Yesterday - Finale Rurouni Kenshin is by Watsuki-sensei, all rights reserved to Shuiesha JUMP, Sony, Fuji TV, Anime works
Notes: The long awaited finale. And its long. Gomen. I took out the image song of the last part - wanted to throw off some persistent readers. ahahah. ok, bad joke. anyway, the ending theme is Utada Hikura's "First Love" (the midi on the front page, but only romanji. gomen). i hope you enjoy this and i will warn you, its long. so get your green tea ready and have a seat - you'll be here for a while. please send some comment ne? saa! douzo! Jill 2/28/1, (3/2/1: revisions: some new stuff!)

Finale: "Tomorrow"

The night was cold and dark. Kenshin had lost count… there were too many stars in the sky. Sitting against a tree, his sakabatou was leaning onto his shoulder and his arms tucked away in his gi. It was still cold and he didn’t have money for an inn.

‘I’m back to being a rurouni… it’s really difficult after all these years… I almost forgot how it is to sleep alone.’

He remembered the last time he held her, how she shivered so in his arms… her blood drenching his gi and her hands clinging to him as she struggled to stay awake and make the moment last. They had been trying to make it last since the day she confessed to him her feelings… that time in that cold cave.

Kenshin clenched a fist. ‘No more. You can’t keep thinking about those times… the more you think about her… surely, she will think about you and then she won’t ever forget about you and all the pain you’ve caused her…’

He lowered his head and stared at the ground. He knew he could never forget her. Kaoru was already a part of him, his very soul. ‘My purpose… my focus… as I am hers… demo… what’s wrong with me?!’

Perhaps it was because he had ‘killed’ forty-eight people. Or perhaps, he allowed the past to become more important than his present. Or perhaps he doubted everything and simply just gave up. There were too many possibilities and he felt confused. What he needed was to distant himself from it all and sort it out… distant himself from everything, including Kaoru.

‘I can’t take it anymore! This is killing me!’ he yelled in his mind, ‘Demo I can’t possibly go back all messed up like this… I have to figure this out… even if it takes years or the rest of my life… Kaoru, gomen … ‘

Just then, her heard something coming out from the bushes. In the moonlight, he saw the figure of a tall young man approaching him. ‘Sore wa… S-Sano?’ he thought, sitting up and blinking. But then he saw the shinai clasped at hand, a blue hakama and no shoes. ‘D-dare de gozaru ka?!’

The boy stopped and just stared at him for the moment, long brown hair flying in his eyes, “Sou… you are that bastard…” he mumbled, the grip tightening, “KONO AITSU!”

”ORO?!” Kenshin gasped.

Without warning the boy broke into a run, ready for attack, “HIIIIIYAAAAA!!!” The point of the shinai got Kenshin right in the stomach, him gagging and getting up on his feet. As he recovered, he eyed the teenager, who looked downright mad, “You’ll pay definitely for this!!” the boy yelled going for round two, shinai coming low.

This time, Kenshin was awake and leaped backwards, readying his sakabatou for protection. He didn’t know who this was or why he was attacking him – all he knew is that he didn’t like the look in his face. His eyes… they were red and full of rage. “Eto! Just who the hell are you?!”

Again the shinai came at him. He quickly drew and blocked it with his sword– the two of them face to face. After that tense moment, the boy and him backed away. “You better get serious otherwise it’ll be embarrassing for you,” the teen chuckled, “Such a great swordsman to be defeated by a pitiful dojo boy!”

‘Such cockiness!’ Kenshin thought, not feeling in the mood to play around. He decided to put an end to this prank and leaped up in the air, “RYU TSUI SEN!!” The blade crashed down on the boy, Kenshin landing steadily on one knee, sheathing his sword.

There was a chuckle. Behind him, the boy grinned, a little fazed but fast recovering. Kenshin was shocked. ‘He’s still standing from my Ryu Tsui Sen?! This kid… he isn’t ordinary! I underestimated him!’

With a flicker of fire in his eyes, the boy took into another run, shinai coming strongly, hitting him right over his shoulder, the impact shaking him throughout. Again, the wood made contact with his stomach, then the side of his head… Kenshin found himself stumbling backwards dizzily and painfully. He quickly regained his balance and regrouped.

