Rurouni Kenshin was created by Watsuki Nobuhiro; Shuiesha JUMP, Sony, & Anime Works all rights reserved
Fanfic notes: Minna-san, this chapter finally gets things on the road. Including Tsubame's famous line: "Kowaii..." / "I'm scared..." Ahahahah! It's late, but please send me your comments. Jaa nee! Jill2/11/1

Part 2 - "No More Tears"

Yahiko stood at the front gate, facing the group of arriving students. “Gomen –You all came a long way but there’s no class today. Kaoru-sensei isn’t feeling well. Please take care and go home.”

They exchanged glanced then nodded, turning away and trodding back down the muddy road. It was a terrible downpour and Yahiko was getting soaked. He stood at the gate, fists clenched. ‘Kenshin… naze? Naze?’

Inside the cold and dark house, Megumi and Tsubame were with Kaoru. She did not sleep or eat, - nor moved from that spot or said a single word. It was already the next day. Tsubame had refused to leave her side or go home. She insisted on staying with her, worried of what may happen if she didn’t stay.

“Kaoru-san, please eat this…” she pleaded, pushing the bowl of soup in front of her. She paused to pull the blanket back onto her shoulders after they were shrugged off. She looked towards Megumi, wondering what she thought. “What are we going to do??”

When Megumi first arrived, she was in denial. “Why would Kenshin leave? That’s ridiculous!” Then it turned into accusation. “What did you do, Girl? How’d you make him leave!?” Then, shock. “Kaoru-chan tried to kill herself??!” Now, looking at the patient, she didn’t know what to do. This situation needed a psychiatrist not a physician.

Yahiko walked into the room, his soaked head lowered. “Yahiko-kun!” Tsubame cried, making a fuss, “You’re all wet. You might catch a cold if you don’t get dried up. Please take this.” She handed him a towel. He smiled at her, glad she was there. Somehow the scene seemed less gloomy with her in it. He knew there was hope as long as she was near. “Yahiko-kun, all of the students left?”

”Aa, I felt bad. It’s such terrible weather and all of them had some ways to travel. I hope they will be okay.” he uttered, drying his face, “Has anything happen when I was gone?” Tsubame shook her head, both of them feeling terrible.

“This is much worse that last time.” Megumi sighed, eying her over, “At least then, she cried it out of her system and was able to keep some of her back… but this is too much. She’s much weaker than I ever imagined.”

Tsubame took a step forward, “Kenshin-san left her – that’s why. You can’t expect her to get up and go so easily. Megumi-san, please be a bit more compassionate.”

The doctor shook her head. “I knew this girl was all talk and no guts. Enjoying herself so carelessly, doing and saying as she liked… then the minute her rurouni abandons her, she turns into a ‘victim’ and expects people to give her some sympathy. Well, not this time, Kaoru-chan! This time, you must get on your own two feet!”

”That’s enough!!” Tsubame cried, her voice uncontrollably louder than its usual soft whisper, “It isn’t Kaoru-san’s fault he left her! And I don’t think your accusations are helping the situation at all! If you’re going to be like this, Megumi-san, please leave!”

Megumi and Yahiko both stared at her. The girl quickly became embarrassed and covered her mouth. Her face bright red, she knelt back on the ground, her hands on her hot cheeks.

The doctor turned for the door. “I’ll go make some tea.” she uttered, a little shaken by the outburst.

Yahiko grinned and patted her on the shoulder, “Where the heck that came from??” he asked, gazing at her.

Tsubame blinked. She then reached for Kaoru’s hand, ‘From watching you… such courage, such strength…’ she thought, ‘Perhaps, someday, even someone like me can be like that… Kaoru-san, please be all right.’

* * *
The tea which Megumi had made, she slipped in a drug, then forced Kaoru to drink it. At last, her thoughts were put away and sleep filled her senses. Sleep and dreams of Kenshin.

‘Kenshin…’ She was laying his arms, his soft confessions in her ear, his smile in her eyes. “It’s so warm. Don’t let me go. Don’t go.”

He chuckled, “I’m not going anywhere, Kaoru. Don’t worry about a thing de gozaru yo.” She relaxed and sighed. How silly of her doubt him. Those words, which he whispered to her almost every night, branded in her heart and she knew her rurouni would never leave her.

“I know…” she uttered, stroking his cheek, her fingers brushing against the scar, “But I also know good things don’t last… at least for me, that is. It’s only a matter of time before you grow tired of the tanuki and her tantrums… just like everyone else I’ve met before…”

”Chigao de gozaru.” he said, tightening his hold, “I’m going to love you forever.”

* * *
The next day, Megumi decided to come by early. She had a bad revelation that something might happen if she didn’t. Coming through the gate, she sidestepped the mud and moved towards the house. “Hello?? Is anyone awake??” she called.

Tsubame came out of the kitchen. “Oh! Megumi-san, Ohayou gozaimasu!” she said, removing her apron, “What brings you here this early…?”

Just then, Yahiko came out of the outhouse, “Aa! Megumi! Hey, what’s up?”

Megumi stared at the two. “If you’re both out here, who is with Kaoru-chan?” They all stopped and looked at each other. Then without another word, they all rushed for the house, pulling open her door. “Kaoru-chan?!”

”She’s not here!” Tsubame cried, “Where did she go?!” They went into every room, finding broken glass and vases everywhere. “Oh my! What happened!? Where’s Kaoru-san?!?”

”Relax…” Yahiko uttered, although nervous himself, “She’s got to be somewhere around here. Let’s find her quickly!” But as they searched all the rooms, they couldn’t find her anywhere. “Yakuso!! Where did she go?!?”

