. He was now worried that she was crying. "UM!!!"

"Hmhmhmhm..." But, she was really laughing. "It was funny! I really tricked you, didn't I, Kaichou!" she laughed, pointing at him.

Haruto went into shock. "OH MY GOD!!!"

"Hey, hey... you tricked me too," Kazumi said, "You got me all worried over nothing. That wasn't funny at all."

"Oh come on!" Asahina chimed, walking past the frozen Haruto with his mouth still gaping, "Do you really think I'd fall for Kaichou?? He's much too old for me!"

"Yeah, you and your weird complex!"

"You're the one to talk!"

Haruto stared into space. 'I was tricked... big time...' He then snapped and grabbed at his hair. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHGHGH!!!!" Tearfully kneeling on the floor, he started to write his resignation. "I WANT OUT OF THIS CRAZY PLACE!!"

From behind her magazine on under aged boys running on a beach, Asahina watched with a half smile. 'But it was fun, wasn't it... Haruto-kun.'


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