Rurouni Kenshin was created by Watsuki Nobuhiro; all rights reserved to Sony, Shueisha JUMP, and Anime Works.
notes: I hope you liked the story thus far, and that you enjoy the ending as well. The ED was actually 2nd OP from anime. I luv that song!Jill 10/6/00

No Reason At All

The place she was in was warm. She felt like she was as light as a feather as she floated in her mind. Somehow she knew that someone was holding her hand, although, she could not see who it was. ‘Is it Kenshin…?’ She wanted to see him so badly, but she couldn’t open her eyes. She could hear voices, faintly in the background. She heard a door open and close. Then, total silence. ‘Kenshin… where are you?’ The last image she saw was his face, his violet eyes, full of love and patience. She could see her reflection in his eyes. She could also see his entire soul in them as well. She longed to look into those eyes again.

The hand holding hers was coming to life. She could feel it’s pulse, it’s warmth. The rest of her senses were returning one by one. She smelled salty air; they were surely near water. She also felt all the pain coming back as well. ‘Kenshin… it hurts… where are you…?’ Finding her voice, she called out for him. It came out rather awkward, but she didn’t care. ‘I need to see you… I need you… where…’ Kaoru broke through the darkness to see the ceiling above her.

“Jou-chan, you’re awake.” Sanosuke was at her bedside. He quickly released her hand and got up from the seat, peering down at her. “You passed out after the fight. Probably because of the loss of blood. It’s been hours since…”

Her eyes were adjusting to the dim room as she was making note of her surroundings. It was a small room. There was a desk beside the bed. From the window, she saw the ocean. “Where’s Kenshin…?”

Sanosuke grinned slightly. “Somehow I figured that would be one of the first things to come out of your mouth.”

“Seriously, Sanosuke, where is he?”

“Kenshin is talking with some of the cops on board. He’s negotiating with them on what to do with the Reisen-gumi. So far, Takeru was allowed to return home, along with the rest of the members. I believe the whole town of Wakana would be under heavily severance for a long while, but at least they’re allowed to be home and not in jail or death row.” He explained, crossing his arms, “Kenshin wanted to stay with you, really he did. Just those cops didn’t want to talk to a conspicuous guy like me, so they dragged him off. He asked me to watch over you for the meantime.”

“Sou ka.” she uttered, clutching the bed sheet.

“Oi, I know you prefer him over me any day, but listen to me for a sec. I’m not sure what happened while me and Yahiko were gone, but something definitely happened between you two. Kenshin was looking at you differently… during and after the fight. I’m not sure what it all means, but… I’m glad!”

“Sanosuke… what do you mean – ‘differently’.”

He knelt down to get closer. “Well, you could tell that he wanted to go to you… that he needed to be near you. But he also poured out all his belief and confidence in you, letting you go off on your own. He –knew- you’d win, that you’d pull through…”

“I’m so glad… “ she said and smiled faintly, “So, he’s not angry with me?”

“What? Why would he be angry?!”

Kaoru stared down at her bandaged hands, fingers and wrists. “I lost control. I put everyone and myself in danger. Who knows what might have happened…”

“Jou-chan, everyone loses control every once in a while. Me, Yahiko… even Kenshin does it! Besides, Kenshin was able to bring you back, right?”

“You’re right… when he came and held me… I found myself again. Everything went still. All those terrible feelings disappeared into thin air. Just with his touch and his voice… just his presence; he can make me forget everything. He’s so good at that.” she sighed, leaning her head back, her smile shimmering.

Sanosuke rested his chin down on his hand. “Jou-chan, there’s no way he was angry with you. You should’ve seen him – he was so proud of you. You saved that guy Takeru… you saved his marriage… you saved all the Reisen-gumi… you saved us all. Not just Kenshin … I’m proud of you also.”


He got up, rubbing the back of his head. “Heh, I was really surprised though. I didn’t think you had your own variation of ‘going Battousai’.”

She squinted at him. “Mou, that’s not what I was doing! I DID NOT TURN BATTOUSAI!”

“Yare, yare.” he chuckled, raising his hand to feel her forehead, “Your temperature has gone down. You had a slight fever when we brought you onto the boat…”

“Is that why there’s so many blankets piled on me?” she muttered, peering underneath. She had bandages from her chest to her waist, looping around her right shoulder, from her elbows down to her fingertips. Not to mention the bandages wrapped around her head, to cover the stitches just above her eye. “So, this is how a mummy feels. Sanosuke, how do you live like this?”