‘Get it together! You’ve got to get him to go away and leave you alone… ‘ He then flipped the blade over, rushing him, “Party’s over!”

The sharp end sliced right through the wood. However, the boy grabbed the ends of the shinai, capturing the blade of the sakabatou and twisting it out from his hands, it stabbing into a nearby tree. “…Toreru no Muken!”

Kenshin lifted his head in time to see the fist come to his face, the throbbing in his head as also the broken shinai also gagged him into his adam’s apple. Kenshin fell to the ground, defeated. But the boy wasn’t through with him yet. He lifted Kenshin up by the collar and held him up to his face.

“I swore if some guy ever hurt Kaoru-chan… I’d come back and make him suffer!” the boy yelled, shaking him, “I cannot allow it to go further… if Kaoru-chan has to suffer anymore because of you… I swear!! I’ll take you with me, I will!”

Kenshin gasped. He couldn’t understand who or what this person’s connection to him and Kaoru was, but something in his head told him he had met him before. “Demo…” he finally replied, “All I ever do is make her suffer de gozaru…”

Another punch came to his face, “BAKA!” the boy exclaimed, “All she needs and wants is you! The more you stay away – the more it hurts! Stop being selfish and locking yourself away in your pain… don’t you want to be with her also?!”

“I…” Kenshin couldn’t lie, but he couldn’t believe this person knew everything that was going on. “I want to… but I don’t deserve to…” he uttered, “Demo, I love her so much!”

”Nan de?!” the boy asked impatiently, “If you love her, then that’s all what matters. Not the past, not your guilt or your crimes… nothing else matters but that! You know this already, but you doubt because you’re afraid of losing it or failing her…”

“I didn’t even try… I was so scared.” Kenshin replied, “Kaoru… she kept trying, for the both of us. To the point of exceeding her body’s limit, risking everything to keep us alive, when I just gave up. I left her alone with that responsibilty… I was selfish…”

The look on the stranger’s face was stern. But he then threw Kenshin aside and turned to leave, ”You know the answers already! Stop sitting here on your ass and get going!!”

”H-Hai!” Kenshin cried, watching his fade into the dark forest. ‘Who was that?!’

* * *
Kenshin woke the next morning, feeling very sore. ‘What a strange dream…’ But then he gazed up into the tree and saw his sakabatou stabbed into the trunk. ‘ORO?! Was it a dream?!’

Completely confused about that, he decided that this had happened for a reason. And he did know all the answers… though he felt some uneasiness in his heart. But that boy had a point he couldn’t ignore. He knew what he had to do. But first…

It took a whole day to travel from where he was to the town of Mitsukou. It was bright and sunny – the hardships in the past already forgotten. He could see the town square at a distance, so busy and lively. He then turned for the house on the side of the road, smiling a bit.

”Taidama de gozaru!”

At the sound of his voice, everyone came running out of the house, the little ones clamping onto his legs. “Shinta-ojichan!!” the kids cried happily, “Okaeri de gozaru!!”

Serika hugged him from the side, leaning her chin atop his head, “Okaeri, Shinta. It’s been a long time.”

”Aa…” he uttered, struggling towards the door, dragging the children with him, “I was just passing by...”

Little Mai leaped onto his back, chiming, ”Wai wai!! Did you bring souvenirs de gozaru kaa?!” Regretfully, he shook his head and tried to breathe. “Oh poo!”

”Kids,” Serika said, “Why don’t you all go meet with your father… he should be heading back from work de gozaru.” Immediately, the children took off running down the road screaming wildly. Serika then smiled and helped her brother inside. “Are you hungry de gozaru?”

”Iya…” he uttered, “I just wanted to see how you’re doing.”

”Daijoubu de gozaru.” she replied, picking up the baby who had grown since he last saw her. She cradled her as they went to sit by the screen doors, “Maa, you really shocked everyone… disappearing again without a trace. Fortunately, the children are too young to understand… they didn’t mind at all.”

