Rurouni Kenshin is by Watsuki-sensei, all rights reserved to Sony, Shuiesha JUMP, Fuji Tv, Anime works
Fanfic Notes; Gomen ne, about the broken link. Minna-san - i was a bit preoccupied for the last couple days. demo i'm back and here is the part everyone wanted. saa - douzo! Jill 2/26/1

Part 9: "An Ending"

Kaoru woke in the hospital. At her side were the doctor and Tsubame. “Kaoru-san! Yokkata!” the girl cried, smiling tearfully, “We were wondering when you’d come through!”

”Is everyone…?”

”Everyone is fine! And it’s all thanks to you!”

”Iya, you were a great help, Tsubame-chan.” Kaoru uttered, realizing that her wounds were that bad at all. Two stab wounds to the shoulders – at least no major organs were hit and she hadn’t lost enough blood because she was treated right away, “Ano, Kenshin wa?”

Tsubame crossed her arms. “He was here the whole time you were out. He stayed by your side and held your hand… demo, I don’t know where Kenshin-san went. I’m sure he just stepped out for some fresh air.”

”Sou desu ka…” Kaoru turned her head to the side, frowning a little. She wanted so badly to speak with him – there was so much to say and still some uncertainty. What was Kenshin feeling? She could remember his face of shock as he was watching her suffering. ‘Kenshin…’

Tsubame then said, “Aa!! Kaoru-san, there’s someone here to see you.”

”Kaoru-chan!” called a voice. Kaoru lifted her head slightly and saw the cop walking towards her futon. “Guess you wouldn’t guess to see me here, huh?”

”Kuma!” she cried, recognizing her childhood friend, “What are you doing here?!”

Kuma replied, “I’ve been investigating this guy, Hiachimo for a while. I had no idea about the town of Mitsukou being terrorized. If I had been informed I would have asked for back up and sent men up here. Demo, I’m glad I was able to run into you guys… it seems you all stopped the terrorist group on your own. I’m having my men transfer them into the city to be tried. And for Haichimo – he’s going straight to jail.”

”Sou ka…” she said with a half smile, “Then Mitsukou is finally safe… demo…”

Tsubame frowned. “Forty eight people died… soushite… we destroyed most of their town square.”

Kuma crossed his arms, “At least you will know no more people will die. Those have gone – we will remember them and carry out life for them. And for the town square… I’m sure the people of Mitsukou are happier to live without fear and will be able to rebuild it all. You mustn’t get depressed about this… you really did what was right.”

Tsubame and Kaoru both nodded, feeling a bit better. But Kaoru turned to the clock on the wall. Wondering when Kenshin will come to her… when will he come?

* * *
Kenshin stood outside the hospital, his eyes fixated at the ground. Behind him was a destroyed town, which had already started its repair. But all the while, all he could remember was her suffering, his hesitation. ‘She had me attack just like that with her own life at the line. Iya, she knew she was going to make – but she wanted to make sure that we both got out of there alive… demo, why didn’t I act. Why did I just stand there…’

Sanosuke and Yahiko were coming towards him, Sanosuke was using a crutch. Limping over to Kenshin, he gave him a good punch to the face. “Aitsu… what took you so long? If you had drew your sakabatou long time ago – this all thing would’ve been over.”

Yahiko shook his head, “Chigao! Kenshin needed us here with him, Tori Atama!”

”What you call me?! I’m injured, you damn punkass kid!!”


As those two broke into battle, Kenshin folded his arms, “Aa, I did need you all here. I left home thinking it was better not to involve you all in a personal fight of my own. But it wasn’t a fight at all… I had given up from the start. From the moment I heard forty-eight people were killed in my name… people I loved that I didn’t even know were endangered and unprotected… I just… I gave up without trying.”

”Kenshin…” the boys uttered, stopping and staring at him.

“I even gave up on Kaoru. I didn’t believe in ‘us’ anymore. I broke all our promises and her heart… I drove her to want to kill herself… I-I… did all these things!!” he exclaimed, hands now in his hair, “More importantly – I let her down… she needed me and I moved away from her, taking with me her focus, her purpose…”

”Kaoru’s… ?” Yahiko uttered, looking confused, “Oi, Kenshin, what do you…?”

