Rurouni Kenshin was created by Watsuki Nobuhiro; Shuiesha JUMP, Sony, & Anime Works all rights reserved
Konichiwa minna-san! Are you ready for a new fanfic? In respects to the completion of "have you forgotten", this one continues where we left off. Although this will be quite different. There will be nothing on Keisuke/Yashiitomo plot. I hope you will especially like this first chapter and stay with me as the story unravels. Jill 2/11/1;
Saa! Hajimaru hajimaru!

Part 1 - "Good-bye"

That day had come… I didn’t want it to, but somehow I knew… I knew all along.
How could you love someone like me this long…?

* * *
Yahiko and Tsubame stood outside the house. There was yelling. The shadows within the lit room were facing each other, but the words weren’t reaching the other. It seemed to last endlessly, ever since they had arrived. All they could to is listen… and wait.

“It feels like the end of the world.” the girl uttered in shaking voice. Her eyes were watering with confusion. Yahiko gazed at her, not wanting one tear to fall. Slowly, he reached for her hand and held it tightly, he too feeling the uncertainty.

* * *
“Why won’t you just tell me?!” Kaoru demanded, staring directly at her husband, “Who is she??”

The candle flickered. The stern swordsman removed his tucked away arms from his blue gi and took a step forward, his voice highering from its last volume, “It’s MY business de gozaru! You shouldn’t pry into things that you can’t possibly understand!”

”Of course I understand this!” she snapped, “You come in here and tell me you’re leaving with this women and that you’re never coming back! Kenshin, what part of this is not self-explanitory?!”

He nodded his head, his red hair falling into his violet eyes. ”Sayo de gozaru, it’s as plainly said there. So there’s no need for explanations. You should be able to understand it as simply as it is.”

“DOUSHITE?” she cried, going up to him, tearfully pounding her fists onto his chest, “Why, Kenshin?? Am I not enough for you?!”

Kenshin’s face was unmoving. “…iya.” he uttered, gazing past her towards the wall. Their paired shadows were one but their lives were being ripped apart. And it was all his fault. He could help but feel tears in his eyes. “Suman, Kaoru… you’re the last person in the world I ever wanted to hurt…”

She clutched his gi and leaned her forehead down onto his shoulder, “But you still are hurting me… this hurts so much!” she sobbed, “Apologizes can’t work this time!”

”I know they won’t de gozaru.” he uttered, his arms at his side, fists curling, “But it won’t matter. I shall be walking out that door, and you won’t see me ever again. You don’t have to forgive me – I don’t want you to. I’d rather you forget everything and move on with your life.”

”Shut up!” Kaoru exclaimed, shoving him away, “Forget everything?! Like hell, Kenshin – you know you’re the only one I could possibly love. Not only do you betray me, but you also tell me to go on as though ‘we never existed’. Y-you bastard!!!”

As she continued to yell, he stared directly into her blue eyes, such fire within and emotion tearing at both of them. ‘Not anymore… never again.” He reached for the vase that was on the shelf – the anniversary gift he had given her – then without hesitation he hurled it into the wall. Kaoru stopped everything and stared at the shattered glass on the floor.

“You’ll have to find a way!” he snapped sternly, “Because I assure you – I’m never coming back to you. The promises we made – I’m going to break them all – and I cannot keep apologizing for them!” He then reached for her and eased the ring off her finger, “It’s over, Kaoru – it’s over.”

“Kenshin…” she uttered tearfully, watching him put the ring into his sleeve, “No, I don’t want to… onegai… don’t leave me! I’ll change! I’ll make you love me again! Just… don’t leave me!!”

He caught her eyes again and held them, taking a last long look. He then closed his and uttered, “Good-bye.”

* * *
Yahiko lifted his head. Strangely the loud voices had softened as well as the breaking objects. He turned to Tsubame’s crying face. “Daijoubu, I’m sure they’ve made up by now. It’s nothing to worry about.” he coaxed her, wanting to dry her eyes and touch her face. “Don’t cry anymore.”