“Heh, sometimes it’s just for fashion. But for you, it’ll be a while.” he replied, “They took your gi away. It was soaked with blood and torn to shreds, so I don’t think it was worth keeping.” She suddenly gestured him to come closer. “Oh? What is it?” he asked, moving towards her.

“I need your help.” she said, taking hold of his shoulder and pulling herself up. Biting back at the pain, she started to fall backwards, but he guided her the rest of the way until she was able to sit up. “Arigato,” she said into his arm, “Now…”

“I know.” he cut her off, “You want to go look for Kenshin?”

She nodded, shivering as the cold hit her exposed skin. “I need him. I need to hear him say he loved me again.”

“So he finally told you, huh?” he uttered bitterly, “Seems like it’s all too late.” Kaoru lifted her eyes, staring towards his hidden eyes, “Come on, Jou-chan, I’m sure he’s not far. It’s not a big ship after all…” She silently nodded, breaking out of the spell. Sanosuke lowered his head to stare at the hand he had used to hold hers. ‘But if ever… if ever he stops wanting you… Kaoru… ‘

* * *
Kenshin emerged from the captain’s cabin, feeling weary. The conversation was repetitive, but it served Takeru and the Reisen-gumi good, as they were not going to be treated too harshly. Walking on the deck, he stared up at the sky. An entire day had passed… without him hearing Kaoru’s voice, without seeing her smile. ‘When will she wake up? Kaoru… I want you with me…’

He stopped dead in his tracks. Up ahead, he saw the figure of someone standing at the helm. It was the ‘BAD’ symbol that caught him off guard. The white coat was blowing in the wind, but the figure was definitely not Sanosuke. As he inched closer, he saw that the one wearing that notorious coat was a girl… shining as bright as the stars above them.

Kaoru gazed towards the fading town of Wakana. It was merely a spec. From what she heard, they had left recently. If she had woke up while she was in the hospital, she could have spoken with Miki. ‘Miki-san…’ She opened the gift-bag she received from the dress shop. Inside was a bundle of dried flowers. According to Miki, it was western custom for the bride to throw a bouquet. For the one who caught it, they would surely be married next. Since Miki didn’t have any bridesmaids or women attend her wedding, she kept the bouquet herself.

“Demo!” Kaoru had exclaimed in a fit of embarrassment, “I…I don’t even think about things like marriage! I know Kenshin doesn’t!”

“You do want to be with him? Forever?” Miki asked. Kaoru bit her lip. How could she lie? She slowly nodded her head. “Well! That’s the same thing! Only, marriage is just more a legal and formal thing! You don’t have to be married to stay together… Kaoru-chan, I’m sure the two of you will be together for a long time. But I want you to have this. To remember… never to give up.” Kaoru smiled and accepted the gift. Miki returned the smile. “Yoshii! I know we’ll meet again… and surely your dreams will come true.”

‘Miki-san… they have come true. He said he loved me. He loves me!’ Smiling, Kaoru held the dried flowers up to her face. ‘And someday…’

“Kaoru,” Kenshin was at her side, staring at her curiously. She had the most unusual red ribbon tied in her hair. After a moment, he recognized it as Sanosuke’s headband. Chuckling to himself, he reached for her hands, pulling the flowers down so he could look at her. “You’re feeling better?”

“Yes.” she replied, putting the bouquet away then tying the knapsack to her hakama, “Although, I was disappointed to not see you when I first woke up.”

“Gomen. I was caught in a boring meeting. I wanted to be there…” After a brief moment of silence, he put his arm around her and pulled her towards him, “About earlier… during the fight… Kaoru, there’s something…”

“I know… I’m all too confusing.” she sighed into his shoulder, “I tell you that I need you, then I tell you that I don’t... that I don't want to be smothered… that I can handle everything... then I go off and do something reckless… then here I am again, needing you... it doesn't make any sense, does it?”

“No, Kaoru, I’m beginning to understand. There are times that I have to let you go… you’re an adult, a grown woman… you can stand on your own two feet. You’re strong… stronger than anything I’ve ever known… “

She lifted her face, nestling into his warm neck. “Only because of you… Kenshin… you make me so strong…”

He smiled, overwhelmed with happiness “The same goes with me. Kaoru, as long as you’re with me, I feel like I can do anything… That’s why I can’t be away from you. That’s why we need each other so much…” He loosened his hold so he could look into her blue eyes. “I love you, Kaoru.”

