Rurouni Kenshin is by Watsuki-sensei; all rights reserved to Shueisha JUMP, Sony, Fuji TV, Anime Works
Fanfic Notes: Minna-san! Here's another chapter. Eto... "obasan" means "aunt", but it could also mean "old woman". ahahaha. No other good notes yet. Gomen. Send comments nee? Jill 2/22/1

Part 6 - "Overflowing Emotions"

Sanosuke rested Kaoru onto the futon and stepped back as Kenshin frantically looked her over. “W-what happened de gozaru?” he gasped, feeling her forehead. She looked like she was dead, her skin was cold and pale, but her heartbeat was regular and her chest continued to rise and fall like clockwork.

Sanosuke explained, “She was fighting earlier… and then afterwards, she just dropped like that.”

Yahiko uttered, “She was fighting differently… I don’t believe that was Kaoru. It was like she was possessed or something…”

Everyone stared at his serious face, then looked away, unable to understand it themselves. Hiro and the woman walked over and sat next to Kenshin. “Can we do anything, Shinta? We can get a doctor de gozaru yo.”

”Iya… sessha thinks she needs some rest. Soushite, the doctor probably wouldn’t know what happened to her either.”

Sanosuke pointed at the woman. “Just who is she anyway?? I mean, that’s the tramp you ran away with right??”

Kenshin glared at him. “SANO!!” he hissed, “Don’t talk about my Onee-san like that de gozaru!”

Sanosuke, Yahiko, and Tsubame gasped, “YOUR ONEE-SAN!?”

“Your… Onee-san…?” uttered a faint voice. They all stopped and looked down at Kaoru. She was coming to. Her blue eyes slowly opened and looked towards Kenshin, “She’s … your Onee-san…” she said, almost laughing. She then reached for his shoulder and tried to pull herself up, “Kenshin… I’m so…”

”Iya,” he replied, taking hold of her arm and removing it, then lowering her back down, “You need to rest de gozaru. Don’t rush yourself or anything.”

”Demo… I finally found you again… yokkata!”

Onee-san blinked. “Shinta, sore wa… your wife de gozaru?” He nodded. She smiled and put her hand on Kaoru’s. “My name is Takenouchi Serika. Shinta’s older sister de gozaru yo. I’m so glad you came after him – even though he was so stubborn as to leave you the way he did de gozaru. He just didn’t want to trouble with the journey… soushite…”

Kenshin got up and shook his head, “Maa, it’s getting late and sessha is sure the children will get hungry. Sessha will make dinner de gozaru.”

”Yaaay!!” a little boy chimed, “Ken-ojisan is going to make dinner de gozaru yo! I’m so happy!”

Yahiko chuckled, “That makes Kaoru… obasan. Eheheheheh!” Kaoru clobbered him good and everyone was relieved that she was back to normal.

* * *
Dinner was held in the spacious room, everyone with their plates full. Sanosuke and Yahiko fighting over food and Tsubame trying to break it up. Kaoru sat near Hiro and Serika, learning that they were husband and wife and that all these kids were theirs, including a baby, which Serika was feeding.

“What a happy family you have.” she said, finishing another bowl of rice, “I hope things will continue this way for a long time.”

”Of course they will. My younger brother, Shinta promised to protect us de gozaru.” Serika replied with a smile, “And you, Kaoru-dono, you’re part of the family too.”

Kaoru blushed a little, staring into her tea. Next to her, Kenshin was strangely quiet. He continued to serve everyone obediently, as it was the job of the chef. “Ano…” she uttered, going to lift her head to him, but the baby’s cry startled her.

“Kaoru-dono,” Serika said, handing the baby girl over, “Will you hold her while I go get her blanket? It’s a bit drafty in here and the blanket is just in the other room. I’ll be right back de gozaru.”

”H-Hai!” she uttered, cradling the baby. She rarely had been around babies and wasn’t sure if she was holding her right. She was shaking, afraid of dropping her. ‘So fragile’ she thought, peering down at its cute face. She then smiled, her eyes moving towards Kenshin, “Ano… Kenshin…”

”Nan de goza…” He stopped, staring at her and what she was doing. A sweat bead rolled down the side of his face and he blushed, turning back to the serving bowls.

Kaoru laughed and shook her head. ‘Kenshin no baka.’

* * *
That night, everyone was provided sleep ware and blankets. Kenshin had helped Hiro lock up, and then proceed to peer in each room, making sure all was secure. In one room, Tsubame was with the children, reading them a story. In the other, his sister, Serika, was rocking the baby to sleep. In the another, Sanosuke and Yahiko were strangling each other.

“Orororo… maa maa! What’s this all about de gozaru?!” he cried, waving his hands.

“HE STARTED IT!!!” they yelled, pointing at each other.

Kenshin dropped his head and sighed. “You two… it’s too late for this de gozaru. Just go to sleep already? Soushite… is there any room for sessha de gozaru? Looks cramp in here…”

Sanosuke chuckled, “Aren’t ya gonna stay with Jou-chan?? Hm??”

Yahiko grumbled, “Che! There’s kids around!”

