Rurouni Kenshin was created by Watsuki Nobuhiro; Shueisha JUMP, Sony, & Anime Works all rights reserved
Notes: Did grammer corrects. I realized this was a long installment. Well, at any rate, enjoy. Personally, I like the name 'Takeru'. I just had to use it. Eheheh! Jill 9/19/00 (Revisions 11/00)

No Reason At All
Part 2 - "Seaside Stop"

In the morning, Kaoru found she again had two blankets. She sat up and glared towards Kenshin, who was boiling water. She decided to yell inwardly, since Yahiko was still asleep. ‘He’s going to get sick if he doesn’t take care of himself! So stubborn!’

“Ohayou, Kaoru-dono.” Kenshin said, handing her a cup of hot tea. He pretended not to know why she was upset, why her eyes were burning. He knew too well why. He tried to not look at the blankets gripped in her clenched hands. “Did you sleep well?”

She just sipped the tea quietly. She had wished she packed more cups. If she had known the men didn't know what necessary things to pack, she'd brought a larger bag. She handed Kenshin the cup back, blushing as he sipped in the place she did. Sanosuke came out from the bushes, tying his headband on. “Is that tea?”

Kenshin handed him the cup and Kaoru couldn’t believe he just gulped it down without question. “I’m going to go to the bathroom.” She then left camp, in the direction Sanosuke had come from. “Mou, why did I tell them that?” she sighed.

“Why did she tell us that?” Sanosuke asked, looking to to Kenshin who shrugged and started brewing more tea. Yahiko was waking up. “Oi, Yahiko! About time, ya know!”

“Yamero… Sanosuke…” he mumbled, “Let me sleep a bit more…Zzzz…”

Sanosuke shook his head at the boy. “Jou-chan's more useful than the kid, if you ask me.”

“Sano,” Kenshin’s voice was somber, “Kaoru-dono doesn’t belong in battles. She’s…”

“…Only been training all her life.” Sanosuke cut him off, with a grin. “Don’t worry.”

“Demo,” Kenshin sighed, “Sessha just doesn’t want anything to happen to her.”

His friend patted him on the back sympathetically. “I know you want to protect her, but look… she’s not a child. She can take care of herself. Have faith in her, like you do with me. Have I ever died on the job?”

Kenshin just chuckled a bit. Yahiko was now and stretching. “So tired…” He looked up to see Kaoru coming from the bushes. “Did you have a good time pissing in the woods, Busu?” he asked smugly.

“Yahiko!” she sneered, pounding him on the head, “It’s none of your business!”

* * *
They continued towards the last village on the map. After that, it was uncharted territory. According to the chief of police, there were rumors of an anti-government group, called the Reisen-gumi, hiding out in the area. But no one could ever find their village. If the police sent an army, many innocent lives would be taken, but if they didn’t do anything about it, there might be future calamity.

“Our spies say there was a great purchase of supplies and weaponry from the seaport town, Wakana. We are sure the Reisen-gumi are planning something. Himura-dono, I’m sure if you challenge the leader and defeat him, he will step down without any bloodshed.” the chief of police had said when he visited the dojo with the request, “But beware, the Reisen-gumi won’t allow anyone to find their village. They know the territory well. Expect to be ambushed or attacked at anytime.”

Kenshin had nodded, accepting a map that the police found on a Reisen-gumi member whom they shot and killed. The two of them were trying to discuss this matter seriously, but were greatly distracted by Kaoru’s presence. ‘It is her house.” Kenshin told himself, ‘She has every right to be here and hear this, demo…’ Kaoru was playing with her ponytail, examining the map from over his shoulder. ‘She shouldn’t be involved.’

After the chief had left, Kenshin got up with the map. Kaoru looked up at him curiously. “You’re going to go? Would you like me to pack for you?”

“No need de gozaru. Sessha will pack later.” He went for the door, “Shessa needs to inform Sano about this. When Yahiko comes back from the Akebeko, tell him to get packed.”

“Matte, what about me?” It was obvious Sanosuke and Yahiko were coming, but she wanted to know her status. Kenshin blinked at her, pretending not to know what she was getting at. She held her breath. “Nevermind. I’ll go get dinner ready.”