Megumi stopped and stared towards the dojo, thinking for a bit. After a moment, she grabbed Tsubame and Yahiko with her, pulling the door wide open, “Kaoru-chan, are you…!? OH!?!”

Wide-awake, Kaoru was dressed in hakama and gi, her traveling overcoat too. Shoving a few shinai into a sack, she tied it close and put it on the floor next to her other bag full of supplies. She completely ignored them, going about with her business.

“W-what are you doing?! What’s with the broken glass?!” Yahiko gasped, “Kaoru, answer me!”

She finally looked at them. “Oh, the glass is from all the vases I hid money in. Don’t worry, those weren’t worth much. I’m leaving this afternoon – you want to come with me, Yahiko?”

”WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!” he exclaimed fretfully.

She smiled slightly, “After Kenshin… I don’t know which direction I’m going or where to begin to look, but I can’t sit on my ass all day and mope. And I don’t have any patience for waiting.”

Megumi crossed her arms, “You’re insane! You’re going to wander the entire country looking for him?! And didn’t you hear him – he’s with some other woman now!!”

Kaoru stepped forward and stared her in the eyes, “Like I give a damn about that. That woman better prepare herself – she’s messing with the wrong person.” She then slammed of the shinai into the wall, it breaking half, “Even you can’t stop me, Megumi-san. I’ve made up my mind!”

Tsubame suddenly lunged forward, “Let me come with you, Kaoru-san!” Everyone stared at her. She again turned timid. “I-I mean… I know I won’t be much help, but please, may I come with you guys…?”

Yahiko blinked at her in surprise, “Tsubame???”

Kaoru grinned. “The more the merrier. Just ask your dad first.” She then went for the door, “I’m going to get more information – Yahiko, I expect you be packed by the time I come back. You too, Tsubame! Otherwise I’m leaving both you behind!”

”She’s gone crazy…” Megumi uttered, then going after her, “Jotto matte!!”

* * *
The two went to Megumi’s house. There, Sanosuke and Tsunan were sitting around drinking. Kaoru demanded to hear everything that they had found out. Sanosuke ignored her entirely, while Tsunan went into detail.

“According to my source, Himura-san met that woman at hotel just two days ago. They were in the room talking for about three hours.”

”They were doing it.” Sanosuke muttered. Megumi smacked him on the head.

Tsunan cleared his throat. “They were not! According to the person who was bringing them refreshments – Himura-san was standing the whole time and there were no signs of any foreplay. They were just –talking- .” He then picked up his sake again, “According to the man at the desk, the woman had embraced him at the door, and he looked quite despondent. From there, they parted without another word.”

Kaoru crossed her arms, “Any information about the woman?”

”The woman was unidentified – apparently new to Tokyo. She hadn’t been here a whole day without meeting with Himura-san. I guess she got down to business right away. From what Sano says, she’s a mature-looking lady, a little shorter than Megumi’s height with violet eyes and short hair. Also, Sano met up with them at the entrance of the northern route. So I suggest you head that way as well.”

As Kaoru took in all this information, Sanosuke poured himself another cup. “You’re kidding yourself, Jou-chan.”

“Am I?!” she snapped at him, “Sanosuke, people don’t just stop loving each other over night. Kenshin… he wouldn’t have done this if something hadn’t happened… He left without his sakabatou, isn’t that enough to question?” He wouldn’t turn towards her, still sipping his sake. “Well, I won’t believe it – not until I see for myself. You can come if you like.”

He finally uttered, “I don’t give a damn about that bastard. If you do find him – tell him to go hell.”

Kaoru picked up the sakabatou and turned to leave, “I might just do that myself.” she uttered, walking out the door. Before she could leave, Megumi stopped her, “Nani?”

”You’re really amazing, Kaoru-chan. Just hours ago – you were a wreck and potentially suicidal. But now look at you…”

”Megumi-san, please don’t compliment me.” she replied, “My husband has run away from me with another woman and I have barely any sanity left. I’ll accept your words when I can finally think straight.”

Megimi just smiled at her, “Ganbarou, Kaoru-chan!”

* * *
At the dojo, Yahiko and Tsubame were ready to go. “This is totally crazy!” Yahiko sighed, “Kaoru, do you even have any inkling where to go?! I mean – searching for someone all over Japan, isn’t that something that weasel-girl would do?!”

”I have a bad feeling.” Kaoru uttered, clutching the sakabatou, “Kenshin must be in some sort of trouble. I just feel it. We have to find him quickly, what ever the costs.”

They then turned towards Tsubame, who looked very anxious, “This is… my first time to go out of Tokyo… I’m nervous.”

Yahiko patted her on the back, “Just stick with me! I’ll protect ya and help you out whenever you need it!” he chimed, “Kaoru on the other hand… I still don’t think she’s stable yet…”

They both looked over at Kaoru, taking a practice swing with the sakabatou. “HAAAAAAAA!!!” The sword went flying of her hands and crashing into the wall. “Oops…” she stammered, going to retrieve it. Yahiko and Tsubame both face-faulted. Kaoru came by and pulled them on their feet, dragging them along.

Tsubame smiled at her companions, feeling her chest pound, ‘And so begins my first adventure. I hope we find Kenshin-san. I hope make it safely. I know if I’m with Kaoru-san and Yahiko-kun, I will be okay. Demo…’

She turned towards the humming Kaoru in front of her, all the sadness and shock gone from her face. Instead was a determined look and burning in her eyes. Tsubame couldn’t help but feel a shiver. “Kowaii…”

Back to part 1
Onto part 3