”She was pushing herself beyond her body’s limit… she was fighting for the both of us… because I refused to fight. Because I gave up…” Kenshin closed his eyes again, remembering her look of pain in her eyes, “I have to go… tell Kaoru – It’s all my fault and I’m sorry.”

“Teme! You know that’s not going to work!” Sanosuke snapped, “The girl – she’s too kind… she’ll forgive you, then believe it was all her own fault! You know Jou-chan… she takes other people’s pain and burdens herself sick with it! She might even try to kill herself again! Kenshin, don’t go!! Don’t walk out on her once more!”

Kenshin’s feet were moving. “I… I can’t keep doing this to her. Somehow I have to… go back to… I-I have to leave! Suman!” He then took into a run and disappeared.

* * *
Tsubame walked up the path towards the dojo. It was late afternoon and she had just got off work, still wearing her uniform. Entering through the gate, she could see the laundry had been taken down and that house was quiet with the exception of the wind chime. “Ano…!” she blurted out, “Are you home, Kaoru-san?” But there was no answer.

Tsubame lowered her head and frowned, ‘It’s been three weeks since we returned from Mitsukou. Kenshin-san had left without a trace. Yahiko-kun has also moved out of the dojo and is staying in an apartment near Sanosuke-san’s old one. Since that time, Kaoru-san …’

“Aa! Tsubame-chan!” Kaoru said, walking outside in kimono, “What brings you here?”

”Ano, I just wanted to come by for a visit and see how you’re doing… I’ve brought this sponge cake we can eat together.”

“Uhn, let’s go inside and I’ll have some tea made.” she replied, leading the way. The two of them sat at a table, Kaoru slicing the cake and then pouring their tea. “Tsubame-chan, I was wondering if you’d like to come with me when I go visit my Otou-san’s grave.”

”Uhn… I’d love to come. Demo, I’ll have to ask Tae-san for the day-off.” Tsubame replied.

“Sou ne. I’m sure she’ll allow it. We have some fun sight-seeing too. And the boat ride is great. I haven’t gone there in ages…”

As Kaoru’s voice trailed off, Tsubame stared at her face with worry, “Daijoubu desu ka, Kaoru-san? Since Kenshin-san and Yahiko-kun have gone… and you were released from the hospital… you’ve been…”

Kaoru smiled slightly, “I’ve been on my own before… I’m used to it.”

”Demo!” the girl blurted out, “I-I don’t want to leave you alone…”

There was a pause. The dojo seemed so empty and lifeless. With the exception of Kaoru. But it has been like time had gone backwards… back to the time before she met Kenshin and accumulated many friends who spend day and night at the dojo. Now…

Kaoru put her hand on Tsubame’s shoulder, “Daijoubu… you shouldn’t worry too much about me. I’ll be okay.” She then folded her arms and stared towards the cake, “Demo, arigatou…”

Tsubame dropped her head with a nod. ‘Still I …’

* * *
Later that evening, she ventured to the housing district, also known as “Ruffian Row”. Her visit was met with a minimum greeting, the host looking at her for a second, then turning back inside to finish his dinner, “You can come in if you want, but let me warn you – it’s a mess.”

Tsubame nodded her head and slipped off her shoes. The apartment was indeed a mess. “Ano… Yahiko-kun…” she uttered staring at the back of his spiky head as he was munching on some tempera. On impulse she started to clean and organize the things on the floor. He didn’t take notice or didn’t care, he would rather she clean it up then himself.

After a while, she finally went and sat next to him, staring at his stuffed face. He murmured, “So what do you want?”

”I was wondering… could you cover some shifts for me at the Akabeko?”

”Che! Not again!” he sighed, “Tsubame, I’m too busy! I've got things to do!”

”What type of things?” she asked, wondering what was more important than staying at the dojo with Kaoru and making sure she was all right. Worry filled her mind every time she thought about her.

