rurouni kenshin is by watsuki nobuhirou (c) shueisha jump, sony, fuji tv, anime works
"kaede", performed by 'spitz'; words by kusano masamune; translated by ryuichi-san
notes: minna, here's another installment. really i plan on having about two more parts to this story (an 8-parter like "no reason"). so, the end is approaching. please send your comments on over. jaa! jill 4/21/1

A Summer Wait
Part 6: "Patience"

Mabataki suru hodo nagai kisetsu ga kite
Yobiau namae ga kodamashi hajimeru
A season so long it makes me blink has arrived
The names we called each other start to play pranks on us
Can you hear me?

Tsubame soaked her face one more time. Turning away from her weary reflection in the washtub, she gazed up at the sky, the morning rays blinding her. ‘Doushite…’ she wondered, wishing someone was there to answer her, her hands clenching into fists and tears building up in her eyes, “Why does it have to like this…”

* * *
Serika slowly approached the door, timidly sliding it open. “Ano… Shinta…?” Her eyes bug out. “ORO?!” She saw the place in a mess, piles and piles of stuff pulled out from the shelves and thrown all over the floor. “NANI O SURU?!”

Kenshin, already dressed in a fresh blue gi and white hakama, his hair combed and tired back. Very attentive in his search, he continued even as his sister came into the room and tried to get a hold of him.

“Calm down!! Shinta, you’ve gone crazy de gozaru! Onegai suru… dame de gozaru yo!!!”

“YATTA!” he chimed, shaking her off his arm and reached for a small box. He then pried off the lid and took out a satin bag. Inside were dried flowers. “… from Miki-dono…” He then got up, smiling at his sister, “Sessha has some errands to do today. Please take care of things here and alert me as soon as any news about Kaoru comes up.”

”Shinta…” Serika uttered, slowly nodded, “Hai de gozaru. Demo, Shinta, are you sure you’re all right?”

”Aa, daijoubu de gozaru.” Kenshin replied, going for the door, “Daijoubu… everything will turn out okay…” He then left, walking down the sunlit road, his head up high and sakabatou at his side. Serika gazed after him with relief and concern, before turning for the hall to check on the kids.

* * *
Saitou lit a cigarette as he headed towards his office. Upon opening the door, he was met with an unpleasant sight. “What the hell are you doing here?”

”Yo, Saitou!” Sanosuke chimed, sitting in his desk. He had been scribbling on a blank piece of paper. He cheerfully showed off his work as Saitou walked over to him. “Check it out… I was thinking since Jou-chan was missing, we ought to put up some flyers…”

Saitou snagged the drawing out of his hands. “Cheh, what’s with the lewd drawing? Naked drawings of girls shouldn’t be put out in public.” he muttered, “And does Battousai know you’ve seen his wife like this??”

Sanosuke chuckled. “Heh heh heh… Jou-chan isn’t quite modest…” He then reached for his pen and the paper, “Aa! I forgot to make her belly a bit bigger.”

”Quit wastin’ time.” Saitou snapped, grabbing the picture and crumpling it. “We’ve got work to do.” He then threw it into the wastebasket, going for the door, “Ikuze, Ahou.”

”Teme!” Sanosuke yelled after him, teary eyed, ‘I worked hard on that drawing…aa!’ He knelt down and took it out of the garbage. Straightening it out he pinned it in the hallway on the bulletin board. “Heh heh…”

* * *
Yahiko arrived at the dojo, dragging his bag of shinai. ‘Yoshi, today I ain’t gonna leave until I convince Kaoru to take me back into the school! That busu better or I’ll kick her ass – so what if she’s a pregnant lady…’

He stopped at the gate. Something wasn’t right. It seemed like no one was home. “Eh? What gives? At this time of day, Kenshin and Busu would be eating breakfast out here. Oh well… I guess they’re somewhere else. Hmm…” He put down his stuff and then yelled out in a loud voice, “OI!! GIT YER UGLY FACE OUT HERE, BUSUUU!!!”

The door to the dojo slowly started to open. All of a sudden a crowd of children came running at him, tackling him to the ground. “Wai wai!! Play with us! PLAY! PLAY!!!”

”HAH?!” Yahiko gasped as he couldn’t get up, “Where’d all you come from?! Masaka, aren’t you all of Kenshin’s nieces and nephews???”

”Hai de gozaru,” Hana replied, “Shinta-ojichan’s birthday is coming up and we all want to celebrate with him.”

Jiro chimed happily, “PAH- TE!!”

Yahiko grinned. “A party would be fun. Why wasn’t I invited?” He stopped momentarily as Hiroya came walking over, “Hm…? Eto, Hiro, where’s Kenshin and Kaoru at? I gotta talk with them.”

