Rurouni Kenshin was created by Watsuki Nobuhiro, all rights are reserved to Shueisha JUMP, Sony, & Anime Works
Mou, decided to check my spelling. There is a spoiler in this installment for those who never finished the manga series. But I guess you'd figured you'd run into spoilers just by entering my site. If you're confused, then throw me a note and I'll get back to ya. This was my favorite chapter in the fic. Please enjoy it! Jill

No Reason At All
Part 5: "Alone In A Dark Cave"

The sound of water dripping woke Kenshin. His entire body covered with not one, but four blankets. He lifted his head to see that he was inside a cave, with scarcely any light except from the flickering fire that was a few feet away from him. ‘All of our stuff is here… but Sano … Yahiko … KAORU!’ He sighed in relief as he finally spotted her curled up form on the other side of the cave. ‘Good, she’s safe. But the others…’

Before he could even give that any more thought, he noticed that Kaoru was barely keeping herself warm, her arms scrunched up into her gi and her body trembling against the breeze in the cave. Kenshin had the urge to get up and wrap all the blankets around her, rubbing her shoulders until she was warm. But as soon as he attempted to lift himself from the ground, his body surged with pain and he couldn’t control himself from crying out.

Kaoru’s eyes opened. “Kenshin, you’re awake. Don’t try to move. You’ve got injuries all over.” she uttered, rushing to his side, “I did my best to put the pressure on that wound on your leg, you shouldn’t be on it for a while.” Kenshin lifted the blankets to see the bandage work on his left thigh and on his elbows, which he had used to break his fall. He noticed for the first time that his head also was wrapped with bandages. Kaoru gently tucked him back in. “Forgive me if my work looks a bit clumsy. I’m still not good at this kind of stuff...”

“Iya, it’s fine, Kaoru-dono. What happened…?”

“Well, after I left, I heard more explosions, so I came back to check if you guys were okay. I came just in time to see you three being taken away with those men. I followed for a bit, then you woke up and fought them, and they throw you off the cliff. I went down and found your body, then brought you into this cave. You've been sleeping for long time now. It's already late afternoon.”

Kenshin’s memory was coming back to him. “Sano and Yahiko… ”

“Daijoubu.” Kaoru coaxed him, “I heard a man say their leader would returned tomorrow night. They’re safe. I supposed you would have been also if you hadn’t tried to be a hero and do everything by yourself, unarmed no less.”

‘It was pretty foolish of me.’ he admitted, ‘How could I have possibly thought I would have defeated all those men, without my arms free or my sakabatou. There could have been a safer way…’ He ended his thoughts by shaking his head, “No, it’s better this way. At least Sessha escaped and can rescue Sano and Yahiko before their leader comes back.”

Kaoru’s face tensed. “And what am I supposed to do, wait in this cave?” He looked at her, about to respond, but she continued, “Kenshin, has it occurred to you that you could barely move in your condition? Not to mention, you don’t have your sakabatou. You have to be sensible otherwise you’re just going to get yourself hurt.”


She seemed even more irritated by him calling her that. “Kenshin, the best thing is for you to get your strength back and for us to come up with a good plan. I have an inkling where the secret village is since I followed them just enough and Sanosuke and Yahiko will be fine until tomorrow evening, which gives us an entire day.”

Kenshin seemed more relaxed by her reasoning. His eyes fell heavy for a moment and he thought he could sleep for a couple more minutes, so that he would not have to feel his head throbbing. Kaoru sat silently at his side, studying the patterns on his face. She leaned forward and whispered sweetly: “So it’s decided, I’m coming.”

Kenshin's eyes popped right open and he jerked up enough to make all his injuries come alive in an agonizing symphony. “Demo! Kaoru---!” He was unable to finish, as she had placed her fingers over his lips. The look on her face was unbreakable.

“There’s no way I’m letting you head out into that danger by yourself. You’re in no shape to fight or even run if you had to. I want to save Sanosuke and Yahiko too; they’re also my friends! Kenshin, you can’t do this alone. Someone has to be there… helping you, protecting you… please… let it be me this time.”

He stared into her eyes, which were endless deep blue pools. “Kaoru,” he said now softly, “I can’t bear the thought that…that…” He fumbled for the words he’s been saying in his mind ever since the beginning of their trip, no, ever since they met, “…that I’ll lose you.”