* * *
‘I should have seen it coming.’ Kenshin sighed to himself as he walked along the trail, ‘When she restrains herself from an argument like that only means she was saving it for an unexpecting moment. Nothing like a surprise attack to ensure success.’ He could see the village, Wakana, up ahead. ‘After this stop, Kaoru-dono will permanently be in our party. Then, we can’t be certain of what’ll happen next. No, it’s too dangerous. Somehow…’

“Mou, I sure hope they have an outhouse or something.” Kaoru muttered, “I really dislike going in the bushes.”

Yahiko laughed, “You’ve been going a lot lately. Maybe there’s something in the tea.”


Sanosuke rubbed his stomach. “Let’s stop for lunch. I’m hungry.” He looked at Kenshin. “Oi, how much spending cash did that cop give us? Could we just splurge before we enter the unknown? Who knows when our next real meal will be.”

“He has a point.” Kaoru said, “Let’s look for a restaurant!” She and Sanosuke ran off ahead of everyone. She pointed to a building where there were people coming in and out, “Let’s eat there!”

“Just one thing.” Sanosuke pulled at her sleeve, “Don’t you look a bit conspicuous in that hakama there, eh Jou-chan?”

“Don’t you think you look even more conspicuous?” she snapped. The tension left her face. “If you’re so worried, I can change.” She pulled a kimono out of her knapsack. “See? I came prepared didn’t I?”

“Sure did.” he chuckled, thinking about the spare blankets and extra food she had also brought along, ‘Kenshin is just a tight-ass. He worries too much about this girl. Sometimes, she seems like she’s the one who actually is looking out for all of us.’

Kaoru walked towards an outhouse. “I’m going to go change. Afterwards, I’ll see if I can talk the restaurant owner into letting a couple of ruffian fighters eat in.”

Sanosuke smiled after her and turned to the others who were just arriving. “Looks like we’ll be having lunch with a pretty lady today.”

“You mean Busu?” Yahiko asked.

Moments later, she came towards them, wearing a purple kimono with silk threading of butterflies and sakura, her hair up in a bun. Kenshin was stunned, a word escaping his lips. “Kirei…”

Kaoru smiled. “See, it's good to come prepared.”

* * *
The boys were shocked to realize this was a Western restaurant. They sat in chairs at a table by the window with a view of the seaport. Somehow Kaoru had known all along. Kenshin put the pieces together. “Is this why Kaoru-dono insisted on coming?” he asked, sitting next to her.

She leaned her chin down on her hand, looking out at the scenery. “I knew about this restaurant, but didn’t think we’d actually go.” she admitted, “But this wasn’t why I came. I came to help.”

Yahiko eyed her over from across the table. “Sure, I bet you wanted to try those western cakes Tae was yammering about. You just came for the food, oink!”

“Mou!” she protested, restraining herself. Meanwhile, Kenshin had picked up his utensils, looking greatly confused. “Here, Kenshin, let me show you.” Kaoru’s hands overlapped his, showing him out to use the fork and knife. “There, you got it?”

“Hai de gozaru.” he stammered, extremely red. Sanosuke and Yahiko beamed at him with amused smirks. “Ano… K-Kaoru-dono, please let go of Sessha… oneigai de gozaru…” he uttered, prying his hands away.

“Mou.” Kaoru muttered under breath, ‘Kenshin no baka.’

Sanosuke stared at the steak in front of him, then at the fork. “Jou-chan, why the hell did you drag us here?” he sighed.

* * *
After a strange but delicious meal, the Kenshin-gumi filed outside rubbing their stomachs. “Don’t know if I can digest this stuff, but it sure feels good.” Yahiko sighed happily, “Where’d Busu go?”

“To change.” Kenshin replied, not knowing why he was blushing.

Sanosuke shrugged. “Let’s go investigate about the uncharted territory we’re about to venture in. I’d hate to get lost.”

Yahiko pointed at him. “We’d get lost for sure if you're leading the way!”

“Yamero, retard!” Sanosuke sneered, grabbing him by the collar and shaking him.