He just led them into the house where the table was set. As the kids chatted away, Hiroya spoke to Yahiko about the situation. “Kaoru-san has left and Shinta went out early this morning to handle some business.”

”Sou da,” Yahiko uttered, ‘This is what Tsubame was trying to talk to me about…’ He then turned to the solemn-looking man, “I’m sure it’ll work out. Kenshin… he won’t let it end like this. And Kaoru, she’ll surely come back for him – I mean, she and Kenshin are meant to be so somehow they always end up together. You’ve got to believe in them.”

”Aa, everything will work out.” Hiroya replied, with a nod. Serika then entered the room with the breakfast. She placed it on the table and everyone dove in.

Yahiko paused from munching to gaze at a vase on the side shelf. Inside were the yellow flowers he had seen a couple days ago. ‘Hah? Nan de…?’ In his mind he remembered that moment, the smile behind the flowers… the same smile that flashed in his mind, anger building up. ‘Sou… it was you…’

* * *
“Hah?” Miki stared down at the bouquet of dried flowers, “Where did you get these??”

“Sessha wa…” Kenshin stared at the floor, hands gripping at the fabric of his hakama, “Kaoru’s husband – Himura Kenshin.”

”Sou ka! You’re the man she was with when she came to Wakana… Aa?! Kaoru-san is married?! Yatta!” Miki chimed, “I’m so glad for her… and such a cute boy you are!”

Kenshin blinked. ”Oro?! Boya de gozaru?!” Blushing and shaking his head, he went on with his true reason of coming to visit her in her prison cell, “Sessha needs your help to prove your husband’s innocence de gozaru yo. I was able to stop negotiate with police at that time to let him go… daga, this time, Sessha doesn’t think it will be possible for him to be released unless we can find out who’s really behind this.”

Miki replied, “Wakarimashita. Demo, I’m not sure how I can help.”

”Could you tell me about your present situation… has Takeru-dono said anything about the Inshin Shishi lately or gone off to places without telling you?”

”Iie… he hadn’t spoken about the government for a long time; it’s a subject he doesn’t touch anymore. Soushite, we spend most of the day together… since my father died, Takeru and I have gotten even closer than when he was caught by the police. But I’m sure it wouldn’t have been the case if he hadn’t been caught and told to make amends.” She then smiled. “He’s now a fisherman, like all his friends in Wakana – we spend such wonderful days on his boat…”

Kenshin nodded, taking in all this information. He then took her by the hand pulling up on her feet. Confused as she was, she let him lead her out of the cell. Immediately the guard got upset. “Oi! What do you think you’re doing?! You just can’t take prisoners out!”

“Sessha has special permission de gozaru yo.” Kenshin replied, walloping him with the sheathed sakabatou, then dropping a note onto the guard’s head. “Yamagata-san said Miki-dono may stay with her husband de gozaru yo.”

”H-Honto?” Miki cried as he took the keys and open the door. She raced inside, embracing the chained man, “Takeru!! I’m so happy to see you, Anata!”

”Miki…” Takeru uttered, wishing his hands were not held together by wood cuffs. “Gomen… I didn’t mean for this trip to end up this way… I wanted to give you a good time…”

”Shhh,” she said, nuzzling with his cold face, “As long as I have you…”

Smiling at the reunion, Kenshin turned away and shut the door. He then looked at the guard and threw him his keys. ‘Don’t worry… I’ll make sure it’ll stay that way.’

* * *
Upstairs, there was a meeting going on in the Saitou’s office. Kenshin slipped into the room, right as an argument broke out. “Iresai! I don’t want you cops crawling all over my private property!” argued Shizuka, “It’s out of the question!”

Hachi dropped his head. “Saa, Shizuka – stop being so stubborn. It’s for your own protection. I mean, we don’t know when these Reisengumi are going to attack next.”

”I don’t care. I don’t want to feel like I’m in a cage.” she snapped, gathering her things together, “You merely put any of your lackeys at my door and I will put a law suit on the government – no, even better, I’ll take away all of my funds…”

Kenshin stood in her way. “Shizuka-dono, maybe it’ll be a good idea to take precautions de gozaru.”

”I can take care of myself.” she replied, moving around him, “All you men are alike…”

As soon as the door closed with a large slam, everyone in the room sighed. Sanosuke crossed his arms, biting down on the fish bone in his mouth, “What a bitch!”

Outside a yell came, “I HEARD THAT!!!”

Hachi dropped his head. “If only Kuma was here to talk some sense into his sister… too bad he’s on vacation with his wife and kids. Argg!!”

