saa, douzo! jill \^o^/ 4/25/1

summer ended, and autumn came...

The leaves changed color and dropped to the ground, painting it with reds and oranges. Ordinary life had continued at the dojo. Yahiko sat inside the training hall, gazing up at his tablet, back where it rightfully belonged. Finished from his morning meditation, he walked outside, grinning and taking a breath of fresh air.

“Aa, it’s good to be back.”

He could see Kaoru, Ayame, and Suzume roasting yams in the yard. It looked fun and he wanted to join them. Kenshin was by the house, sipping his tea. “Oh, ya want one too?”

”Hai de gozaru.” he replied cheerfully. His face suddenly went into panic. “K-Kaoru! What’s wrong?!”

”Watashi…” she stammered, a bit distraught, “I think I… I’m all wet…”

”Shimatta!” Kenshin cried, “Her water just broke de gozaru! Yahiko, could you run into town and get Megumi-dono or Genzai-sensai. Kaoru’s going into labor!”

“N-NANI?!?” he exclaimed. But he understood what he had to do. Bolting out the gate, he sped down the road, “Yakuso!! And I thought it was going to be a calm day!!”

He happened to be passing Tsubame who was on her way to the dojo. She was surprised to see his frantic face and called out, “Ano! What’s going on?!”

He went over to her, still jogging in place, “K-Kaoru! She’s… going to have the baby!!”


”Aa, better go and help Kenshin. I don’t think he’s ever delivered a baby before. And it won’t do if he’s panicking too…”

”Sou desu ka… I’ll hurry there then…” She turned to go, but then Yahiko suddenly took hold of her arm. ‘Hah?!’ she wondered, time seeming to stop. He gazed into her surprised face and then leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. ‘Y-Y-Yahiko?!’

He pulled away slowly, examining her red smile. “Ore… ore wa… ” he stammered, now nervous by his sudden actions, “ suru…” He frowned a little when all she could do was stare, "Maa, forget it..."

“Iie! I won't forget it!" she blurted out, "Demo… how is this… possible??”

He blinked, a bit dumbstruck by her response. ”Hah?”

“I had given up hope… I thought for sure it was over.”

He gave her a sweet smile. “Nothing ever ends if you don’t wish it to. Saa, shall we part here? I gotta get Megumi or that old geezer to come by, and Kenshin is probably panicking, so we better hurry.”

”Hai!” she said with a cheerful nod. They then turned in their separate directions.

* * *
But Kenshin really had not reason to panic. Kaoru had gone into the house and changed into some old clothing she didn’t care to mess up. And then she went to lie down on an old futon.

“Saa, bring it on!!” she chimed, “I’m ready to give birth!!”

”Oro…” Kenshin uttered, facefaulting onto the floor. He then crawled over to her. “Demo, daijoubu?? I mean, aren’t you in pain? Are you a bit scared??”

”Chigao yo!” she replied, resting her head back, “I haven’t a thing in the world to fear because of you, Kenshin. And if the baby wants to come out, she can come out. Demo, the pain, I’m all prepared for it.”

”Are you sure??” he asked, leaning down to her, “Then why do I feel like throwing up or passing out? What if something goes wrong? What if…”

”What if What if What if!?” Kaoru sighed, going to touch his face and smile, “Kenshin, we’re going to be parents…”

“ORO!!!” Kenshin wailed, falling backwards. He then sat up somewhat recovered. “Comfort me, Koishii. Sessha is sooo afraid!!” he said, sliding his arms around her.

She walloped him good. “BAKA!! Now isn’t the good time. Especially with Tsubame and the kids right over there. MOU!!!”

”Oh…” Kenshin turned around and smiled uneasily. “S-Suman…”

Tsubame was still blushing. “I-Iie… I’m here to help… demo… is Kaoru-san really serious??”

She looked over at the older girl, who started reading a book. An eerily silence filled the room, but then everyone just fell over, flabbergasted.

* * *
When Yahiko go to the clinic, he saw a long line of patients. “Yakuso!! The old guy isn’t available… hmmm, it’s Megumi’s day off so I’ll go check her place.”

And so he continued to run down the road, hoping she was home. And sure enough she was. Barging into the house, he was a bit, er, embarrassed. “S-S-Sumimasen!!” he gasped, seeing her in Sanosuke’s ‘bad’ shirt, with nothing else on.

“Ara, Yahiko-kun… what brings you here?” she purred, “And why are you looking at me that way? Could it be that you’ve finally become a man??”

”Eto… c-chigao… dakara…”

“Ohohohoho! Kawaii nee!!”

Sanosuke suddenly showed up, holding a newspaper in front of his private part. He too wasn’t wearing anything. ”OI!!! Why are looking at my Megumi that way, Yahiko?! I ought to kill you!!!” he growled.

“D-Datte…” he stammered, “Ore…”

”Let’s take this outside! I’ll rip out yer eyes while I’m at it!!”

”You’re so jealous, Anata! Ohohohohoho~!”

Yahiko grimaced. ‘These two are so chummy so early today…’

* * *
Meanwhile, Kaoru had started to go into labor. Tsubame and Kenshin were at her side, trying to encourage her, but she just complained about not being able to continued reading. “What do you mean I have to ‘push’?? I’m not done with the chapter yet!!”