Kenshin laughed at the two then saw Kaoru coming back, once again dressed in gi and hakama. Something wasn’t right. “Kaoru-dono, daijoubu de gozaru ka?”

“My stomach hurts.” She leaned against him, despite the fact that they were on a public street. “I shouldn’t have eaten so much.”

“Should we rest a bit while those two go investigate?” he asked, trying not to be embarrassed. Yahiko was leering at them, ready with rude comments. “We’ll wait right here while you two check out the town.” Sanosuke covered Yahiko’s mouth and dragged him away.

The two sat silently, looking at the water. Kaoru turned towards Kenshin, but it seemed like he still was probing at the truth of why she came. ‘Baka,’ she muttered to herself, ‘Does there have to be a reason? All I want – always - is…’ She closed her eyes and whispered, “Just to be near with you.”

“Hm?” Kenshin lifted his head and stared at her. He thought he had heard something, but wasn’t paying attention. “Did you say something Kaoru-dono?” She shook her head despondently. “Maa, what a nice town, de gozaru na. It'd be nice to stay here for a holiday.”

A jiji was sitting near by, listening to their conversation. “Sure would. The people of Wakana like it when youngsters travel here. My daughter owns the dress shop over there. Business has picked up ever since it became popular for young couples to have ‘western marriages’ performed at our seaside chapel.”

“M-marriages?” Kenshin started choking.

“Dress shop? Where?” Kaoru cried happily, her stomach miraculously healed.

Jiji bowed to Kenshin. “Young man, would you mind if I showed your girl the way to my daughter’s shop. It’s just over there.”

“Onegai?” Her blue eyes were pleading. Kenshin nodded, not quite sure why she was asking his permission. She then followed Jiji across the street.

* * *
Kenshin sat alone until the others arrived. “Jou-chan wa?” Sanosuke asked. His bored friend simply pointed to the dress shop. “You didn’t go with her?” he teased. Kenshin shot him a violent glare and he knew he had to back away. “Saa, we found out some stuff.”

“Like travelers came into town, buying tons of supplies. They might be the Reisen-gumi.” Yahiko noted, “Also, someone swore they heard explosions coming from the mountain area that way.”

Sanosuke chuckled. “No one dares to travel that way, they think it’s haunted. You’d think these guys were so enlightened and westernized that they wouldn’t believe in that bullshit.”

“You’re just as bad.” Yahiko scoffed, “You turn white as a chicken when we talk about ghosts.”

“Shaddap!” Sanosuke sneered, smacking him about. “Let's head out before it gets dark. Yahiko, be useful and get Jou-chan.”

Kenshin mumbled, “It'd be better if Kaoru-dono stayed in this safe town.” He blinked when he realized the others had heard him, “Maa maa, just kidding. Oh, here she comes!”

Kaoru approached them, her eyes shimmering. “Such beautiful dresses!” she sighed.

The jiji looked at Kenshin. “Young man, I hope you’ll bring her back here someday. Oh and please have a safe journey. Sayonara.”

As he walked away, Kaoru clutched a gift bag in her hands. “What’s in there?” Yahiko asked; he and Sanosuke were both curious.

“I’m not going to tell you!”

“Oi, Jou-chan, that’s not fair!”

Kenshin laughed as the two ganged up on her and tried to take the bag from her. But she slipped it into her gi, a place where neither of them dared to venture. “Ha, you guys lose!” she chuckled.

Sanosuke elbowed Kenshin. “We leave it to you.”


The two of them got hit on the head with a shinai. “MOU! Don’t even think about it!”

* * *
They continued on the trail that disappeared into uncharted lands. Sanosuke was at the front leading. Yahiko rolled his eyes. “I swear this Tori Atama is going to get us lost.”

“That’s what you think! I’m the one with the map!”

“Anyone could read that map! Too bad it doesn’t tell us anything! You’re going to lead us off the edge of the world!”

“How about if I throw you over the edge of the world!”

Kaoru sighed, “Would you two stop?” They didn’t hear her so she poked at Yahiko with her shinai. “Ne, stop yelling already!”

“Butt out, Busu!” he growled, attacking her with his bokken. The two broke out into battle, circling around Sanosuke who tried to stay of it. Kaoru managed to swat Yahiko in the leg, lowering his defenses for a moment. “Damn you, Busu! I’m going to get you!”