”Including you?”


Kenshin was fluffing a pillow, getting ready to go sleep next to their futons. “Oi oi! Kenshin, didn’t you hear me? Jou-chan is probably waiting for you. Why the hell you want to hang out with us – go to your wife now!” Sanosuke ordered.

“Demo…” he uttered, “Sessha… sessha…”

”NAN DE?!”

Kenshin sighed and pulled himself off the floor, “Bezuni de gozaru. Maa, oyasumi de gozaru.” he said, walking out of the room. Sanosuke and Yahiko pausing to wonder about him before returning to what they were doing earlier.

* * *
Kenshin opened the door slowly and stepped inside. Kaoru had been in the middle of changing, but she didn’t take notice of him and took her time, finally tying her yukata close and running a hand through her hair. It wasn’t until he closed the door that she noticed he was here.

“Kenshin!” she cried happily, running to him. She threw her arms around his neck and buried her face into his chest. After awhile, she lifted her head, pulling him closer and kissing him all over, “Yokkata…” she sighed with relief, “I thought I’d never…”

He remained still the whole time, his arms to his side and his gaze at their shadows on the wall. He didn’t even flinch at the touch of her lips. She didn’t seem to mind at first, doing as she pleased, but soon she began to wonder.

“…Kenshin, doushite?” she uttered, nuzzling into his shoulder, “Why won’t you hold me? Kiss me?” She looked up into his eyes, the same stern look he wore when he had left her, “I know that Serika-san is your sister. There isn’t anything keeping us apart.”

”Iya…” he said in a slight whisper, taking hold of her arms and pulling them off him, then positioning them down at a distance, “The reason Sessha came back to this town was to stop any more murders from happening de gozaru.”

”Uhn, I know about the murders… Hiro-san mentioned the terrorist group has been coming to this town every week, killing four people at a time for the last two months.”

”They are a Battousai hate-group. All they want is Sessha, therefore, in order to stop these murders…” He paused as she lifted her fingers to his lips. After stroking the soft skin, she moved to his cheek, tracing the scar with the edge of her nail, watching him finally look into her face. “…Sessha has already made his decision de gozaru, Kaoru-dono.”

”I see we’re back to playing that game.” she murmured, as he caught hold of her wrist and pulled it away from his sensitive scar. “Demo, I won’t let you give up your life just like that! And without a fight no less!”

”There’s more at stake de gozaru!” he replied, voice getting a bit louder, “This entire town could die… just because of Sessha and all he has done de gozaru yo. Look what is happening as a result de gozaru. It’s time Sessha finally paid for his crimes…”

He then pushed away from her and turned away, going for the door. The moment he lifted his hand to reach for the screen, he heard the familiar sound of the sword being unleashed from the saya. He stopped dead in his tracks to hear Kaoru’s unwavering voice, “You walk out that door – I swear… I’ll slit my throat!”

Kenshin’s eyes flew open, his feet becoming stone. To the side, he could see her in the mirror, holding the sakabatou out. In a quick movement, she flipped the blade. “Kaoru…”

”This hasn’t tasted blood before, has it? Well, I guess mine will be the first.”

Still not turning around, he dropped his arms to his sides, trying to remain calm. “Kaoru, don’t do this – you don’t know what you’re doing.”

”Honto? I know exactly what I’m doing!” She then tore at the bandages on her wrists with her teeth, the red jagged lines becoming visible. She held up the healing wound and glared towards the back of his head, “This is how badly it hurt when you left me – and when you throw away your life, it will most definitely hurt more. So much more, I will not be able to bear it. Therefore, I have no choice…”

”Daga, Sessha doesn’t want you to throw away your life as a result de gozaru.” he replied, still trying to control his voice and his own shaking. She looked really dangerous and determined. “Kaoru, you must live de gozaru. Your life isn’t stained with blood as mine and you… you … you just have to live, Kaoru!”

”What do I have to live for?!” she demanded, “I’ve found a right inheritor for Kasshin Ryu! I’ve done all my father’s wishes! Like you said, I have no crimes to atone for! And more importantly… you – how I can live without you, Kenshin?”

“You will… you have to.” he uttered as he clenched his fists, “I set you free, Kaoru. You’re no longer mine… you can go back to being Kamiya Kaoru, and you don’t have to regret anything because it’s been all my fault…” He then tried to move forward, his vision blurred by his tears.

“Iya! I’ll NEVER be free!” Kaoru exclaimed, letting the blade loose, going right for her bare neck.

“DAME!!” Within an instant, Kenshin dove across the room, grabbing hold of her hand, steadying the sakabatou to a halt. It had stopped right at her neck, a thin red line becoming visible. He tearfully tore the sword out of her hand and clamped back onto her wrist, sobbing, “Dame de gozaru… you mustn’t do these things, Kaoru – you mustn’t… what happened to all your beliefs about living and protecting life… have you forgotten it all…?”