Yahiko put his chopsticks aside and folded his arms behind his head. “Well, there’s my training and I’m currently looking for any odd jobs that a swordsman can do… perhaps a body-guard job or some case the police need help with.”

”Demo,” Tsubame uttered, “Didn’t you like working in the dojo?”

”My main objective is to ‘get strong’… I’ve always want to be as strong as Kenshin. Daga, I can’t be like that if I stay in some dojo all my life doing errands and slave work for that woman…”

”But Kaoru-san is… she’s all alone right now!”

Yahiko turned away, “Ch! She can handle it… she’s not a child or anything. I don’t care anyways.”

Tsubame just stared at him. After a long pause, he finally turned back wondering what she was thinking and why her look turned into a glare. “B-baka!” she cried, smacking him across the face, “Kaoru-san’s all alone and all you can think about is yourself! Sure she puts on a smile and acts strong… but when we’re not around, I know she’s sad and cries. And the fact that you don’t care about her anymore just because she doesn’t have anything else to offer you makes me so angry!! Yahiko - you’re so… so heartless!!”

“Tsubame…” he gasped, rubbing his sore cheek.

She quickly bowed her head, “Gomenasai… I shouldn’t have… slapped you… ano… I-I’m going now!” She quickly grabbed her things and shoes and rushed out of the room, the door sliding with a slight slam.

Yahiko just sat in shock, his hands dropping in his lap, his face still stinging with pain from her slap. ‘Where did that come from…?!’

* * *
The next day, Kaoru was filling up bucket of water from the well to do laundry in the back yard when Sanosuke came by, “Yo Jou-chan!” he chimed, coming in through the gate, “Came to fix that leak in the dojo like you asked.”

”Arigatou!” she chimed, “I had to cancel classes this week because of that… if only it didn’t rain so much the last couple of nights. The floor was so flooded; it’s terrible.”

”Daijoube!” he replied, picking up the pile of tools, “Leave it to me. I’ll have it fixed in no time.” He then proceeded to climb the roof, making himself comfortable atop the dojo. Peering down at the top of her head, he hollered, “By the way! How are you feeling today!?”

She looked up, “Uhn… daijoubu! A bit tired and some morning sickness… but it’s getting better!”

“Megumi mentioned you’ll get used to it! But if it starts to bother you – you should stop by the clinic again and get some medicine!” Sanosuke yelled as he started hammering the new roofing, “I told Megumi she should stay with you… but she has lots of patients to check on and I have that new construction job! Gomen!”

”It’s really okay! I’m fine, really!” she replied, turning to her reflecting in the water. She frowned slightly, adding to herself, ‘I don’t want to bother anyone…’

Sanosuke was digging for nails in the container. He paused, glaring towards the sun. After a pause he took off his shirt and threw it down. “Jou-chan, could ya put that somewhere?! It’s getting warm today!”

”Mou!” she grumbled, picking up the sweaty shirt and putting it aside, “Ano! How are things with Megumi-san?!”

”Oh…” he uttered quietly, stopping his work for a moment, “… I, uh, seemed to…” His face flushed red, “I asked the Fox to marry me.”

Kaoru lifted her head in surprise. “…And?!” she exclaimed, when he didn’t answer, “What happened?! What was her response?!”

Sanosuke slid off the roof and leapt down in front of her, sighing, “She… she said ‘I’ll think about it.’ Then she laughed.” he grumbled, hearing the ‘ohohohoho!’ in his head, “Yakuso! Why did I even bother!?”

”Sanosuke… I’m sure her answer will be ‘yes’. Megumi-san is always thinking of you and she loves you very much.”

”Yeah, yeah… I know she does.” he mumbled, crossing his arms, “Funny way of showing it... that damn fox woman.”

Kaoru could help but laugh and shake her head at him. He and Megumi had been at it for so long – it would only be natural for them to end up together. It was a brave thing for him to try to take a step further – though Megumi seemed comfortable with their situation and acted very casual, her true feelings were obvious.

”Jaa…” she uttered, changing the subject, “As soon as I finish this chore, I can make you a snack…” She then knelt to lift up the large bucket full of water.