“Sou desu ka?” She stood, in waiting stance, holding her shinai in one hand, her other hand gesturing him to come. Yahiko, enraged and impatient, rushed at her. Without hesitation, Kaoru single-handedly fought him off with her shinai till he was on the ground panting and sore. He hadn’t even hit her. “Still got a long way to go.” she noted, walking ahead of him and Sanosuke.

Yahiko clung to his pride. “Shut up! It doesn’t matter! You’re just a damn girl! You’re not even good at it. What use can you be?!”

Kaoru stopped and stared at him. She tried to smile, but her shaky voice said everything. “Let’s keep going, ne?”

Sanosuke yanked Yahiko off the ground. “Retard, you should apologize!”

“I know…”

Kenshin blinked and watched the back of her head. ‘She is a girl. There’s no denial in that. Everyone has his or her limitations. I just don’t want her to discover them the hardest way.’ He remembered when they had first met; Kaoru was in search of the Battousai imposter, for murdering people in her name. When she found the imposter, she attacked him without thinking of the danger, without thinking about her opponent’s strength compared to her own. Without thinking. She attacked Gohey, wood against sword, believing justice was on her side. ‘If shessa hadn’t been there, surely…’

“Kaoru,” Yahiko’s voice trailed off, “You know…I didn’t mean those things… Gomen.”

“It’s okay, Yahiko. I sometimes say things I don’t mean.”

“Just whatever you do… don’t tell Tsubame I said it, okay?” he pleaded. Kaoru just started giggling. “You’re not going to tell her, right? Ne? Ne?!”

As the other two made up, Kenshin and Sanosuke looked at their surroundings. “Kenshin, see those wagon tracks in the dirt? Think its our rebels?"

"Aa. Sessha also smells gunpowder. Their arsenal. Looks like we’re dealing with something serious.”

“With you, everything is serous.”

“Sano, it’s best to be precautious.”

“I’m right. You’re such a tight-ass.”

Kenshin was about to comment, but noticed they had come to the end of the road. Ahead of them was a huge ravine. The trail continued on the other side. Kaoru and Yahiko were staring in awe. “This isn’t on the map, is it?” Yahiko stammered.

“Could be these two lines here.” Sanosuke thoughtfully looked over the map, “Don’t worry, there’s a bridge over there! I see it!”

The four ran a bit off the trail and saw the wood bridge leading to the other side. “Yosshi! Let’s go!” Yahiko chimed, leading. On the other end they stopped to notice someone wasn’t with them. “Oi! Kaoru, come on!”

Kaoru was still on the other side, trembling. “I…I can’t! K-Kenshin…!” He made no effort to move. Usually he would have rushed to her side. Kaoru blinked. ‘Masaka! He can’t be thinking…’

Kenshin smiled warmly. “It’s better this way, Kaoru-dono.” He then turned to leave, urging a stunned Yahiko and Sanosuke to follow.

‘Masaka…’ Kaoru thought as they inched farther and farther away from her, ‘He knows I can’t cross this bridge. He knows I’m terrified of heights. He knows me all too well. Ano boke, he’s using it as an opportunity to ditch me. He’s getting what he wanted. Kenshin, why do you always leave me on the other side where I can’t reach you?’

The others had already disappeared into the woods. Kaoru picked up her knapsack and looked at the curves of the ravine. “It doesn’t matter. This distance… I’ll find a way to you no matter what.” With that, she turned and started walking along the edge of the ravine.

* * *
“That was cruel what you did.” Sanosuke noted, “You know, she’ll be angry with you for months. Jou-chan can have a large memory if she wanted to.”

“Kaoru-dono never holds grudges de gozaru yo.” Kenshin replied, “Sessha thinks she’ll come to her senses and get on the next boat home.”

“I think sessha still is a tight-ass.”

Kenshin tried to ignore that comment. Sure he was much older and wiser, but he was certainly not a ‘tight-ass’. He hoped Kaoru didn’t see him that way. He was sure she had feelings for him, just how deep he wasn’t certain. When one is young, emotions were immeasurable. He knew that for fact. But youth was only a short period of time; it should be enjoyed, not spent worrying or risking your life away.

