Rurouni Kenshin created by Watsuki-sensei; all right reserved to Shueisha JUMP, Sony, Fuji TV, Anime Works
Fanfic Notes: Minna-san, youkuso! Here's part 3, hope you like it. If you don't remember who the Reisengumi are, better take a look where it all began in "No Reason At All". More wandering down the road & a new person added to the party. Won't say who. Enjoy! Jill 2/18/1

Part 3 - "One Direction"

Tsubame cheerfully walked along the morning sunlit path, knapsack at hand and a tune in her mind. It had been the first time she wasn’t working at the Akebeko at this hour, and also the first time she had slept in the open forest. ‘What a great experience! I will have to tell Tae-san about it!’ She made that mental note, pausing to look up ahead. “Ano, what’s going on??”

Teacher and student were arguing, pulling at each other’s hair and cursing excessively. “HORA!! Kaoru!! We’re going THIS way!! This one leads to a village! Like hell you’re going to make Tsubame sleep out in the open twice in a row!!”

“BAKA YAROU! If I were Kenshin – I’d most definitely take this path… it has less people and it’s quicker! And Tsubame-chan can rough it, don’t underestimate women!!!”

“SHADDAP DAMMIT!! Kenshin has a woman with him – he’s too kind to let her sleep out in the open (unlike you damn BUSU!), he’ll be sure to take her to a hotel for sure!!!”

At those words, Kaoru went frozen and Yahiko had won. “Mou, Yahiko-kun,” Tsubame uttered, dragging Kaoru along as they chose his path, “Did you have to use that reasoning? It’s not good for Kaoru-san’s momentum. She was so enthusiastic this morning when she woke up.”

Tsubame recalled hearing her screaming at them to wake up and get moving. Kaoru must’ve only had a few hours sleep because she could have sworn she heard her awake around dawn, pacing the campsite. Now, Kaoru was silent for the time being. It was only a matter of time before…

“MOU!! Yahiko!!!” Kaoru exclaimed, smacking the boy upside the head, “Why are you carrying the sakabatou?! Hand it over! It’s too heavy for you!!”

”TEME!!!” he sneered, keeping a grip on the saya, “Weren’t you complaining yesterday how you had to carry it?! I was trying to be nice for a change, you DAMN kaishuu!!”

”USOU! You just want to keep it for yourself!!”

”So what if I do?! Kenshin doesn’t want it anymore, just like how he doesn’t want you --!” Yahiko stopped himself once again, but it was too late. Kaoru dropped her head and turned back to the road, admitting another defeat. He stared after her regretfully, “Yakuso, I can’t tease her like I used to… she’s too fragile right now. I’m not used to it.”

Tsubame nodded. “We have to keep encouraging her, Yahiko-kun. It’s the only thing we can do.” she said, going to follow after Kaoru. Yahiko took a moment to cool off his thoughts, then ran after them.

They traveled all day without any stops. By nightfall, they reached a village with a single inn. In the lobby, Yahiko and Tsubame rested their feet as Kaoru spoke with the manager. “By any chance did a man with red hair and a scar come here with a short-haired woman sometime ago?”

“Aa, yes, there was a couple of that description here, just yesterday.” he replied, watching her anxious face, “I found it really strange that the young man insisted on sleeping outside by those trees, instead of the room we provided.”

Kaoru frowned slightly, “That does sound like Kenshin…” She then took another step forward, “Ano… do you have any information about where they were going or which direction… anything at all??”

”You really want to find them don’t you?” the manager asked, then moving to open his drawer, “They didn’t say anything about where they were heading, but I know they’re continuing north. Although, they seemed to be low on money, so the man tried to give belongings that might match what they owed.” He then held out the silver ring with a blue jewel. “Does this look familiar to you?”

Kaoru just stared at it, her shoulders caving in, her eyes watering. ‘Kenshin… he just gave that away… it…it obviously doesn’t mean anything to him anymore… doushite…?’ The manager just took her hand and placed it inside, then drew away closing the drawer, “D-Demo, I can’t accept…!”

”It did belong to you, didn’t it?” he asked, then smiled, “It’s better for you to have it. Somehow, I will feel better. I was reluctant to accept this from him, because I felt it carried some sentimental value. But he insisted, saying he didn’t want anything to do with it, so I did as asked. But if it does belong to you and it does mean something to you, please keep it.”

She slowly nodded and moved away from the desk, going to walk towards their room, Yahiko and Tsubame trailing.

* * *
After a modest dinner Yahiko began to set up the futons in their room. “Hey, Tsubame,” he said, “Where did Kaoru go after dinner?”