Smoking his second pack of the day, Saitou turned to Kenshin, “Seems the target won’t cooperate with us. General Igarashi wishes to keep Tsukigata safe at all costs. It seems he’s attempting a political marriage between her and his son, Igarashi Touru. With someone powerful as Tsukigata, no doubt he’ll be able to gain more political stature…”

Ishida noted, “And the two murdered officials, Yamakawa and Itou, were connected because they were close colleagues to Igarashi, and they greatly supported this union.”

Hachi added, “Daga, Shizuka ain’t interested in the match. They’ve been irritating her about it forever. She has no desire to get involved with politics it seems. Still, the whole idea appears threatening to those who oppose the government.”

Saitou rolled out a map, everyone gathering around. “This is Tsukigata’s summer villa. It’s located on an island in Tokyo bay, which she owns and stays during this season. The only way to access is by boat. Already there’s been a report of an expensive purchase of a large armed boat. We weren’t able to track down who did it, but I’m sure it’s the Reisengumi.”

”Demo…” Kenshin uttered, “If the Reisengumi came from Wakana, most likely their occupation is fishing de gozaru. That would mean that they own their own boats de gozaru yo. Why would they have to rent? And also where would they get the money??”

”Good point, Battousai.” Saitou uttered, “Tonikaku, before we can further investigate who these people really are, our main objective is protecting Tsukigata. If she gets killed, there goes some portion of our funding and economy. Also, her friends overseas will be angry and who knows what they’ll do.”

Ishida nodded. “Already, Igarashi is ready lead his squad to surround the island, but Tsukigata refuses consent. I think we should just use force. This woman doesn’t know what she’s getting herself into.”

Kenshin blinked. ‘Igarashi is intent on protecting Shizuka-dono… so it cannot be him. Somehow I feel like the one behind this is an insider. But who could it be?’ He then lifted his head to his friend. “Sano, Sessha has a favor to ask you.”

The two of them went out into the hallway, Kenshin whispering his plan into his ear. “Oh! I’m on it!” Sanosuke chimed, “Leave it to me, Kenshin! I won’t let you down!”

”Aa, Sessha’s counting on you de go…za…” Something had caught his eye. Kenshin snagged the drawing of his wife off the wall, his face angry. “WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!?!”

Sanosuke nervously backed away and ran out the door, “I’ll go do what you asked me!! Jaa--!”

Yellow-eyed, Kenshin hissed, “Someone is gonna die…” Blinking a little, he added, “But it’s a good drawing de gozaru.” He then slipped it into his sleeve and walked away humming.

* * *
By the river, Yahiko was training as usual. When he heard footsteps behind him, he didn’t flinch or turn around. He merely replied, “It was you, wasn’t it?”

”Aa…” said the person, coming closer, “I had to fight you.”

Yahiko’s brow darkened. Then, without warning, he spun around, swinging at the other boy, “Teme! How in the hell did you do this to me?!”

Yutaro blocked the hit with his left arm, then shook off the sling, drawing the black shinai from his backpack, “Dakara… I wanted you to lose… to lose so badly, you’d quit kenjutsu!”

”Like hell that will ever happen!” Yahiko snapped, pushing back and gaining his footing, “Even if I lose, I will never quit! My dream… I won’t give it up!”

Again they clashed, the shinai making contact at the same time. Gritting their teeth, they glared at each other, rivalry heating in their hearts. Across the river, Tsubame saw what was happened. “Masaka! Yutaro is fighting Yahiko?! Demo, his injury!!” She raced for the bridge to cross, screaming towards them, “Dame!! You mustn’t fight each other!!”

Yutaro one-handedly held the shinai, the other going to punch Yahiko. Yahiko fell to his knee, but got up just as quickly, eyes narrowing, “Teme… let’s finish this…”

”Sou yo! Come and get me!” Yutaro snapped, getting ready.

”HAAAAAAAA!!!” Yahiko came at him, going for his side, “Take this!!”


The multiple hits spun Yahiko into a painful rush, his defenses breaking down and limbs numb. He fell to the ground, momentarily paralyzed. “What the hell was that…?! That isn’t… Kasshin Ryu…”

”Sure it is. It’s a variation of combined Kasshin attacks, created by Genzai-sensei’s grandson, Miyamoto Keisuke.” Yutaro replied, “This whole time I’ve been using Kasshin Ryu, and you can’t even counter me. Has your training with Kaoru-san gone to shit?”

