Rurouni Kenshin was created by Watsuki Nobuhirou; all rights reserved to Shuiesha JUMP, Sony, & Anime Works
Fanfic Notes: Minna-san, take notice of the moves Kaoru & Keisuke use in this chapter are really Kasshin Ryu Kenjutsu. I should know, I've been playing the rpg game third week straight. Oro, please pry me away from my PSX with your wonderful comments. Jaa ne, Jill - 1/12/01

"Have You Forgotten?"
Part 2

When evening came, Kaoru curled up to go to sleep. It had been a long day. ‘Mou, my head hurts. I think it’s from the influx of memories… time for some rest.’ She then closed her eyes, the world becoming silent and still.

* * *
”Keisuke!!! Okaeri!!” little Kaoru cried, running outside to greet him.

She had heard the news from Dr. Genzai. Keisuke had defeated a gang of bandits that had attacked Shizuka and her friend Shimako earlier that day. He rescued the damsels and captured the outlaws for the police to take. Everyone in town was talking about it, but she wanted to hear the details straight from him. She could see him up ahead, sitting on the walkway, his face in his hands.

Shizuka stood at his side, staring down him worriedly. “Keisuke… what’s wrong?” she uttered, “I don’t understand. You’re a hero… why are you…?”

”I…” he uttered, lifting tear-stained face, “I killed a man.” Kaoru stopped and stared at him. He was crying. She had never seen him this way. All she could do was stare.

“It’s all right.” Shizuka reasoned, “That old man just was no match for you. He was a criminal no less. I mean, he tried to assault me and Shimako-san… but you saved us. Isn’t that what matters?” He didn’t answer her. He just stared into his hands, trembling at the thought of what he had done.

“Keisuke…” Kaoru finally found her voice and was walking towards him. She was surprised as he pulled her to him, hugging her tightly and crying into her hair, “K…Keisuke…?”

”Gomen… I’m sorry for what I did!” he sobbed, “I took another man’s life. I’m no better than those murderers in jail. I haven’t any right to Kasshin Ryu at all! Please forgive me, Kaoru-chan…!”

”It was an accident! I’m sure of it!” she replied, still unable to move in his hold, “I know your heart was in the right place. You did this to save people you cared about. You didn’t mean to. Keisuke… it’s all right. I don’t hold anything against you. Please… it’s all right.”

She finally was able to lift a hand to his shoulder, letting him pour out his emotions. She stood, confused and distraught. And as she lifted her eyes to Shizuka, she saw the most unusual expression. ‘Eh?’ It was anger, her eyes like daggers coming at Kaoru…

* * *
”OH!” Kaoru sat up, her eyes flying open as she woke from her dream. She clutched the blanket and tried to calm her breathing. ‘Why did I dream that…? And Shizuka-san… doushite…?’

She paused to hear moans coming from next to her. Kenshin was having a bad dream of his own, a difficult battle in times she knew not of. She bent down and stroked his face, easing his pain. “Mou, some night… a bed of nightmares have we?” she sighed, concentrating on his soft features.

Pressing a kiss lightly on his lips, she then got up and wandered out of their room. She couldn’t sleep. An uneasy feeling was surging through her and she didn’t know what to do. She looked out at the snow, which looked even colder in the dark night. Barefoot, she walked out into it, towards the dojo and closed the door behind her.

‘This dojo…’ she thought, looking around. It had been renovated since Yashiitomo had set it on fire. Still, the old dojo was reminiscent in the air… the same structure… the same feeling. Kaoru gazed at the tags hanging on the wall. Only hers, Yahiko, and Yutaro were up. All the past students’ tags were put in storage somewhere in the woodshed if ever one of them came back to teach. The wall used to be covered with them. She remembered the first time they put her name up there. How proud she was.

‘Back then…’ She pulled a shinai off the rack and gripped it in front of her, as though ready for battle. Closing her eyes for a moment, her mind was set into another time, back when sunlight filled the dojo in early mornings when she couldn’t wait to get started training. Rushing inside, always to see him waiting for her.

“Ready?” Keisuke asked, a wash towel on his shoulder, shinai at hand, “Saa! Hajime yo!”

Kaoru charged, using the first move she could think of, “Makinukemen!!!” The high jab was easily countered by his low attack, Suneharai. But within seconds, she quickly countered his attack with a middle thrust, sending him stumbling backwards. She smiled cheerfully, “Kamiya Kasshin Ryu – Ichijinsoufuu Satsuu!!”

“Sugoi!” he uttered, rubbing his sores. He quickly got back into position. “But it isn’t over yet!! Let’s go!” And so, they continued the fight until the other students arrived or until Keisuke had to run home to help his grandpa at the clinic. Before departing, they would sit down and have at least one cup of tea before going. He’d always make her pour it.

“Mou, why do I have to?!” she complained, “I mean, if I won… doesn’t that mean – you – have to pour the tea and get me whatever I ask? Not the other way around!!”

”Heh, it is your house, and I am a guest.” he pointed out, “Besides… you’re a girl.”