”Aa…” he uttered as he poured himself tea, “Demo, the others…?”

”The girl, Tsubame-dono, was very worried about everyone. Meanwhile that man, Sanosuke-dono, he was awfully mad… he broke a couple of things in the hospital and beat up some cops. Then the boy, Yahiko-dono, he was cursing all the while… then suddenly, he fell silent when he saw Kaoru-dono. … Kaoru-dono, she didn’t say a word and stayed in bed for three days before getting up and deciding to go home.”

Kenshin frowned a little in his tea, “Sou ka…” Taking a sip, he gazed towards the blaring sun, “It’s been three weeks since… do you think she’s okay?”

”Wakarinai. You hurt her good by leaving her. And from what I gather, this wasn’t the first time de gozaru. As your sister, that concerns me. Demo, nee… I remember what Kaoru-dono told me before that battle in the town square… how she refused to say ‘good-bye’. She meant it, Shinta, and I’m sure she’s still waiting for you to return.” Serika then smiled. “Shinta… even if you did give up your life to pay for your sins – the sorrow would not end. Kaoru-dono, your friends, the children and I… all of us… we will be sad. You mean so much to us… don’t forget that.”

Kenshin gazed into her violet eyes that matched his. Finally smiling back, he nodded. “Hai de gozaru!”

* * *
On the boat ride, the two girls sat on deck, soaking in the sunlight. Tsubame was telling about her argument with Yahiko. “I know shouldn’t have reacted like that… it was so unlike me. Demo, I couldn’t help it. He was talking so selfishly…”

”Daijoubu,” Kaoru replied, her hair up in a bun and wearing her favorite sakura kimono, “I’m sure he feels bad as well. The two of you will make up and the whole thing will be forgotten.”

”Are you sure? I feel so…so angry when I see him. And I don’t know if I can forgive him at all.” Tsubame sighed, dropping her head, “That’s terrible nee? You’d forgive him, right?”

Kaoru shrugged. “Wakarinai… that boy is awfully rude sometimes.” She then noticed that they were nearing the pier, “Aa! Let’s get ready to go.”

The two of them walked down the wooded path to the cemetery. There were a handful of tombstones. Carrying flowers, Kaoru knelt in front of a somewhat tall one. Tsubame stood behind her, a bamboo clip in her hair and a kimono with irises. ‘Sono… Kaoru-san’s Otou-san… demo…’ She looked side to side, “Eto, your mother’s grave is…?”

“Okaa-san is buried somewhere else… in Kyushuu, where she was originally from.” she replied, lighting some incense. “Isn’t it strange? Husband and wife… yet buried so far away. Separation even in death…”

The two of them then folded their hands and paid their respects. Though, Tsubame could almost hear what Kaoru was saying to her departed father, her lips moving and a soft whisper coming out. (“It’s been three years, Otou-sama… gomen nee… I haven’t been the respectable of daughters, demo… I will continue to try to please you and keep all that you taught me… even if… if… )”

Kaoru stopped herself, wiping her eyes a little as she pulled herself onto her feet. “I forgot about the flowers!” She planted the fresh lilacs then turned towards Tsubame, “Shall we get going?”

”Ano, is there any more graves you’d like to visit in this cemetery?” Tsubame replied, “I mean, we came all this way. Do you know of any else?”

There was a pause. Finally, Kaoru nodded and led the way. They traveled to the other side of the cemetery, a part she hadn’t come to in years. Stopping in front of a grave, Tsubame knelt down to it. It was poorly kept and seemed no one had ever visited.

“Dare?” she uttered, “Whose grave is this, Kaoru-san?”

”An old friend of mine.”

“Tomodachi?” Tsubame asked, looking up at her.

Kaoru just stood and stared down at the gravestone, a slight smile as the breeze picked up. She then knelt down and ran her hand against the worn away engravings that were no longer readable. Closing her eyes, she uttered, “I found it… just like you said… mou, you don’t have to worry about me…”

For that moment, the sunlight was blocked away by clouds, the place they were in becoming shaded. Tsubame watched silently, her hands at her side, ‘Kaoru-san…’

* * *
It was late by the time they got back. Parting at the bridge leading to the dojo, Tsubame promised to visit her again. “Ano, I hope you don’t mind… you see, Yutaro-kun said he will handle both today and tomorrow’s shifts. It was really too kind of him.”