”I can’t help it… I don’t want Kaoru-san and Kenshin-san to have difficulties.” she sobbed, feeling so embarrassed. She tried to dry her eyes and ran a hand through her brown hair, hoping he didn’t mind her fragility, “I know it has nothing to do with me, but I want everyone to be happy.”

”Aa, me too.” he uttered, trying to smile, “Daijoubu – everything is going to be okay.”

But then the door open and Kenshin stepped out, a sack at hand. He turned towards Yahiko, “Take good care of her.” he said, still walking.

“Kenshin? What do you mean? Where are you going??” the boy asked, looking towards the back of his head, then yelling after him, “Oi! Kenshin!!!”

Tsubame had stepped into the room, seeing the trashed room and the dejected women kneeling on the floor, her face pale and without tears. “Kaoru-san…?” she uttered, going up to her, “What happened?”

Kaoru just stared past her, staring at the broken glass, repeating in a monotone voice, “Good-bye… good-bye…Kenshin…”

* * *
The lone rurouni was walking towards the edge of town. There was a woman waiting for him with her own bags. “Are you ready to go? Did you tell her?” she asked.

“Aa,” he uttered, not lifting his head, “Suman de gozaru. It took longer than it should. Sessha is terribly late. Shall we get going?”

A voice behind him hollered, “MATTE, KENSHIN!!” Sanosuke was growling in the street, fists ready, “Teme, who said you can leave town without my permission?!”

Kenshin turned to his best friend, “Sano, I don’t have to answer to you. Just let me go or I’ll have to hurt you de gozaru.”

”Shut the f—k up! You’ve already hurt Jou-chan!! How much farther are you going to go?! And who the hell is that tramp with you?!?! Yakuso!! I trusted you – I thought you were a great guy… but now I think you’re scum!!”

Kenshin simply drew his sakabatou and gazed at him without a word. The two exchanged glances then lunged at each other, sword and fists flying. “Haaaaaa!!!” Kenshin leaped up ready for Ryu Tsui Sen. Sanosuke, being wise of his techniques, went around and countered from below, the sword flying from his hands and him landing on the ground.

”TEME!!!” Sanosuke yelled, as Kenshin got up and the two began a traditional fist fight, “I won’t let you get away with this!! You’re supposed to stay at Kamiya Dojo for the rest of your life!!” He punched him twice in the face, “What about all that bullshit you said to Jou-chan?!”

”That was yesterday de gozaru!” Kenshin yelled, returning the punches. He then caught Sanosuke by the wrists, clamping them tightly, until the bones cracked, “I have to turn away from yesterday and keep moving.”

“Ki-sama…” Sanosuke uttered, the pain slowly reaching him. Kenshin finally released him and backed away. Sanosuke managed to get a final hit, head-butting Kenshin in the chest. The rurouni fell to the ground, coughing up blood, “You bastard – if I ever see your face again…!!!”

”You won’t, Sessha assures you.” Kenshin uttered, as the woman came running to him. She knelt and helped him up, “Suman. This has been a terrible distraction. Now we’re really leaving late. Let’s get out of here de gozaru.”

”Hai,” the woman said, taking a look toward the enraged fighter, flinching with pain, his wrists both broken. “This is your friend…?”

”Not anymore.” Sanosuke uttered, taking off his coat and swinging it onto his back, then turning to walk again, “Never again…”

* * *
Back at the house, Tsubame watched over Kaoru worriedly. Yahiko had left her in charge as he ran to the clinic for help. The minute they had took their eyes off her, she had tried to slit her wrists with the broken glass on the floor.

“Kaoru-san…” Tsubame begged tearfully, “Please speak to me… tell me what happened…”

The woman clutched her robe. “I…I knew this day would come.” she whispered, the look in her eyes empty. She had cried all her tears.

Tsubame closed her eyes; allowing herself to release her emotions, ‘The world is truly ending…’

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