“Kenshin,” Yahiko said, “It’s getting dark. Let's find a place to camp and start up dinner. My stomach’s recovered from that weird stuff we had for lunch. What was Kaoru thinking?”

“Sessha liked it.” he replied, remembering how she taught him to use the utensils, his face turning red.

Sanosuke nodded. “I liked the steak. Kind of frustrating with that tiny fork. I wonder if the Fox-doctor likes western food…” Kenshin smiled briefly. Even at such a distance from Tokyo, Sanosuke was subconsciously thinking about Megumi.

“Oi Sanosuke,” Yahiko called, “You think Tsubame would like to come along? I mean, to a western restaurant.”

“Oh? Planning a date?”

“Shut up! That’s not what I meant!”

Kenshin chuckled. It seemed like Kaoru had started a trend. He wondered if she had forgiven him yet. “Gomen, Kaoru.” he whispered into the sunset.

* * *

Kaoru rubbed her nose. Someone had been talking about her, she guessed. ‘Probably Yahiko making some rude comment… mou!’ She wasn’t the least bit exhausted, but she had covered more trail than the boys. She finally stopped and looked around. “Perfect.” She reached into her knapsack and pulled out a rope.

She had reached the point where the edges of the ravine closely met. She calculated it from back when she was at the bridge. Climbing a tree, she sat on a high branch and secured her knapsack inside her gi. She tied the rope on the branch, as tightly as she could.

“Mou," she muttered, “Kenshin no baka, he should know better…” She stood on the branch and leaned against the trunk of the tree, wrapping the end of the rope around her hand. “Kamiya Kaoru isn’t defeated so easily!”

She had seen this done many times when she was at the circus with Tsubame. A man in tight clothes at the top of the tent took this rope and… ‘Is it humanly possibly to fly? Is now the best time to test this theory?’ Her doubts were lifting up to the surface, so she slapped her cheeks, “Yoshii! This is better than crossing that awful bridge. At least there is only a second of fear. Ganbatte!”

With that, she took a deep breath, and then leaped from the tree. Using the rope, she swung safely to the other side, releasing the rope as her feet were inches above the ground. She landed with a stumble on the other side, her heart racing. Panting, she leaned her head down on the ground happily. 'I've conquered the great ravine. Next is that stubborn rurouni...'

She paused to dig through her knapsack and found the gift bag she received from the dress shop in Wakana. A wonderful memory coming to mind.

* * *
Kaoru had stepped inside, the bell at the door chiming. A woman, in a summery pink western dress came to check. “Otou-chan, okaeri! And you’ve brought a customer. Konichiwa!”

The jiji smiled at his daughter. “Ain’t she kawaii? She wanted to see the dresses, Miki-chan.”

“I didn’t come to buy anything. I just wanted to look around if that’s all right.” Kaoru said, feeling a sorry for not being able afford it.

Miki replied, “I don’t mind at all. In fact, I'd like you try on something. Otou-chan always brings home kawaii girls to model my dresses. He’s such a…”

Otou-chan started laughing, preventing her to continue. “Please excuse my Miki-chan; she has a mouth that can’t be controlled. It isn’t any wonder that all the men in town are scared of her.”

“That jiji speaks nothing but nonsense. All the men in town stay away from me because of my impeccable beauty!” Miki said, “I have to say; you’re pretty bold wearing those men’s clothes. Kind of sounds like something I'd try doing.”

“Eh?” Kaoru realized this woman was a kindred spirit and felt relaxed. “Actually I’m not wearing this hakama for fun. I’m Kamiya Kaoru, a kenjutsu instructor from Tokyo.”

“Aa sou ka! I'm very impressive! But, Tokyo? That’s a long way, Kaoru-san.” Miki noted, “Hmm, came for a holiday ne?”

“She’s here with a handsome young man.” Otou-chan noted, “They were looking adorable outside together.”

“I know! You came for the seaside wedding ceremony!?”

“Iya!” Kaoru cried, all red, “T-that’s not it! We’re just traveling together…!”

A tall man wearing a hakama chuckled by the back entrance. “Miki, go easy on the girl.”