”Uhn. Yutaro-kun is a really nice boy.” Kaoru replied, “I only wished he could take up kenjutsu again. It was fun having him as a student. Dewa, we better be going home. Take care!”

Kaoru crossed the bridge, pulling her shawl up back onto her shoulders. It had been a difficult month. Her body was changing, her school was struggling, her husband was gone and she had become the latest gossip in town. Thankfully, Shimako and Tae were on her side and were there to back her up.

Going through the gate, she locked it then proceeded inside. It was drafty and dark. Fumbling her way in her room, she lit a lantern and got ready for sleep. After changing, she climbed into her futon and blew out the light.

‘Another day…’ she sighed, closing her eyes.

* * *
Outside, the wind had picked up and various noises were keeping her awake. Tossing a bit, she felt uncomfortable… there was a strange feeling she sensed. ‘Mou! What is it?!’ Getting up, she relit the lantern and walked. As she came into the yard, she felt a spark, ‘Are wa kenki!? … I know this one… it’s so familiar…’

She nervously went up to the door, lantern and shinai at hand. The door slowly opened. But she saw nothing. “Ann… I’m just imagining…” She dropped her head and turned away, about to closed the door.

“…Matte!” That voice startled her. She peered back out and this time saw someone coming towards her. “I…” The person got down his knees. “I know I have no right coming here… demo… I don’t have any where else to go.”

Kaoru just stood in shock. “Ken…shin…?”

“Please don’t turn me away… I won’t bother you – just let me stay tonight. The journey has made me tired.” Kenshin uttered, eyes hidden in his hair. “I’ll leave in the morning if you wish.”

She didn’t say a word, but moved away from the door. He took this as a ‘yes’ and stepped in. He looked exhausted and his clothes were soiled and torn. Slowly walking behind her, he wasn’t sure what to say next. Beforehand, he had thought of millions of words and things to talk about… but now had fallen into silence.

“Ano!” she blurted out, “Would you like me to warm up some water for you? It’s late and all, but I’m sure you’ll sleep more soundly if you take a bath.” He nodded his head slightly. “Help yourself to anything in the kitchen… I’ll get it started.” She then ran over to the well and started filling a bucket.

Kenshin looked after her. She was acting so hospitable, but so formal with him. ‘Serves me right.’ He felt his stomach growl, so he went in and took hold of some leftovers. ‘It’s awfully quiet.’ he thought, munching on cold bento from the trip, ‘Where’s Yahiko?’

He went to see her at the bathhouse, throwing in another log. He came up behind her, saying, “That’s enough. I’m sure the water is warm. Soushite, another favor de gozaru… could you get a futon for me ready? I’ll stay in my old room.” She nodded, running into the house. He sighed and entered the steamy bathhouse.

Meanwhile, Kaoru was dragging the heavy futon onto the floor in Kenshin’s old room. She frowned a little, wondering why she was doing this. ‘Didn’t Sanosuke say not to lift such heavy things. And Kenshin just came back… why are we talking as though we’re almost strangers. It feels so strange, seeing him again. Demo…’

* * *
After his bath, Kenshin came out to find a fresh yukata left for him. The light was out in their room, but he didn’t have the nerve to go in. He went to his old room, the place he stayed when he was just a rurouni to her. The futon was set and a lantern was left for him. He blew out the lights and went to lie down, folding his arms behind his head - frowning at the ceiling.

‘Baka, what happened? Weren’t you going to take her in your arms and tell her everything?! What are you going to do now... your fears are coming back to you - you can't give up! Demo... I'm...’ A yawn cut him off. His eyes falling shut, he drifted off to sleep, dreaming of his beloved.

* * *
The next day, Kenshin woke with a jolt. Being so comfortable, he had overslept and he was sure it was already afternoon. ‘Oro… didn’t I say I’d be out of here… demo, I still didn’t tell her… but can I tell her?! The words are gone from my head… I haven’t an idea what to say at all!’ he argued with himself, getting up and folding up the futon.