“Kenshin…” she uttered, tears filling her eyes, “Every time I hear those words, I feel like my heart might burst… Demo, when we return home…”

“When we return home, things will definitely be different. I’m not sure what yet, but I know… things won’t be the same between us. I don’t want them to be the same.”

“If that’s so then…” Kaoru took hold of one of his hands and formed a fist, lifting it up. “Don’t hold back, Kenshin. If you have something to say or do, let me know. If I’m doing something reckless…” She took the formed fist and lightly used it to hammer her on the head, “Give me a good smack or two… tell me… ‘Kaoru-chan, no baka baka!’”

Kenshin laughed quietly as he watched her from underneath his red hair. ‘Don’t hold back, eh?’ He firmly stopped her ‘beating’, their hands suspended in the air. Kaoru looked up to their hands, then to his face. Without hesitation or warning, Kenshin leaned over and kissed her.

‘Kenshin…’ Kaoru felt weighed down to the floor, her arms dropping to her sides. Kenshin had caught her, pulling her to him, pouring out all his passion in the kiss. Closing her eyes, she experienced something she’s never felt before. ‘Is this a dream… please don’t let it end… I want to stay like this…’ Slowly, Kenshin started to pull away, but she yanked him back, deepening the kiss. It lasted for the longest time, but eventually, both had to come up for air, gasping and trembling in each other’s arms.

Kenshin helped her down to the floor of the deck so she could rest against the railing. He was forgetting that she was still injured and that any ‘strenuous activity’ wasn’t advisable. “It’s not fair,” he muttered, stroking her cheek gently, “I want to get closer… but …”

“But what?” Kaoru smiled, catching his fingers in a firm grasp, “You don’t have to protect me.”

“No, I’ve learned my lesson… I know now… protecting you isn’t the same as loving you.” he uttered, as he gazed at her, seeing his reflection in her laughing blue eyes.

“Love me, Kenshin.” she replied, closing the gap between them, heartbeats and breathing racing, “Love me forever.”

Kenshin took his hand back from her grasp, then wrapped his arms around her. The journey he had traveled all his life just to reach her was coming to an end. He had her... all her emotions, faults, strength, love, and life... bundled in his arms. Returning the bright smile, he whispered, “Yes, Kaoru... always... always... aishiteru ...”


Ending song - "1/2"
Kawamoto Makoto

Senaka ni mimi o pi to tsukete dakishimeta / I put my ear to yoru back and hold you
Kyokaisen mitaina karada ga jama dane / My body bothers me like a border line
Dottsuka ichai sou nanosa / I feel so uneasy that you might disappear
Dama teru to chigire sou dakara konna kimochi / My feelings drive me nuts if I hold them inside
Hankei san meter inai no sekai de motto/ I always want to be close to you
Motto hitsui te tai no sa / Never farther than 10 feet from me

Kawaribanko de petal o koi de / Let's take turns pulling petals
Oijigi no himawari tohri koshite / Passing over bowing sunflowers
Gungun kaze onomi konde so dobe so jan / Riding the wind so I can fly
Hajimete kanjita kimi no taion / First time I felt your temperature
Dare yori mo tsuyoku nari tai / I want to be more stronger than anyone
Attakai rhythm / With warm rhythm
Ni ko no shinzo ga kutsui te ku / Two hearts beat as one
Kuchibiru to kuchiburu me to me te to te / Lip and lip, eye and eye, hand and hand
Kamisama nanimo kinshi nan kashitenai / God doesn't forbid anything at all
Aishiteru aishiteru aishiteru / I love you, I love you, I love you

Atashi mada korite nai otona ja wakannai / I'm not tired yet but an adult wouldn't understand
Kurushi ku te setsuna ku te / It's so painful distressing
Miseta ku te Panku shichau / I want to show my feelings, it's almost exploring
Sopo muite matsu teru kara / I'm waiting for you, pretending I'm not
Potsuke no mayoteru te de hope ni furete / That's why - touch my cheek with your trembling hands in your front pockets
Koi shiteru chikara ni ma hou o kakete taiyo ga shizu ma nai youni / Cast a spell on my loving heart, like not letting the sun go down

Arigato gozaimashita for reading! jaa ne! * ^0^ *
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