It took her a moment to let that declaration settle in her mind. “You won’t.” she said defiantly, “I already told you, I won’t die.”

“Kaoru, do you honestly believe that the people I had slained in my lifetime wished to die?”

“No,” she replied, her voice not even shaking after what he had previously said to her had just gone and passed, “But I do believe that if someone truly had the will power to keep on living, that they could survive anything. Nothing could kill them.”

Kenshin realized that nothing could break her train of thought. This was the bottom line of Kamiya Kasshin Ryu – the technique that uses the sword, not to kill or end life, but to protect it. He knew this was engraved in her mind and her heart and she would forever believe that ‘the answer is always found in living’. Not in fear, nor hatred, nor guilt, nor in the past… but moving forward, cherishing each moment as it comes.

Kaoru had taken his hand in hers. It was icy cold. He proceeded to rub her fingers gently, hoping to bring it up to normal temperature. He hoped to Kami-sama that she wasn’t like this from head to toe. ‘Maa, why didn’t she take even one blanket for herself?’ he yelled at no one, ‘Such stubbornness!’

She watched him from under her bangs, feeling a need to break the persistent silence. “Kenshin, at those times I watched you battle… it has always been on the sidelines. I couldn’t do anything for you. I felt so useless.” she quietly confessed, causing him to stop everything and focus his attention on her faint words, “Then when Enishi attacked the dojo, you allowed Yahiko to battle, and when he was on the verge of death, you still continued to allow him to push himself, telling me it was in a fighter’s nature to keep going until the battle had ended… as if I didn’t understand that already.”

Kenshin squeezed her hand. “That’s enough, Kaoru. You weren’t useless. Your presence was what kept me going. Even if you weren’t there, it was just the very thought of you. You’re that precious to me, I just want to protect you all my life.”

“Dame!” she cried, breaking away from him, “I don’t want your protection!”

“Nani? I don’t understand.” he uttered, trying to comfort her, “You know I protect you because I care about you.”

“But I’m don’t want it! I know I’m being so ungrateful after all you’ve saved my life numerous of times, but it’s not worth anything if it means that I have continue to watch the person who means everything to me be broken and ripped apart!” The Kyoto events flashed into mind. “I feel so left out, like you’re pushing me away when you go off to battle.”

“Sessha just didn’t want anything to happen to you, like all those times in the past.”

“But, haven’t you realized? I’m stronger than I used to be. Because you’re here with me. And I’m not something fragile you have to keep locked away. Your feelings… whatever they are… they can’t reach me if you keep yourself away from me!” She was now crying, trembling with emotion

“Kaoru,” Kenshin uttered, slowly pulling her towards him. She cried into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her, “I’m sorry. I’ve been a bit unfair towards you. I was just content with keeping my feelings inside that I didn’t even think about yours. But, please don’t be mistaken. Sessha does care for you and would never want to hurt you like this. Honto, I had no idea you felt this way.”

She lifted her head and peered up at him with tear-stained eyes. “Honto? You mean you were oblivious to the fact that I love you?”

“Well I knew you loved me, just to what extent was a mystery to Sessha.” he replied nervously, “I didn’t want to say anything, just in case I had guessed wrong and totally messed up things between us. Sessha is good at that, de gozaru na?”

“Stop being so formal about it.” her voice serious, “You must know that I love you with all my heart. I’ve never loved anyone this much in my whole life.”

“You’re still young.”

“Shut up, I’m almost twenty. You should know I’m already an adult.”

He rested his chin on her shoulder, trying to hide the happy smile on his face. “Sou ka.”

“How about you, Kenshin?” she timidly asked, “How…how do you feel about me?”

“It’s a feeling… different from what I felt from Tomoe.”

Kaoru’s world shattered and she again broke away from him. Staring at him with stunned eyes, she still couldn’t believe what he had just said to her. “Different…from Tomoe?” Tomoe was just the first love of his life, whose presence even seeped into the present starting up that whole Jinchuu thing. Her memory was forever branded on Kenshin’s face, a cross-shaped scar on his right cheek. Tomoe was absolute perfection in mind and beauty, but Kenshin had adored her in such a way that couldn’t be described in words or feelings. It was perhaps the greatest love one could ever had for their departed wife.