”Ireze!” Yahiko snapped, his kenki firing up. He got to his feet, leaves rising around him, his face pure anger. “For you to say that I am not the ‘#1 student’ of Kasshin Ryu, I ought to take your head off! I worked hard to gain that title – and you, you quit right away! Quitters don’t deserve to use Kasshin Ryu!!”

”Selfish bastards don’t deserve Kasshin Ryu! Don’t deserve sweet girls like Tsubame-san! Don’t deserve to be honored in any way despite how strong they are!!” Yutaro yelled back.

“DAME!!!” Tsubame cried, as the final hit was made. She went frozen for a moment, the scene almost in slow motion. The shinai had been released, going right to his head, the wood breaking and the impact erupting with blood. “IYAAAAAAA!!!”

Yutaro fell to the ground, as Yahiko ended the rotation. He then stood in shock as to what he had just done. His eyes wide and face pale, he dropped the remaining piece in his hand and stared at the lifeless form on the ground. “Yu… ta… ro…”

Tsubame finally was able to move again and rushed to Yutaro’s side. Kneeling down, she watched the blood pour out and her hands trembling. She then turned her head around, eyes glaring. “You’ve defeated your opponent… I hope you’re happy…”

Yahiko couldn’t say a word. His own eyes filled with tears as he turned and walked away.

* * *
Megumi arrived back from the clinic. She then noticed the door was a bit open. “Sanosuke? Are you home??” she asked, but not no answer. “Hmmm?? Something feels strange.”

Walking side, she saw that there were some things moved around and that there was definitely someone in the house. Picking up a vase, she tiptoed down the hallway, until she came to a room where the door was open a crack. Peering inside, she saw the back of an officer. ‘Eh?! What the heck is one of those doing in my house?! That’s it!!’

Sneaking up behind him, she hurled the porcelain vase at his head. “GUUAAAAA!!?!” the officer yelled, falling over onto the floor, his hat falling off.

“N-NANI?!” Megumi gasped as he rolled over onto his back, “Sanosuke??!”

Rubbing his head, he sat up and sighed, “Cheh, what’s the big idea, Fox?! That hurt!!” He caught view of her astonished face and chuckled, “Oh? The disguise? It’s a favor for Kenshin. He wants me to infiltrate Igarashi’s squad of soldiers and make sure they ain’t distrustful bastards.”

She grinned slyly, brushing the broken pieces off his shoulder, “Actually you look good in this uniform…”

”Honto na?” he asked, taking hold of her waist and pulling her down to him, “Shall we get together before I go off to war?”

Her face flushed. “S-Sanosuke…”

”Aa, so that when I come back… I will have something to hold onto.” he uttered, “We go good together, don’t deny it. And if marriage is still something that isn’t an option, it’s okay with me. As long as I have you, I will be content. Onegai, Megumi…”

She took his face into her hands and gazed into his brown eyes. He had pulled her onto his lap and they were staring at each other intensely, her hands running through his hair. He looked even more handsome without the red headband and the way he smiled at her, made her dizzy. “Sanosuke… watashi… more than anything, I want to get back together, demo…”

”Demo…?” he asked, worried that she was going to reject him.

She smiled, touching his cheek, “You have to promise to come back to me. You better not die on this mission.” He simply laughed, encircling his arms around her and kissing her deeply. She kissed him back, happily clinging to him, ‘Promise me, Sanosuke…’

* * *
Kaoru sat in a spacious bath, gazing at her reflection in the water. There was a barely any light in the bathhouse, except the singular rays coming in through the slits in the ceiling. Sighing, she pulled herself up and reached for her towel. “W-who’s there!?” she called out, when she heard the door open. “Dare?!”

”Kaoru-san, it’s just me.” Shizuka replied, walking over with a robe, “I’m back from the business I had to take care in town. Really, the Tokyo police are just as troublesome as the government. I’ve had enough of them for the rest of the day.” Kaoru just stared down to the floor, gripping at her towel. “Doushite? What’s the matter?”

”W-Watashi…” she stammered, face red, “My body seems to be changing so much… I don’t even recognize myself…”

”That’s how it is.” Shizuka replied, helping her into the robe then leading her outside into the sunshine, “They say that ‘life is beautiful’. That which carries life is even more beautiful.”

Kaoru slowly nodded, going to sit on the blanket that had with lunch been set out. “… itadakimasu.” she uttered, going to take her fill. Next to her, Shizuka had settled down and began smoking. She gazed at her for a moment, then asked, “When did you start?”

