Rurouni Kenshin was created by Watsuki Nobuhiro; Shuiesha JUMP, Sony, & Anime Works all rights reserved
Fanfic Notes: Eto, hope you like this installement. Been enjoying the week-end. Note 'Shizuka' means 'calm, quiet'... but the girl is anything but. ^_^ Also, send your comments to Jill. Jaa matte! 1/27/1

Have You Forgotten
Part 6

The door slowly slid open. Outside, tiny snowflakes wafted down from the grayish sky and painted the scenery. Lifting a hand to move the hair out of her eyes, she singled one snowflake, tracing its path in the air, down to its resting place on the ground, it become lost amongst the white.

“Kaoru…” Kenshin murmured, lifting his head from his pillow, “Close the door and come back to bed… it’s too cold de gozaru.” He stared at the back of her head, his words passing right through her, “Kaoru, didn’t you hear me?”

”It’s snowing again…”

“I can see that…” He yawned and got up, bringing the blanket with him, stopping to stand at her side. He stared down and saw her crying face, her arms hugging her knees tightly. “Oro?”

”My heart keeps drifting back to that time…” She smiled into her arm, closing her eyes, “Ano toki…”

“Sou de gozaru,” he uttered, sitting beside her and putting his arm round her shoulders, “That time meant a lot to you, de gozaru ka?”

“Un. It did. I remember it all so clearly… everyone was so happy.” She leaned her head against him, sniffling, “As soon as the snow melted away… things began to change. One by one, they left. It wasn’t just a parting by death, no, they just couldn’t stand being here… and soon, I was on my own again.”


”Please can we talk about something else?” she asked, lifting her face, “Kenshin, could you tell me of any of your happy memories that I don’t know of?”

He smiled and brushed his hand against her cheek, “Suman… I don’t have any happy memories without you in them. My past beforehand was a painful blur. And snow has always represented cold and death to me… and yet for you, it’s brought such a warm feeling. Shikushi, you shouldn’t feel guilty at all for having such wonderful memories… it’s made you into a person who can create wonderful memories for others. And I am very grateful.”

”Kenshin…” She stared into his loving, violet eyes and felt his arm tighten around her. After sharing a soft kiss, the two of them turned their gaze back outside, watching the snowflakes drift slowly to the ground.

* * *
“Ano…” Shizuka looked down at the top of his head. The two of them were by the river, the sun dipping into the water as red colored the sky, a cool breeze passing them. “What’s the matter? Keisuke, please tell me.”

He continued to stare at the ground, his fists clenched, “Genta and Mikyou are… dead.” he said almost in a whisper, “Dead.”

”I know. I heard all about it from Kuma.” she replied, sitting beside him, “You feel bad because you were there with them, don’t you?”

”I was there…” he uttered, “I was there till the end. That demon who killed them – I don’t know why… I don’t understand it at all…”

”Understand what?”

Keisuke opened his tearful eyes, “Why he let me go.” He went and reached for her hand, pressing it against his face, “We were just walking back from practice, on that road we usually take… then this man showed up and asked us if we were from the Kamiya Dojo. We answered ‘yes’ and he just started…”

”Keisuke,” she said, drying his eyes, “I’m sorry you went through that. I’m sorry your friends died… demo…” She stopped and held his face with both hands so she could get him to look at her, “I’m glad you didn’t die.”

He stared into the gray and saw all the love and unspoken feelings he could never grasp completely. But he also saw his own reflection, a broken person whose spirit was crushed. He couldn’t stand staring at it. “Chigao. You shouldn’t be glad about something like that.”

“Eeh?” Shizuka was surprised as he tore away from her and stood, turning to leave, “Keisuke!”

All he could hear was those words that man uttered to him: “Whether you like it or not – you will get used to this sight.”

Keisuke was lying on the ground, absolutely sick to his stomach as seas of blood surrounded him. “Naze?” he gasped, “Why did you do this?!”

”To prove to you that those fools didn’t stand a chance against me. That technique won’t last against a real swordsman. You’re wasting your time and your life, just like them.”

”Naze…” was all he could say, feeling a need to throw up again, “Naze…”

The man paused to stare at the pitiful sight before him. “I’ve been watching you for a long time. I know what you’re capable of. Don’t let this wood sword restrict your true strength… are you afraid of becoming a man? Do you want to stay a ‘boy’ forever?”

Keisuke closed his eyes, ignoring Shizuka’s calls behind him, continuing to walk alone.

Even after the tragedy, practice had to continue. A strange feeling filled the dojo and I could no longer concentrate. Everything I did, everything I thought… what was the point?

In the dojo, the rows of students solemnly swung their shinai in unison, Sensei standing in front, watching them and keeping the rhythm. Little by little, Keisuke lost pace with them, his arms slowing and finally, the shinai dropping to the floor. Everyone stopped and stared at him.

“Keisuke-san?” Kuma asked from next to him, “Is something wrong?”

He just started walking up to the front, stopping in front of Kamiya-sensei. He bowed his head and uttered, “Gomen nasai. I can’t do this anymore…” He then turned and walked out the dojo.

As he reached the gate, the sounds of hurried sandals made him pause slightly, “Keisuke!” Kaoru called from behind, “Chotto matte! Practice isn’t over yet… why are you leaving so early?”

He didn’t bother to turn around, his hand on the gate, “Kaoru-chan, I’m not coming back here again.”

”Keisuke…?” she uttered, “Doushite?”

”This damn school… I can’t stand it anymore! I’m leaving now and I’m never coming back! I never want to have anything do with Kamiya Kasshin Ryu or you ever again! Good-bye!”