”I don’t know. She did mentioned she wanted fresh air…”

”Could you go find her? It’s late and we ought to get some sleep now. The way I think about it – now that Kenshin has no money, he won’t be stopping at hotels anymore. Which means he’ll cover more road, so we’ve got to find a way to catch up to him.”

“I understand, Yahiko-kun.” she said, getting up and walking out of the room. She stopped and turned back, watching the boy clench his fists and tearfully punch the floor. ‘Yahiko-kun…?’

“Damn you, Kenshin…” he sobbed, kneeling down, his eyes hidden by his dark spikes, “Damn you…!”

Tsubame slowly backed away and walked down the hall, the moonlight seeping in through the screens. She then stopped and saw Kaoru sitting by the trees. She quietly approached the woman, watching her despondent face. She was holding the ring, going to slip it onto her finger… then a moment later, slip it back off and grasp it in her hand, her grip tightening.

“Kaoru-san! Dame yo!” Tsubame cried, running over. Already blood was dripping from her clenched hand. The girl quickly pried her fingers loose, then preceded to wipe her palm with a handkerchief. “You mustn’t do these things to yourself, Kaoru-san. I don’t want you to hurt yourself!”

Kaoru just leaned her head back against the tree, looking up at the sky, “To go after him – that’s what I believed was the right thing to do, demo… my initial fears could be just as right. Kenshin has his reasons why he went with this woman and why he wouldn’t tell me everything. Even if it isn’t a betrayel, there’s something wrong and he couldn’t trust me with the information. It’s obvious his feelings for me have changed. I just won’t come to grips with it… and I’m leading all of you into nowhere because of my own selfishness. Gomenasai.”

“Kaoru-san… that’s not so!” Tsubame cried, “We came to find Kenshin-san too. And I also don’t believe in what he told you. I’m sure Kenshin-san still…” She stopped, staring at the ring within her handkerchief, her brown eyes becoming glassy, “He has to, I can’t imagine it any other way.”

Kaoru got up on her feet and frowned. “Sometimes people aren’t what they seem. Promises are made… only to be broken. And those you love will someday stop loving you and leave you. That’s what I believed before I meant Kenshin… and that’s what I’m starting to believe again.”

Tsubame stood and watched her towards the hotel, feeling a gust of wind blow her hair into her eyes, “Demo… regardless of that, you are going to continue, aren’t you?”

“Hai… you can’t love a person, only to expect to be loved back… there’s nothing I can do but keep moving forward…”

* * *
In the morning, the trio set off again. It was slightly cloudy and a bit cold, being early springtime. Tsubame felt a bit sleepy, trailing behind. Yahiko turned around and caught a hold of her arm, “You didn’t get much rest?”

”Uhn, gomenasai.” she uttered, rubbing her eyes, “I’ll try not to fall behind. Please don’t worry about me, Yahiko-kun.”

The red-faced boy grimaced. “Who said anything about me being worried. I was just making a statement.” He quickly let her go and started walking again, “We better make sure Kaoru doesn’t lead us in the wrong direction.”

Up ahead, Kaoru had stopped. They were at another crossroads. “Which way…” she uttered, glancing at the map, “This way leads to another village and this one leads up into the mountains…”

”You pick – you got the map.” replied Yahiko, as he rested his bags on the ground. He also had the sakabatou tied around his shoulder, which was starting to feel a bit sore. He wondered how in the heck did Kenshin carry it with him all day long. “Hurry up, Kaoru!”

”Mou…” she uttered, looking back and forth, “I…I don’t know anymore.”

Tsubame walked over and peered at the map. “It’s a bit off course to go up those mountains and primarily no inhabitants up there. Beyond this road leading to a village, there’s more villages and possibly Kenshin-san is heading to one of them?” Kaoru shrugged, confusion in her face.

Yahiko was stretching, “Let’s just go with Tsubame’s reasoning!”

“Uhn…” Kaoru uttered, she and Tsubame turning for the path leading towards the next village.

After a while, Yahiko lifted his head, “J-Jotto!! Wait for me!!!” he called, grabbing all his bags and the sakabatou, then chasing after them. He halted as he saw that the girls had run into trouble, “OI!! What’s going on?!”

There were two men in the road, holding knives, “We just want your valuables and your money, then we’ll let you go freely. C’mon, chicks, hand it all over or things will get nasty!”

“Don’t even think about it!” Kaoru replied, reaching for the shinai in her case. But then one of them grabbed Tsubame and held the blade to her neck. She stopped and glared at them. “Shimatta…”

Yahiko was boiling mad, “AITSU!! You let her go this moment or I’ll f--king kill you all!!!” he growled, going to run over, but Kaoru caught him by the collar, shaking his head, “But I got to do something!!!”