”Since I finished reading Keisuke’s journal…” Shizuka replied, “After all these years, I blamed him. But really it was my own fault. I was so scared of losing him, my fear turned into hatred and I had forgotten all our good memories and how we felt. I’m sure with time, the wounds will heal and Keisuke hopefully will forgive me.” She then stared into her tea, “Demo, you too mustn’t make the same mistake as I did. ”

“Sou ne.” Kaoru uttered, “I’m always afraid of losing Kenshin… I’ve been taking matters in my own hands, even if it means moving the danger to myself. I’m so irresponsible and hotheaded… Kenshin was right; I shouldn’t be having a baby… all the same, I’m still just a scared little girl…”

”Kaoru-san,” Shizuka said, touching her shoulder, “If the situation was your loved one was about take a final hit in battle, a hit that might end his life, what would you do?”

”Hah?” Kaoru gasped, surprised by the sudden question. “W-Watashi… I-I wouldn’t want to let it happen… demo, if I ran in the way without any sort of plan, I would be killed. Perhaps, I would find a way to counter it and take over… that’s what I’ve been doing … It’s so reckless and upsets Kenshin…”

”What would Kenshin-san do?”

Kaoru lifted her head, in her mind replaying scenes from the battle against the Reisengumi Taichou, the battle that had started it all. Kenshin was holding her by the waist, his strong arms, clinging to her, his warmth all around. She then felt his arms loosen, letting her go… even when she faced with death itself, he let her go on her own.

“Kenshin… he would believe in me. He wouldn’t interfere or give up on me – he’d pour all of his love and faith in me… strengthening me to the end…”

“You can learn from your husband.” Shizuka said, “You can’t hold the one you love so tightly. You have to let they breathe. You have to let them go some times…”

Kaoru’s eyes filled with tears, “I-I’ve made a terrible mistake… Kenshin has been trying so hard this whole time and I treated him badly… he’s so devoted and patient with me!” The older woman pulled her into a hug, letting her cry out her grief, “Shizuka-san gomen.”

”Iie, I’ve been wanting to comfort you for a long time…”

”I was your prized student and I let you down… I also ruined your relationship with Keisuke… You taught me so much and were my first friend… I was ungrateful and never told you ‘thank you’…”

Shizuka shook her head, “I’m over that. It’s all in the past. Besides, I’m glad I met ‘someone like you’.” Kaoru lifted her tearstained face and wondered what she meant by that. Shizuka smiled a bit. “A courageous and honest woman who practices kenjutsu… You don’t meet such a special person as you everyday…”

”Shizuka-san…” Kaoru uttered, her own smile appearing. “Kenjutsu… I started so that Otou-san would notice me. I continued because Keisuke told me not to quit. Demo, for Kenshin… I shall give it up…”

“Shizuka-san!!” called a voice. They turned to see Tsubame entering the garden. “Ara?! Kaoru-san!?” Her face brightened as they waved towards her. “Am I glad to see you here…!” she uttered, walking towards them. She stopped momentarily as a gun appeared at her head. “… Hah?”

* * *
Kenshin gazed out the window, looking down at the lined up soldiers, Igarashi looking them over while deciding his orders. Behind him, Saitou was on his fourth pack, leaning back in his chair, “Igarashi wants Yamagashi tried and soon as possible so he could be put to death. If you don’t find your real culprit, Battousai, this bastard has to die.”

”Sessha knows this.” Kenshin uttered moving away from the window and sitting near the desk in an armchair, “Daga, you too also know he’s innocent. Why aren’t you making any effort to save his life?” Saitou just shrugged, blowing smoke into his face. Kenshin coughed and glared at him. “SAITOU!”

”By the way, have you given up your search for your wife, Battousai??”

”Iya,” he uttered, lifting his cup to sip the bitter green tea, “Kaoru and Sessha will find each other. We belong together, that will always be true de gozaru. Demo, Sessha cannot ignore the fact that we need time to let our wounds heal. Sessha knows Kaoru will come back when she is ready.”

Saitou chuckled, ”Heh, You have a lot of faith in that little lady…” Before he could tell Kenshin who really was the one who drew that obscene picture of Kaoru, the door came flying open. “Nan de, Ishida??”

”The Reisengumi have hit their mark!” Ishida reported, his voice highering as there were whistles heard outside, “They’ve taken refuge in the Tsukigata villa… three reported deaths: Tsukigata, a girl, and a pregnant woman…”

Kenshin’s eyes widened. The tea cup slipping out of his hands and falling to the floor, breaking into millions of pieces. ‘Masaka… Kaoru…?!’

Sayonara, kimi no koe wo daite aruite iku
Aa, boku no mama de dokomade todoku darou
Farewell, embracing your voice I'll keep walking
Ah, I wonder how far I'll get as I am

onto part 7
back to part 5