To his relief, some of his clothes were set aside. It seemed Kaoru had come into the room that morning and readied them for him. ‘She was here…’ he thought, dressing himself, ‘Why couldn’t I have waken then?!’ Tucking in his gi, he stumbled out the door and looked around again. ‘Kaoru inai. Where did she go?’

Sitting down, he folded his arms and closed his eyes, feeling the sunlight heat his eyelids. 'I should just go... why did I return if I'm still so weak - I can't even talk to her...' He could see her smile in the back of his mind, turning into to rage and tears, 'Kaoru, do you really want me back... I feel as though I can't do anything for you...'

* * *
Kaoru had gone for a walk, her head hurting immensely. ‘He might be gone when I return… then again, he might still be there… what am I to do?’

“Kaoru-chan!” She lifted her head to see Tae and a crowd with her, “Nee nee, Kaoru-chan,” Tae chimed cheerfully, “Wonderful news ya! Takani-han has agreed to marry Sano-han! Sugoi na?”

Kaoru looked over to the blushing Sanosuke and Megumi, who were holding armfuls of bentos. Genzai and the girls were there too, as well as Tsubame and a distant Yahiko, pouting a bit. “Yokkata nee… ah… d-demo…”

Megumi tossed a lock of hair over her shoulder, “There aren’t any patients today so we planned to have a celebration lunch… demo this idiot I’m marrying forgot to tell Tae-san, who had the Akebeko painted. There are terrible flumes everywhere.”

Ayame and Suzume danced about. “Stinky! Stinky!! Stinky!!”

Sanosuke folded his hands, “Naa, Jou-chan, I was comin’ to get you to join us… then I figured we’d just bring the party to ya. How ‘bout it? Plenty of food! Eheheh!!” She just clobbered him on the head. “YAMERO!!”

Megumi led the pack past them. “It’s decided then… let’s go to the dojo.”

Kaoru panicked and ran after her, “J-Jotto!! Dame yo!!” They just stared at her. “Datte… ann… the place is a mess… I haven’t got any cleaning done…”

That old man, Genzai chuckled, “Daijoubu! We don’t mind it, Kaoru-chan! Maa, let’s go. I’m getting hungry.”

As everyone proceeded onward, Tsubame turned towards the pale Kaoru. “Doushita no? Kaoru-san?” She just bit her lip and took her by the arm, going after the rest. Yahiko trailed behind, poker-faced.

* * *
“ORO?!” Kenshin stopped in his tracks and saw everyone at the gate, “M-Minna…”

Ayame and Suzume screamed, “KEN-NI!!!” They then ran over and tackled him, “Ken-ni! OKAERI!!! YOKKATA!!!”

The others just turned towards Kaoru, who couldn't say anything. Sanosuke glared towards the rurouni, “Koitsu! When’d you get back?”

”Last night de gozaru.” Kenshin replied, prying away from the little girls, “I didn’t mean to make such a scene… Suman...”

Megumi just smiled and walked over, “Demo, it’s good you came back. I’m sure Kaoru-chan is a bit happier. Ken-san, you seemed to have lost some weight since I last saw you… let’s all eat nee?”

* * *
The party started out awkward, but after some sake, Sanosuke had forgotten his anger and was back as friends with Kenshin. The two sat together, talking about how Megumi was asked. Kenshin couldn’t help but laugh at Sanosuke’s funny story, pausing to eye Kaoru in the corner of his eye. She seemed preoccupied and upset. Then, without warning, she just got up and left the room. He was going to follow, but was stopped by Megumi.

“She’s fine. Comes and goes… just some bad indigestion.”


Megumi patted him on the cheek. “You worry too much about others… is that why you came back?” He just stared. “I’m sure you aren’t over your problems, but you came back because you were worried about Kaoru-chan, am I right?”

”Actually…” Suddenly Ayame and Suzume clomped onto him, “Waaaaah?!?! Dame de gozaru yo!!”

”Wai wai!! Piggy back piggy back!!!”