”K-Keisuke! What did I do wrong?! Please tell me!” she cried, her words not even reaching him, “No! Don’t… please don’t go!” He just kept walking away, and then suddenly broke into a run. Kaoru stood at the gate in tears, “Keisuke… KEISUKE!!!”

But it was too late. I had already lost myself completely. Everything I believed didn’t make sense. Everything I loved – I turned my back on… My heart had become empty … soshite… I couldn’t hear her voice anymore, trying to call me back.

* * *
Kenshin found only blank pages following. He slowly put down the journal as he heard some arguing voices outside. Getting up, he opened the door and saw Hachi and Shimako, snapping at each other. After a moment, they paused and looked over to him. “Oi! Kenshin! Came for a visit!” Hachi chimed, waving.

”Aa, so I finally get to meet Kenshin.” Shimako said, staring at the redhead samurai in front of her, “You sure look pretty young. I can’t believe you’re already thirty. My, you’re awfully cute.”

He blushed, extremely embarrassed, “Shall we go inside. It’s really cold out here de gozaru yo.” he said, leading them into one of the rooms. “Have a seat. I’ll see if I can find Kaoru. I think she’s in the kitchen.”

He got up and walked out the room, pausing to hear voices behind him, “THAT’s Kaoru-chan’s husband?! How in the hell…?!”

“Ch! Keep your trap close! He’s a good guy!”

”What’s his occupation? What’s his lineage?!”

”Shut up! He’s famous – don’t you know?! He’s the legendary Battousai!!”


”A-ho! Don’t you know anything?!”

”Shut up! I know more than you!”

Sighing, he turned to go, but stopped to see Kaoru walking his way with a tray of hot tea. “Aa, Kenshin, there you are.” she said with a smile, “I thought you might want to warm up…”

”Eto, actually we have company de gozaru yo.”

Kaoru blinked. ”Eh?”

* * *
Inside the room, Kaoru and Kenshin sat opposite Shimako and Hachi. They were all sipping their tea quietly. Not a word had been spoken yet. “Ano…” Kaoru broke the silence, putting down her cup of tea, “Arigatou for the cake. It looks delicious.”

“No problem! I’m make you tons of cakes if you like, Kaoru-chan!” Shimako said with a wink as she went to slice everyone a piece, “But I’m actually glad I got to come here today. It’s been a while. I mean, we’ve moved back to Tokyo a couple months ago and I’ve been so busy. And Hachi doesn’t take me places anymore…”

”Cheh!” the cop grumbled into his cup, “I asked you if you wanted to come last week, but you had a hair appointment, vain little twit.” His wife simply started strangling him, him of course fighting back.

Kenshin smiled uneasily, “So, you two been married for a long time de gozaru?”

”I’d think it’ll be about nine years since last November.” Shimako uttered, the violence ceasing a bit, “To think we’ve almost lasted ten years without killing each other… I’d say that’s pretty good.”

Hachi put his arm around her, “I’d say so too! We should plan something big for our 10th anniversary. Where would you want to go, Koishii?”

”Hm… about a fancy resort, Anata?”

”Get real! With my salary?!”

”Hmp! I knew you wouldn’t be able to handle it!!!”

As those two began arguing again, Kenshin turned to Kaoru. “Oro, I hope we don’t end up like this de gozaru.” She just giggled and took his hand, leaning her head on his shoulder. He couldn’t help but blush as their guests turned their attention towards them.

“You two want some privacy or something??” Hachi chuckled.

Shimako elbowed him, “We were once like that. I wonder what happened… where’s the romance gone?”

”Why ya asking me?!” her husband grumbled, “By the way, didn’t you say you had some business with Kaoru-chan? Are you going to say it or are we just gonna waste their time? It’s obvious they wanna take it into the bedroom…”

”C-Chigaimasu!” Kaoru exclaimed, red-faced and breaking away from Kenshin’s grasp, “Don’t misunderstand! Kenshin and I really appreciate your company, Shimako-san. Whatever it is you wish to say to me, I’ll be glad to hear it. You mustn’t feel any rush at all. Just make yourself at home.”

Shimako’s humor faded. “Truthfully, Kaoru-chan, I want to tell it to you now.” she said, looking at the girl in front of her, “The way Shizuka behaved towards you was totally inappropriate. I’ve been worried about you since. I really wanted to make sure you were all right.”

”Arigatou, Shimako-san,” Kaoru replied, tighting her hand on Kenshin’s, “Shizuka-san’s feelings towards me - I’ve come to cope with it… and I will continue to acknowledge her wish not to see me again.”

“Well, actually…” Shimako stammered, “I wanted you two to somehow make up, since I care about you both… so I asked her to come over here today…”

Everyone in the room stopped and stared at her. “YOU DID WHAT, WOMAN?!” Hachi yelled at her.

“I hate seeing my friends like this! I want things to go back to the way they were!” she snapped at him, “Don’t you remember it, Hachi??”

”I remember it, Koishii, but…” He put his hand on her shoulder and shook his head, “Those times are gone. And you can’t change a person’s feelings. If Shizuka wants to hate Kaoru-chan, that’s all to it. We can’t interfere in other people’s business.”

“I just wanted to help…” she sighed, dropping her head.

After a pause, Hachi put his arms around her, “I know you did…”

Kaoru smiled slightly at the embracing couple. It was the door sliding open that startled her and pulled her attention away. ‘…Shizuka…san…’

Back to Part 5
Onto Part 7