”With those beliefs was my belief in you, Kenshin.” she uttered, “Right now – I can’t understand anything. I don’t know what I’m turning into either… nothing makes any sense at all… all I know, I want is…”

She lifted her free hand to his face and began to wipe away his tears, concentrating into his violet eyes, which bore such patience in the past, now only showed a hollow void full of fear and sadness. Feeling him release her other wrist, she went back to embracing him, trying to get him to do the same. He remained still, his tears continuing to fall.

“Kaoru, there’s no way you can change my mind. I’ve already decided… I’ve decided to give up my life.”

“… then you choose death over me?”

”Aa, that’s the truth.”

Kaoru closed her eyes for a moment, taking in one last breath of him, before unwrapping her arms and moving away. He remained as he was, tearful and solemn, his arms going to fold into his gi. Slowly, she got up off the floor and still staring at his face, waiting for him to take it back, to take back those words. But it was something that wasn’t going to be taken back, but kept – lingering, painfully. She then turned for the door and walked out.

* * *
Kaoru continued to walk outside, into the cold night air. Behind her, Tsubame came running, “Matte kudasai!! Kaoru-san, where are you going?! It’s freezing out here and you’re wearing a nightgown!!”

The girl could only follow her, worried and confused. They went into the main square and stood in the center. She turned towards Kaoru, wondering what she was thinking and what she and Kenshin had been talking about upstairs. “Ano…” But it didn’t seem like she could get her attention, she was too deep in thought, “Kaoru-san… what’s wrong?”

”Kore… ” she finally said, her eyes concentrating on something.

Tsubame moved closer and peered at what Kaoru had been looking at. It were the row of hostages hung from last week, their corpses lined up and forced to remain as an example. She covered her mouth, feeling very ill and emotional, looking into the expressions of their colorless faces. She then felt a hand on her shoulder and Kaoru’s steady voice.

“It isn’t about ‘what I want’ or ‘me’ anymore… people’s lives might end, Kenshin too… demo… I won’t allow it. I won’t let anyone die!”

“Kaoru-san…” Tsubame uttered, staring up at her face in the moonlight. “You too! You mustn’t die either!” Kaoru blinked, then turned towards Tsubame, staring into her pleading brown eyes, “Promise me, Kaoru-san!”

Kaoru slowly smiled. “Tsubame-chan… uhn! I promise you. I won’t die. And I won’t think silly things like ‘giving up’ or my life isn’t worth anything. Dakara… as long as someone wants me around, I will stay.”

“Of course everyone wants you around, Kaoru-san! We all care about you, especially Kenshin-san…” Tsubame cried, “And without you… I don’t want to even think about it.”

She lifted her hand and patted her head, “Then don’t think about it. Don’t think ---“ She stopped suddenly, her eyes catching something, “This town square… it’s ‘U-shaped’. There’s only one entrance…”

”Nn, sou desu ne.” Tsubame uttered as Kaoru turned around and started examining the place. “Doushite? Nan desu ka, Kaoru-san?”

Kaoru turned towards her and put her hand on her shoulder, “There’s a way… a way to save everyone, Tsubame-chan!”

* * *
Later, the two of them barged into Yahiko and Sanosuke’s room. “Nee! Yahiko-kun, Sanosuke-san… get up! It’s an emergency!” Tsubame cried, lighting the lantern. They couldn’t possibly get mad at such an innocent face as hers, so they obediently sat up and resigned to listen. “Kaoru-san, tell them your idea!”

Kaoru sat across from them. “You guys… mostly likely tomorrow that group is coming back. Kenshin has already decided to sacrifice himself for the whole town… demo, there’s no guarantee this will stop any of the terrorizing from continuing. Soushite, I don’t want him to die.” She took a pause to take out a note from her robe, the sketch she and Tsubame had made either. “If we all work together, we can stop this group. No one has to die, including Kenshin!”

Tsubame noted, “We’re going to needs some explosives. Any suggestions?”

Sanosuke chuckled and dove into his knapsack. He produced a large bag. “Heh, Katsu thought I’d need these pinapple bombs in case of such an emergency.”

”Arigatou gozaimasu!” she cried, “Now all we have to do is set and go over ---“ She paused to look towards Yahiko, who had crossed his arms and turned away from their huddle, “Yahiko-kun…?”

”Count me out. I’ve had enough of this Busu’s craziness. I’m not being dragged into another one of her hair-brained ideas. And you can’t tell me what to do! No matter what!”

Sanosuke looked ready to pounce him, but Kaoru scooted over and put her hand on Yahiko’s shoulder, getting him to look at her. “Yahiko – after this, I promise you… I will release you as my student. I’ve taught all I can and I know you’re ready to be on your own. When we finish this, we will go our separate ways; you no longer have to do anything for me ever again. This is my final request to you, as your teacher – please help. If not for me, then for Kenshin or for all the lives in this town.”

Yahiko was quiet for a long time. Then he finally lifted his eyes and gave his answer. “Aa, I’ll do it.”

Tsubame smiled with relief, “If Yahiko-kun is with us, surely all will go well!”

Sanosuke got up off the floor and chuckled, “Just tell us what to do, Jou-chan. We’re behind you one hundred percent!”

Kaoru grinned. “Then, let’s get started…”

Back to Part 5
Onto Part 7