“Anata!” Miki happily ran to her husband, "Okaerii!” He gathered her up in his arms and kissed her on the forehead, “I’ve missed you so much!”

“Miki, I missed you too. But shouldn't you take care of your customers first?”

“Hai!” she chimed and regained composure, “This way, Kaoru-san. I have the perfect dress for you to try on.” Miki led Kaoru in the back room and held up a white bridal gown. “Douzo~!”

“Ano…” Kaoru flushed all over. “Isn’t this a bit much for someone like me?”

“Don’t be that way. I’m sure you’re the ‘kenjutsu komachi’ back home.” Miki teased, waving the dress in front of her. Kaoru frowned. She was the only one to refer to herself that title. Miki looked her over. “When I was your age, I was a spunky tomboy who took crap from no one. I'd say and do what I felt, then argued with anyone who begged to differ.”

“Honto? Did you get in lots of trouble?” Kaoru asked, as Miki helped her slip out of the kimono and into the folds of the dress, “My Otou-san used to tell me that even though I was a girl, that shouldn't hold me back. I had to be who I was, even if people looked at me differently.”

“Sou desu ne,” Miki said, fastening the buttons on the back of the dress. “Were you lonely?”

Kaoru paused, her face draining of color. She remembered crying in the woodshed, angry at her weakness. She was lonely. Without her father, she was even lonelier. Then, Kenshin came into her life, bringing along a feeling that she had never felt before. She turned to Miki who was sitting on the floor, straightening out the ruffles of the dress.

“I was extremely lonely. Then one night, this guy saved Otou-chan from a gang of bandits. He was just passing by, but we forced him to stay with us until we felt our gratitude would fade. He was a handsome, brave swordsman. He’d drop by sometimes, then disappear. I never knew when he’d return, but when he did, he’d be covered with injuries. Ano baka, I’d only beat him up more for making me worry.” Miki frowned. “I didn’t deserve him. He could've had any girl in town, but he chose me. I don’t know why. Takeru…”

Kaoru blinked. “Takeru-san is your husband?” It was the first time she realized the sword that was at his waist. ‘A samurai? No, he looked much too young…’ she thought. “Miki-san, is he a descendent of a samurai?”

“Aa, a fine lineage. Takeru inherits his skills from his father, who fought in the Bakumatsu. I’d wish he’d put the sword away. There’s no need for it during the Meiji Era, but men are so stubborn. If only their brains were in their heads where they should be and not in their swords!”

Kaoru laughed, “I know what you mean! Kenshin needs a couple whacks to the head with a shinai every once to remember there's more to life than just battles.”

Miki sighed, “I'd love to learn kenjutsu. I tend to be a little bit… well, I call it ‘vigorous’ but Takeru refers to it as ‘violent’. Mou, if he didn’t always come home late, that selfish man. I don’t care what he’s out doing or what’s he done, but I just want him to be safe!”

Kaoru understood all too well what she was hearing and couldn’t help but smile. “Miki-san, if you’re ever in Tokyo, stop by my dojo and I’ll give you a lesson.”

“Honto ni? Sugoi desu ne!” Miki said, “Arigatou, Kaoru-san!” The two stared at each and wondered if they had been separated at birth. One thing was for sure: they both had a friend for life.

Outside the men were waiting. Kaoru walked out, shimmering like a princess. “Now, if only that young man could see you like this.” Otou-chan chuckled.

Takeru grinned. “All you have to smack your guy all the way up to altar and you’ve got it made. That’s how Miki got me there.”

“MOU! YOU DON'T HAVE TO SAY IT LIKE THAT!!” Miki exploded, pounding on her husband. As he fell over, she turned to Kaoru and placed her hand on her shoulder. “Daijoubu. Someday will come for you, Kaoru-san. Like it did for me. Don’t give up, no matter what.” Kaoru nodded, filled with new determination.

* * *
“Sou desu ne, Miki-san.” she said, peering into the gift bag, then placing it back into her knapsack. She stood up and looked back at the ravine, which she had crossed, the rope still dangling from the tree. It was already dark; the moon was shining full in the ebony sky.


Onto Part 3
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