”We’re not going to risk anyone’s lives.” she told the thirteen year old, reaching for her purse, “I’ll give you everything we have – just let her go, all right?”

“It’s a done deal, Nee-chan. Glad to see you’re levelheaded, alike that dumbass with you.” the bandit chuckled, amused by Yahiko’s growling face, “Give it all over now.”

But as Kaoru came walking over, they heard a familiar yell, “RAAAARRRORRRR!!! TEMEE!!!” The ex-gangster dressed in white crashed into the bandits, beating the living daylights out of them. He then picked Tsubame up and flipped them off, “Where the hell do you get off mugging innocent women and children?! KUSO!!”

”Sanosuke!” Kaoru exclaimed, while the bandits ran away screaming, “Where the heck did you come from?!”

Sanosuke lowered the girl back onto her feet then shoved a blade of grass in his mouth, “Ch! That damn Fox got worried and sent me after you… she also had me pack ya some medicines and first aid.” He paused to grin, “And also, I couldn’t let Jou-chan have the first punch when we find that bastard, Kenshin.”

Yahiko worriedly rushed to Tsubame’s side, “Daijoubu da yo?” he asked, watching her frightened face tearfully nod. He put his hand on her shoulder, “Gomen – I couldn’t protect you just then… next time, I promise I won’t let you down.” He then released her and walked on.

‘Yahiko-kun…’ she thought, blushing. She then lowered her face, ‘Demo…’

* * *
Back on the road towards the village, Sanosuke and Kaoru trailed behind the two. After a while, she lifted her face to him, smiling slightly, “Arigatou … Sanosuke for coming after all.”

He chuckled, patting her on the head, “Don’t get mushy on me, Jou-chan. And you know there’s something up – Kenshin would never leave without his beloved sakabatou!”

”Iresai!” she mumbled, knocking his hand away, “Tonikaku – let’s keep moving on. Somehow we need to get more information on where he’s going and why.” She paused and then timidly uttered, “Ano… Sanosuke, the woman he’s with… is she… is she pretty?”

”Jou-chan, what kind of question is that?!” he snapped. He finally got a hold of himself, remembering how he, Yahiko and Megumi would tease her about Kenshin finding himself someone better than her. “Look, Jou-chan, don’t beat yourself about it.”

“I’ll do as I like!” she replied, clutching her bags, “Not until I know what’s really going on, I can assume anything right now.”

“Then, you must know that the woman he was with - she was very pretty. She had a country-girl look, and also a strange sparkling charm. She was very attentive towards Kenshin and worried when we started to fight. The two looked nicely together.” he noted, watching her drop her head, “Oh, oh! Just kidding, Jou-chan!” She wouldn’t answer him. “…Jou-chan?”

All sudden, from behind one of the bandits were coming at them, this time with a sword. “TEME! You’re all going to hell!!!!” Kaoru reach back and grabbed her shinai, swatting the main in the ribs, the wood and bones snapping, “AAAARRRRGGG!!” he cried out in pain.

“What did you do to my friend?!” the other bandit yelled, appearing out of nowhere and bashing her in the head with a wooden club. She stumbled backwards a bit, then grabbed the remaining shinai and rushed him, looping it under his chin, strangling him, “UGH! HELP!! ERK…” he cried.

”JOU-CHAN! YAMERO!” Sanosuke exclaimed, grabbing her from behind, and prying her away, “What the hell’s gotten into you?! Answer me!!!” he yelled, shaking her. She wouldn’t say a word, the shinai piece dropping from her hand.

Tsubame uttered, “What happened??” Kaoru rubbed her head, struggling to stand, then simply walked past her, ignoring everyone and continuing down the road, “Sanosuke-san, please tell me!” Tsubame cried.

Sanosuke just looked to Yahiko who nodded, “It’s like that time with the Reisengumi, isn’t it? She just snapped like that…”

”Aa, she’s been unstable since we left Tokyo. But there’s no way we can stop her from continuing.” Yahiko replied, rubbing his chin, “I-I used to wonder if madness was contagious but… when she gets like that, she’ll even turn on us. Its scarier than Battousai.”

”Speaking of which, we don’t have Kenshin to break her out of it…” Sanosuke uttered, looking after her figure walking down the path, “Next time for sure, something terrible will happen. All we can do is follow her and watch as the person we once knew disappears. Yahiko, Tsubame – we’re losing her…”

Back to Part 2
Onto Part 4