Rurouni Kenshin was created by Watsuki Nobuhiro; Shuiesha JUMP, Sony, & Anime Works all rights reserved
Fanfic Notes: Minna-san, hope you're having fun. Oh ho, this one begins the battles. Yokkata ne! (that is you're into the action. say 'hai' if you are!) Do you recall the Kyoto battles? Kaoru-san will use the same technique she used against Kamatari. Please look for it! Oh, and send me your comments. Jill 1/27/1

Have You Forgotten
Part 7

‘Shizuka-san…’ Kaoru stared at the woman in the doorway, their eyes meeting and filling the room with an icy tension. Not a word could be spoken. The look in Shizuka’s face hadn’t changed since the last time she saw her. She wanted to burst out in tears all of a sudden, but Kenshin’s hand covered hers and gave her courage, “Irasshai…”

Yahiko stood behind the woman, dusting the snow off his shoulders, “This lady says she knows you, Kaoru. I was just coming back from the Akebeko, so I just let her in. Hope its okay. Seems you’ve got enough guests in here…”

“Sumimasen.” Shizuka said, bowing her head, her hands clutching a bag, “I was asked to come here today by Shimako-san. She made me promise so…”

“Please have a seat.” Kaoru said, not taking her eyes off her, “Make yourself at home.” Shizuka nodded and took a spot next to Shimako. Yahiko was about to pull the door close, but Kaoru released herself from Kenshin and got on her feet, “The tea’s gotten cold. I ought to make another kettle. I’ll be right back.”

Kenshin worriedly looked after her as she rushed out the room. He then turned to Yahiko, “You didn’t tell me we were having a party. I would’ve invited Tsubame along.” the boy noted, “Actually, though… Genzai-sensei asked me to help shovel some snow. It might take the rest of the day, so I might stay over night at the clinic… ”

”The clinic…?” Shizuka blurted out, “There?”

”Aa,” Yahiko said, turning to her, “It’s not really far from here. And the girls are gonna give me some rice cakes for the deed, so I can’t turn down the deal. It isn’t that cold outside anyways.”

”What’s your name?”

”Myoujin Yahiko!” he replied proudly, pointing his thumbs at himself, “The number-one student of Kamiya Kasshin Ryu!”

Shizuka stared at the floor, “Sou ka…”

Yahiko turned to Kenshin, “I’m going to my room to get a change of clothes. Sumimasen.” he said, going for the door, “Nice meeting you, Ojou-san!”

Kenshin then looked over at Shizuka, who was still looking towards the floor. He heard her faintly say, “Kamiya Kasshin Ryu… it’s still here…”

* * *
Kaoru had been gone a while, so Kenshin went to check on her. She was in the kitchen, chopping vegetables. “Aa, since it’s almost lunchtime, I figured I’d make something for everyone to eat.” she told him, “Kenshin, the water’s about boiled so could you please bring them their tea?”

”Kaoru,” he said, putting his arm around her waist, “Daijoubu ka?”

”Iie.” she replied, stopping everything and staring down at the minced carrots, “Shizuka’s eyes… they’re still filled of hatred for me. They’re like dagger digging deep into my heart. I cannot face her.”

”It’s all right, I’m here for you. I won’t let anything happen.” he whispered in her ear, “I won’t let this person continue to hurt you. Just don’t think about those things...”

She closed her eyes as he proceeded to rain kisses onto her face and neck, “Kenshin… dame…” she uttered, letting go of the vegetables and turning towards him, her own actions contradicting her protests, “We mustn’t… Kenshin…aa, dame!”

“OIII~!” Yahiko stood in the doorway, looking pissed off. “You two, knock it off! You’ve got guests, remember?!” The two blushed and released each other, “By the way, I’m going to get going. Quit being poor party hosts and get out there!”

”Hai hai!” they exclaimed, frantically going to do what they intended. Kenshin grabbed the tea and ran out the room while Kaoru hurriedly finished the meal. Yahiko sighed and shook his head, finally leaving.

* * *
”Itadakimasu!” everyone chimed and dove into the stew Kaoru had made. It didn’t taste all that bad, just a bit on the spicy side. No one minded. Or they didn’t say that they did. Very little words had been spoken.

Shimako smiled across the table, “Be sure to send me the recipe, Kaoru-chan!”

”Uhn… I will.” she replied, filling up another bowl for her. “I’m glad you liked it. I hope you can take home some leftovers. Ara, Kenshin, another bowl of rice for you?”

“Hai de gozaru.” he said, passing her his empty bowl, his gaze falling over her head towards Shizuka. There was a definite callous look on her face that wouldn’t leave. She had barely touched her meal and was still continuing to stare at Kaoru, as if at any moment attack her. He couldn’t help but feel like returning the glare, his need to protect Kaoru rising again. “Arigatou,” he uttered as she handed him a full bowl, “Please enjoy your meal and leave me to serve everyone…”

”Kenshin, it’s fine. I don’t mind.” she told him cheerfully, “More stew for you as well?” He nodded and handed her his other bowl, him finally making eye contact with Shizuka. The two’s brows darken. Perhaps if Kaoru wasn’t sitting between them, there might have been a clashing. Kenshin quickly tried to relax as Kaoru turned back to him, “Here you go!”

The meal continued on in an uneasy silence. It wasn’t long before even that shattered. Shizuka had put down her dish and grabbed Kaoru by the arm. The other three stopped eating and stared over nervously. By the strained look in Kaoru’s face, it seemed Shizuka was holding her tightly, all of her anger and pain coming out at once.

“You’re still the same person after all these years… you haven’t change… nothing has changed one bit!”

”You’re wrong. Lots of things have changed. You don’t understand, Shizuka-san, because you’ve never accepted what happened back then…”

“Of course I’ve accepted it! You’re the one who hasn’t accepted what you were - being the main cause of why Keisuke threw away his life!”