“Oro…” he sighed, lifting his head as Kaoru re-entered the room. She sat next to Genzai and gulped down some water. She didn’t look well; in fact she looked like she was sick. Before he could say something, the weight on his back caused him to fall over on his face, “Orororororo…”

Yahiko was at his elbow, “You came back…” he uttered, pouring a glass of sake. Kenshin accepted it and stared at him. There was something different about him – as though he had changed from the time he had last saw this boy. Yahiko took a sip from the bottle, “Heh, I knew you would.”

Sanosuke slammed his fist onto his head. “Teme! You did not! You were the one who was being so negative!!!” With that, those two broke out into a fight, pulling the rurouni with them.

As the three went outside to clear this up, everyone else turned towards Kaoru. With the exception of Ayame and Suzume who went to watch the violence outside. Kaoru stared at the floor. “Kenshin… he isn’t staying for good. He said he’ll leave as soon as he can. He just stopped by to rest from his journey.”

Megumi crossed her arms, “All you have to do is tell him about the baby – that’ll make him stay for sure.”

”Iya!” Kaoru cried, hands on her stomach, “I don’t want him to stay because ‘he has to’… only if he wants to.”

”Why are you being difficult? You’ll get what you want… and that baby is his as well – you can’t hide it from him!”

”Megumi-san, you wouldn’t understand… I don’t understand it myself…” she sighed, dropping her head, “I don’t know what to do, but I can’t tell him… I can’t…”

"Kaoru-san..." Tsubame uttered, worriedly, "Daijoubu. Everything will work out..."

Kaoru nodded. She stopped and turned her head as the boys then came back, bruised and cooled off. Putting on a strong face, she poured them some sake, and tried to get her husband to look at her, ‘Kenshin…’

* * *
After everyone had left, Kenshin and Kaoru were given the task of cleaning up. Before they knew it, the room was cleared and the day had practically ended. The two of them sat outside on the walkway, resting from their chore.

Kaoru slowly turned towards him. “Ano… why did you come back here? I-I mean... you didn't just come because you wanted to rest... ne?"

"Aa..." he uttered, "Sessha was worried about you."

"Nn, sou ka..."

His eyes widened at her sad face, "Kaoru, it's not that I felt obliged to come here... I feel... oro..."

"What did you feel?" she said in a stronger voice, staring at the floor, "Kenshin, I don't know why you're here or if you want to be here... demo... demo... watashi..."

Kenshin could sense the emotions rising within her. So much contained, he was always worried of her bursting - but at the same time, watch with wonder as she didn't hold back - her freer and stronger than anything he'd ever known.

At last she lifted her eyes to him, her hand on his cheek, "Kenshin... are you staying?” she asked, “Please tell me.”

“I...” he stammered, dizzy from the soft touch on his face. Gazing at her, he didn't know what to say. What did she need him for? Surely, she could find a new purpose - one that wasn't as pitiful as he. His eyes watered as he finally found a voice, "...I don’t deserve to… Not after how I hurt you… I broke all the promises I made with you – even the one about staying by your side. If only I can go back…!”

”You can’t… But that doesn’t matter. Those broken promises don’t matter. Even if you don’t keep them - being able to make those promises with you …that alone made me happy.”


”You don’t have to stay… but I would like it.” she said softly, “Even just for a little bit longer – could you stay with me?” Their eyes were trapped in a gaze. But not an answer came. Drawing away slowly, she put on a sad smile. “It’s up to you… well, I’ve said too much.” She then left for the room.

* * *
Kenshin lingered a bit outside. Still in mind, the way she looked as she left. Clenching his fists, I regretted not being able to voice his feelings. Again, he wanted to just disappear from her and make her forget all about him. But then, he felt a shiver down his spine. Remembering those scary red eyes that warned him not to throw away this second chance.

‘All she needs and wants is you! The more you stay away – the more it hurts…’

Even his sister’s voice came into mind, ‘Even if you gave your life… the sorrow would not end. All of us would be sad… I’m sure she’s still waiting for you to return…’

‘You know the answer already!!’