”YAMERO!!” he exclaimed, nearly shoving her away from it, “You ain’t supposed to be lifting such heavy things! Megumi said it’s bad for you! Let me, okay!” As he took hold of the bucket and carried it over to the laundry basin, she trailed him, frowning. He too stopped with the same look on his face. “Jou-chan… ano ki-sama… he should be here with you. You’re carrying his baby.”

She dropped her head, “Sou desu ka… demo, I wouldn’t want that to be the only reason for him to return. I want him to come to terms with himself … there isn’t anything I can do but wait until he’s ready to come back…”

”What if he doesn’t…” Sanosuke uttered, staring into the water, holding back from continuing. He could feel that she was on the verge of tears just by bringing this up, “Jou-chan…”

”Why do you call me that?” she suddenly blurted out in anger, “Since the day we met… you always called me ‘Jou-chan’. I-I have a name, you know!”

He smiled slightly into his reflection, “Kaoru,” he corrected himself, “I call you ‘Jou-chan’ because at first I thought you were a cute girl and I didn’t have a chance to ask your name… Demo, when all of us became friends, I guess it just stuck. I hope you don’t mind.”

There was a pause. “Iie, I don’t mind.” she uttered, blushing at the ground, “I guess I’m overly moody today. Gomen.”

”It’s not your fault.” he replied, putting his hand on her head, making her lift her eyes, though embarrassed as she was, “To tell you the truth… Kenshin is an idiot if he doesn’t come back to you.”

”Sanosuke… a-arigatou.” she stammered, folding her hands, “… Megumi-san… she’s very lucky to have someone kind as you.”

Sighing he shook his head, “Better tell the Fox that! I’m a rare type of guy ya know!” Kaoru nodded, a little bit cheered up. “Yossha!” he chuckled, “Better get back to fixing that damn roof.” From the roof he watched over her, kneeling at the basin, scrubbing at dojo clothes, eyes concerned and serious, ‘Still… what if he doesn’t…’

* * *
Yahiko stood outside the Akabeko. ‘Man, I gotta apologize… I mean I feel bad, but she’s the one who got angry… she slapped me! Shouldn’t it be the other way around?! Kuso! I dunno!!’ he grumbled, pouting at the door. He peered inside to see if she was there. He could see her leaning into one of the booths, putting down a tray. ‘Aaagh?! Why’d she have to show up today?!’

“Yahiko-kun!” Tae chimed, suddenly showing up in his face, scaring him half to death, “What are you doing just standing there? Why don’t you come in ya? Tsubame-chan will be happy to see you!”

’No she wouldn’t.’ He waved his hands frantically, “I-I was just passing… Sore jaa!” He stumbled out the door, grumbling, ‘Why do I have to apologize?! What I said… it was the truth. Dakara – why’d she get so angry?! It isn’t her business! And it’s not our fault Kenshin left.’

Yahiko continued down the street, arms folded, ‘Kenshin… why’d you have to leave…? I thought you were going to teach how to get stronger… I thought you kept your promises…’

The sun was blaring somewhat and he decided he’d approach Tsubame another day – not when their argument was still a bit heated. Frowning, he headed back home, ‘Cheh! I don’t care anymore…’

* * *
That night, Kaoru sat at her door, gazing out at the stars. Another day had gone by. She couldn’t believe how quiet it was. She could even hear her own heartbeat and breathing. Earlier, she had taken a lukewarm bath, no one there to keep the water warm. Sitting back in her robe, she stared up and counted the stars. ‘So many…’ She wondered if somewhere, Kenshin too was looking up at the same night sky.

‘Demo… I’m so worried… where is he? Is he all right?’ She pouted at the moon, answers far beyond her grasp, ‘I know I’m being foolish and stubborn for him to return… I know this part of me has only made my life a bit difficult… demo… demo… Kenshin I can’t be without you… you have to come back…’

All of the stars were becoming blurry and again she was losing the strong face she had worn all day, “Onegai, Kenshin…” she uttered, hugging her knees, a cold breeze blowing through her hair… the night becoming darker.

Jotto! Is this really the ending?!
Back to part 8