“Kaoru …” Kenshin’s voice was trying to call her back.

“No!” she protested his reaching arms, “How could you say that to me so easily! Didn’t you know that of all words those words would hurt me the most!?” This time, Kenshin forcively pulled her back into his grasp, despite all the pain erupting from his injuries. Kaoru finally calmed down when she saw him flinching. “Dame! Don’t do this to yourself!”

“You didn’t let me finish. You’re so stubborn.” he scolded, not at all loosening his hold on her, “When I was with Tomoe, I was surrounded by blood and death. Her being a calm distraction from the chaotic world, I found true happiness for myself. However, I wasn’t aware of her happiness or her pain. When she died, she was released of her pain, as I of my feeling of happiness. Afterwards, my reaction to her death was the endless pain and anger of Hitokiri Battousai. I killed for three years, my crimes and guilt adding up. Understand?”

Kaoru nodded, on the verge of responding her usual ‘I don’t care about the past!’ phrase, but he looked like he was going to continue. “During the Jinchuu, when I had saw your corpse, it was like everything stopped. I couldn’t go on living. I was content rotting away at the Village of Outcasts. Without you, I was so lost. It was because you were my source of life: your enthusiasm, your smile, your laughter, and your belief in me … Kaoru, you gave me something that Tomoe couldn’t give me… a reason to live. I need you Kaoru, more than anything in the world.”

“Oh Kenshin!” she cried into his shoulder, “It was the same with me. When you left me for Kyoto, everything stopped. All I could do was cry and lie in bed. I couldn’t bear to continue without you.”

“Gomen. I didn’t mean to hurt you back then or ever. I love you, Kaoru. I’ve always had.”

“Mou! Why didn’t you say –that- sooner? All along I thought I was just burden to you.”

He shook his head frantically. “No, not at all! You’re never a burden. Being with you, seeing your smiles and hearing your voice - it's everything I ever need, all I ever wanted... It’s as if I’ve been journeying all my life just to reach you.” he said, putting his finger on her nose, “Sessha protects Kaoru-dono because Sessha loves her.”

She frowned slightly, “No, it's not the same... you protect everyone... not just me. It feels so impersonal. Just like how you call me ‘Kaoru-dono’.”

“Oro? Fine, it’s just ‘Kaoru’ from now on.”

“And don’t refer to yourself as ‘Sessha’. I’m the unworthy one. You deserve someone better than me, Kenshin. Someone tranquil and beautiful, like Tomoe-san and Megumi-san. Not some hot-blooded buso tanuki-girl like me, who can’t control her emotions, can’t even cook.”

“Baka,” he scolded, “You’re the one I want. Because you're not like Tomoe or Megumi-dono. And for all those reason... I want you, and only you, Kaoru.”

She sighed into his shoulder, “Arigatou…”

Just then, Kenshin realized that they had been talking for the longest time. Their extensive conversations meant so much to him; he was always hanging onto her every word. ‘These are the moments to be cherish… I won’t hold back anymore.’ he thought to himself, covering Kaoru with blanket.

She stared at him with a half smile. “What are you implying?”

“We need our rest if we intend on rescuing Sano and Yahiko by tomorrow evening. It’ll be warmer if we’re together not apart.”

She couldn’t argue with that and leaned against him, using his shoulder as a pillow. Kenshin leaned his head against hers, and then slipped his arm around her back. “Kaoru, forgive me for taking so long. I’ll make it up to you, I promise. Whatever you want…”

“Believe in me, that’s all I ask. Just like how you believe in Sanosuke and Yahiko’s fighting. Or Megumi-san’s medicine. You trust them with your life… please…” she uttered drowsily. “Onegai…”

“As you wish.” he replied softly. Kaoru had given him strength, a home, something to believe in, understanding, a purpose, and unconditional love. In return, she never demanded anything from him, just his faith and his presence. ‘And you thought you were unworthy and ungrateful. Baka. You’re the most unselfish and compassionate person I know. Stay with me forever, Kaoru.’ he thought, looking down at her with loving violet eyes.

She seemed to have read his mind and was trying to make her response, but sleep was creeping up on her. “I have no reason to die… the ones I love are with me…” she uttered, her eyes closing, “Kenshin is with me… ” With that, Kaoru fell into a deep slumber.

Back to Part 4
On to Part 6