”Koishii, you’ve got to concentrate… aren’t you in pain yet??”

”Nani?! Do you want me to be in pain, Kenshin??” she snapped.

“Iya… that’s now that I meant…”

Tsubame replied, “Your cervix is dialating. This is good…” She paused to blush. “I read up a little bit about child birth… demo, it’s not a career I’m hoping for. Honto ni, I just want to be someone’s housewife…”

“Nee, could that ‘someone’ be Yahiko???”

”Oro, Kaoru, now’s not the time to be joking around…”

Outside, Ayame and Suzume were still eating yams, not even aware about what was taking place. “Ahahahahaaha! And then the giant tanuki ate everything in sight, so you have to hide your food at night…”

”Waaaah, that’s not true is it?!? Kyaaa, how scary!!”

* * *
Yahiko was dragging Sanosuke and Megumi down the road. “C’mon you guys, Kaoru could be having this baby as we speak! We gotta be there!!”

”Oh oh!” Sanosuke chimed, “I wanna see Jou-chan spit out the runt!”

”What are you talking about?!” Megumi asked, “The baby doesn’t come out of her mouth!!” He just stared at her. She then went on to explain. “Sou yo. Do you get it now? Sanosuke??”

He had fell on to the ground, wide-eyed. “HELL NO!!!” Megumi and Yahiko had to drag the stone statue the rest of the way.

* * *
At the house, Kenshin looked like a nervous wreck. “Koishii, something must be wrong!! You aren’t even pushing that hard!! What if… what if the baby… ORORORORORO!!!”

“What are you going off about, Kenshin??” Kaoru sighed, sipping the lemon juice Tsubame had made. She had a tray full for all the guests. “Nee, minna, glad to see you here. Could you take care of Kenshin?”

Sanosuke grabbed the samurai by the arm. “Leave it to me.” He then took him outside and threw him down the well. “Relax, Kenshin! You just need to cool off!”


”KEN-NI!!” the little girls chimed, peering down at him, “He's taking a bath!! Wahahahaahahahaaa!!”

Megumi had taken over for Tsubame who had gone into a stammering state since Yahiko returned. “Push, Kaoru-chan!!”

”Hai, hai!” Kaoru yelled back. “Mou! Everyone’s being so bossy today…”

Kenshin climbed out of the well and returned to the room. Kaoru was now putting more effort and there were some signs of strain, as it started hurt a bit. “Koishii,” he uttered, sopping wet, “I’m here…”

She suddenly grabbed him by the collar, “I see that, but can you get this baby out of here?!?! I’m starting to feel a little discomfort!!” she exclaimed shaking him.


“Keep it up!” Megumi chimed, “That’s it!! We’ll be good to go, if Kaoru-chan keeps this up!!”

Yahiko asked, “You mean the shaking??” Kenshin looked like he was going to throw up.

“AAAAAA!!!” Kaoru cried, “It’s getting worse!! Kenshin, what did you do?!!?”

”Nani?! What do you mean?!?!” he gasped, trying to pry away, “I didn’t do anything!”

”IYA! You’re all soaked, did you wet yourself again??!”

Everyone in the room giggled. “CHIGAO YO!!” Kenshin exclaimed, red-faced, “SESSHA IS HOUSE-TRAINED DE GOZARU YO!!”

”Waaaaaaaaaaaaah!!” Kaoru screamed again, this time it was pain, “Kenshin, it’s starting to hurt! HELP ME!! The baby is coming!!!”

”I know, I know…” he uttered, leaning down to her. But she only screamed more. “Waaaaaaaah!!” he screamed too, now panicking, “The baby is coming de gozaruuu!!!”

With that he fainted…

* * *
Kenshin woke up, lying in the middle of the yard. Ayame and Suzume quickly ran away, they had tied some ribbons in his hair. Getting up, he walked towards the house, removing the ribbons and fixing his hair. “Kaoru?”

But there wasn’t an answer. No one seemed to be there. ‘Masaka!!’

He quickly ran inside and looked into the room. But there was nothing. He then ran all around looking for her, nervous as ever. But he couldn't find her. “ORO!!!”

But then he decided to check the last room, and sure enough she was there, lying down in the futon. Before he stepped inside, Tsubame appeared at his elbow. “Here, Kenshin-san, meet your son.” He gazed at the little infant cradled in her arm. He smiled and accepted him, then walked into the room.

Kaoru was resting her eyes, but at the sound of his feet moving towards her, she lifted her face a bit. “Kenshin!!” she gasped, “I’m so happy!”

”Aa,” he uttered, kneeling down with the baby, “Suman. I didn’t mean to leave ya like that during labor.”

”Iya, it was better that way. You were too excited and I was afraid of something happening to you. I went through it okay without you screaming in the background.” she replied, as he handled her the baby, “He’s so cute…”

Kenshin nodded, then bent down to kiss her forehead, and also the baby’s. “Aishiteru, Kaoru… you’ve made my life so happy, and now this baby only increases our happiness.”

”Kenshin, aishiteru …” she uttered tearfully, “I’ll do my best as a mother! With you and with the baby, we’re be together always.”

He leaned his head against hers, placing a hand over the baby’s hand. “Aa, sou ne… we’ll be together always.”


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