Kenshin lifted his head to the starry sky, still feeling her touch on his cheek. ‘Kaoru…’

* * *
Kaoru was again crying in bed. Even though Kenshin was there, she still didn’t know if he would stay or if he still loved her. The way he was acting was as if he just came by for a little bit, only to disappear.

‘Never again… I don’t want to feel that ache again… demo I should just be grateful for being able to be loved by him… even if it’s just for a little time…’ Curling up in her blanket, she was shivering. With every shake came a sob, and his name.

It was then, she felt the futon open and then warms arms taking hold of her, tightly and possessively. “K-Kenshin?” she gasped, turning feverish, fast forgetting the cold. He was behind her, his face in her hair, “Ano…”

“I won’t be going anywhere,” he whispered, hot breath on her neck, “I can’t bear living without you… you make me complete."

"Kenshin..." she uttered, relieved to hear his voice again and feel him around her. 'Am I dreaming...?' He continued to nuzzle his face in her hair and she could feel tears wiping off on her skin. This was no dream. "Are you really...?"

"Aa... honto ni suman de gozaru. I gave up and made you suffer... that's something I couldn't overcome, but then I ended up doing it again." he said, tightening his arms, "I know you don’t want my apologizes… but I swear I’ll make it up to you. Please take me back... I need you.”

“Onegai…” She then felt an urge to touch his face and dry his tears. Turning around to him, she gazed into his loving violet eyes that have returned to her, “First, there’s something I have to tell you…”

He put his fingers to her lips, “Iya, I know – and I feel the same way. Kaoru, I never stopped loving you...”

“Watashi mo.” she uttered happily, "I'll never stop!"

To his realization she had been wearing the ring on a necklace around her neck the whole time. He then finally kissed her, unleashing emotions from weeks of separation. This time they didn’t worry about making it last. Through everything, their feelings had not changed one bit.

Savoring every kiss, Kaoru put her arms around his neck, whispering, “You’re so warm… please stay with me.”

”I want to.” he replied, snuggling with her, “Forever… if that exists. If not you can come send that madman at me again to beat me up…” Kaoru laughed at his joke, but he shook his head, “Chigao! Not a joke de gozaru! It really happened… some kid who knew you almost killed me!”

Kaoru smiled. “Baka, what kind of kid would attack you? Besides… I still have to tell you something…”

* * *

Saigou no KISU wa
TABAKO no flavor ga shita
NIGAkute setsunai kaori

Ashita no imagoro ni wa
Anata wa doko ni iru n darou
Dare wo omotteru n darou

You are always gonna be my love
Itsuka dareka to mata koi ni ochitemo
I'll remember to love
You taught me how
You are always gonna be the one
Ima wa mada kanashii love song
Atarashi uta utaeru made

Tachidomaru jikan ga
Ugokidasou to shiteru
Wasuretakunai koto bakari

Ashita no imagoro ni wa
Watashi wa kitto naiteru
Anata wo omotteru n darou

You will always be inside my heart
Itsumo anata dake no basho ga aru kara
I hope that I have a place in your heart too
Now and forever you are still the one
Ima wa mada kanashii love song
Atarashii uta utaeru made

You are always gonna be my love
Itsuka dareka to mata koi ni ochitemo
I'll remember to love
You taught me how
You are always gonna be the one
Mada kanashii love song
Now & forever...

* * *
“ORO?!?! You’re… you’re PREGNANT de gozaru?!?!”

Kenshin had sat up and was in total shock, his eyes wide and mouth open… gi sliding off his shoulder. Kaoru stared at him, still lying on the futon. She looked concerned. “Doushita no? Ano… Kenshin… anata wa… y-you don’t want the baby…?”

He shook his head frantically. ”I-iya, chigao de gozaru! That’s not it! S-sessha wa… going to be a... OTOU-SAN de gozaru?!??”

Kaoru sat up and threw her arms around him, laughing, “We’ll be all right as long as we’re together… there’s nothing to fear at all.”

”Somehow the way you say it… makes it all become true.” he sighed, leaning his head against her, smiles on their faces. And he didn’t have a fear in the world, as long as she was with him.


minna-san, domo arigatou!! \^o^/
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