”I won’t feel any regret because Keisuke didn’t feel any regret!” Kaoru snapped, “It’s time you realized what you were to Keisuke… or have you forgotten completely?!”

Shizuka’s look hardened as she smacked Kaoru across the face. “It doesn’t matter what you say! I told you – I couldn’t forgive that person! And it was because of you! Damn you, Kamiya Kaoru!”

“That’s it!” Kenshin grumbled, getting up and going between them, separating Kaoru from Shizuka’s grip, “Look, if you’ve only come to offend and hurt her, I will have to ask you to leave right now!”

“How dare you interfere!” she demanded, “Just who are you?!”

“I can answer that!” The door slid open and Tsueng waved his hand, “He’s the Hitokiri Battousai, and I’ve come to kill him. So if you don’t mind…”

”TEME!” Hachi hissed, clenching his fists, “Showing your ugly mug around here… where’s your old man anyhow?!”

Tsueng grinned, shaking the snow out of his long blond hair, “Otou-sama is right outside. He really wants to see Battousai as well in regards to the Kamiya girl.” He winked over at Kaoru, “Long time no see, eh?”

Kaoru glared at him, remembering the terrible events of last time. “You… bastard…” she growled, standing and grabbing hold of a ready shinai, “I suggest we take this outside.”

”Kaoru,” Kenshin uttered from her side, his hand on the hilt of his sakabatou, “What do you want me to do?”

“Kenshin, please handle Yashiitomo. I will come help you in a little bit, after I finish off this ass-hole.”

He smiled slowly. “Hai de gozaru. Take care.”

As the two rushed out after Tsueng, Shimako turned to the others, “Please tell me what’s going on! Is Kaoru-chan and Kenshin-san gonna fight those poorly dressed men outside!! Hachi, you’re a cop! Make them stop!!!”

“Aaaaa!!!” Hachi exclaimed as his wife shook him, “Let me go, witch!!!”

* * *
”You’ve got some nerve.” Tsueng said, as Kaoru squared him off on the snowy battlefield, which was their back yard, “I’m really not interested in you – but I guess I could have a bit of fun. But I’m afraid Otou-sama would be disappointed because he was the one who wanted to finish you off.”

”Sorry to hear that.” she replied, holding her shinai out in front of her, ready to attack, “And I’m sorry to disappoint you – you see, you’re not going to get your chance to fight Kenshin… because you’ll have to go through me first.”

”Oh, I’m scared.” he laughed, wires wrapped around his arm, “Do you remember last time? How I caught you so easily in my web – you could’ve died you know.”

Kaoru glared impatiently at him, “Shut up already and make your move!” At those words, Tsueng grinned and took into a run towards her, the wires coming up ahead at full speed. Kaoru leapt high in the air to avoid them, only to see him leaping up to meet her, “Shimatta! Don’t get too close to me!” she growled, clobbering him with her shinai.

He went crashing into the frozen laundry basin, only to sit up and laugh, “Still a bit shy, are we? Maybe we ought to get to know each other better, hmm??” The wires locked around her ankles and dragged her towards him, “What do you say, Kamiya Kaoru? How about a kiss?”

Lying on the ground, Kaoru saw him lean over her, that sly smirk on his face. “Damn you…” she uttered, gripping the shinai in her hands, only to find them held down by the wires as well. She couldn’t move at all except her head, which she moved to avoid his lips.

“Oh, are we still a bit shy? Shall I use a little convincing?” A knife popped out of his sleeve and he held the blade up to her neck, “Now give me a kiss. If I like it, I might let you live.”

”Is a kiss all you want?” she replied, the shinai snapping in half, hitting him right in the face. Tsueng fell over backwards, crying in pain as she got herself out of the wire web, “Dou??”

”Why you!!!” he growled, getting up, clutching the bleeding mess on his face. Slowly, he smiled and started to back away, “You think you’re winning, but… thing is you are about to lose!” He then started going towards the other three, wires surrounding him, “HAAAAA! Now you’ll feel sorry!!”

”Waaah! Hachi! Baka, do something!!” Shimako cried, grabbing onto her husband. But they weren’t his targets; Tsueng was going straight for…

”Shizuka-saan!” Kaoru took into a run, studying the patterns of his swirling attacks, ‘Like that time…!’ She pushed herself to run a bit faster, going in between Shizuka and Tsueng.

Shizuka paused from her moment of fear and looked in front of her. “Kaoru-san…?” she uttered to the back of her head. The girl barely had a weapon, holding it in front of her as if she was waiting. Silently, she stood, in between her and her death, “Doushite…?”

There didn’t come an answer. Kaoru broke into a run, diving down to dodge Tsueng’s attacks, her small piece of wood making contact with his kneecap, “KAMIYA KASSHIN RYU – TSUKA NO GETAN HIZAHISHIGI!”

Tsueng crumbled to the ground in complete pain, his wires dying down. Kaoru knelt, panting and lifting her head over to Shizuka, who still stared at her in astonishment, “Doushite… doushite, Kamiya Kaoru?”

All she could do was smile and blush, getting up off the ground and dusting herself off. The sound of swords clashing brought to her attention the other battle being fought. “Kenshin…!”

She turned her head towards the road outside the gate. Kenshin was in battou-jutsu stance, awaiting Yashiitomo’s next advance. In another split second, fire burned in his eyes, his left foot taking a mighty step and his hand releasing the sakabatou…


The succession technique clashed with Yashiitomo’s multi-hit windblast, redirecting the vacuum force at the wielder. Kaoru dropped her shinai and started running towards the battle. Kenshin went flying into the snow, blood erupting everywhere.


Back to Part 6
Onto Part 8