”GAAH?!” Kaoru nearly dropped the tea, “Dumbass! Say that to my face again!!”

”I’d be happily to say it.” Keisuke chuckled, patting her cheek, “Japan’s cutest girl to wield budo… the kenjutsu komachi herself!”

”MOU! ALL LIES!!” she grumbled, pushing a cup over to him. She blew off some steam and took her seat next to him. It was a warm spring day. A perfect day for training, “Demo, no matter how much I train…” she uttered, hugging her knees, “I feel like I’m lacking something… ano, Keisuke…”

”Hm? Nan de, Kaoru-chan?”

“When you fight, you’re totally focused. It’s like you could go on forever. But I… I can’t do that. I get tired after a while, confused… I lose it. You’ve got so much strength and control than I…”

“Chigao!” he disagreed, “You’ve got more strength and brains than I ever will, Kaoru-chan. But you’re right about focus. It seems that you don’t feel it yet…”

“Feel what?”

Rubbing his head, he went on to explain, “Unlike other kenjutsu, whereas the ken-ki is the focal point, Kasshin Ryu comes from your kokoro. If you find one thing in the world you hold dear in your heart… that gives you a purpose in living, then you’ll have this overwhelming feeling of strength burning in your chest. No one can ever stop you!”

“Sou desu ka…” she uttered, staring into her teacup, “Demo ne, how will I find this thing?”

He shrugged. “Beats me. But when you think you did, Kaoru-chan, ask me about it and I’ll let you know.” She lifted her head and stared up at him. He was ready to leave, grinning slightly, “I don’t doubt that you will find it, either. Jaa!”

With that, he turned and walked away. ‘Ano toki…’ Out the gate and down the street. ‘I didn’t know what he was speaking of. Demo, Keisuke…’ The sunshine faded back to darkness. Kaoru was sitting in the dojo, staring up at the ceiling, ‘I never got to ask you…‘

* * *
The next day, Sanosuke stopped by for breakfast as usual. He paused to see Yahiko already clearing the table. “Ya mean I missed the food?!” he cried, “Teme, you guys didn’t wait for me?! What am I supposed to eat?!”

“Ch! I don’t know. You don’t live here. Go find food elsewhere.” Yahiko mumbled, carrying the dishes away, “I mean we’ve all got places to go so don’t think you’re our priority or anything.

“Places to go?” he uttered, turning to his best friend, “Where’s everyone going, Kenshin?”

Kenshin smiled and was putting on a coat, “Aa, Yahiko has to go to the Akebeko and help out Tae-san. Seems a couple people have come down with the flu. I have an appointment at the clinic in three hours.” Sanosuke eyed him over, wondering why he was leaving so early. It really didn’t take so long to get there. Kenshin quickly recovered by whispering, “(Gotta get an aniversary gift remember?)”

”Aa! Sou ka… What about Jou-chan? Where does she got to go that she can’t fix me breakfest, eh?”

”Kaoru has to…” Kenshin paused to see her walk past, looking cold and sickly. He then explained to Sanosuke, “She has to go visit Maekawa-dono and pick up some things. Demo, I don’t think she should go out if she doesn’t feel well. You see… this morning I found her sleeping in the dojo…”

“Eeh? What for? Did you two have a fight or something?!”

”Iya! That’s not it!” Kenshin cried, waving his hands frantically. He turned towards her again, “Shikushi… I’m worried about her.”

”For more reasons that I know of?” Sanosuke asked slyly. Kenshin lifted his head. Sanosuke had already figured out that he was hiding something, but wasn’t going to tell anyone just yet. He then turned for the kitchen, “Maybe I can make Yahiko to cook me something before he goes…”

Kenshin sighed after his friend, and then ran after Kaoru who was just about to leave. “Jotto!” he said, taking hold of her from behind, “Kaoru, are you sure you’re all right?” She just leaned against him, not saying a word, “You don’t have to tell me what you were doing in the dojo late at night without socks or warm clothing… but tell me if you’re feeling okay.”

”I just have a little head-ache, that’s all.” she replied, “You don’t have to worry. I’ll make it a quick visit, then I'll come back here as soon as I can.” He felt relieved as she turned to him and smiled, “Why don’t you come with me, Kenshin? Then, I’ll go with you to your appointment. I mean you have three hours…”

’But I have to meet Yashiitomo…’ he thought, forcing a return smile, “Suman, Kaoru. I got some errands to handle. I’ll meet up with you here, so you don’t have to go to the clinic. Just come back home and warm up, okay?”

”Demo…” she uttered, crossing her arms, “You better tell Megumi-san to keep her eyes and hands where they belong! Even if it is a physical checkup, I won’t have her taking advantage of my husband!!”

“Oro…” Kenshin uttered, remembering his last checkup. Megumi was enjoying herself a bit too much than a doctor should. How later she got a bit peeved when he told Sanosuke and Kaoru about the ‘unnecessary procedures’. (“You’re no fun, Ken-san!”) He looked over at Kaoru’s growling face and laughed, “Don’t worry! I’ll be okay this time!”

To relieve her concerns, he then leaned over and kissed her. Kaoru snapped out of her angry phase and absolutely melted in his arms, “K…Kenshin…” she managed to say as his embrace tightened around her, heating her from head to touch, “I…”

”Oh Kenshin~!! You’re sooo wonderful~!” Sanosuke laughed from behind, as Yahiko was making ‘kissy noises’. The two just fell over, rolling in laughter. Kaoru stormed over and smacked them silent. Kenshin just rubbed his head shyly.

* * *
After departing, Kenshin headed into town. He wandered into the Ueno district, where the note said to meet Yashiitomo. ‘Ano ki-sama… he better not try anything. I’ll be ready this time for sure. But he sure is late…’ he thought to himself, waiting by a pastry stand, ‘And Kaoru… will she really be okay? She ought to be. They aren’t going to attack her in public and when she gets home, Sanosuke should still be there. And perhaps Yahiko could be sent home early to protect her. Me too. I’ll finish the appointment as fast as I can. Kaoru, please be safe…’

His train of thought was broken by the new presence of a ken-ki, “It’s so nice to see you, Battousai.” Yashiitomo said, wearing black-rimmed glasses and a western suit.

“Are you in disguise to avoid attention?” Kenshin questioned, “An easier solution is that you give up on trying to kill Kaoru and leave Tokyo, before I throw you out myself.”

“Now hear me out, Battousai. It will save us both some trouble if you understand why I’m doing this.” he replied, “In all my years, I have noticed something – you can’t rely on certain things. Not killing a man who desires to kill your woman will result in years of continual threat. Would you rather live in fear of losing the one you love?”

”I don’t have to fear that.” Kenshin uttered, “Because I won’t lose her.”

Yashiitomo just smirked at that comment, “Tell yourself what you want. But afterwards, you’ll regret putting nonsense into your mind instead of saving what was important. I used to think Kasshin Ryu was the answer to everything…” He paused to gaze up into the clouds above them. Laughing, he went onto change the subject, “You know, Battousai, I’ve fought with her enough times that I know how Kamiya Kaoru thinks. That childish, simplistic reasoning based solely on her temper and stubbornness…”

“Do you have a point?”

”Of course I do. We’re both swordsmen right? Can you honestly tell me that you can protect your loved ones with this technique? A wooden sword that doesn’t kill?” he replied. Kenshin stared at the ground, not saying a word, “… You know it’s a lie. You know that if you went against some idiot like that, surely they wouldn’t stand a chance against guys like us. How much longer do you have to wait? If not by me, then someone else must do something! Otherwise, Kamiya Kaoru will never open her eyes; will never grow up. And one of these days, she’s going to get herself killed… that foolish woman.”

“I know she is.” Kenshin finally replied. Yashiitomo lifted his head and stared at him in surprised. A slow smile curled on the samurai’s lip. “But she’s ‘my’ foolish woman. And whatever reckless things she chooses to do, I will support her. And furthermore, I cannot allow bastards like you to threaten her. So what ever dispute you wish to start, believe me – I’m ready for it.”

”Go ahead, Battousai… attack an unarmed man in a public street. That’s fine.” he laughed. Slowly his humor died as he saw that Kenshin was serious, his eyes flashing yellow, his hand on the hilt of his sakabatou.

“I’m warning you…” he hissed, walking up Yashiitomo so close his hot breath fogged the man’s glasses, “You merely go near her and I will make sure you become a blind man for real.” He stepped backwards a bit, looking slightly relaxed. Then, faster than one could blink, he swerved around, swinging at the man behind him, “THE SAME GOES FOR YOU, ASSHOLE!”

Tsueng collapsed to his knees, clutching his side and moaning in pain. Kenshin picked up the knife lying at his foot and looked over at Yashiitomo, who shrugged, “It was worth a try, but that boy still has got lots to learn.”

”It’s more like this…” Kenshin uttered, kneeling to the panting Tsueng, putting him into an arm hold and resting the blade of the knife against his neck, “Next time get it right, okay?” Tsueng nervously nodded; sweat running down his face. Kenshin simply sighed and rose; shaking his head, “Well, now I’m late for a doctor’s appointment…”

”Battousai…” Yashiitomo uttered, “My feelings towards Kasshin Ryu won’t change. I’m sure you know the reason – you probably understand my reason better than anyone…”

Kenshin kept on walking, tossing the knife in a trashcan as he passed, “My feelings won’t change either… there’s nothing you can do to change my mind, nor to stop me when I get angry. And believe me, Yashiitomo, when I’m angry, you’ll wish you were in Hell…”

Tsueng pulled himself off the ground and towards his father, who sighed, “Useless boy…” He then turned to the departing samurai, his form moving up the street, ‘Believe me, Battousai – this thing isn’t over yet and we’ll see who’d be going to Hell!’

Back to Part 1
Onto Part 3